
  1. Drees C, Afra P, Verner R, Kaye L, Keith A, Jiang M, Szaflarski JP, Nichol K, Microburst Study Group. Feasibility study of microburst VNS therapy in drug-resistant focal and generalized epilepsy. Brain Stimul. 2024 Mar-Apr; 17 (2):382-391 Epub 2024 Mar 16
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  2. Ghaith AK, El-Hajj VG, Sanchez-Garavito JE, Zamanian C, Ghanem M, Bon-Nieves A, Chen B, Drees CN, Miller D, Parker JJ, Almeida JP, Elmi-Terander A, Tatum W, Middlebrooks EH, Bydon M, Van-Gompel JJ, Lundstrom BN, Grewal SS. Trends in the Utilization of Surgical Modalities for the Treatment of Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: A Comprehensive 10-Year Analysis Using the National Inpatient Sample. Neurosurgery. 2024 Jan 8 Epub 2024 Jan 08
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  3. Drees C, Hixon AM, Sillau S, Lopez-Esquibel N, Spitz M, Mohler R, Baca C, Fetrow K, Brown MG, Vaughan C. Physician distress when treatments fail. Survey on physician distress when treating persons with drug-resistant epilepsy and knowledge of neuropalliative care. Epilepsy Behav. 2023 Mar; 140:108925 Epub 2023 Feb 10
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  4. Verner R, Szaflarski JP, Allendorfer JB, Vonck K, Giannicola G, Microburst Study Group. Modulation of the thalamus by microburst vagus nerve stimulation: a feasibility study protocol. Front Neurol. 2023; 14:1169161 Epub 2023 June 13
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  5. Brown MG, Sillau S, McDermott D, Ernst LD, Spencer DC, Englot DJ, Gonzalez HFJ, Datta P, Karakis I, Becker D, Rolston JD, Arain A, Rao VR, Doherty M, Urban A, Drees C. Concurrent brain-responsive and vagus nerve stimulation for treatment of drug-resistant focal epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav. 2022 Apr; 129:108653 Epub 2022 Mar 16
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  6. Hixon AM, Christensen E, Hamilton R, Drees C. Epilepsy in Parry-Romberg syndrome and linear scleroderma en coup de sabre: Case series and systematic review including 140 patients. Epilepsy Behav. 2021 Aug; 121 (Pt A):108068 Epub 2021 May 28
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  7. Kluger BM, Drees C, Wodushek TR, Frey L, Strom L, Brown MG, Bainbridge JL, Fischer SN, Shrestha A, Spitz M. Would people living with epilepsy benefit from palliative care? Epilepsy Behav. 2021 Jan; 114 (Pt A):107618 Epub 2020 Nov 24
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  8. Atwood AC, Drees C. Five New Things: Seizure Detection Devices. Neurology: Clinical Practice MS ID#: NEURCLINPRACT/2020/064691 (Accepted). 2020.
  9. Drees C, McDermott D, Sillau S, Abosch A, Ojemann S, Schwarz S, Brown MG. Seizure outcome with responsive neurostimulation (RNS) comparing strip versus depth leads. Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Nov; 112:107402 Epub 2020 Sept 07
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  10. Bercu MM, Friedman D, Silverberg A, Drees C, Geller EB, Dugan PC, Devinsky O, Doyle WH. Responsive neurostimulation for refractory epilepsy in the pediatric population: A single-center experience. Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Nov; 112:107389 Epub 2020 Sept 02
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  11. Hixon AM, Brown MG, McDermott D, Destefano S, Abosch A, Kahn L, Ojemann S, Drees C. RNS modifications to eliminate stimulation-triggered signs or symptoms (STS): Case series and practical guide. Epilepsy Behav. 2020 Nov; 112:107327 Epub 2020 July 24
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  12. Razavi B, Rao VR, Lin C, Bujarski KA, Patra SE, Burdette DE, Geller EB, Brown MM, Johnson EA, Drees C, Chang EF, Greenwood JE, Heck CN, Jobst BC, Gwinn RP, Warner NM, Halpern CH. Real-world experience with direct brain-responsive neurostimulation for focal onset seizures. Epilepsia. 2020 Aug; 61 (8):1749-1757 Epub 2020 July 13
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  13. Hirsch LJ, Mirro EA, Salanova V, Witt TC, Drees CN, Brown MG, Lee RW, Sadler TL, Felton EA, Rutecki P, Shin HW, Hadar E, Hegde M, Rao VR, Mnatsakanyan L, Madhavan DS, Zakaria TJ, Liu AA, Heck CN, Greenwood JE, Bigelow JK, Nair DR, Alexopoulos AV, Mackow M, Edwards JC, Sotudeh N, Kuzniecky RI, Gwinn RP, Doherty MJ, Geller EB, Morrell MJ. Mesial temporal resection following long-term ambulatory intracranial EEG monitoring with a direct brain-responsive neurostimulation system. Epilepsia. 2020 Mar; 61 (3):408-420 Epub 2020 Feb 18
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  14. George DD, Ojemann SG, Drees C, Thompson JA. Stimulation Mapping Using Stereoelectroencephalography: Current and Future Directions. Front Neurol. 2020; 11:320 Epub 2020 May 12
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  15. Domen CH, Shrestha A, Chapman K, Drees C. The impact of cannabis use on intracarotid amobarbital testing. Epilepsy Behav Rep. 2019; 12:100328 Epub 2019 June 24
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  16. Brown MG, Drees C, Nagae LM, Thompson JA, Ojemann S, Abosch A. Curative and palliative MRI-guided laser ablation for drug-resistant epilepsy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2018 Apr; 89 (4):425-433 Epub 2017 Oct 30
