
  1. Arnovitz S, Mathur P, Tracy M, Mohsin A, Mondal S, Quandt J, Hernandez KM, Khazaie K, Dose M, Emmanuel AO, Gounari F. Tcf-1 promotes genomic instability and T cell transformation in response to aberrant beta-catenin activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Aug 9; 119 (32):e2201493119 Epub 2022 Aug 03
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  2. Gounari F, Khazaie K. TCF-1: a maverick in T cell development and function. Nat Immunol. 2022 May; 23 (5):671-678 Epub 2022 Apr 29
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  3. Osman A, Yan B, Li Y, Pavelko KD, Quandt J, Saadalla A, Singh MP, Kazemian M, Gounari F, Khazaie K. TCF-1 controls T(reg) cell functions that regulate inflammation, CD8(+) T cell cytotoxicity and severity of colon cancer. Nat Immunol. 2021 Sep; 22 (9):1152-1162 Epub 2021 Aug 12
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  4. Quandt J, Arnovitz S, Haghi L, Woehlk J, Mohsin A, Okoreeh M, Mathur PS, Emmanuel AO, Osman A, Krishnan M, Morin SB, Pearson AT, Sweis RF, Pekow J, Weber CR, Khazaie K, Gounari F. Wnt-beta-catenin activation epigenetically reprograms T(reg) cells in inflammatory bowel disease and dysplastic progression. Nat Immunol. 2021 Apr; 22 (4):471-484 Epub 2021 Mar 04
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  5. Kong D, Wan Q, Li J, Zuo S, Liu G, Liu Q, Wang C, Bai P, Duan SZ, Zhou B, Gounari F, Lyu A, Lazarus M, Breyer RM, Yu Y. DP1 Activation Reverses Age-Related Hypertension Via NEDD4L-Mediated T-Bet Degradation in T Cells. Circulation. 2020 Feb 25; 141 (8):655-666 Epub 2020 Jan 02
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  6. Yoshida T, Hu Y, Zhang Z, Emmanuel AO, Galani K, Muhire B, Snippert HJ, Williams CJ, Tolstorukov MY, Gounari F, Georgopoulos K. Chromatin restriction by the nucleosome remodeler Mi-2beta and functional interplay with lineage-specific transcription regulators control B-cell differentiation. Genes Dev. 2019 Jul 1; 33 (13-14):763-781 Epub 2019 May 23
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  7. Saadalla A, Lima MM, Tsai F, Osman A, Singh MP, Linden DR, Dennis KL, Haeryfar SMM, Gurish MF, Gounari F, Khazaie K. Cell Intrinsic Deregulated ss-Catenin Signaling Promotes Expansion of Bone Marrow Derived Connective Tissue Type Mast Cells, Systemic Inflammation, and Colon Cancer. Front Immunol. 2019; 10:2777 Epub 2019 Dec 03
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  8. Yoshida T, Snippert HJ, Hu Y, Emmanuel AO, Zhang Z, Muhire B, Tolstorukov M, Gounari F, Georgopoulos K. Pre-B cell differentiation requires functional interaction between the chromatin remodeler Mi-2ß and B cell lineage transcription regulators. Genes and Development. 2019; 33:1-19.
  9. Mandal M, Okoreeh MK, Kennedy DE, Maienschein-Cline M, Ai J, McLean KC, Kaverina N, Veselits M, Schlissel MS, Aifantis I, Gounari F, Clark MR. CXCR4 signaling dictates the transcriptional and epigenetic landscape of late B lymphopoiesis. Nature Immunology. 2019; 20:1393-1403.
  10. Emmanuel AO, Arnovitz S, Haghi L, Mathur PS, Mondal S, Quandt J, Okoreeh MK, Maienschein-Cline M, Khazaie K, Dose M, Gounari F. TCF-1 and HEB cooperate to establish the epigenetic and transcription profiles of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes. Nat Immunol. 2018 Dec; 19(12):1366-1378. Epub 2018 Nov 12.
