
  1. Lewallen EA, Liu D, Karwoski J, Szeto WY, van Wijnen AJ, Laudanski K. Transcriptomic responses of peripheral blood leukocytes to cardiac surgery after acute inflammation, and three months recovery. Genomics. 2024 Jun 6; 110878 Epub 2024 June 06
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  2. Laudanski K, Elmadhoun O, Mathew A, Kahn-Pascual Y, Kerfeld MJ, Chen J, Sisniega DC, Gomez F. Anesthetic Considerations for Patients with Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies: A Narrative Review. Healthcare (Basel). 2024 Apr 19; 12 (8)
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  3. Laudanski K, Mahmoud MA, Ahmed AS, Susztak K, Mathew A, Chen J. Immunological Signatures in Blood and Urine in 80 Individuals Hospitalized during the Initial Phase of COVID-19 Pandemic with Quantified Nicotine Exposure. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Mar 27; 25 (7)
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  4. Gupta VK, Rajendraprasad S, Ozkan M, Ramachandran D, Ahmad S, Bakken JS, Laudanski K, Gajic O, Bauer B, Zec S, Freeman DW, Khanna S, Shah A, Skalski JH, Sung J, Karnatovskaia LV. Safety, feasibility, and impact on the gut microbiome of kefir administration in critically ill adults. BMC Med. 2024 Feb 20; 22 (1):80
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  5. Sung J, Rajendraprasad SS, Philbrick KL, Bauer BA, Gajic O, Shah A, Laudanski K, Bakken JS, Skalski J, Karnatovskaia LV. The human gut microbiome in critical illness: disruptions, consequences, and therapeutic frontiers. J Crit Care. 2024 Feb; 79:154436 Epub 2023 Sept 26
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  6. Laudanski K, Liu D, Karnatovskaia L, Devang S, Mathew A, Szeto WY. Whole Blood Reactivity to Viral and Bacterial Pathogens after Non-Emergent Cardiac Surgery during the Acute and Convalescence Periods Demonstrates a Distinctive Profile of Cytokines Production Compared to the Preoperative Baseline in Cohort of 108 Patients, Suggesting Immunological Reprogramming during the 28 Days Traditionally Recognized as the Post-Surgical Recovery Period. Biomedicines. 2023 Dec 21; 12 (1)
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  7. Seelhammer TG, Wieruszewski PM, Laudanski K. Bivalirudin Superiority in Pediatric Berlin Hearts: Too Early to Draw Conclusions? ASAIO J 2023 Nov 1; 69 (11):e467 Epub 2023 May 22
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  8. Mehra A, Gomez F, Bischof H, Diedrich D, Laudanski K. Cortical Spreading Depolarization and Delayed Cerebral Ischemia; Rethinking Secondary Neurological Injury in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jun 8; 24 (12) Epub 2023 June 08
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  9. Laudanski K, Wain J, Pizzini MA. An In-Depth Analysis of Providers and Services of Cancellation in Anesthesia Reveals a Complex Picture after Systemic Analysis. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Jan 26; 11 (3)
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  10. Gomez F, Mehra A, Ensrud E, Diedrich D, Laudanski K. COVID-19: a modern trigger for Guillain-Barre syndrome, myasthenia gravis, and small fiber neuropathy. Front Neurosci. 2023; 17:1198327 Epub 2023 Aug 30
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  11. Liu D, Ghani D, Szeto WY, Laudanski K. Postoperative Dynamic of Leptin and Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 in 123 Patients Recovering from Cardiac Surgery. Med Sci Monit. 2022 Sep 29; 28:e937652 Epub 2022 Sept 29
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  12. Daniell H, Nair SK, Shi Y, Wang P, Montone KT, Shaw PA, Choi GH, Ghani D, Weaver J, Rader DJ, Margulies KB, Collman RG, Laudanski K, Bar KJ. Decrease in Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme activity but not concentration in plasma/lungs in COVID-19 patients offers clues for diagnosis/treatment. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev. 2022 Sep 8; 26:266-278 Epub 2022 July 06
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  13. Laudanski K, Liu D, Hajj J, Ghani D, Szeto WY. Serum level of total histone 3, H3K4me3, and H3K27ac after non-emergent cardiac surgery suggests the persistence of smoldering inflammation at 3 months in an adult population. Clin Epigenetics. 2022 Sep 6; 14 (1):112 Epub 2022 Sept 06
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  14. Laudanski K, Okeke T, Siddiq K, Hajj J, Restrepo M, Gullipalli D, Song WC. A disturbed balance between blood complement protective factors (FH, ApoE) and common pathway effectors (C5a, TCC) in acute COVID-19 and during convalesce. Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 11; 12 (1):13658
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  15. Laudanski K, Scruth E, Winterbottom F, Rastrepo M, Dugar S, Herasevich V, Villanueva I, Armaignac DL, Scott BK. A Survey of Tele-Critical Care State and Needs in 2019 and 2020 Conducted among the Members of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Aug 01; 10(8).
