
  1. Griffin JM, Kaufman BG, Bangerter L, Holland DE, Vanderboom CE, Ingram C, Wild EM, Dose AM, Stiles C, Thompson VH. Improving Transitions in Care for Patients and Family Caregivers Living in Rural and Underserved Areas: The Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable (CARE) Act. J Aging Soc Policy. 2024 Jul 3; 36 (4):581-588 Epub 2022 Feb 13
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  2. Bangerter LR, Griffin JM, Kim K, Finnie DM, Lapid MI, Gaugler JE, Biggar VS, Frangiosa T. A Delphi Approach to Define Lucid Episodes in People Living With Dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2024 May 17 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. Kaufman BG, Huang RW, Holland DE, Vanderboom CE, Ingram C, Wild EM, Dose AM, Stiles C, Gustavson AM, Mandrekar J, Van Houtven CH, Griffin JM. Healthcare use and out-of-pocket costs for rural family caregivers and care recipients in a randomized controlled trial. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2024 May 2 Epub 2024 May 02
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  4. Lohr AM, Pratt R, Dirie H, Ahmed Y, Elmi H, Nur O, Osman A, Novotny P, Mohamed AA, Griffin JM, Sia IG, Wieland ML. The Association Between Perceived Discrimination, Age and Proportion of Lifetime in the United States Among Somali Immigrants: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. J Immigr Minor Health. 2024 Apr 5 Epub 2024 Apr 05
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  5. Lohr AM, Capetillo GP, Molina L, Goodson M, Smith K, Griffin JM, Wieland ML, Sia IG. Development of a Digital Storytelling Intervention to Increase Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancer Screening in the Hispanic/Latino Community: a Qualitative Evaluation. J Cancer Educ. 2024 Apr; 39 (2):160-167 Epub 2023 Dec 04
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  6. Griffin JM, Kim K, Finnie DM, Lapid MI, Gaugler JE, Batthyany A, Bangerter LR, Biggar VS, Frangiosa T. Developing and describing a typology of lucid episodes among people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Apr; 20 (4):2434-2443 Epub 2024 Feb 02
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  7. Ridgeway JL, Cheville AL, Fischer KJ, Tesch NK, Austin JD, Minteer SA, Pachman DR, Chlan LL, Ruddy KJ, Griffin JM. Tracking activities and adaptations in a multi-site stepped wedge pragmatic trial of a cancer symptom management intervention. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2024 Apr; 38:101269 Epub 2024 Feb 09
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  8. Finney Rutten LJ, Ridgeway JL, Griffin JM. Advancing Translation of Clinical Research Into Practice and Population Health Impact Through Implementation Science. Mayo Clin Proc. 2024 Apr; 99 (4):665-676
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  9. Griffin JM, Kroner BL, Wong SL, Preiss L, Wilder Smith A, Cheville AL, Mitchell SA, Lancki N, Hassett MJ, Schrag D, Osarogiagbon RU, Ridgeway JL, Cella D, Jensen RE, Flores AM, Austin JD, Yanez B, IMPACT Consortium. Disparities in electronic health record portal access and use among patients with cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2024 Mar 7; 116 (3):476-484
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  10. Finney Rutten LJ, Griffin JM, St Sauver JL, MacLaughlin K, Austin JD, Jenkins G, Herrin J, Jacobson RM. Multilevel Implementation Strategies for Adolescent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Uptake: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatr 2024 Jan 1; 178 (1):29-36
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  11. Kaufman BG, Holland DE, Vanderboom CE, Ingram C, Wild EM, Dose AM, Stiles C, Gustavson AM, Chun A, Langan EM, Baer-Benson HA, Mandrekar J, Griffin JM. Implementation Costs of Technology-Enhanced Transitional Palliative Care for Rural Caregivers. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2024 Jan; 41 (1):38-44 Epub 2023 Feb 16
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  12. Bartley MM, St Sauver JL, Baer-Benson H, Schroeder DR, Khera N, Fortune E, Griffin JM. Exploring social determinants of health and physical activity levels in older adults living with mild cognitive impairment and dementia in the Upper Midwest of the United States. Prev Med. 2023 Dec; 177:107773 Epub 2023 Nov 14
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  13. Minteer SA, Cheville A, Tesch N, Griffin JM, Austin JD, Mitchell S, Leppin AL, Ridgeway JL. Implementing cancer symptom management interventions utilizing patient-reported outcomes: a pre-implementation evaluation of barriers and facilitators. Support Care Cancer. 2023 Nov 14; 31 (12):697
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  14. Lee MK, Durani U, Zhang N, Hilal T, Warsame RM, Borah B, Khera N, Griffin JM. Relationships Among Health Insurance Literacy, Financial Toxicity, and Sociodemographic Factors in Patients With Cancer. JCO Oncol Pract. 2023 Oct; 19 (10):888-898 Epub 2023 Aug 24
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  15. Boehmer KR, Kennedy CC, Hargraves IG, Griffin JM, Garcia-Bautista AE, Sanchez BB, Chokkalingam A, Finnie DM, Miller AR, Moran SL, Smither FC, Amer H, Jowsey-Gregoire S. A Single-Center Retrospective Evaluation of Decision-Making and Factors Motivating Hand Transplant Candidates. Prog Transplant. 2023 Sep; 33 (3):216-222 Epub 2023 Aug 02
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  16. Zhu X, Jacobson RM, MacLaughlin KL, Sauver JS, Griffin JM, Finney Rutten LJ. Parent-reported Barriers and Parental Beliefs Associated with Intentions to Obtain HPV Vaccination for Children in a Primary care Patient Population in Minnesota, USA. J Community Health. 2023 Aug; 48 (4):678-686 Epub 2023 Mar 15
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  17. Faubion SS, Enders F, Hedges MS, Chaudhry R, Kling JM, Shufelt CL, Saadedine M, Mara K, Griffin JM, Kapoor E. Impact of Menopause Symptoms on Women in the Workplace. Mayo Clin Proc. 2023 Jun; 98 (6):833-845 Epub 2023 Apr 26
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  18. May HP, Griffin JM, Herges JR, Kashani KB, Kattah AG, Mara KC, McCoy RG, Rule AD, Tinaglia AG, Barreto EF. Comprehensive Acute Kidney Injury Survivor Care: Protocol for the Randomized Acute Kidney Injury in Care Transitions Pilot Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2023 May 22; 12:e48109
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  19. Kroenke K, Lam V, Ruddy KJ, Pachman DR, Herrin J, Rahman PA, Griffin JM, Cheville AL. Prevalence, Severity, and Co-Occurrence of SPPADE Symptoms in 31,866 Patients With Cancer. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2023 May; 65 (5):367-377 Epub 2023 Feb 02
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  20. May HP, Krauter AK, Finnie DM, McCoy RG, Kashani KB, Griffin JM, Barreto EF, ACT Study Group. Acute Kidney Injury Survivor Care Following Hospital Discharge: A Mixed-Methods Study of Nephrologists and Primary Care Providers. Kidney Med. 2023 Apr; 5(4):100586. Epub 2022 Dec 15.
