
  1. Oesterle TS, Hall-Flavin DK, Bormann NL, Loukianova LL, Fipps DC, Breitinger SA, Gilliam WP, Wu T, Correa da Costa S, Arndt S, Karpyak VM. Therapeutic Content of Mobile Phone Applications for Substance Use Disorders: An Umbrella Review Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health. 2024; 2(2):192-206.
  2. Morrison EJ, Tsai-Owens MS, Luedtke CA, Eickhoff AL, Evans MM, Oetjen LA, Johannsen AL, Schiebel CJ, Boyum KK, Reynolds AL, Dresher ER, Ellingson AM, Harrison TE, Rohe DE, Gilliam WP, Loukianova LL, Harbeck-Weber C. Young Adult Pain Rehabilitation: Interdisciplinary Development and Preliminary Outcomes of a Novel Treatment Program. Pain Med. 2023 Jun 1; 24 (6):593-601
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  3. McCarter SJ, Labott JR, Mazumder MK, Gebhard J, Cunningham JL, Loukianova LL, Gilliam WP, Lipford MC. Emergence of restless legs syndrome during opioid discontinuation. J Clin Sleep Med. 2023 Apr 1; 19 (4):741-748
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  4. Craner JR, Schumann ME, Barr A, Morrison EJ, Lake ES, Sutor B, Flegge LG, Gilliam WP. Mediators of change in depressed mood following pain rehabilitation among participants with mild, moderate, or severe depressive symptoms. J Affect Disord. 2022 Jun 15; 307:286-293 Epub 2022 Mar 26
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  5. Cunningham JL, Bremseth KA, Crane SJ, Gazelka HM, Gilliam WP, Haag JD, Melin GJ, Lai B. Multidisciplinary Controlled Substance Advisory Group Provides Support to the Primary Care Provider. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 May; 97 (5):830-834 Epub 2022 Apr 09
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  6. Kaur RJ, Deshpande S, Pinsker JE, Gilliam WP, McCrady-Spitzer S, Zaniletti I, Desjardins D, Church MM, Doyle Iii FJ, Kremers WK, Dassau E, Kudva YC. Outpatient Randomized Crossover Automated Insulin Delivery Versus Conventional Therapy with Induced Stress Challenges. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2022 May; 24(5):338-349. Epub 2022 Apr 25.
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  7. Sara JDS, Toya T, Ahmad A, Clark MM, Gilliam WP, Lerman LO, Lerman A. Mental Stress and Its Effects on Vascular Health. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 May; 97 (5):951-990
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  8. Schumann ME, Coombes BJ, Gascho KE, Geske JR, McDermott MC, Morrison EJ, Reynolds AL, Bernau JL, Gilliam WP. Pain Catastrophizing and Pain Self-Efficacy Mediate Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program Outcomes at Posttreatment and Follow-Up. Pain Med. 2022 Apr 8; 23 (4):697-706
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  9. Schumann M, Craner J, Kacel E, Morrison E, Gascho K, Gebhard J, Gilliam W. The Helplessness Dimension of Pain Catastrophizing Mediates the Relation between PTSD Symptoms and Pain Rehabilitation Measures. Pain Res Manag. 2022; 2022:2112698 Epub 2022 Nov 30
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  10. Gilliam WP, Schumann ME, Cunningham JL, Evans MM, Luedtke CA, Morrison EJ, Sperry JA, Vowles KE. Pain catastrophizing as a treatment process variable in cognitive behavioural therapy for adults with chronic pain. Eur J Pain. 2021 Feb; 25 (2):339-347 Epub 2020 Nov 27
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  11. Gilliam WP, Schumann ME, Craner JR, Cunningham JL, Morrison EJ, Seibel S, Sawchuk C, Sperry JA. Examining the effectiveness of pain rehabilitation on chronic pain and post-traumatic symptoms. J Behav Med. 2020 Dec; 43 (6):956-967 Epub 2020 May 25
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  12. Li T, Cunningham JL, Gilliam WP, Loukianova L, Donegan DM, Bancos I. Prevalence of Opioid-Induced Adrenal Insufficiency in Patients Taking Chronic Opioids. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Oct 1; 105 (10)
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  13. Vowles KE, Witkiewitz K, Cusack KJ, Gilliam WP, Cardon KE, Bowen S, Edwards KA, McEntee ML, Bailey RW. Integrated Behavioral Treatment for Veterans With Co-Morbid Chronic Pain and Hazardous Opioid Use: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. J Pain. 2020 Jul - Aug; 21 (7-8):798-807 Epub 2019 Nov 21
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  14. Schumann ME, Lapid MI, Cunningham JL, Schluenz L, Gilliam WP. Treatment Effectiveness and Medication Use Reduction for Older Adults in Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Jun; 4 (3):276-286 Epub 2020 May 08