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  16. Laudanski K, Huffenberger AM, Scott MJ, Wain J, Ghani D, Hanson CW 3rd. Pilot of rapid implementation of the advanced practice provider in the workflow of an existing tele-critical care program. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022 Jul 2; 22 (1):855 Epub 2022 July 02
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  17. Prasad N, Mandyam A, Chivers C, Draugelis M, Hanson CW 3rd, Engelhardt BE, Laudanski K. Guiding Efficient, Effective, and Patient-Oriented Electrolyte Replacement in Critical Care: An Artificial Intelligence Reinforcement Learning Approach. J Pers Med. 2022 Apr 20; 12 (5)
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  18. Gomez F, Veita J, Laudanski K. Antibiotics and ECMO in the Adult Population-Persistent Challenges and Practical Guides. Antibiotics (Basel). 2022 Mar 4; 11 (3) Epub 2022 Mar 04
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  19. Pierce M, Gudowski SW, Roberts KJ, Jackominic A, Zumstein KK, Shuttleworth A, Ho J, Susser P, Parikh A, Chandler JM, Huffenberger AM, Scott MJ, Hanson CW 3rd, Laudanski K. The Rapid Implementation of Ad Hoc Tele-Critical Care Respiratory Therapy (eRT) Service in the Wake of the COVID-19 Surge. J Clin Med. 2022 Jan 29; 11 (3)
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  20. Laudanski K, Wain J. Considerations for Cannabinoids in Perioperative Care by Anesthesiologists. J Clin Med. 2022 Jan 22; 11 (3)
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  21. Laudanski K, Huffenberger AM, Scott MJ, Williams M, Wain J, Jablonski J, Hanson CW 3rd. Operation analysis of the tele-critical care service demonstrates value delivery, service adaptation over time, and distress among tele-providers. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022; 9:883126 Epub 2022 Aug 05
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  22. Cui S, Yoo EC, Li D, Laudanski K, Engelhardt BE. Hierarchical Gaussian Processes and Mixtures of Experts to Model COVID-19 Patient Trajectories. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2022; 27:266-277
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  23. Sajun M, Salmon P, Pool R, Chozos N, Aceves-Gonzales C, Cooke M, Escobar-Galino C, Flashman C, Frau G, Hawkins R, Hughes H, Ibarra-Mejia GKaya K, Kirby B, Landa-Avila IC, Laudanski K, Lewis P, Magrabi F, Ricardo P, Rodriguez Y, Rogers W, Stocker T, Turpin R, Vasey B, Vosper H, Ward M, Welch J, White S. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare AI White Paper. 2022.