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  21. Griffin JM, Vanderboom CE, Gustavson AM, Kaufman BG, Ingram C, Wild E, Dose AM, Mandrekar J, Holland DE. A Methodological Approach for Documenting Multi-Component Interventions Targeting Family Caregivers. J Appl Gerontol. 2023 Mar; 42 (3):487-492 Epub 2022 Nov 05
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  22. Gilmore-Bykovskyi A, Griffin JM, Mueller KD, Parnia S, Kolanowski A. Toward harmonization of strategies for investigating lucidity in AD/ADRD: A preliminary research framework. Alzheimers Dement. 2023 Jan; 19 (1):343-352 Epub 2022 June 27
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  23. Bartley MM, Baer-Benson H, Schroeder DR, St Sauver JL, Khera N, Griffin JM. Social Determinants of Health among Older Adults with Dementia in Urban and Rural Areas. J Prev Alzheimers Dis. 2023; 10(4):895-902.
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  24. Voleti SS, Warsame R, Mead-Harvey C, Ailawadhi S, Jain A, Fonseca R, Griffin JM, Khera N. Assessing Patient-Reported Financial Hardship in Patients With Cancer in Routine Clinical Care. JCO Oncol Pract. 2022 Nov; 18 (11):e1839-e1853 Epub 2022 Sept 27
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  25. Griffin JM, Finney Rutten LJ, Zhu X, Feng Z, Rogers CR, Marsh TL, Inadomi JM. The COMPASS study: A prospective, randomized, multi-center trial testing the impact of a clinic-based intervention informing patients of colorectal cancer screening options on screening completion. Contemp Clin Trials. 2022 Aug; 119:106852 Epub 2022 July 13
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  26. Griffin JM, Riffin C, Bangerter LR, Schaepe K, Havyer RD. Provider perspectives on integrating family caregivers into patient care encounters. Health Serv Res. 2022 Aug; 57 (4):892-904 Epub 2022 Jan 26
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  27. Sidana S, Dueck AC, Thanarajasingam G, Griffin JM, Thompson C, Griffin JM, Thompson C, Durani U, Burtis M, Warsame R, Paludo J, Gertz MA, Dispenzieri A, Ansell SM, Rajkumar SV, Yost K, Bennani N, Lin Y, Kumar S. Longitudinal Patient Reported Outcomes with CAR-T Cell Therapy Versus Autologous and Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant. Transplant Cell Ther. 2022 Aug; 28 (8):473-482 Epub 2022 May 09
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  28. Khera N, Zhang N, Hilal T, Durani U, Lee M, Padman R, Voleti S, Warsame RM, Borah BJ, Yabroff KR, Griffin JM. Association of Health Insurance Literacy With Financial Hardship in Patients With Cancer. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Jul 1; 5 (7):e2223141 Epub 2022 July 01
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  29. May HP, Krauter AK, Finnie DM, McCoy RG, Kashani KB, Griffin JM, Barreto EF, ACT Study Group. Optimising transitions of care for acute kidney injury survivors: protocol for a mixed-methods study of nephrologist and primary care provider recommendations. BMJ Open. 2022 Jun 22; 12 (6):e058613 Epub 2022 June 22
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  30. Zhu X, Weiser E, Jacobson DJ, Griffin JM, Limburg PJ, Finney Rutten LJ. Factors Associated With Clinician Recommendations for Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Average-Risk Patients: Data From a National Survey. Prev Chronic Dis. 2022 Apr 14; 19:E19
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  31. Zhu X, Weiser E, Jacobson DJ, Griffin JM, Limburg PJ, Finney Rutten LJ. Patient preferences on general health and colorectal cancer screening decision-making: Results from a national survey. Patient Educ Couns. 2022 Apr; 105 (4):1034-1040 Epub 2021 July 24
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  32. Wintheiser GA, Ruddy KJ, Herrin J, Rahman PA, Pachman DR, Leppin AL, Rutten LJF, Lee MK, Griffin JM, Tofthagen C, Chlan LL, Ridgeway JL, Mitchell SA, Cheville AL. Receptivity to a Nurse-Led Symptom Management Intervention Among Highly Symptomatic Patients With Cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2022 Mar 08; 114(3):458-466.