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  15. Gilliam WP, Craner JR, Schumann ME, Gascho K. The Mediating Effect of Pain Catastrophizing on PTSD Symptoms and Pain Outcome. Clin J Pain. 2019 Jul; 35 (7):583-588
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  16. Gilliam WP, Craner JR, Cunningham JL, Evans MM, Luedtke CA, Morrison EJ, Sperry JA, Loukianova LL. Longitudinal Treatment Outcomes for an Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program: Comparisons of Subjective and Objective Outcomes on the Basis of Opioid Use Status. J Pain. 2018 Jun; 19 (6):678-689 Epub 2018 Mar 02
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  17. Craner JR, Sperry JA, Koball AM, Morrison EJ, Gilliam WP. Unique Contributions of Acceptance and Catastrophizing on Chronic Pain Adaptation. Int J Behav Med. 2017 Aug; 24 (4):542-551
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  18. Gilliam WP, Craner JR, Morrison EJ, Sperry JA. The Mediating Effects of the Different Dimensions of Pain Catastrophizing on Outcomes in an Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program. Clin J Pain. 2017 May; 33 (5):443-451
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  19. Craner JR, Gilliam WP, Sperry JA. Rumination, Magnification, and Helplessness: How do Different Aspects of Pain Catastrophizing Relate to Pain Severity and Functioning? Clin J Pain. 2016 Dec; 32 (12):1028-1035
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  20. Craner JR, Skipper RR, Gilliam WP, Morrison EJ, Sperry JA. Patients' perceptions of a chronic pain rehabilitation program: changing the conversation. Curr Med Res Opin. 2016 May; 32 (5):879-83 Epub 2016 Feb 26
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  21. Moore BA, Anderson D, Dorflinger L, Zlateva I, Lee A, Tian T, Khatri K, Ruser CB, Kerns RD. Stepped care model of pain management and quality of pain care in long-term opioid therapy. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2016; 53: (1)137-46.
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  22. Dorflinger L, Gilliam WP, Lee A, Kerns RD. Development and application of an electronic health record information extraction tool to assess quality of pain management in primary care Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2014; 4:184-89.
  23. Higgins DM, Kerns RD, Brandt CA, Haskell SG, Bathulapalli H, Gilliam WP, Goulet JL. Persistent pain and comorbidity among Operation Enduring Freedom/ Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn veterans Pain Medicine. 2014; 15:782-90.
  24. Pellico LH, Gilliam WP, Kerns RD. Hearing new voices: Nurses and medical assistants experience caring for chronic noncancer patients in primary care clinics The Open Nursing Journal. 2014; 8:25-33.
  25. Gilliam WP, Burns JW, Gagnon C, Stanos S, Matsuura J, Beckman N. Strategic self- presentation may enhance effects of interdisciplinary chronic pain treatment Health Psychology. 2013; 32:156-63.
  26. Burns JW, Quartana PJ, Gilliam WP, Matsuura JT, Nappi CM, Wolff BL. Suppression of anger and subsequent pain intensity and behavior among CLBP patients: The role of symptom-specific physiological reactivity Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2012; 35:103-14.
  27. Burns JW, Quartana PJ, Elfant E, Matsuura J, Gilliam WP, Nappi CM, Wolff BL, Gray EP. Shifts in attention biases in response to acute pain induction: Examination of a model of "conversion" among repressors. Emotion. 2010; 10:755-56.
  28. Gilliam WP, Burns JW, Quartana PJ, Matsuura JT, Nappi CM, Wolff BL. The interactive effects of catastrophizing and suppression on responses to acute pain: A test of an appraisal x emotional regulation model Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2010; 33:191-99.
  29. Bruehl S, Burns JW, Chung OY, Magid E, Chont M, Gilliam WP, Matsuura J, Somar K, Goodlad JK, Stone K, Cairl H. Hypoalgesia associated with elevated resting blood pressure: Evidence for endogenous opioid involvement. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 2010; 33:168-76.
  30. Burns JW, Bruehl S, Chung OY, Magid E, Chont M, Goodlad JK, Gilliam WP, Matsuura J, Somar K. Endogenous opioids may buffer effects of anger arousal on sensitivity to subsequent pain Pain. 2009; 146:276-82.
  31. Burns JW Quartana PJ, Gilliam WP, Gray EP, Matsuura JT, Nappi CM, Wolff BL, Lofland K. Effects of anger suppression on pain severity and pain behaviors among chronic pain patients: Evaluation of an ironic process model Health Psychology. 2008; 27:645-52.