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  2. Najjar SA, Edwards BS, Albers KM, Davis BM, Smith-Edwards KM. Optogenetic activation of the distal colon epithelium engages enteric nervous system circuits to initiate motility patterns. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Oct 1; 321 (4):G426-G435 Epub 2021 Sept 01
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  3. Najjar SA, Ejoh LL, Loeza-Alcocer E, Edwards BS, Smith-Edwards KM, Epouhe AY, Gold MS, Davis BM, Albers KM. Optogenetic inhibition of the colon epithelium reduces hypersensitivity in a mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease. Pain. 2021 Apr 1; 162 (4):1126-1134
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  4. Smith-Edwards KM, Edwards BS, Wright CM, Schneider S, Meerschaert KA, Ejoh LL, Najjar SA, Howard MJ, Albers KM, Heuckeroth RO, Davis BM. Sympathetic Input to Multiple Cell Types in Mouse and Human Colon Produces Region-Specific Responses. Gastroenterology. 2021 Mar; 160 (4):1208-1223.e4 Epub 2020 Sept 24
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  6. Margiotta JF, Smith-Edwards KM, Nestor-Kalinoski A, Davis BM, Albers KM, Howard MJ. Synaptic Components, Function and Modulation Characterized by GCaMP6f Ca(2+) Imaging in Mouse Cholinergic Myenteric Ganglion Neurons. Front Physiol. 2021; 12:652714 Epub 2021 Aug 02
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  7. Smith-Edwards KM, Najjar SA, Edwards BS, Howard MJ, Albers KM, Davis BM. Extrinsic Primary Afferent Neurons Link Visceral Pain to Colon Motility Through a Spinal Reflex in Mice. Gastroenterology. 2019 Aug; 157 (2):522-536.e2 Epub 2019 May 08
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