
  1. Yukawa K, Yamamoto-Mcguire S, Cafaro L, Hong C, Kamme F, Ikezu T, Ikezu S. Antisense oligonucleotide-based targeting of Tau-tubulin kinase 1 prevents hippocampal accumulation of phosphorylated tau in PS19 tauopathy mice. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2023 Oct 19; 11 (1):166
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  2. You Y, Zhang Z, Sultana N, Ericsson M, Martens YA, Sun M, Kanekiyo T, Ikezu S, Shaffer SA, Ikezu T. ATP1A3 as a target for isolating neuron-specific extracellular vesicles from human brain and biofluids. Sci Adv. 2023 Sep 15; 9 (37):eadi3647 Epub 2023 Sept 15
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  3. Zhang Z, Yu K, You Y, Jiang P, Wu Z, DeTure MA, Dickson DW, Ikezu S, Peng J, Ikezu T. Comprehensive characterization of human brain-derived extracellular vesicles using multiple isolation methods: Implications for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. J Extracell Vesicles. 2023 Aug; 12 (8):e12358
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  4. Yin Z, Herron S, Silveira S, Kleemann K, Gauthier C, Mallah D, Cheng Y, Margeta MA, Pitts KM, Barry JL, Subramanian A, Shorey H, Brandao W, Durao A, Delpech JC, Madore C, Jedrychowski M, Ajay AK, Murugaiyan G, Hersh SW, Ikezu S, Ikezu T, Butovsky O. Identification of a protective microglial state mediated by miR-155 and interferon-gamma signaling in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Nat Neurosci. 2023 Jul; 26 (7):1196-1207 Epub 2023 June 08
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  5. Yeh H, Woodbury ME, Ingraham Dixie KL, Ikezu T, Ikezu S. Microglial WNT5A supports dendritic spines maturation and neuronal firing. Brain Behav Immun. 2023 Jan; 107:403-413 Epub 2022 Nov 15
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  6. Shi H, Yin Z, Koronyo Y, Fuchs DT, Sheyn J, Davis MR, Wilson JW, Margeta MA, Pitts KM, Herron S, Ikezu S, Ikezu T, Graham SL, Gupta VK, Black KL, Mirzaei M, Butovsky O, Koronyo-Hamaoui M. Regulating microglial miR-155 transcriptional phenotype alleviates Alzheimer's-induced retinal vasculopathy by limiting Clec7a/Galectin-3(+) neurodegenerative microglia. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2022 Sep 8; 10 (1):136 Epub 2022 Sept 08
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  7. You Y, Hersh SW, Aslebagh R, Shaffer SA, Ikezu S, Mez J, Lunetta KL, Logue MW, Farrer LA, Ikezu T. Alzheimer's disease associated AKAP9 I2558M mutation alters posttranslational modification and interactome of tau and cellular functions in CRISPR-edited human neuronal cells. Aging Cell. 2022 Jun; 21 (6):e13617 Epub 2022 May 14
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  8. Ruan Z, Takamatsu-Yukawa K, Wang Y, Ushman ML, Labadorf AT, Ericsson M, Ikezu S, Ikezu T. Functional genome-wide short hairpin RNA library screening identifies key molecules for extracellular vesicle secretion from microglia. Cell Rep. 2022 May 10; 39 (6):110791
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  9. Delpech JC, Pathak D, Varghese M, Kalavai SV, Hays EC, Hof PR, Johnson WE, Ikezu S, Medalla M, Luebke JI, Ikezu T. Wolframin-1-expressing neurons in the entorhinal cortex propagate tau to CA1 neurons and impair hippocampal memory in mice. Sci Transl Med. 2021 Sep 15; 13 (611):eabe8455 Epub 2021 Sept 15
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  10. Muraoka S, Lin W, Takamatsu-Yukawa K, Hu J, Ikezu S, DeTure MA, Dickson DW, Emili A, Ikezu T. Enrichment of Phosphorylated Tau (Thr181) and Functionally Interacting Molecules in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Brain-derived Extracellular Vesicles. Aging Dis. 2021 Sep; 12 (6):1376-1388 Epub 2021 Sept 01
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  11. Muraoka S, DeLeo AM, Yang Z, Tatebe H, Yukawa-Takamatsu K, Ikezu S, Tokuda T, Issadore D, Stern RA, Ikezu T. Proteomic Profiling of Extracellular Vesicles Separated from Plasma of Former National Football League Players at Risk for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Aging Dis. 2021 Sep; 12 (6):1363-1375 Epub 2021 Sept 01
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  12. Kalavai SV, Ikezu S. Neuritogenic function of microglia in maternal immune activation and autism spectrum disorders. Neural Regen Res. 2021 Jul; 16 (7):1436-1437
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  13. Ikezu S, Yeh H, Delpech JC, Woodbury ME, Van Enoo AA, Ruan Z, Sivakumaran S, You Y, Holland C, Guillamon-Vivancos T, Yoshii-Kitahara A, Botros MB, Madore C, Chao PH, Desani A, Manimaran S, Kalavai SV, Johnson WE, Butovsky O, Medalla M, Luebke JI, Ikezu T. Inhibition of colony stimulating factor 1 receptor corrects maternal inflammation-induced microglial and synaptic dysfunction and behavioral abnormalities. Mol Psychiatry. 2021 Jun; 26(6):1808-1831. Epub 2020 Feb 18.