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  11. Saadalla AM, Osman A, Gurish MF, Dennis KL, Blatner NR, Pezeshki A, McNagny KM, Cheroutre H, Gounari F, Khazaie K. Mast cells promote small bowel cancer in a tumor stage-specific and cytokine-dependent manner. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Feb 13; 115(7):1588-1592. Epub 2018 Feb 02.
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  12. Khan MW, Saadalla A, Ewida AH, Al-Katranji K, Al-Saoudi G, Giaccone ZT, Gounari F, Zhang M, Frank DA, Khazaie K. The STAT3 inhibitor pyrimethamine displays anti-cancer and immune stimulatory effects in murine models of breast cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2018 Jan; 67 (1):13-23 Epub 2017 Sept 05
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  13. Hu Y, Zhang Z, Kashiwagi M, Yoshida T, Joshi I, Jena N, Somasundaram R, Emmanuel AO, Sigvardsson M, Fitamant J, El-Bardeesy N, Gounari F, Van Etten RA, Georgopoulos K. Superenhancer reprogramming drives a B-cell-epithelial transition and high-risk leukemia. Genes Dev. 2016 Sep 1; 30 (17):1971-90
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  14. Phillips JD, Knab LM, Blatner NR, Haghi L, DeCamp MM, Meyerson SL, Heiferman MJ, Heiferman JR, Gounari F, Bentrem DJ, Khazaie K. Preferential expansion of pro-inflammatory Tregs in human non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2015 Sep; 64(9):1185-91. Epub 2015 Jun 06.
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  15. Dennis KL, Saadalla A, Blatner NR, Wang S, Venkateswaran V, Gounari F, Cheroutre H, Weaver CT, Roers A, Egilmez NK, Khazaie K. T-cell Expression of IL10 Is Essential for Tumor Immune Surveillance in the Small Intestine. Cancer Immunol Res. 2015 Jul; 3 (7):806-14 Epub 2015 Apr 08
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  16. Krishnamoorthy V, Carr T, de Pooter RF, Emanuelle AO, Gounari F, Kee BL. Correction: Repression of Ccr9 transcription in mouse T lymphocyte progenitors by the notch signaling pathway. J Immunol. 2015 Jun 15; 194 (12):6191
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  17. Krishnamoorthy V, Carr T, de Pooter RF, Emanuelle AO, Gounari F, Kee BL. Repression of Ccr9 transcription in mouse T lymphocyte progenitors by the Notch signaling pathway. J Immunol. 2015 Apr 1; 194 (7):3191-200 Epub 2015 Feb 20
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  18. Dose M, Emmanuel AO, Chaumeil J, Zhang J, Sun T, Germar K, Aghajani K, Davis EM, Keerthivasan S, Bredemeyer AL, Sleckman BP, Rosen ST, Skok JA, Le Beau MM, Georgopoulos K, Gounari F. beta-Catenin induces T-cell transformation by promoting genomic instability. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Jan 7; 111 (1):391-6 Epub 2013 Dec 26
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  19. Keerthivasan S, Aghajani K, Dose M, Molinero L, Khan MW, Venkateswaran V, Weber C, Emmanuel AO, Sun T, Bentrem DJ, Mulcahy M, Keshavarzian A, Ramos EM, Blatner N, Khazaie K, Gounari F. T-cell specific activation of ?-catenin induces IL-17 mediated inflammatory bowel disease and dysplasia. Science Translational Medicine. 2014; 6(225):225ra28.
  20. Dennis KL, Blatner NR, Gounari F, Khazaie K. Current status of interleukin-10 and regulatory T-cells in cancer. Curr Opin Oncol. 2013 Nov; 25 (6):637-45
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  21. Yoshida T, Landhuis E, Dose M, Hazan I, Zhang J, Naito T, Jackson AF, Wu J, Perotti EA, Kaufmann C, Gounari F, Morgan BA, Georgopoulos K. Transcriptional regulation of the Ikzf1 locus. Blood. 2013 Oct 31; 122 (18):3149-59 Epub 2013 Sept 03
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  22. Li L, Zhang JA, Dose M, Kueh HY, Mosadeghi R, Gounari F, Rothenberg EV. A far downstream enhancer for murine Bcl11b controls its T-cell specific expression. Blood. 2013 Aug 8; 122 (6):902-11 Epub 2013 June 05
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  23. Blatner NR, Gounari F, Khazaie K. The two faces of regulatory T cells in cancer. Oncoimmunology. 2013 May 01; 2(5):e23852. Epub 2013 Apr 15.
