
  1. Habelrih T, Ferri B, Cote F, Sevigny J, Augustin TL, Sawaya K, Lubell WD, Olson DM, Girard S, Chemtob S. Preventing Preterm Birth: Exploring Innovative Solutions. Clin Perinatol. 2024 Jun; 51 (2):497-510 Epub 2024 Mar 26
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  2. Rose SJ, Nguyen EM, Branda ME, Melo V, Vega B, Kazemi-Butterfield N, Cheek-Norgan EH, Girard S, Norgan AP, Theiler RN, Enninga EAL. Maternal Factors and Placental Pathologies Associated with a Diagnosis of Chronic Villitis. Am J Perinatol. 2024 May; 41 (S 01):e3351-e3362 Epub 2023 Dec 06
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  3. Scott HM, Mehta R, Branda ME, Hughes J, Kane SV, Girard S, Norgan AP, Theiler RN, Enninga EAL. Effect of Anti-TNF Biologic Exposure During Pregnancy on Villitis of Unknown Etiology Diagnoses in Patients with Autoimmune Disease. Reprod Sci. 2024 Apr; 31 (4):997-1005 Epub 2023 Nov 16
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  4. Bernier E, Brien ME, Girard S. Pregnant individuals with uncomplicated pregnancies display pro-inflammatory immune changes when exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2024 Feb; 91 (2):e13828
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  5. Lothert PK, Fedyshyn B, Girard S, Chakraborty R, Norgan AP, Enninga EAL. Spatial proteomics reveals phenotypic and functional differences in T cell and macrophage subsets during villitis of unknown etiology. Sci Rep. 2024 Jan 9; 14 (1):914 Epub 2024 Jan 09
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  6. Couture C, Brien ME, Rechtzigel J, Ling S, Ledezma-Soto C, Duran Bishop G, Boufaied I, Dal Soglio D, Rey E, McGraw S, Graham CH, Girard S. Predictive biomarkers and initial analysis of maternal immune alterations in postpartum preeclampsia reveal an immune-driven pathology. Front Immunol. 2024; 15:1380629 Epub 2024 Apr 30
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  7. Hindle S, Brien ME, Pelletier F, Giguere F, Trudel MJ, Dal Soglio D, Kakkar F, Soudeyns H, Girard S, Boucoiran I. Placenta analysis of Hofbauer cell profile according to the class of antiretroviral therapy used during pregnancy in people living with HIV. Placenta. 2023 Aug; 139:120-126 Epub 2023 June 12
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  8. Habelrih T, Tremblay DE, Di Battista E, Hou X, Reuben A, Ferri B, Loiselle SE, Cote F, Abram P, Lubell WD, Leimert KB, Quiniou C, Girard S, Olson DM, Chemtob S. Pharmacodynamic characterization of rytvela, a novel allosteric anti-inflammatory therapeutic, to prevent preterm birth and improve fetal and neonatal outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Apr; 228 (4):467.e1-467.e16 Epub 2022 Oct 13
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  9. Marie-Eve B, Elsa B, Josianne C, Yasmine K, Claude-Emilie J, Camille C, Dorothee DS, Sylvie G. Mediators of inflammation at the maternal-fetal interface are altered by SARS-CoV-2 infection and pandemic stress. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2023 Apr; 89 (4):e13679 Epub 2023 Feb 06
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  10. Weng J, Couture C, Girard S. Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems in Physiological and Pathological Pregnancy. Biology (Basel). 2023 Mar 3; 12 (3) Epub 2023 Mar 03
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  11. Couture C, Brien ME, Boufaied I, Duval C, Soglio DD, Enninga EAL, Cox B, Girard S. Proinflammatory changes in the maternal circulation, maternal-fetal interface, and placental transcriptome in preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Mar; 228 (3):332.e1-332.e17 Epub 2022 Aug 24
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  12. Hindle S, Girard S, Cote HCF, Money D, Mann E, Boucoiran I, Children and Women Antiretroviral Therapy and Makers of Aging (Carma) Preg Team. Circulating levels of inflammatory mediators in pregnant people living with HIV according to antiretroviral therapy regimen. Front Microbiol. 2023; 14:1282291 Epub 2024 Jan 08
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  13. Lodge-Tulloch NA, Toews AJ, Atallah A, Cotechini T, Girard S, Graham CH. Cross-Generational Impact of Innate Immune Memory Following Pregnancy Complications. Cells. 2022 Dec 6; 11 (23) Epub 2022 Dec 06
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  14. Brien ME, Gaudreault V, Hughes K, Hayes DJL, Heazell AEP, Girard S. A Systematic Review of the Safety of Blocking the IL-1 System in Human Pregnancy. J Clin Med. 2021 Dec 31; 11 (1)
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  15. Brien ME, Hughes K, Girard S. Prenatal administration of IL-1Ra attenuate the neurodevelopmental impacts following non-pathogenic inflammation during pregnancy. Sci Rep. 2021 Dec 3; 11 (1):23404 Epub 2021 Dec 03
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  16. Genest DS, Dal Soglio D, Girard S, Rey E. Association between proteinuria and placental pathology in preeclampsia: A retrospective study SAGE Open Medicine. 2021.