  24. Meng L, Laudanski K, Restrepo M, Huffenberger A, Terwiesch C. The Impact of Delayed Symptomatic Treatment Implementation in the Intensive Care Unit. Healthcare (Basel). 2021 Dec 25; 10 (1)
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  25. Laudanski K, Hajj J, Restrepo M, Siddiq K, Okeke T, Rader DJ. Dynamic Changes in Central and Peripheral Neuro-Injury vs. Neuroprotective Serum Markers in COVID-19 Are Modulated by Different Types of Anti-Viral Treatments but Do Not Affect the Incidence of Late and Early Strokes. Biomedicines. 2021 Nov 29; 9 (12)
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  26. Laudanski K, Okeke T, Hajj J, Siddiq K, Rader DJ, Wu J, Susztak K. Author Correction: Longitudinal urinary biomarkers of immunological activation in covid-19 patients without clinically apparent kidney disease versus acute and chronic failure. Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 11; 11 (1):22456
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  27. Wu J, Ma Z, Raman A, Beckerman P, Dhillon P, Mukhi D, Palmer M, Chen HC, Cohen CR, Dunn T, Reilly J, Meyer N, Shashaty M, Arany Z, Hasko G, Laudanski K, Hung A, Susztak K. APOL1 risk variants in individuals of African genetic ancestry drive endothelial cell defects that exacerbate sepsis. Immunity. 2021 Nov 9; 54 (11):2632-2649.e6 Epub 2021 Oct 12
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  28. Ghannam M, Malihi P, Laudanski K. Examination of Electrolyte Replacements in the ICU Utilizing MIMIC-III Dataset Demonstrates Redundant Replacement Patterns. Healthcare (Basel). 2021 Oct 14; 9 (10)
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  29. Laudanski K, Okeke T, Hajj J, Siddiq K, Rader DJ, Wu J, Susztak K. Longitudinal urinary biomarkers of immunological activation in covid-19 patients without clinically apparent kidney disease versus acute and chronic failure. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 4; 11 (1):19675 Epub 2021 Oct 04
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  30. Laudanski ,. Long-Term Effects of Critical Care Insults on Lipoprotein Metabolism Translational Perioperative and Pain Medicine. 2021; 8(4):385-396.
  31. Laudanski K. Persistence of Lipoproteins and Cholesterol Alterations after Sepsis: Implication for Atherosclerosis Progression. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Sep 29; 22 (19) Epub 2021 Sept 29
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  32. Laudanski K, Yakhkind A, Restrepo M, Draham L, Lang AE. Guillain–Barré Syndrome in COVID-19—The Potential Role of NCAM-1 and Immunotherapy BioMed. 2021; 1(1):80-92.
  33. Ricciotti E, Laudanski K, FitzGerald GA. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoids in COVID-19. Adv Biol Regul. 2021 Aug; 81:100818 Epub 2021 July 15
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  34. Laudanski K, Soh J, DiMeglio M, Sullivan KE. Prolonged Transcriptional Consequences in Survivors of Sepsis. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 May 21; 22 (11)
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  35. Laudanski K, Moon K, Singh A, Chen Y, Restrepo M. The Characterization of the Toll of Caring for Coronavirus Disease 2019 on ICU Nursing Staff. Crit Care Explor. 2021 Apr; 3 (4):e0380 Epub 2021 Apr 02
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  36. Krupp A, Di Martino M, Chung W, Chaiyachati K, Agarwal AK, Huffenberger AM, Laudanski K. Communication and role clarity inform TeleICU use: a qualitative analysis of opportunities and barriers in an established program using AACN framework. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Mar 25; 21 (1):277
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  37. Restrepo M, Huffenberger AM, Hanson CW 3rd, Draugelis M, Laudanski K. Remote Monitoring of Critically-Ill Post-Surgical Patients: Lessons from a Biosensor Implementation Trial. Healthcare (Basel). 2021 Mar 18; 9 (3)
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  38. Laudanski K. Humanized Mice as a Tool to Study Sepsis-More Than Meets the Eye. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Feb 27; 22 (5)
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  39. Ho J, Susser P, Christian C, DeLisser H, Scott MJ, Pauls LA, Huffenberger AM, Hanson CW 3rd, Chandler JM, Fleisher LA, Laudanski K. Developing the eMedical Student (eMS)-A Pilot Project Integrating Medical Students into the Tele-ICU during the COVID-19 Pandemic and beyond. Healthcare (Basel). 2021 Jan 14; 9 (1)
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  40. Laudanski K, Jihane H, Antalosky B, Ghani D, Phan U, Hernandez R, Okeke T, Wu J, Rader D, Susztak K. Unbiased Analysis of Temporal Changes in Immune Serum Markers in Acute COVID-19 Infection With Emphasis on Organ Failure, Anti-Viral Treatment, and Demographic Characteristics. Front Immunol. 2021; 12:650465 Epub 2021 June 11
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  41. Felici N, Liu D, Maret J, Restrepo M, Borovskiy Y, Hajj J, Chung W, Laudanski K. Long-Term Abnormalities of Lipid Profile After a Single Episode of Sepsis. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021; 8:674248 Epub 2021 Nov 15
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  42. Sajun M, Salmon P, Pool R, Chozos N, Aceves-Gonzales C, Cooke M, Escobar-Galino C, Flashman C, Frau G, Hawkins R, Hughes H, Ibarra-Mejia GKaya K, Kirby B, Landa-Avila IC, Laudanski K, Lewis P, Magrabi F, Ricardo P, Rodriguez Y, Rogers W, Stocker T, Turpin R, Vasey B, Vosper H, Ward M, Welch J, White S. Implementation of the Artificial Intelligence to increase value and decrease risk in ICU healthcare delivery Chartered Institute of Human Factors and Ergonomics. 2021.