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  24. Gounari F, Kee BL. Fingerprinting Ikaros. Nature Immunol.. 2013; 14(10):1034-5.
  25. Blatner NR, Mulcahy MF, Dennis KL, Scholtens D, Bentrem DJ, Phillips JD, Ham S, Sandall BP, Khan MW, Mahvi DM, Halverson AL, Stryker SJ, Boller AM, Singal A, Sneed RK, Sarraj B, Ansari MJ, Oft M, Iwakura Y, Zhou L, Bonertz A, Beckhove P, Gounari F, Khazaie K. Expression of ROR?t marks a pathogenic regulatory T cell subset in human colon cancer. Sci Transl Med. 2012 Dec 12; 4(164):164ra159.
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  26. Aghajani K, Keerthivasan S, Yu Y, Gounari F. Generation of CD4CreER(T(2)) transgenic mice to study development of peripheral CD4-T-cells. Genesis. 2012 Dec; 50 (12):908-13 Epub 2012 Sept 12
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  27. Khazaie K, Zadeh M, Khan MW, Bere P, Gounari F, Dennis K, Blatner NR, Owen JL, Klaenhammer TR, Mohamadzadeh M. Abating colon cancer polyposis by Lactobacillus acidophilus deficient in lipoteichoic acid. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jun 26; 109(26):10462-7. Epub 2012 Jun 11.
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  28. Germar K, Dose M, Konstantinou T, Zhang J, Wang H, Lobry C, Arnett KL, Blacklow SC, Aifantis I, Aster JC, Gounari F. T-cell factor 1 is a gatekeeper for T-cell specification in response to Notch signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Dec 13; 108 (50):20060-5 Epub 2011 Nov 22
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  29. Zhang J, Jackson AF, Naito T, Dose M, Seavitt J, Liu F, Heller EJ, Kashiwagi M, Yoshida T, Gounari F, Petrie HT, Georgopoulos K. Harnessing of the nucleosome-remodeling-deacetylase complex controls lymphocyte development and prevents leukemogenesis. Nat Immunol. 2011 Nov 13; 13 (1):86-94
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  30. Hu MG, Deshpande A, Schlichting N, Hinds EA, Mao C, Dose M, Hu GF, Van Etten RA, Gounari F, Hinds PW. CDK6 kinase activity is required for thymocyte development. Blood. 2011 Jun 9; 117 (23):6120-31 Epub 2011 Apr 20
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  31. Khazaie K, Blatner NR, Khan MW, Gounari F, Gounaris E, Dennis K, Bonertz A, Tsai FN, Strouch MJ, Cheon E, Phillips JD, Beckhove P, Bentrem DJ. The significant role of mast cells in cancer. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2011 Mar; 30(1):45-60.
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  32. Khazaie K, Blatner NR, Khan MW, Gounari F, Gounaris E, Dennis K, Bonertz A, Tsai FN, Strouch MJ, Cheon E, Phillips JD, Beckhove P, Bentrem DJ. The significant role of mast cells in cancer. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2011 Mar; 30(1):45-60.
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  33. Driessens G, Zheng Y, Locke F, Cannon JL, Gounari F, Gajewski TF. Beta-catenin inhibits T cell activation by selective interference with linker for activation of T cells-phospholipase C-gamma1 phosphorylation. J Immunol. 2011 Jan 15; 186 (2):784-90 Epub 2010 Dec 13
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  34. Dose M, Gounari F. Sleeping Beauty: Does ETP-ALL awaken later? Blood. 2011; 118(17):4500-1.