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  17. Brien ME, Bouron-Dal Soglio D, Dal Soglio S, Couture C, Boucoiran I, Nasr Y, Widdows K, Sharps MC, El Demellawy D, Ep Heazell A, Menzies D, Girard S. Pandemic stress and SARS-CoV-2 infection are associated with pathological changes at the maternal-fetal interface. Placenta. 2021 Nov; 115:37-44 Epub 2021 Sept 11
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  18. Parameshwar PK, Sagrillo-Fagundes L, Fournier C, Girard S, Vaillancourt C, Moraes C. Disease-specific extracellular matrix composition regulates placental trophoblast fusion efficiency. Biomater Sci. 2021 Oct 26; 9 (21):7247-7256
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  19. Baker BC, Heazell AEP, Sibley C, Wright R, Bischof H, Beards F, Guevara T, Girard S, Jones RL. Hypoxia and oxidative stress induce sterile placental inflammation in vitro. Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 31; 11 (1):7281
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  20. Brien ME, Boufaied I, Bernard N, Forest JC, Giguere Y, Girard S. Specific inflammatory profile in each pregnancy complication: A comparative study. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2020 Dec; 84 (6):e13316 Epub 2020 Aug 20
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  21. Djeha A, Girard S, Trottier H, Kakkar F, Soudeyns H, Boucher M, Lapointe N, Boucoiran I. No association between early antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy and plasma levels of angiogenic factors: a cohort study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2019 Dec 9; 19 (1):482 Epub 2019 Dec 09
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  22. Brien ME, Baker B, Duval C, Gaudreault V, Jones RL, Girard S. Alarmins at the maternal-fetal interface: involvement of inflammation in placental dysfunction and pregnancy complications (1). Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2019 Mar; 97 (3):206-212 Epub 2018 Nov 28
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  23. Brien ME, Boufaied I, Soglio DD, Rey E, Leduc L, Girard S. Distinct inflammatory profile in preeclampsia and postpartum preeclampsia reveal unique mechanisms. Biol Reprod. 2019 Jan 1; 100 (1):187-194
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  24. Duval C, Brien ME, Gaudreault V, Boufaied I, Baker B, Jones RL, Girard S. Differential effect of LPS and IL-1beta in term placental explants. Placenta. 2019 Jan; 75:9-15 Epub 2018 Nov 22
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  25. Berard A, Sheehy O, Girard S, Zhao JP, Bernatsky S. Risk of preterm birth following late pregnancy exposure to NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors. Pain. 2018 May; 159 (5):948-955
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  26. Lui S, Duval C, Farrokhnia F, Girard S, Harris LK, Tower CL, Stevens A, Jones RL. Delineating differential regulatory signatures of the human transcriptome in the choriodecidua and myometrium at term labor. Biol Reprod. 2018 Mar 1; 98 (3):422-436
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  27. Nadeau-Vallee M, Chin PY, Belarbi L, Brien ME, Pundir S, Berryer MH, Beaudry-Richard A, Madaan A, Sharkey DJ, Lupien-Meilleur A, Hou X, Quiniou C, Beaulac A, Boufaied I, Boudreault A, Carbonaro A, Doan ND, Joyal JS, Lubell WD, Olson DM, Robertson SA, Girard S, Chemtob S. Antenatal Suppression of IL-1 Protects against Inflammation-Induced Fetal Injury and Improves Neonatal and Developmental Outcomes in Mice. J Immunol. 2017 Mar 1; 198 (5):2047-2062 Epub 2017 Feb 01
