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  2. Mehta SQ, Behl S, Day PL, Delgado AM, Larson NB, Stromback LR, Huebner AR, DeGrado TR, Davis JM, Jannetto PJ, Howie F, Pandey MK. Evaluation of Zn, Cu, and Se Levels in the North American Autism Spectrum Disorder Population. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021; 14:665686. Epub 2021 Apr 29.
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  3. Kirsch AC, Huebner ARS, Mehta SQ, Howie FR, Weaver AL, Myers SM, Voigt RG, Katusic SK. Association of Comorbid Mood and Anxiety Disorders With Autism Spectrum Disorder. JAMA Pediatr. 2020 Jan 1; 174 (1):63-70
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