  35. De Keersmaecker K, Real PJ, Gatta GD, Palomero T, Sulis ML, Tosello V, Van Vlierberghe P, Barnes K, Castillo M, Sole X, Hadler M, Lenz J, Aplan PD, Kelliher M, Kee BL, Pandolfi PP, Kappes D, Gounari F, Petrie H, Van der Meulen J, Speleman F, Paietta E, Racevskis J, Wiernik PH, Rowe JM, Soulier J, Avran D, Cave H, Dastugue N, Raimondi S, Meijerink JP, Cordon-Cardo C, Califano A, Ferrando AA. The TLX1 oncogene drives aneuploidy in T cell transformation. Nat Med. 2010 Nov; 16 (11):1321-7 Epub 2010 Oct 24
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  36. Kovalovsky D, Yu Y, Dose M, Emmanouilidou A, Konstantinou T, Germar K, Aghajani K, Guo Z, Mandal M, Gounari F. Beta-catenin/Tcf determines the outcome of thymic selection in response to alphabetaTCR signaling. J Immunol. 2009 Sep 15; 183 (6):3873-84 Epub 2009 Aug 28
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  37. Kreslavsky T, Savage AK, Hobbs R, Gounari F, Bronson R, Pereira P, Pandolfi PP, Bendelac A, von Boehmer H. TCR-inducible PLZF transcription factor required for innate phenotype of a subset of gammadelta T cells with restricted TCR diversity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Jul 28; 106 (30):12453-8 Epub 2009 July 15
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  38. Gounaris E, Blatner NR, Dennis K, Magnusson F, Gurish MF, Strom TB, Beckhove P, Gounari F, Khazaie K. T-regulatory cells shift from a protective anti-inflammatory to a cancer-promoting proinflammatory phenotype in polyposis. Cancer Res. 2009 Jul 01; 69(13):5490-7.
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  39. Dose M, Sleckman BP, Han J, Bredemeyer AL, Bendelac A, Gounari F. Intrathymic proliferation wave essential for Valpha14+ natural killer T cell development depends on c-Myc. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 May 26; 106 (21):8641-6 Epub 2009 May 07
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  40. Hu MG, Deshpande A, Enos M, Mao D, Hinds EA, Hu GF, Chang R, Guo Z, Dose M, Mao C, Tsichlis PN, Gounari F, Hinds PW. A requirement for cyclin-dependent kinase 6 in thymocyte development and tumorigenesis. Cancer Res. 2009 Feb 1; 69 (3):810-8 Epub 2009 Jan 20
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  41. Dose M, Gounari F. The My(c)stery of iNKT cell ontogeny. Cell Cycle. 2009; 8:3082-5.
  42. Li X, Gounari F, Protopopov A, Khazaie K, von Boehmer H. Oncogenesis of T-ALL and nonmalignant consequences of overexpressing intracellular NOTCH1. J Exp Med. 2008 Nov 24; 205(12):2851-61. Epub 2008 Nov 03.
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  43. Dose M, Gounari F. Fifty ways to Notch T-ALL. Blood. 2008; 112:457-8.
  44. Gounaris E, Erdman SE, Restaino C, Gurish MF, Friend DS, Gounari F, Lee DM, Zhang G, Glickman JN, Shin K, Rao VP, Poutahidis T, Weissleder R, McNagny KM, Khazaie K. Mast cells are an essential hematopoietic component for polyp development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Dec 11; 104(50):19977-82. Epub 2007 Dec 06.
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  45. Guo Z, Dose M, Kovalovsky D, Chang R, O'Neil J, Look AT, von Boehmer H, Khazaie K, Gounari F. Beta-catenin stabilization stalls the transition from double-positive to single-positive stage and predisposes thymocytes to malignant transformation. Blood. 2007 Jun 15; 109(12):5463-72. Epub 2007 Feb 22.