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  28. Madaan A, Nadeau-Vallee M, Rivera JC, Obari D, Hou X, Sierra EM, Girard S, Olson DM, Chemtob S. Lactate produced during labor modulates uterine inflammation via GPR81 (HCA1). Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Jan; 216 (1):60.e1-60.e17 Epub 2016 Sept 09
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  29. Brien ME, Duval C, Palacios J, Boufaied I, Hudon-Thibeault AA, Nadeau-Vallee M, Vaillancourt C, Sibley CP, Abrahams VM, Jones RL, Girard S. Uric Acid Crystals Induce Placental Inflammation and Alter Trophoblast Function via an IL-1-Dependent Pathway: Implications for Fetal Growth Restriction. J Immunol. 2017 Jan 1; 198 (1):443-451 Epub 2016 Nov 30
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  30. Nadeau-Vallee M, Obari D, Palacios J, Brien ME, Duval C, Chemtob S, Girard S. Sterile inflammation and pregnancy complications: a review. Reproduction. 2016 Dec; 152 (6):R277-R292 Epub 2016 Sept 27
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  31. Nadeau-Vallee M, Boudreault A, Leimert K, Hou X, Obari D, Madaan A, Rouget R, Zhu T, Belarbi L, Brien ME, Beaudry-Richard A, Olson DM, Girard S, Chemtob S. Uterotonic Neuromedin U Receptor 2 and Its Ligands Are Upregulated by Inflammation in Mice and Humans, and Elicit Preterm Birth. Biol Reprod. 2016 Sep; 95 (3):72 Epub 2016 Aug 10
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  32. Nadeau-Vallee M, Obari D, Quiniou C, Lubell WD, Olson DM, Girard S, Chemtob S. A critical role of interleukin-1 in preterm labor. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2016 Apr; 28:37-51 Epub 2015 Nov 30
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  33. Girard S, Sebire G. Transplacental Transfer of Interleukin-1 Receptor Agonist and Antagonist Following Maternal Immune Activation. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2016 Jan; 75 (1):8-12 Epub 2015 Oct 31
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  34. Nadeau-Vallee M, Quiniou C, Palacios J, Hou X, Erfani A, Madaan A, Sanchez M, Leimert K, Boudreault A, Duhamel F, Rivera JC, Zhu T, Noueihed B, Robertson SA, Ni X, Olson DM, Lubell W, Girard S, Chemtob S. Novel Noncompetitive IL-1 Receptor-Biased Ligand Prevents Infection- and Inflammation-Induced Preterm Birth. J Immunol. 2015 Oct 1; 195 (7):3402-15 Epub 2015 Aug 24
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  35. Potter JA, Garg M, Girard S, Abrahams VM. Viral single stranded RNA induces a trophoblast pro-inflammatory and antiviral response in a TLR8-dependent and -independent manner. Biol Reprod. 2015 Jan; 92 (1):17 Epub 2014 Nov 26
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  36. Murray KN, Girard S, Holmes WM, Parkes LM, Williams SR, Parry-Jones AR, Allan SM. Systemic inflammation impairs tissue reperfusion through endothelin-dependent mechanisms in cerebral ischemia. Stroke. 2014 Nov; 45 (11):3412-9 Epub 2014 Sept 16
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  37. Girard S, Heazell AE, Derricott H, Allan SM, Sibley CP, Abrahams VM, Jones RL. Circulating cytokines and alarmins associated with placental inflammation in high-risk pregnancies. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2014 Oct; 72 (4):422-34 Epub 2014 May 28
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  38. Girard S, Murray KN, Rothwell NJ, Metz GA, Allan SM. Long-term functional recovery and compensation after cerebral ischemia in rats. Behav Brain Res. 2014 Aug 15; 270:18-28 Epub 2014 May 10
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  39. Girard S, Brough D, Lopez-Castejon G, Giles J, Rothwell NJ, Allan SM. Microglia and macrophages differentially modulate cell death after brain injury caused by oxygen-glucose deprivation in organotypic brain slices. Glia. 2013 May; 61 (5):813-24 Epub 2013 Feb 13