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  33. Zhu X, Weiser E, Jacobson DJ, Griffin JM, Limburg PJ, Finney Rutten LJ. Provider-perceived barriers to patient adherence to colorectal cancer screening. Prev Med Rep. 2022 Feb; 25:101681 Epub 2021 Dec 27
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  34. Kurani S, MacLaughlin KL, Jacobson RM, St Sauver JL, Jenkins GD, Fan C, Jacobson DJ, Inselman J, Zhu X, Griffin JM, Finney Rutten LJ. Socioeconomic disadvantage and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination uptake. Vaccine. 2022 Jan 24; 40 (3):471-476 Epub 2021 Dec 13
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  35. Griffin JM, Kim K, Gaugler JE, Biggar VS, Frangiosa T, Bangerter LR, Batthyany A, Finnie DM, Lapid MI. Caregiver appraisals of lucid episodes in people with late-stage Alzheimer's disease or related dementias. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2022; 14 (1):e12313 Epub 2022 June 23
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  36. Bangerter LR, Looze M, Barry B, Harder K, Griffin J, Dezutter M, Khera N, Ailawadhi S, Schaepe K, Fischer K. A hybrid method of healthcare delivery research and human-centered design to develop technology-enabled support for caregivers of hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Support Care Cancer. 2022 Jan; 30 (1):227-235 Epub 2021 July 13
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  37. Finney Rutten LJ, Parks PD, Weiser E, Fan C, Jacobson DJ, Jenkins GD, Zhu X, Griffin JM, Limburg PJ. Health Care Provider Characteristics Associated With Colorectal Cancer Screening Preferences and Use. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Jan; 97 (1):101-109 Epub 2021 Dec 14
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  38. Riffin C, Griffin JM, Brody L, Wolff JL, Pillemer KA, Adelman RD, Bangerter LR, Starks SM, Falzarano F, Villanigro-Santiago M, Veney L, Czaja SJ. Engaging and Supporting Care Partners of Persons With Dementia in Health-Care Delivery: Results From a National Consensus Conference. Public Policy Aging Rep. 2022; 32 (2):58-65 Epub 2022 Apr 25
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  39. Finnie D, Griffin JM, Kennedy CC, Schaepe K, Boehmer K, Hargraves I, Amer H, Jowsey-Gregoire S. Education for patients with limb loss or absence: Aging, overuse concerns, and patient treatment knowledge gaps. Front Psychol. 2022; 13:953113 Epub 2022 Sept 27
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  40. Griffin JM, Kennedy CC, Boehmer KR, Hargraves IG, Amer H, Jowsey-Gregoire SG. Using team science in vascularized composite allotransplantation to improve team and patient outcomes. Front Psychol. 2022; 13:935507. Epub 2022 Sep 06.
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  41. Zhu X, Lee MK, Weiser E, Griffin JM, Limburg PJ, Finney Rutten LJ. Initial validation of a self-report questionnaire based on the Theoretical Domains Framework: determinants of clinician adoption of a novel colorectal cancer screening strategy. Implement Sci Commun. 2021 Oct 19; 2 (1):119
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  42. Ridgeway JL, Boardman LA, Griffin JM, Beebe TJ. Tracing the potential of networks to improve community cancer care: an in-depth single case study. Implement Sci Commun. 2021 Aug 25; 2 (1):92
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  43. Morris MA, Wong AA, Dorsey Holliman B, Liesinger J, Griffin JM. Perspectives of Patients with Diverse Disabilities Regarding Healthcare Accommodations to Promote Healthcare Equity: a Qualitative Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 Aug; 36 (8):2370-2377 Epub 2021 Feb 09
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  44. Zhu X, Parks PD, Weiser E, Griffin JM, Limburg PJ, Finney Rutten LJ. An examination of socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in the awareness, knowledge and utilization of three colorectal cancer screening modalities. SSM Popul Health. 2021 Jun; 14:100780 Epub 2021 Mar 24
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  45. Zhu X, Parks PD, Weiser E, Fischer K, Griffin JM, Limburg PJ, Finney Rutten LJ. National Survey of Patient Factors Associated with Colorectal Cancer Screening Preferences. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2021 May; 14 (5):603-614 Epub 2021 Apr 22
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  46. Finney Rutten LJ, Zhu X, Leppin AL, Ridgeway JL, Swift MD, Griffin JM, St Sauver JL, Virk A, Jacobson RM. Evidence-Based Strategies for Clinical Organizations to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Mar; 96 (3):699-707 Epub 2020 Dec 30
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  47. Schmidt MM, Griffin JM, McCabe P, Stuart-Mullen L, Branda M, OByrne TJ, Bowers M, Trotter K, McLeod C. Shared medical appointments: Translating research into practice for patients treated with ablation therapy for atrial fibrillation. PLoS One. 2021; 16 (2):e0246861 Epub 2021 Feb 12
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  48. Juskewitch JE, Griffin JM, Maleszewski JJ, Asiedu GB, Paolini MA, Regnier AK, Yrjo ML, Kendall ML, Comfere NI, Cheville AL, Carey EC, Amirahmadi F, Rabatin JT, Moynihan TJ, Reichard RR, Aubry MC. Resurrecting the Hospital Autopsy: Impact of an Office of Decedent Affairs on Consent Rates, Providers, and Next-of-Kin. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2021 Jan 1; 145 (1):55-65
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  49. Finney Rutten LJ, Zhu X, Leppin A, Ridgeway JL, Swift M, Griffin JM, St Sauver JL, Virk A, Jacobson RM. Evidence-Based Strategies for Clinical Organizations to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2020.
