Pilot and Feasibility Program

The Center for Cell Signaling in Gastroenterology (C-SiG) recognizes that developing the next generation of investigators is crucial if continued progress is to be made in understanding and optimally treating digestive diseases.

Because of this, the center offers several funding opportunities for investigators engaged in digestive diseases research.

Pilot and Feasibility Program

The Pilot and Feasibility Program:

  • Supports both new investigators beginning their careers in digestive diseases research and innovative proposals from experienced investigators who plan to change their area of research to focus on digestive diseases.
  • Provides investigators with vital funds to obtain preliminary data that support research grant applications from external agencies, especially National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 applications. Funds range from $25,000 to $40,000 a year for up to two years, with an average award of $33,000.
  • Provides mentorship, critical review of proposals and coaching to improve the competitiveness of grant applications.

Named Supported Investigator Award

All Pilot and Feasibility Program awardees are encouraged to apply for our Named Supported Investigator Award. This award offers up to $50,000 in funding.

The Named Supported Investigator is selected based on these criteria:

  • Fulfillment of all requirements of Pilot and Feasibility Program awardees. This includes timely preparation of progress reports and providing an oral and poster presentation for the annual C-SiG minisymposium.
  • Outstanding progress as judged by the center's Scientific Review Committee with input from its External Advisory Committee.
  • Confirmation by the program officer of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.