  43. Laudanski K, Shea G, DiMeglio M, Rastrepo M, Solomon C. What Can COVID-19 Teach Us about Using AI in Pandemics? Healthcare (Basel). 2020 Dec 1; 8 (4) Epub 2020 Dec 01
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  44. Potdar R, Thomas A, DiMeglio M, Mohiuddin K, Djibo DA, Laudanski K, Dourado CM, Leighton JC, Ford JG. Access to internet, smartphone usage, and acceptability of mobile health technology among cancer patients. Support Care Cancer. 2020 Nov; 28 (11):5455-5461 Epub 2020 Mar 12
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  45. Subramanian S, Pamplin JC, Hravnak M, Hielsberg C, Riker R, Rincon F, Laudanski K, Adzhigirey LA, Moughrabieh MA, Winterbottom FA, Herasevich V. Tele-Critical Care: An Update From the Society of Critical Care Medicine Tele-ICU Committee. Crit Care Med. 2020 Apr; 48 (4):553-561
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  46. Butler Iii RR, Kozlova A, Zhang H, Zhang S, Streit M, Sanders AR, Laudanski K, Pang ZP, Gejman PV, Duan J. The Genetic Relevance of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Microglia to Alzheimer's Disease and Major Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Mol Neuropsychiatry. 2020 Apr; 5 (Suppl 1):85-96 Epub 2019 July 23
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  47. McDonald MD, Lane-Fall M, Miano TA, Henry M, Gallagher C, Hadler R, Laudanski K, Mackay EJ, Usman AA, Gutsche J. The Effect of Sedation on Long-Term Psychological Impairment After Extracorporeal Life Support. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2020 Mar; 34 (3):663-667 Epub 2019 Aug 02
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  48. Laudanski K, Sabate G, Clark-Shoeb EB. Innovation is the future of anesthesia Sentinel. 2020.
  49. Li S, Wan X, Laudanski K, He P, Yang L. Left-Sided Ventricular-arterial Coupling and Volume Responsiveness in Septic Shock Patients. Shock. 2019 Dec; 52 (6):577-582
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  50. McDonald MD, Laudanski K, Vernick WJ, Bhardawaj A, Mackay E, Gutsche JT. Acute Respiratory Failure Managed via Inter-Facility Transport for Extracorporeal Life Support: A 3-Year Experience. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2019 Jul; 33 (7):1865-1870 Epub 2018 Nov 03
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  51. Watkins L, DiMeglio M, Laudanski K. Self-Assessment of Preparedness among Critical Care Trainees Transitioning from Fellowship to Practice. Healthcare (Basel). 2019 May 30; 7 (2)
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  52. DiMeglio M, Furey W, Hajj J, Lindekens J, Patel S, Acker M, Bavaria J, Szeto WY, Atluri P, Haber M, Diaz-Arrastia R, Laudanski K. Observational study of long-term persistent elevation of neurodegeneration markers after cardiac surgery. Sci Rep. 2019 May 9; 9 (1):7177 Epub 2019 May 09
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  53. Alexis-Ruiz A, Ghadimi K, Raiten J, Mackay E, Laudanski K, Cannon J, Ramakrishna H, Evans A, Augoustides JG, Vallabhajosyula P, Milewski R, McDonald M, Patel P, Vernick W, Gutsche J. Hypoxia and Complications of Oxygenation in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2019 May; 33(5):1375-1381. Epub 2018 Jun 06.