  50. Holland DE, Vanderboom CE, Dose AM, Moore D, Robinson KV, Wild E, Stiles C, Ingram C, Mandrekar J, Borah B, Taylor E, Griffin JM. Death and Grieving for Family Caregivers of Loved Ones With Life-Limiting Illnesses in the Era of COVID-19: Considerations for Case Managers. Prof Case Manag. 2020 Nov 10 [Epub ahead of print]
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  51. Griffin JM, Riffin C, Havyer RD, Biggar VS, Comer M, Frangiosa TL, Bangerter LR. Integrating Family Caregivers of People With Alzheimer's Disease and Dementias into Clinical Appointments: Identifying Potential Best Practices. J Appl Gerontol. 2020 Nov; 39 (11):1184-1194 Epub 2019 Oct 11
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  52. Holland DE, Vanderboom CE, Mandrekar J, Borah BJ, Dose AM, Ingram CJ, Griffin JM. A technology-enhanced model of care for transitional palliative care versus attention control for adult family caregivers in rural or medically underserved areas: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2020 Oct 28; 21 (1):895
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  53. Fabbri M, Finney Rutten LJ, Manemann SM, Boyd C, Wolff J, Chamberlain AM, Weston SA, Yost KJ, Griffin JM, Killian JM, Roger VL. Patient-centered communication and outcomes in heart failure. Am J Manag Care. 2020 Oct; 26 (10):425-430
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  54. Jacobson RM, St Sauver JL, Griffin JM, MacLaughlin KL, Finney Rutten LJ. How health care providers should address vaccine hesitancy in the clinical setting: Evidence for presumptive language in making a strong recommendation. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2020 Sep 1; 16 (9):2131-2135 Epub 2020 Apr 03
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  55. Khera N, Kumbamu A, Langer SL, Jatoi A, Kamath CC, Mathew E, Zafar YS, Griffin JM. Developing an Educational Intervention to Address Financial Hardship in Cancer Patients. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Aug; 4 (4):424-433 Epub 2020 July 15
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  56. Khera N, Sugalski J, Krause D, Butterfield R, Zhang N, Stewart FM, Carlson RW, Griffin JM, Zafar SY, Lee SJ. Current Practices for Screening and Management of Financial Distress at NCCN Member Institutions. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2020 Jul; 18 (7):825-831
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  57. Finney Rutten LJ, Ruddy KJ, Chlan LL, Griffin JM, Herrin J, Leppin AL, Pachman DR, Ridgeway JL, Rahman PA, Storlie CB, Wilson PM, Cheville AL. Pragmatic cluster randomized trial to evaluate effectiveness and implementation of enhanced EHR-facilitated cancer symptom control (E2C2). Trials. 2020 Jun 5; 21 (1):480 Epub 2020 June 05
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  58. Juskewitch JE, Griffin JM, Maleszewski JJ, Asiedu GB, Paolini MA 2nd, Regnier AK, Yrjo ML, Kendall ML, Comfere NI, Cheville AL, Carey EC, Amirahmadi F, Rabatin JT, Moynihan TJ, Reichard RR, Aubry MC. Resurrecting the Hospital Autopsy: Impact of an Office of Decedent Affairs on Consent Rates, Providers, and Next-of-Kin. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020 Apr 16 [Epub ahead of print]
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  59. Griffin JM, Hellmich TR, Pasupathy KS, Funni SA, Pagel SM, Srinivasan SS, Heaton HA, Sir MY, Nestler DM, Blocker RC, Hawthorne HJ, Koenig KR, Herbst KM, Hallbeck MS. Attitudes and Behavior of Health Care Workers Before, During, and After Implementation of Real-Time Location System Technology. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Feb; 4 (1):90-98 Epub 2020 Jan 08
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  60. Rutten LJF, Parks P, Weiser E, Zhu X, Griffin JM, Limburg PJ. Healthcare Provider Perspectives on Lowering Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiation Age to 45 Years: Results From a Survey of Clinicians in the U.S. Cancer Control. 2020 Jan-Dec; 27 (1):1073274820977112
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  61. Havyer RD, van Ryn M, Wilson PM, Bangerter LR, Griffin JM. Concordance of Patient and Caregiver Reports on the Quality of Colorectal Cancer Care. J Oncol Pract. 2019 Nov; 15 (11):e979-e988 Epub 2019 Aug 20
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  62. Kim W, Bangerter LR, Jo S, Langer S, Larkey L, Griffin J, Khera N. Feasibility and Acceptability of a 3-Day Group-Based Digital Storytelling Workshop among Caregivers of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Patients: A Mixed-Methods Approach. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2019 Nov; 25 (11):2228-2233 Epub 2019 June 29
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  63. Bangerter LR, Griffin JM, Dunlay SM. Positive Experiences and Self-Gain Among Family Caregivers of Persons With Heart Failure. Gerontologist. 2019 Sep 17; 59 (5):e433-e440
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  64. Bangerter LR, Griffin JM, Zarit SH, Havyer R. Measuring the Needs of Family Caregivers of People With Dementia: An Assessment of Current Methodological Strategies and Key Recommendations. J Appl Gerontol. 2019 Sep; 38 (9):1304-1318 Epub 2017 Apr 24
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  65. Havyer RD, van Ryn M, Wilson PM, Griffin JM. Correction to: The effect of routine training on the self-efficacy of informal caregivers of colorectal cancer patients. Support Care Cancer. 2019 Mar; 27 (3):1149
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  66. Bangerter LR, Griffin J, Harden K, Rutten LJ. Health Information-Seeking Behaviors of Family Caregivers: Analysis of the Health Information National Trends Survey. JMIR Aging. 2019 Jan 14; 2 (1):e11237