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  17. Schusse CM, Smith K, Drees C. Outcomes after hemispherectomy in adult patients with intractable epilepsy: institutional experience and systematic review of the literature. J Neurosurg. 2018 Mar; 128 (3):853-861 Epub 2017 Apr 28
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  18. Drees C, Sillau S, Brown MG, Abosch A. Preoperative evaluation for epilepsy surgery: Process improvement. Neurol Clin Pract. 2017 Jun; 7 (3):205-213
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  19. Nagae LM, Honce JM, Nyberg E, Ojemann S, Abosch A, Drees CN. Imaging of Laser Therapy in Epilepsy. J Neuroimaging. 2017 May; 27 (3):292-299 Epub 2017 Mar 29
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  20. Yin D, Thompson JA, Drees C, Ojemann SG, Nagae L, Pelak VS, Abosch A. Optic Radiation Tractography and Visual Field Deficits in Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Amygdalohippocampectomy in Patients with Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 2017; 95 (2):107-113 Epub 2017 Mar 22
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  21. Nagae LM, Lall N, Dahmoush H, Nyberg E, Mirsky D, Drees C, Honce JM. Diagnostic, treatment, and surgical imaging in epilepsy. Clin Imaging. 2016 Jul-Aug; 40 (4):624-36 Epub 2016 Feb 16
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  22. Drees C, Makic MB, Case K, Mancuso MP, Hill A, Walczak P, Limon S, Biesecker K, Frey L. Skin Irritation during Video-EEG Monitoring. Neurodiagn J. 2016; 56 (3):139-150
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  23. Drees C, Chapman K, Prenger E, Baxter L, Maganti R, Rekate H, Shetter A, Bobrowitz M, Kerrigan JF. Seizure outcome and complications following hypothalamic hamartoma treatment in adults: endoscopic, open, and Gamma Knife procedures. J Neurosurg. 2012 Aug; 117 (2):255-61 Epub 2012 June 08
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  24. Ohla V, Smith K, Drees C. Clinical status epilepticus due to anaplastic cortical ependymoma. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2012 Jul; 114 (6):710-2 Epub 2011 Dec 30
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  25. Troester M, Haine-Schlagel R, Ng YT, Chapman K, Chung S, Drees C, Prenger E, Rekate H, Kerrigan JF. EEG and video-EEG seizure monitoring has limited utility in patients with hypothalamic hamartoma and epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2011 Jun; 52 (6):1137-43 Epub 2011 May 13
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  26. Gerber PA, Chapman KE, Chung SS, Drees C, Maganti RK, Ng YT, Treiman DM, Little AS, Kerrigan JF. Interobserver agreement in the interpretation of EEG patterns in critically ill adults. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2008 Oct; 25 (5):241-9
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  27. Maganti R, Gerber P, Drees C, Chung S. Nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Epilepsy Behav. 2008 May; 12 (4):572-86 Epub 2008 Jan 11
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  28. Coons SW, Rekate HL, Prenger EC, Wang N, Drees C, Ng YT, Chung SS, Kerrigan JF. The histopathology of hypothalamic hamartomas: study of 57 cases. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2007 Feb; 66 (2):131-41
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  29. Kellinghaus C, Loddenkemper T, Wyllie E, Najm I, Gupta A, Rosenow F, Baumgartner C, Boesebeck F, Diehl B, Drees C, Ebner A, Hamer H, Knake S, Meencke JH, Merschhemke M, Möddel G, Noachtar S, Rona S, Schuele SU, Steinhoff BJ, Tuxhorn I, Werhahn K, Lüders HO, ILAE Task Force. Suggestion for a new, patient-oriented epilepsy classification. Nervenarzt (German). 2006; 77(8):961-9.
  30. Drees C, Chapman K, Luders HO. Seizures after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy Res. 2003 Oct; 56 (2-3):101-4
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  31. Drees C, Wilbourn AJ, Stevens GH. Main trunk tibial neuropathies. Neurology. 2002 Oct 8; 59 (7):1082-4
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  32. Drees C, Alkotob L, Hall PM, Krieger D. Reversible pontine edema in hypertension. Neurology. 2001 Mar 13; 56 (5):659
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  33. Drees C, Lewis T, Mossad S. Baker's cyst infection: case report and review. Clin Infect Dis. 1999 Aug; 29 (2):276-8
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  34. Drees C, Grond M, Szelies B, Dietlein M, Salzberger B, Diehl V, Heiss WD. Polyneuropathy in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: initial manifestation of a lymphoma. Medizinische Klinik. 1997; 92(2):112-6.
  35. Drees C, Postler C, Schwonzen M, Diehl V, Gause A. Paraproteins and lymphoma in HIV-positive patients. Medizinische Klinik. 1996; 91(4):193-8.
  36. Rosenow F, Drees C, Lanfermann H, Stumme K, Szelies B, Heiss WD. Osteopetrosis as a cause of cranial nerve paresis and sleep apnea. Neurology. 1996; 46(Suppl 2):A121.