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  54. Alexis Ruiz A, Wyszynska PK, Laudanski K. Narrative Review of Decision-Making Processes in Critical Care. Anesth Analg. 2019 May; 128 (5):962-970
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  55. Dohlman L, DiMeglio M, Hajj J, Laudanski K. Global Brain Drain: How Can the Maslow Theory of Motivation Improve Our Understanding of Physician Migration? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Apr 2; 16 (7) Epub 2019 Apr 02
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  56. Haughey R, Vernick W, Gutsche J, Laudanski K. Use of veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to treat severe combined calcium channel blocker and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor overdose. Perfusion. 2019 Mar; 34 (2):167-169 Epub 2018 Sept 03
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  57. Liu D, DiMeglio M, DiMartino M, Hajj J, Mukhanova M, Rai K, Winikor M, Laudanski K. Implications of Chronic Opioid Therapy on Perioperative Complications and Long-Term Surgical Recovery. Transl Perioper Pain Med. 2019; 6 (4):120-128 Epub 2019 Aug 29
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  58. Dohlman L, DiMeglio M, Laudanski K. The Impact of an International Elective on Anesthesiology Residents as Assessed by a Longitudinal Study. J Med Educ Curric Dev. 2019 Jan-Dec; 6:2382120519873940 Epub 2019 Sept 20
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  59. DiMeglio M, Furey W, Laudanski K. Content analysis of locum tenens recruitment emails for anesthesiologists. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Dec 19; 18 (1):981
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  60. DiMeglio M, Dubensky J, Schadt S, Potdar R, Laudanski K. Factors Underlying Racial Disparities in Sepsis Management. Healthcare (Basel). 2018 Nov 19; 6 (4)
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  61. Gutsche JT, Ghadimi K, Augoustides JGT, Laudanski K, Evans A, Weiner M, Raiten J, Gordon E, Milewski R, Horak J, Patel P, Ramakrishna H. The Year in Cardiothoracic Critical Care: Selected Highlights From 2017. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2018 Oct; 32(5):2037-2042. Epub 2018 Apr 10.
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  62. Joseph TT, DiMeglio M, Huffenberger A, Laudanski K. Behavioural patterns of electrolyte repletion in intensive care units: lessons from a large electronic dataset. Sci Rep. 2018 Aug 9; 8 (1):11915 Epub 2018 Aug 09
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  63. Laudanski K, Zawadka M, Polosak J, Modi J, DiMeglio M, Gutsche J, Szeto WY, Puzianowska-Kuznicka M. Acquired immunological imbalance after surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass due to epigenetic over-activation of PU.1/M-CSF. J Transl Med. 2018 May 25; 16 (1):143
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  64. Laudanski K, Stentz M, DiMeglio M, Furey W, Steinberg T, Patel A. Potential Pitfalls of the Humanized Mice in Modeling Sepsis. Int J Inflam. 2018; 2018:6563454 Epub 2018 Sept 02
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  65. Hajj JJ, Laudanski K. Home Hemodialysis (HHD) Treatment as Effective yet Underutilized Treatment Modality in the United States. Healthcare (Basel). 2017 Nov 28; 5 (4)
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  66. Zawadka M, Wahome J, Oszkiel H, Szeto WY, Cobb B, Laudanski K. Long-term alterations in monocyte function after elective cardiac surgery. Anaesthesia. 2017 Jul; 72 (7):879-888 Epub 2017 Apr 13
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  67. Laudanski K, Lapko N, Zawadka M, Zhou BX, Danet-Desnoyers G, Worthen GS. The clinical and immunological performance of 28 days survival model of cecal ligation and puncture in humanized mice. PLoS One. 2017; 12 (7):e0180377 Epub 2017 July 17
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  68. Lapko N, Zawadka M, Polosak J, Worthen GS, Danet-Desnoyers G, Puzianowska-Kuznicka M, Laudanski K. Long-term Monocyte Dysfunction after Sepsis in Humanized Mice Is Related to Persisted Activation of Macrophage-Colony Stimulation Factor (M-CSF) and Demethylation of PU.1, and It Can Be Reversed by Blocking M-CSF In Vitro or by Transplanting Naive Autologous Stem Cells In Vivo. Front Immunol. 2017; 8:401 Epub 2017 May 01
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  69. Nowak Z, Laudanski K. Conformity Scores Differentiate Older Hemodialyzed Patients and Patients with Continuous Peritoneal Dialysis. Med Sci Monit. 2016 Nov 25; 22:4565-4569
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  70. Saites VA, Hadler R, Gutsche JT, Laudanski K. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis. Am J Case Rep. 2016 Sep 27; 17:686-689 Epub 2016 Sept 27
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  71. Laudanski K, Zawadka M, Lapko N. The Ability of Precursory Monocytes (MO) to Differentiate Varies Among Individuals But Is Stable Over Time. Med Sci Monit. 2016 Jul 14; 22:2463-70 Epub 2016 July 14
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  72. Saites V, Laudanski K. Acute Hypotension After 50% Dextrose Injections. A A Case Rep. 2016 May 15; 6 (10):296-8
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  73. Wei R, Korley L, Laudanski K.. Anesthetic considerations for management of cancer patients to decrease cancer recurrence J Clin Anest Res. 2016; 7(10):112-117.