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  67. Hanson KT, Carlson KF, Friedemann-Sanchez G, Meis LA, Van Houtven CH, Jensen AC, Phelan SM, Griffin JM. Family caregiver satisfaction with inpatient rehabilitation care. PLoS One. 2019; 14 (3):e0213767 Epub 2019 Mar 15
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  68. Takahashi PY, Finnie DM, Quigg SM, Borkenhagen LS, Kumbamu A, Kimeu AK, Griffin JM. Understanding experiences of patients and family caregivers in the Mayo Clinic Care Transitions program: a qualitative study. Clin Interv Aging. 2019; 14:17-25 Epub 2018 Dec 19
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  69. Phelan SM, Bangerter LR, Friedemann-Sanchez G, Lackore KA, Morris MA, Van Houtven CH, Carlson KF, van Ryn M, Harden KJ, Griffin JM. The Impact of Stigma on Community Reintegration of Veterans With Traumatic Brain Injury and the Well-Being of Their Caregivers. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2018 Nov; 99 (11):2222-2229 Epub 2018 May 03
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  70. Rullo JE, Foxen JL, Griffin JM, Geske JR, Gonzalez CA, Faubion SS, van Ryn M. Patient Acceptance of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions on Intake Forms in Outpatient Clinics: A Pragmatic Randomized Multisite Trial. Health Serv Res. 2018 Oct; 53 (5):3790-3808 Epub 2018 Mar 09
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  71. Griffin JM, Stuart-Mullen LG, Schmidt MM, McCabe PJ, O'Byrne TJ, Branda ME, McLeod CJ. Preparation for and Implementation of Shared Medical Appointments to Improve Self-Management, Knowledge, and Care Quality Among Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2018 Sep; 2 (3):218-225 Epub 2018 July 27
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  72. Asiedu GB, Carroll K, Griffin JM, Hurt RT, Mundi M. Home enteral nutrition: Use of photo-elicitation to capture patient and caregiver experiences. Health Sci Rep. 2018 Aug; 1 (8):e56 Epub 2018 June 26
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  73. Bangerter LR, Griffin JM, Dunlay SM. Qualitative study of challenges of caring for a person with heart failure. Geriatr Nurs. 2018 Jul - Aug; 39 (4):443-449 Epub 2018 Feb 14
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  74. Bangerter LR, Griffin JM, Langer S, Hasan B, Kim WS, Murad MH, Khera N. The Effect of Psychosocial Interventions on Outcomes for Caregivers of Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients. Curr Hematol Malig Rep. 2018 Jun; 13 (3):155-163
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  75. Bangerter LR, Griffin JM, Eagan A, Mishra M, Lunde A, Roger V, Mulley A, Lotherington J. Recommendations from the Salzburg Global Seminar on Rethinking Care Toward the End of Life. Int J Qual Health Care. 2018 Jun 1; 30 (5):408-413
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  76. Manemann SM, Chamberlain AM, Roger VL, Griffin JM, Boyd CM, Cudjoe TKM, Jensen D, Weston SA, Fabbri M, Jiang R, Finney Rutten LJ. Perceived Social Isolation and Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018 May 23; 7 (11)
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  77. Wolff JL, Kim VS, Mintz S, Stametz R, Griffin JM. An environmental scan of shared access to patient portals. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018 Apr 1; 25 (4):408-412
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  78. Morris MA, Inselman J, Rogers JMG, Halverson C, Branda M, Griffin JM. How do patients describe their disabilities? A coding system for categorizing patients' descriptions. Disabil Health J. 2018 Apr; 11 (2):310-314 Epub 2017 Oct 23
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  79. McCabe PJ, Stuart-Mullen LG, McLeod CJ, O Byrne T, Schmidt MM, Branda ME, Griffin JM. Patient activation for self-management is associated with health status in patients with atrial fibrillation. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2018; 12:1907-1916 Epub 2018 Sept 25
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  80. Maragh-Bass AC, Griffin JM, Phelan S, Finney Rutten LJ, Morris MA. Healthcare provider perceptions of accessible exam tables in primary care: Implementation and benefits to patients with and without disabilities. Disabil Health J. 2018 Jan; 11 (1):155-160 Epub 2017 Apr 12
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  81. Morris MA, Lagu T, Maragh-Bass A, Liesinger J, Griffin JM. Development of Patient-Centered Disability Status Questions to Address Equity in Care. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2017 Dec; 43 (12):642-650
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  82. Morris MA, Maragh-Bass AC, Griffin JM, Finney Rutten LJ, Lagu T, Phelan S. Use of Accessible Examination Tables in the Primary Care Setting: A Survey of Physical Evaluations and Patient Attitudes. J Gen Intern Med. 2017 Dec; 32 (12):1342-1348 Epub 2017 Sept 18
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  83. Dunlay SM, Griffin JM, Redfield MM, Roger VL. Patient Activation in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure. J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2017 Nov/Dec; 32 (6):560-567
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  84. Khera N, Holland JC, Griffin JM. Setting the stage for universal financial distress screening in routine cancer care. Cancer. 2017 Nov 1; 123 (21):4092-4096 Epub 2017 Aug 17
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  85. Dunlay SM, Roger VL, Weston SA, Bangerter LR, Killian JM, Griffin JM. Patient and Spousal Health and Outcomes in Heart Failure. Circ Heart Fail. 2017 Oct; 10 (10)
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  86. Ridgeway JL, Wang Z, Finney Rutten LJ, van Ryn M, Griffin JM, Murad MH, Asiedu GB, Egginton JS, Beebe TJ. Conceptualising paediatric health disparities: a metanarrative systematic review and unified conceptual framework. BMJ Open. 2017 Aug 4; 7 (8):e015456 Epub 2017 Aug 04