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  40. Girard S, Sebire H, Brochu ME, Briota S, Sarret P, Sebire G. Postnatal administration of IL-1Ra exerts neuroprotective effects following perinatal inflammation and/or hypoxic-ischemic injuries. Brain Behav Immun. 2012 Nov; 26 (8):1331-9 Epub 2012 Sept 13
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  41. Greenhalgh AD, Brough D, Robinson EM, Girard S, Rothwell NJ, Allan SM. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist is beneficial after subarachnoid haemorrhage in rat by blocking haem-driven inflammatory pathology. Dis Model Mech. 2012 Nov; 5 (6):823-33 Epub 2012 May 31
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  42. Girard S, Tremblay L, Lepage M, Sebire G. Early detection of placental inflammation by MRI enabling protection by clinically relevant IL-1Ra administration. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Apr; 206 (4):358.e1-9 Epub 2012 Jan 13
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  43. Brochu ME, Girard S, Lavoie K, Sebire G. Developmental regulation of the neuroinflammatory responses to LPS and/or hypoxia-ischemia between preterm and term neonates: An experimental study. J Neuroinflammation. 2011 May 20; 8:55
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  44. Girard S, Sebire G, Kadhim H. Proinflammatory orientation of the interleukin 1 system and downstream induction of matrix metalloproteinase 9 in the pathophysiology of human perinatal white matter damage. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2010 Nov; 69 (11):1116-29
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  45. Girard S, Tremblay L, Lepage M, Sebire G. IL-1 receptor antagonist protects against placental and neurodevelopmental defects induced by maternal inflammation. J Immunol. 2010 Apr 1; 184 (7):3997-4005 Epub 2010 Feb 24
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  46. Roy M, Girard S, Larouche A, Kadhim H, Sebire G. TNF-alpha system response in a rat model of very preterm brain injuries induced by lipopolysaccharide and/or hypoxia-ischemia. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Nov; 201 (5):493.e1-10 Epub 2009 Aug 05
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  47. Girard S, Kadhim H, Roy M, Lavoie K, Brochu ME, Larouche A, Sebire G. Role of perinatal inflammation in cerebral palsy. Pediatr Neurol. 2009 Mar; 40 (3):168-74
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  48. Girard S, Kadhim H, Beaudet N, Sarret P, Sebire G. Developmental motor deficits induced by combined fetal exposure to lipopolysaccharide and early neonatal hypoxia/ischemia: a novel animal model for cerebral palsy in very premature infants. Neuroscience. 2009 Jan 23; 158 (2):673-82 Epub 2008 Oct 30
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  49. Suvorov A, Girard S, Lachapelle S, Abdelouahab N, Sebire G, Takser L. Perinatal exposure to low-dose BDE-47, an emergent environmental contaminant, causes hyperactivity in rat offspring. Neonatology. 2009; 95 (3):203-9 Epub 2008 Sept 18
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  50. Girard S, Larouche A, Kadhim H, Rola-Pleszczynski M, Gobeil F, Sebire G. Lipopolysaccharide and hypoxia/ischemia induced IL-2 expression by microglia in neonatal brain. Neuroreport. 2008 Jul 2; 19 (10):997-1002
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  51. Girard S, Kadhim H, Larouche A, Roy M, Gobeil F, Sebire G. Pro-inflammatory disequilibrium of the IL-1 beta/IL-1ra ratio in an experimental model of perinatal brain damages induced by lipopolysaccharide and hypoxia-ischemia. Cytokine. 2008 Jul; 43 (1):54-62 Epub 2008 June 03
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