  74. Laudanski, K.. Vision Grant SCCM Connection. 2016; 5(6).
  75. Laudanski K, Qing M, Oszkiel H, Zawadka M, Lapko N, Nowak Z, Worthen GS. Ketamine affects in vitro differentiation of monocyte into immature dendritic cells. Anesthesiology. 2015 Sep; 123 (3):628-41
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  76. Nowak Z, Wankowicz Z, Laudanski K. Denial Defense Mechanism in Dialyzed Patients. Med Sci Monit. 2015 Jun 22; 21:1798-805 Epub 2015 June 22
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  77. Watkins L, Laudanski K. Transition to the first job SCCM 2015. Crit Care Med. 2015; 12(42):A1438.
  78. Khanna AK, Laudanski K. Septic shock and anesthesia: Much ado about nothing? J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2014 Oct; 30 (4):481-3
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  79. Patel MB, Laudanski K, Pandharipande PP. An international career development survey of critical care practitioners*. Crit Care Med. 2014 Apr; 42 (4):e300-3
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  80. Nowak Z, Laudanski K. The perception of the illness with subsequent outcome measure in more favorable in continuos peritoneal dialysis vs hemodialysis in the framework of appraisal model of stress. Int J Med Sci. 2014; 11 (3):291-7 Epub 2014 Feb 04
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  81. Laudanski K, Eckenhoff R. Anesthesia-induced neuroinflammation JPAM. 2014; 1(2):120-124.
  82. Khanna AK, Perez ER, Laudanski K, Moraska A, Cummings III CC. Perioperative care and cancer recurrence WJD. 2014; 31(1):31-45.
  83. Eckenhoff RG, Laudanski K. Anesthesia, surgery and Alzheimer’s Disease”. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2013; 2(47):162-166.
  84. Pieczynski LM, Laudanski K, Speck RM, McCunn M. Analysis of field reports from anaesthesia volunteers in low- to middle-income countries. Med Educ. 2013 Oct; 47 (10):1029-36
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  85. Laudanski K, Nowak Z, Niemczyk S. Age-related differences in the quality of life in end-stage renal disease in patients enrolled in hemodialysis or continuous peritoneal dialysis. Med Sci Monit. 2013 May 20; 19:378-85
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  86. Laudanski K, Hernandez H.. Volume resuscitation in sepsis J.Anest.Clin.Res. 2013; 4:281.
  87. Laudanski K, Nowak Z. Aberrant function and differentiation of monocytes in end stage renal disease. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2012 Dec; 60 (6):453-9 Epub 2012 Oct 19
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  88. Laudanski K. Adoptive transfer of naive dendritic cells in resolving post-sepsis long-term immunosuppression. Med Hypotheses. 2012 Oct; 79 (4):478-80 Epub 2012 July 26
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  89. Laudanski K, Euliano T. Peripartum acute coronary syndrome in an otherwise healthy patient. J Clin Anesth. 2011 Dec; 23 (8):661-5
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  90. Laudanski K. Elevated aPTT and factor XII Deficiency After Complicating Meningioma Resection – What Is The Role of factor XII? J.Anest.Clin.Res. 2011; 5(2):1-3.