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  87. Farnia S, Ganetsky A, Silver A, Hwee T, Preussler J, Griffin J, Khera N. Challenges around Access to and Cost of Life-Saving Medications after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Medicare Patients. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Aug; 23 (8):1387-1392 Epub 2017 Apr 12
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  88. Olson JE, Rohrer Vitek CR, Bell EJ, McGree ME, Jacobson DJ, St Sauver JL, Caraballo PJ, Griffin JM, Roger VL, Bielinski SJ. Participant-perceived understanding and perspectives on pharmacogenomics: the Mayo Clinic RIGHT protocol (Right Drug, Right Dose, Right Time). Genet Med. 2017 Jul; 19 (7):819-825 Epub 2017 Jan 05
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  89. Griffin JM, Malcolm C, Wright P, Hagel Campbell E, Kabat M, Bangerter AK, Sayer NA. U.S. Veteran Health Care Utilization Increases after Caregivers' Use of National Caregiver Telephone Support Line. Health Soc Work. 2017 May 1; 42 (2):e111-e119
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  90. Havyer RD, van Ryn M, Wilson PM, Griffin JM. The effect of routine training on the self-efficacy of informal caregivers of colorectal cancer patients. Support Care Cancer. 2017 Apr; 25 (4):1071-1077 Epub 2016 Nov 26
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  91. Cheville AL, Rhudy L, Basford JR, Griffin JM, Flores AM. How Receptive Are Patients With Late Stage Cancer to Rehabilitation Services and What Are the Sources of Their Resistance? Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Feb; 98 (2):203-210 Epub 2016 Aug 31
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  92. Havyer RD, Bangerter LR, Lunde AM, van M, Griffin JM. The Burden of Dementia Caregivers: How Can Communities and Health Care Organizations Help? Minnesota Medicine. 2017.
  93. Griffin JM, Lee MK, Bangerter LR, Van Houtven CH, Friedemann-Sanchez G, Phelan SM, Carlson KF, Meis LA. Burden and mental health among caregivers of veterans with traumatic brain injury/polytrauma. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2017; 87 (2):139-148
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  94. Saban KL, Griffin JM, Urban A, Janusek MA, Pape TL, Collins E. Perceived health, caregiver burden, and quality of life in women partners providing care to Veterans with traumatic brain injury. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2016; 53 (6):681-692
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  95. Saban KL, Mathews HL, Collins EG, Hogan NS, Tell D, Bryant FB, Louise-Bender Pape T, Griffin JM, Witek Janusek L. The Man I Once Knew: Grief and Inflammation in Female Partners of Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury. Biological Research in Nursing.2016;18:(1):50-59.
  96. Morris MA, Meier SK, Griffin JM, Branda ME, Phelan SM. Prevalence and etiologies of adult communication disabilities in the United States: Results from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Disabil Health J. 2016 Jan; 9: (1)140-4.
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  97. Rhudy L, Dose AM, Basford J, Griffin JM, Cheville AL. Caregivers' attitudes toward promoting exercise among patients with late-stage lung cancer. J Community Support Oncol. 2015 Nov; 13: (11)392-8.
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  98. Jackson GL, Zullig LL, Phelan SM, Provenzale D, Griffin JM, Clauser SB, Haggstrom DA, Jindal RM, van Ryn M. Patient characteristics associated with the level of patient-reported care coordination among male patients with colorectal cancer in the Veterans Affairs health care system. Cancer. 2015 Jul 1; 121 (13):2207-13 Epub 2015 Mar 17
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  99. Phelan SM, Burgess DJ, Yeazel MW, Hellerstedt WL, Griffin JM, van Ryn M. Impact of weight bias and stigma on quality of care and outcomes for patients with obesity. Obes Rev. 2015 Apr; 16 (4):319-26 Epub 2015 Mar 05
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  100. Stevens LF, Pickett TC, Wilder Schaaf KP, Taylor BC, Gravely A, Van Houtven CH, Friedemann-Sanchez G, Griffin JM. The Relationship between Training and Mental Health among Caregivers of Individuals with Polytrauma. Behav Neurol. 2015; 2015:185941 Epub 2015 Dec 07
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  101. Griffin JM, Meis LA, Greer N, MacDonald R, Jensen A, Rutks I, Carlyle M, Wilt TJ. Effectiveness of Caregiver Interventions on Patient Outcomes in Adults With Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease: A Systematic Review. Gerontol Geriatr Med. 2015 Jan-Dec; 1:2333721415595789 Epub 2015 July 21
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  102. Kim Y, Van Ryn M, Jensen R, Griffin JM, Potosky A, Rowland J. Effects of gender and depressive symptoms on quality of life among colorectal and lung cancer patients and their family caregivers. Psycho-Oncology.2015;24:95-105.
  103. Griffin JM, Meis LA, MacDonald R, Greer N, Jensen A, Rutks I, Wilt TJ. Effectiveness of family and caregiver interventions on patient outcomes in adults with cancer: a systematic review. J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Sep; 29: (9)1274-82.
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  104. Sayer NA, Hagel EM, Noorbaloochi S, Spoont MR, Rosenheck RA, Griffin JM, Arbisi PA, Murdoch M. Gender differences in VA disability status for PTSD over time. Psychiatr Serv. 2014 May 1; 65(5):663-9.
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  105. Zullig LL, Jackson GL, Provenzale D, Griffin JM, Phelan S, Nieuwsma JA, van Ryn M. Utilization of hospital-based chaplain services among newly diagnosed male veterans affairs colorectal cancer patients. J Relig Health. 2014 Apr; 53(2):498-510.