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  14. Clayton K, Delpech JC, Herron S, Iwahara N, Ericsson M, Saito T, Saido TC, Ikezu S, Ikezu T. Plaque associated microglia hyper-secrete extracellular vesicles and accelerate tau propagation in a humanized APP mouse model. Mol Neurodegener. 2021 Mar 22; 16 (1):18
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  15. Muraoka S, Jedrychowski MP, Iwahara N, Abdullah M, Onos KD, Keezer KJ, Hu J, Ikezu S, Howell GR, Gygi SP, Ikezu T. Enrichment of Neurodegenerative Microglia Signature in Brain-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Isolated from Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Models. J Proteome Res. 2021 Mar 05; 20(3):1733-1743. Epub 2021 Feb 03.
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  16. Ruan Z, Pathak D, Venkatesan Kalavai S, Yoshii-Kitahara A, Muraoka S, Bhatt N, Takamatsu-Yukawa K, Hu J, Wang Y, Hersh S, Ericsson M, Gorantla S, Gendelman HE, Kayed R, Ikezu S, Luebke JI, Ikezu T. Alzheimer's disease brain-derived extracellular vesicles spread tau pathology in interneurons. Brain. 2021 Feb 12; 144(1):288-309.
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  17. Muraoka S, Jedrychowski MP, Yanamandra K, Ikezu S, Gygi SP, Ikezu T. Proteomic Profiling of Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Cerebrospinal Fluid of Alzheimer's Disease Patients: A Pilot Study. Cells. 2020 Aug 25; 9(9).
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  18. Ruan Z, Delpech JC, Venkatesan Kalavai S, Van Enoo AA, Hu J, Ikezu S, Ikezu T. P2RX7 inhibitor suppresses exosome secretion and disease phenotype in P301S tau transgenic mice. Mol Neurodegener. 2020 Aug 18; 15(1):47.
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  19. Muraoka S, DeLeo AM, Sethi MK, Yukawa-Takamatsu K, Yang Z, Ko J, Hogan JD, Ruan Z, You Y, Wang Y, Medalla M, Ikezu S, Chen M, Xia W, Gorantla S, Gendelman HE, Issadore D, Zaia J, Ikezu T. Proteomic and biological profiling of extracellular vesicles from Alzheimer's disease human brain tissues. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 Jun; 16(6):896-907. Epub 2020 Apr 17.
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  20. Ikezu S, Ingraham Dixie KL, Koro L, Watanabe T, Kaibuchi K, Ikezu T. Tau-tubulin kinase 1 and amyloid-ß peptide induce phosphorylation of collapsin response mediator protein-2 and enhance neurite degeneration in Alzheimer disease mouse models. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2020 Feb 04; 8(1):12.
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  21. Muraoka S, Jedrychowski MP, Tatebe H, DeLeo AM, Ikezu S, Tokuda T, Gygi SP, Stern RA, Ikezu T. Proteomic Profiling of Extracellular Vesicles Isolated From Cerebrospinal Fluid of Former National Football League Players at Risk for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Front Neurosci. 2019; 13:1059. Epub 2019 Oct 09.
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  22. Varnum MM, Clayton KA, Yoshii-Kitahara A, Yonemoto G, Koro L, Ikezu S, Ikezu T. A split-luciferase complementation, real-time reporting assay enables monitoring of the disease-associated transmembrane protein TREM2 in live cells. J Biol Chem. 2017 Jun 23; 292(25):10651-10663. Epub 2017 May 10.
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  23. Varnum MM, Kiyota T, Ingraham KL, Ikezu S, Ikezu T. The anti-inflammatory glycoprotein, CD200, restores neurogenesis and enhances amyloid phagocytosis in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2015 Nov; 36(11):2995-3007. Epub 2015 Aug 01.
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  24. Asai H, Ikezu S, Tsunoda S, Medalla M, Luebke J, Haydar T, Wolozin B, Butovsky O, Kügler S, Ikezu T. Depletion of microglia and inhibition of exosome synthesis halt tau propagation. Nat Neurosci. 2015 Nov; 18(11):1584-93. Epub 2015 Oct 05.
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  25. Woodbury ME, Freilich RW, Cheng CJ, Asai H, Ikezu S, Boucher JD, Slack F, Ikezu T. miR-155 Is Essential for Inflammation-Induced Hippocampal Neurogenic Dysfunction. J Neurosci. 2015 Jul 01; 35(26):9764-81.
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  26. Asai H, Ikezu S, Woodbury ME, Yonemoto GM, Cui L, Ikezu T. Accelerated neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation in transgenic mice expressing P301L tau mutant and tau-tubulin kinase 1. Am J Pathol. 2014 Mar; 184(3):808-18. Epub 2014 Jan 10.
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  27. Ikezu S, Ikezu T. Tau-tubulin kinase. Front Mol Neurosci. 2014; 7:33. Epub 2014 Apr 28.
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