  91. Laudanski K, Schwab WK, Bakuzonis CW, Paulus DA. Thermal damage of the humidified ventilator circuit in the operating room: an analysis of plausible causes. Anesth Analg. 2010 Dec; 111 (6):1433-6 Epub 2010 Oct 01
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  92. Laudanski K, Nowak Z, Wankowicz Z. Psychological aspects of dialysis: does cognitive appraisal determine the overall outcome? Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2010; 120 (1-2):49-52
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  93. Laudanski K, Patel SP, Peng YG. Ongoing paradoxical particulate embolism during megaprosthesis placement. J Clin Anesth. 2009 Nov; 21 (7):533-7
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  94. Laudanski K, Ali H, Himmel A, Godula K, Stettmeier M, Calvocoressi L. The relationship between serum ferritin levels and electrocardiogram characteristics in acutely ill patients. Exp Clin Cardiol. 2009 Fall; 14 (3):38-41
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  95. Laudanski K, Layon AJ. Rapid development of chylothorax in patient with propofol-induced coma. BMJ Case Rep. 2009; 2009 Epub 2009 July 14
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  96. Laudanski K, Robicsek S. Anesthesia management of acute aortic dissection type B Marfan syndrome complicating d-stage pregnancy SAJAA. 2009; 3(15):29-30.
  97. Miller-Graziano CL, De A, Laudanski K, Herrmann T, Bandyopadhyay S. HSP27: an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory stress protein acting to dampen immune function. Novartis Found Symp. 2008; 291:196-208; discussion 208-11, 221-
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  98. Laudanski K, De A, Miller-Graziano C. Exogenous heat shock protein 27 uniquely blocks differentiation of monocytes to dendritic cells. Eur J Immunol. 2007 Oct; 37 (10):2812-24
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  99. Bandyopadhyay G, De A, Laudanski K, Li F, Lentz C, Bankey P, Miller-Graziano C. Negative signaling contributes to T-cell anergy in trauma patients. Crit Care Med. 2007 Mar; 35 (3):794-801
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  100. Laudanski K, Miller-Graziano C, Xiao W, Mindrinos MN, Richards DR, De A, Moldawer LL, Maier RV, Bankey P, Baker HV, Brownstein BH, Cobb JP, Calvano SE, Davis RW, Tompkins RG. Cell-specific expression and pathway analyses reveal alterations in trauma-related human T cell and monocyte pathways. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Oct 17; 103 (42):15564-9 Epub 2006 Oct 10
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  101. Laudanski K, Wyczechowska D. The distinctive role of small heat shock proteins in oncogenesis. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2006 Mar-Apr; 54 (2):103-11 Epub 2006 Mar 28
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  102. Laudanski K, De A, Pellegrini J, Miller-Graziano C. Simultaneous aberrations in Mphi and T cell function adversely affect trauma patients' clinical outcome: a possible faulty IL-13 feedback loop. Clin Immunol. 2006 Feb-Mar; 118 (2-3):332-41 Epub 2005 Nov 21
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  103. De AK, Miller-Graziano CL, Calvano SE, Laudanski K, Lowry SF, Moldawer LL, Remick DG Jr, Rajicic N, Schoenfeld D, Tompkins RG. Selective activation of peripheral blood T cell subsets by endotoxin infusion in healthy human subjects corresponds to differential chemokine activation. J Immunol. 2005 Nov 1; 175 (9):6155-62
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  104. Laudanski K, Wyczechowska D. Monocyte-related immunopathologies in trauma patients. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2005 Jul-Aug; 53 (4):321-8
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  105. Cobb JP, Mindrinos MN, Miller-Graziano C, Calvano SE, Baker HV, Xiao W, Brownstein BH, Elson CM, Hayden DL, Herndon DN, Lowry SF, Maier RV, Schoenfeld DA, Moldawer LL, Davis RW, Tompkins RG, Baker HV, Bankey P, Billiar T, Brownstein BH, Calvano SE, Camp D, Chaudry I, Cobb JP, Davis RW, Elson CM, Freeman B, Gamelli R, Gibran N, Harbrecht B, Hayden DL, Heagy W, Heimbach D, Herndon DN, Horton J, Hunt J, Laudanski K, Lederer J, Lowry SF, Maier RV, Mannick J, McKinley B, Miller-Graziano C, Mindrinos MN, Minei J, Moldawer LL, Moore E, Moore F, Munford R, Nathens A, O'keefe G, Purdue G, Rahme L, Remick D, Sailors M, Schoenfeld DA, Shapiro M, Silver G, Smith R, Stephanopoulos G, Stormo G, Tompkins RG, Toner M, Warren S, West M, Wolfe S, Xiao W, Young V, Inflammation and Host Response to Injury Large-Scale Collaborative Research Program. Application of genome-wide expression analysis to human health and disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Mar 29; 102 (13):4801-6 Epub 2005 Mar 21
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  106. De AK, Roach SE, De M, Minielly RC, Laudanski K, Miller-Graziano CL, Bankey PE. Development of a simple method for rapid isolation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes from human blood. J Immunoassay Immunochem. 2005; 26 (1):35-42
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  107. Szutkowska-Hoser J., Seniow J., Czlonkowska A., Laudanski K. Cognitive functioning and life activity in patients with hepatic form of Wilson's disease Pol. Psychol.Bull. 2005; 4(36):234-238.