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  106. van Ryn M, Phelan SM, Arora NK, Haggstrom DA, Jackson GL, Zafar SY, Griffin JM, Zullig LL, Provenzale D, Yeazel MW, Jindal RM, Clauser SB. Patient-reported quality of supportive care among patients with colorectal cancer in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Mar 10; 32 (8):809-15 Epub 2014 Feb 03
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  107. Van Houtven CH, Friedemann-Sanchez G, Clothier B, Levison D, Taylor BC, Jensen AC, Phelan SM, Griffin JM. Is policy well-targeted to remedy financial strain among caregivers of severely injured U.S. service members? Inquiry. 2012-2013 Winter; 49(4):339-51.
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  108. Meis LA, Griffin JM, Greer N, Jensen AC, Macdonald R, Carlyle M, Rutks I, Wilt TJ. Couple and family involvement in adult mental health treatment: a systematic review. Clin Psychol Rev. 2013 Mar; 33: (2)275-86.
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  109. Phelan SM, Griffin JM, Jackson GL, Zafar SY, Hellerstedt W, Stahre M, Nelson D, Zullig LL, Burgess DJ, van Ryn M. Stigma, perceived blame, self-blame, and depressive symptoms in men with colorectal cancer. Psychooncology. 2013 Jan; 22(1):65-73. Epub 2011 Sep 26.
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  110. Martin MY, Sanders S, Griffin JM, Oster RA, Ritchie C, Phelan SM, Atienza AA, Kahn K, van Ryn M. Racial variation in the cancer caregiving experience: a multisite study of colorectal and lung cancer caregivers. Cancer Nurs. 2012 Jul-Aug; 35(4):249-56.
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  111. Zullig LL, Jackson GL, Provenzale D, Griffin JM, Phelan S, van Ryn M. Transportation: a vehicle or roadblock to cancer care for VA patients with colorectal cancer? Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2012 Mar; 11(1):60-5. Epub 2011 Jul 29.
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  112. Carlson KF, Meis LA, Jensen AC, Simon AB, Gravely AA, Taylor BC, Bangerter A, Schaaf KW, Griffin JM. Caregiver reports of subsequent injuries among veterans with traumatic brain injury after discharge from inpatient polytrauma rehabilitation programs. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2012 Jan-Feb; 27: (1)14-25.
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  113. Griffin JM, Friedemann-Sanchez G, Jensen AC, Taylor BC, Gravely A, Clothier B, Simon AB, Bangerter A, Pickett T, Thors C, Ceperich S, Poole J, van Ryn M. The invisible side of war: families caring for US service members with traumatic brain injuries and polytrauma. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2012 Jan-Feb; 27(1):3-13.
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  114. Friedemann-Sánchez G, Griffin JM. Defining the boundaries between unpaid labor and caregiving: Lessons from the social and health sciences. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities.2011;12:(4):511-534.
  115. Murdoch M, Sayer NA, Spoont MR, Rosenheck R, Noorbaloochi S, Griffin JM, Arbisi PA, Hagel EM. Long-term outcomes of disability benefits in US veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2011 Oct; 68: (10)1072-80.
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  116. Phelan SM, Griffin JM, Hellerstedt WL, Sayer NA, Jensen AC, Burgess DJ, van Ryn M. Perceived stigma, strain, and mental health among caregivers of veterans with traumatic brain injury. Disabil Health J. 2011 Jul; 4(3):177-84. Epub 2011 Apr 21.
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  117. Griffin JM, Simon AB, Hulbert E, Stevenson J, Grill JP, Noorbaloochi S, Partin MR. A comparison of small monetary incentives to convert survey non-respondents: a randomized control trial. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2011 May 26; 11:81.
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  118. Burgess DJ, van Ryn M, Grill J, Noorbaloochi S, Griffin JM, Ricards J, Vernon SW, Fisher DA, Partin MR. Presence and correlates of racial disparities in adherence to colorectal cancer screening guidelines. J Gen Intern Med. 2011 Mar; 26(3):251-8. Epub 2010 Nov 18.
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  119. Griffin JM, Hulbert EM, Vernon SW, Nelson D, Hagel EM, Nugent S, Baines Simon A, Bangerter A, van Ryn M. Improving endoscopy completion: effectiveness of an interactive voice response system. Am J Manag Care. 2011 Mar; 17(3):199-208.
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  120. Murdoch M, Pryor JB, Griffin JM, Ripley DC, Gackstetter GD, Polusny MA, Hodges JS. Unreliability and error in the military's "gold standard" measure of sexual harassment by education and gender. J Trauma Dissociation. 2011; 12: (3)216-31.
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  121. van Ryn M, Burgess D, Dovidio J, Phelan S, Saha S, Malat J, Griffin J, Fu S, Perry S. The impact of racism on provider cognitions, behavior and clinical decision-making. Dubois Review. 2011; 8:199-218.
  122. van Ryn M, Sanders S, Kahn K, van Houtven C, Griffin JM, Martin M, Atienza AA, Phelan S, Finstad D, Rowland J. Objective burden, resources, and other stressors among informal cancer caregivers: a hidden quality issue? Psychooncology. 2011 Jan; 20(1):44-52.
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  123. Partin MR, Noorbaloochi S, Grill J, Burgess DJ, van Ryn M, Fisher DA, Griffin JM, Powell AA, Halek K, Bangerter A, Vernon SW. The interrelationships between and contributions of background, cognitive, and environmental factors to colorectal cancer screening adherence. Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Sep; 21(9):1357-68. Epub 2010 Apr 24.
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  124. Griffin JM, Partin MR, Noorbaloochi S, Grill JP, Saha S, Snyder A, Nugent S, Baines Simon A, Gralnek I, Provenzale D, van Ryn M. Variation in estimates of limited health literacy by assessment instruments and non-response bias. J Gen Intern Med. 2010 Jul; 25(7):675-81. Epub 2010 Mar 12.