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  46. Mao C, Tili EG, Dose M, Haks MC, Bear SE, Maroulakou I, Horie K, Gaitanaris GA, Fidanza V, Ludwig T, Wiest DL, Gounari F, Tsichlis PN. Unequal contribution of Akt isoforms in the double-negative to double-positive thymocyte transition. J Immunol. 2007 May 1; 178 (9):5443-53
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  47. Gounari F, Dose M. Lef-1: NOTCHed up in T-cell lymphomas. Blood. 2007; 110:2227.
  48. Dose M, Khan I, Guo Z, Kovalovsky D, Krueger A, von Boehmer H, Khazaie K, Gounari F. c-Myc mediates pre-TCR-induced proliferation but not developmental progression. Blood. 2006 Oct 15; 108(8):2669-77. Epub 2006 Jun 20.
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  49. Garbe AI, Krueger A, Gounari F, Zuniga-Pflucker JC, von Boehmer H. Differential synergy of Notch and T cell receptor signaling determines alphabeta versus gammadelta lineage fate. J Exp Med. 2006 Jun 12; 203 (6):1579-90 Epub 2006 June 05
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  50. Gounari F, Chang R, Cowan J, Guo Z, Dose M, Gounaris E, Khazaie K. Loss of adenomatous polyposis coli gene function disrupts thymic development. Nat Immunol. 2005 Aug; 6 (8):800-9 Epub 2005 July 17
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  51. Borowski C, Li X, Aifantis I, Gounari F, von Boehmer H. Pre-TCRalpha and TCRalpha are not interchangeable partners of TCRbeta during T lymphocyte development. J Exp Med. 2004 Mar 1; 199 (5):607-15
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  52. Martin CH, Aifantis I, Scimone ML, von Andrian UH, Reizis B, von Boehmer H, Gounari F. Efficient thymic immigration of B220+ lymphoid-restricted bone marrow cells with T precursor potential. Nat Immunol. 2003 Sep; 4 (9):866-73 Epub 2003 Aug 17
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  54. Gounari F, Signoretti S, Bronson R, Klein L, Sellers WR, Kum J, Siermann A, Taketo MM, von Boehmer H, Khazaie K. Stabilization of beta-catenin induces lesions reminiscent of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, but terminal squamous transdifferentiation of other secretory epithelia. Oncogene. 2002 Jun 13; 21 (26):4099-107
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  55. Aifantis I, Borowski C, Gounari F, Lacorazza HD, Nikolich-Zugich J, von Boehmer H. A critical role for the cytoplasmic tail of pTalpha in T lymphocyte development. Nat Immunol. 2002 May; 3 (5):483-8 Epub 2002 Apr 01
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  56. Gounari F, Aifantis I, Martin C, Fehling HJ, Hoeflinger S, Leder P, von Boehmer H, Reizis B. Tracing lymphopoiesis with the aid of a pTalpha-controlled reporter gene. Nat Immunol. 2002 May; 3 (5):489-96 Epub 2002 Apr 01
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  57. Miyoshi K, Shillingford JM, Le Provost F, Gounari F, Bronson R, von Boehmer H, Taketo MM, Cardiff RD, Hennighausen L, Khazaie K. Activation of beta -catenin signaling in differentiated mammary secretory cells induces transdifferentiation into epidermis and squamous metaplasias. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Jan 8; 99 (1):219-24 Epub 2002 Jan 02
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  58. Borowski C, Martin C, Gounari F, Haughn L, Aifantis I, Grassi F, von Boehmer H. On the brink of becoming a T cell. Curr. Opp. In Immunol. 2002; 14:200-6.
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  60. Aifantis I, Gounari F, Scorrano L, Borowski C, von Boehmer H. Constitutive pre-TCR signaling promotes differentiation through Ca2+ mobilization and activation of NF-kappaB and NFAT. Nat Immunol. 2001 May; 2 (5):403-9
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  61. Janosch P, Kieser A, Eulitz M, Lovric J, Sauer G, Reichert M, Gounari F, Buscher D, Baccarini M, Mischak H, Kolch W. The Raf-1 kinase associates with vimentin kinases and regulates the structure of vimentin filaments. FASEB J. 2000 Oct; 14 (13):2008-21
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