  108. De A, Laudanski K, Maier RV, Bankey PE, Minei JP, Elson C, Hayden D, Schoenfeld DA, Moldawer LL, Tompkins RG, Miller-Graziano CL. Alterations in Th1 Subpopulations Correspond to Clinical Pathology in Severe Trauma Patients FOCIS Boston. 2005.
  109. Li F, Laudanski K, Perez L, Miller-Graziano CL. Delayed IL-10 Induced Human Tolerogenic DC Inhibit Naiive T cell Proliferation by Mechanisms Other than their Exaggerated PD-L1/2 Induction FOCIS Boston. 2005.
  110. Feezor RJ, Baker HV, Mindrinos M, Hayden D, Tannahill CL, Brownstein BH, Fay A, MacMillan S, Laramie J, Xiao W, Moldawer LL, Cobb JP, Laudanski K, Miller-Graziano CL, Maier RV, Schoenfeld D, Davis RW, Tompkins RG, Inflammation and Host Response to Injury, Large-Scale Collaborative Research Program. Whole blood and leukocyte RNA isolation for gene expression analyses. Physiol Genomics. 2004 Nov 17; 19 (3):247-54
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  111. Laudanski K, De A, Brouxhon S, Kyrkanides S, Miller-Graziano C. Abnormal PGE(2) regulation of monocyte TNF-alpha levels in trauma patients parallels development of a more macrophage-like phenotype. Shock. 2004 Sep; 22 (3):204-12
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  112. Laudanski K, Lis-Turlejska M. Immunological aberrancies in PTSD Pol. Psychol.Bull.. 2004; (35):209-216.
  113. Seniow J, Polanowska K, Mandat T, Laudanski K. The cognitive impairments due to the occipito-parietal brain injury after gunshot. A successful neurorehabiliation case study. Brain Inj. 2003 Aug; 17 (8):701-13
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  114. De AK, Laudanski K, Miller-Graziano CL. Failure of monocytes of trauma patients to convert to immature dendritic cells is related to preferential macrophage-colony-stimulating factor-driven macrophage differentiation. J Immunol. 2003 Jun 15; 170 (12):6355-62
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  115. Laudanski K, Nowak Z. [Quality of life in dialysed patients--methodological issues]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2002 Nov; 13 (77):421-3
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  116. Nowak Z, Laudanski K. [Calcimimetics as a new chance for effective treatment of calcium metabolism disturbances]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2002 Nov; 13 (77):424-7
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  117. Laudanski K, Nowak Z, Wankowicz Z. [Mood and illness-related stress in dialysed patients]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2002 Nov; 13 (77):376-9
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  118. Laudanski K, Cudnoch-Jedrzejewska A. Effects of ovariectomy on the regulation of cardiovascular functions in female Wistar rats. Med Sci Monit. 2001 Nov-Dec; 7 (6):1188-92
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  119. Laudanski K, Nowak Z, Wankowicz Z.. Anxiety and coping with end stage renal disease among dialyzed patients American Society of Nephrology. 2001.
  120. Laudanski K, Nowak Z, Wankowicz Z. The impact of the mood on the coping with the illness related stress in dialyzed patients XI International Congress of The Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. 2001; 21(2):153.