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  125. Phelan M, Griffin M, Jensen, Sayer A, Burgess J, Hellerstedt, van Ryn M. Does the severity of the neurobehavioral effects of traumatic brain injury affect caregiver perceptions of discrimination? Disability and Health Journal. 2010; 3(2):e5.
  126. Powell AA, Burgess DJ, Vernon SW, Griffin JM, Grill JP, Noorbaloochi S, Partin MR. Colorectal cancer screening mode preferences among US veterans. Prev Med. 2009 Nov; 49: (5)442-8.
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  127. Burgess DJ, Grill J, Noorbaloochi S, Griffin JM, Ricards J, van Ryn M, Partin MR. The effect of perceived racial discrimination on bodily pain among older African American men. Pain Med. 2009 Nov; 10(8):1341-52.
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  128. Griffin JM, Burgess D, Vernon SW, Friedemann-Sanchez G, Powell A, van Ryn M, Halek K, Noorbaloochi S, Grill J, Bloomfield H, Partin M. Are gender differences in colorectal cancer screening rates due to differences in self-reporting? Prev Med. 2009 Nov; 49(5):436-41. Epub 2009 Sep 16.
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  129. Burgess DJ, Powell AA, Griffin JM, Partin MR. Race and the validity of self-reported cancer screening behaviors: development of a conceptual model. Prev Med. 2009 Feb; 48: (2)99-107.
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  130. Griffin JM, Friedemann-Sanchez G, Hall C, Phelan S, van Ryn M. Families of patients with polytrauma: Understanding the evidence and charting a new research agenda. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2009; 46(6):879-92.
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  131. Partin MR, Burgess DJ, Halek K, Grill J, Vernon SW, Fisher DA, Griffin JM, Murdoch M. Randomized trial showed requesting medical records with a survey produced a more representative sample than requesting separately. J Clin Epidemiol. 2008 Oct; 61: (10)1028-35.
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  132. Friedemann-Sanchez G, Griffin JM, Rettmann NA, Rittman M, Partin MR. Communicating information to families of polytrauma patients: a narrative literature review. Rehabil Nurs. 2008 Sep-Oct; 33: (5)206-13.
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  133. Chew LD, Griffin JM, Partin MR, Noorbaloochi S, Grill JP, Snyder A, Bradley KA, Nugent SM, Baines AD, Vanryn M. Validation of screening questions for limited health literacy in a large VA outpatient population. J Gen Intern Med. 2008 May; 23(5):561-6. Epub 2008 Mar 12.
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  134. Partin MR, Grill J, Noorbaloochi S, Powell AA, Burgess DJ, Vernon SW, Halek K, Griffin JM, van Ryn M, Fisher DA. Validation of self-reported colorectal cancer screening behavior from a mixed-mode survey of veterans. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2008 Apr; 17(4):768-76. Epub 2008 Apr 01.
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  135. Griffin JM, Greiner BA, Stansfeld SA, Marmot M. The effect of self-reported and observed job conditions on depression and anxiety symptoms: a comparison of theoretical models. J Occup Health Psychol. 2007 Oct; 12: (4)334-49.
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  136. Friedemann-Sanchez G, Griffin JM, Partin MR. Gender differences in colorectal cancer screening barriers and information needs. Health Expect. 2007 Jun; 10: (2)148-60.
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  137. Griffin JM, Struve JK, Collins D, Liu A, Nelson DB, Bloomfield HE. Long term clinical trials: how much information do participants retain from the informed consent process? Contemp Clin Trials. 2006 Oct; 27: (5)441-8.
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  138. van Ryn M, Burgess D, Malat J, Griffin J. Physicians' perceptions of patients' social and behavioral characteristics and race disparities in treatment recommendations for men with coronary artery disease. Am J Public Health. 2006 Feb; 96: (2)351-7.
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  139. Gee GC, Curbow BC, Ensminger M, Griffin J, LaFlamme DJ, McDonnell K, LeGrande D, Agnew J. Are You Positive? Workplace Drug Testing and Racial Minorities Journal of Drug Issues. 2005; 35(4):755-788.
  140. Faulkner KA, Cauley JA, Zmuda JM, Griffin JM, Nevitt MC. Is social integration associated with the risk of falling in older community-dwelling women? J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2003 Oct; 58: (10)M954-9.
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  141. Curbow BA, McDonnell K, Spratt K, Griffin J, Agnew J. Development of the work-family interface scale. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.2003;18:(3):310-30.
  142. Griffin JM, Fuhrer R, Stansfeld SA, Marmot M. The importance of low control at work and home on depression and anxiety: do these effects vary by gender and social class? Soc Sci Med. 2002 Mar; 54: (5)783-98.
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  143. Orr ST, Blackmore-Prince C, James SA, Griffin JM, Raghunathan T. Race, clinical factors and pre-term birth in a low-income urban setting. Ethn Dis. 2000 Autumn; 10(3):411-7.
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  144. Nordin J, Rolnick S, Ehlinger E, Nelson A, Arneson T, Cherney-Stafford L, Griffin J. Lead levels in high-risk and low-risk young children in the Minneapolis-St Paul metropolitan area. Pediatrics. 1998 Jan; 101: (1 Pt 1)72-6.
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  145. Nordin JD, Rolnick SJ, Griffin JM. Prevalence of excess lead absorption and associated risk factors in children enrolled in a midwestern health maintenance organization. Pediatrics. 1994 Feb; 93: (2)172-7.
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  146. Ward S, Griffin J. Developing a test of knowledge of surgical options for breast cancer. Cancer Nurs. 1990 Jun; 13(3):191-6.
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