Kidney Disease Research Training Program


Lieske, John C. M.D.
Romero, Michael F. Ph.D.


Award number — T32 DK07013

The Kidney Disease Research Training Program at Mayo Clinic prepares biomedical and clinical scientists for independent investigative careers in academic nephrology and basic renal sciences.

Trainees acquire an in-depth education in renal physiology, pathophysiology or both, and skills in the appropriate basic or applied sciences. Both clinical and bench research training opportunities are available. The program consists of a mentored research training experience and a formal didactic series.

The faculty consists of full faculty members and associate faculty members drawn from the Nephrology Research Unit and other areas at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota. Faculty members have expertise in specialties including:

  • Biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Health sciences research
  • Immunology
  • Nephrology
  • Pharmacology
  • Physiology and biophysics

Faculty mentors are responsible for day-to-day supervision of trainees and development of appropriate research projects.

The formalized didactic program includes:

Position availability

There are three postdoctoral positions awarded to the Kidney Disease Research Training Program a year. The number of open positions varies.


Appointees must have received a Ph.D., M.D. or comparable doctoral degree by the beginning date of the training grant appointment. M.D. graduates who have commenced or completed training in clinical nephrology and Ph.D. graduates can apply.

Appointees must also be citizens or noncitizen nationals of the United States or must have been legally admitted as permanent residents.

How to apply

For more information, contact

Trainee roster

Review the focus areas, mentors and publications of current and former trainees in the Kidney Disease Research Training Program.


  1. Banaei Kashani, Kianoush M.D., M.S.
  2. Burnett, John C. Jr. M.D.
  3. Chang, Minhwang Ph.D.
  4. Chebib, Fouad T. M.D.
  5. Craici, Iasmina M. M.D.
  6. Denic, Aleksandar M.D., Ph.D.
  7. Ehman, Richard L. M.D.
  8. Eirin Massat, Alfonso M.D.
  9. Erickson, Bradley J. M.D., Ph.D.
  10. Fervenza, Fernando C. M.D., Ph.D.
  11. Garovic, Vesna D. M.D., Ph.D.
  12. Grande, Joseph P. M.D., Ph.D.
  13. Greene, Eddie L. M.D.
  14. Harris, Peter C. Ph.D.
  15. Herrmann, Sandra M. M.D.
  16. Hu, Jinghua Ph.D.
  17. Irazabal Mira, Maria V. M.D., Ph.D.
  18. Kattah, Andrea G. M.D.
  19. Kline, Timothy L. Ph.D., M.S.
  20. Kumar, Rajiv M.D.
  21. LaRusso, Nicholas F. M.D.
  22. Lerman, Lilach O. M.D., Ph.D.
  23. Lieske, John C. M.D.
  24. McCollough, Cynthia H. Ph.D.
  25. McNiven, Mark A. Ph.D.
  26. Nath, Karl A. M.D.
  27. Romero, Michael F. Ph.D.
  28. Rule, Andrew D. M.D.
  29. Schinstock, Carrie A. M.D.
  30. Somers, Virend M.D., Ph.D.
  31. Stegall, Mark D. M.D.
  32. Sussman, Caroline R. Ph.D.
  33. Torres, Vicente M.D., Ph.D.
  34. Urban, Matthew W. Ph.D.
  35. Weinshilboum, Richard M.D.