
The Center for Biomedical Discovery was created to provide a visionary expansion of   discovery science across Mayo Clinic research to accelerate the understanding and treatment of disease processes than span most organ systems.

One of the primary goals of the center is foster collaboration, team science and innovation around disease processes. These collaborations are designed to increase innovation, maximize research funding and leverage available resources.

The platforms in the center promote team science in different areas. This is a unique mechanism to bring together teams of investigators who have research activities supporting discovery in these areas. Establishing new collaborations and teams of investigators from different disciplines augments discoveries about diseases affecting large groups-such as cancer, diabetes, fibrosis and inflammation-to accelerate improvements to patient care.

While the team science is initially focused on investigators within Mayo Clinic, there are plans to create alignment strategies with external partners in industry, academia and foundations as the center evolves and funding is available.

Contact the Center for Biomedical Discovery to request information about collaboration opportunities:

  • Center for Biomedical Discovery
  • Mayo Clinic
    200 First St. SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
  • 507-284-0683
  • Email: