
  1. Dominelli PB, Senefeld JW, Wiggins CC, Baker SE, Clayburn AJ, Joyner MJ. Quadriceps fatigue during hypoxic and ischemic knee-extension exercise is similar in males and females. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2024 Jan 1; 136 (1):177-188 Epub 2023 Dec 07
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  2. Senefeld JW, Gorman EK, Johnson PW, Moir ME, Klassen SA, Carter RE, Paneth NS, Sullivan DJ, Morkeberg OH, Wright RS, Fairweather D, Bruno KA, Shoham S, Bloch EM, Focosi D, Henderson JP, Juskewitch JE, Pirofski LA, Grossman BJ, Tobian AAR, Franchini M, Ganesh R, Hurt RT, Kay NE, Parikh SA, Baker SE, Buchholtz ZA, Buras MR, Clayburn AJ, Dennis JJ, Diaz Soto JC, Herasevich V, Klompas AM, Kunze KL, Larson KF, Mills JR, Regimbal RJ, Ripoll JG, Sexton MA, Shepherd JRA, Stubbs JR, Theel ES, van Buskirk CM, van Helmond N, Vogt MNP, Whelan ER, Wiggins CC, Winters JL, Casadevall A, Joyner MJ. Rates Among Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 Treated With Convalescent Plasma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2023 Oct; 7 (5):499-513 Epub 2023 Oct 10
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  3. Bock JM, Greenlund IM, Somers VK, Baker SE. Sex Differences in Neurovascular Control: Implications for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Aug 23; 24(17).
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  4. Joyner MJ, Wiggins CC, Baker SE, Klassen SA, Senefeld JW. Exercise and Experiments of Nature. Compr Physiol. 2023 Jun 26; 13 (3):4879-4907 Epub 2023 June 26
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  5. Pruter WW, Klassen SA, Dominelli PB, Wiggins CC, Senefeld JW, Roy TK, Joyner MJ, Baker SE. Attenuated cardiac autonomic function in humans with high-affinity hemoglobin and compensatory polycythemia. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2023 May 1; 324 (5):R625-R634 Epub 2023 Mar 06
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  6. Limberg JK, Baker SE, Ott EP, Jacob DW, Scruggs ZM, Harper JL, Manrique-Acevedo CM. Endothelin-1 receptor blockade does not alter the sympathetic and hemodynamic response to acute intermittent hypoxia in men. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2022 Oct 1; 133 (4):867-875 Epub 2022 Aug 11
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  7. Limberg JK, Baker SE, Petersen-Jones HG, Guo W, Huang A, Jensen MD, Singh P. Endothelin-1 as a novel target for the prevention of metabolic dysfunction with intermittent hypoxia in male participants. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2022 Sep 1; 323 (3):R351-R362 Epub 2022 July 11
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  8. Webb KL, Elshaer AN, Dominelli PB, Senefeld JW, Hammer SM, Baker SE, Shepherd JRA, Roy TK, Joyner MJ, Wiggins CC. Muscle oxygenation during normoxic and hypoxic cycling exercise in humans with high-affinity haemoglobin. Exp Physiol. 2022 Aug; 107 (8):854-863 Epub 2022 June 03
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  9. Edmunds JS, Ivie CL, Ott EP, Jacob DW, Baker SE, Harper JL, Manrique-Acevedo CM, Limberg JK. Sex differences in the effect of acute intermittent hypoxia on respiratory modulation of sympathetic activity. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2021 Dec 1; 321 (6):R903-R911 Epub 2021 Oct 20
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  10. Senefeld JW, Johnson PW, Kunze KL, Bloch EM, van Helmond N, Golafshar MA, Klassen SA, Klompas AM, Sexton MA, Diaz Soto JC, Grossman BJ, Tobian AAR, Goel R, Wiggins CC, Bruno KA, van Buskirk CM, Stubbs JR, Winters JL, Casadevall A, Paneth NS, Shaz BH, Petersen MM, Sachais BS, Buras MR, Wieczorek MA, Russoniello B, Dumont LJ, Baker SE, Vassallo RR, Shepherd JRA, Young PP, Verdun NC, Marks P, Haley NR, Rea RF, Katz L, Herasevich V, Waxman DA, Whelan ER, Bergman A, Clayburn AJ, Grabowski MK, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Vogt MNP, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, Buchholtz ZA, Pletsch MC, Wright K, Greenshields JT, Joyner MJ, Wright RS, Carter RE, Fairweather D. Access to and safety of COVID-19 convalescent plasma in the United States Expanded Access Program: A national registry study. PLoS Med. 2021 Dec; 18 (12):e1003872 Epub 2021 Dec 20
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  11. Kunze KL, Johnson PW, van Helmond N, Senefeld JW, Petersen MM, Klassen SA, Wiggins CC, Klompas AM, Bruno KA, Mills JR, Theel ES, Buras MR, Golafshar MA, Sexton MA, Diaz Soto JC, Baker SE, Shepherd JRA, Verdun NC, Marks P, Paneth NS, Fairweather D, Wright RS, van Buskirk CM, Winters JL, Stubbs JR, Senese KA, Pletsch MC, Buchholtz ZA, Rea RF, Herasevich V, Whelan ER, Clayburn AJ, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Lesser ER, Vogt MNP, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, Casadevall A, Carter RE, Joyner MJ. Mortality in individuals treated with COVID-19 convalescent plasma varies with the geographic provenance of donors. Nat Commun. 2021 Aug 11; 12 (1):4864
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  12. Senefeld JW, Klassen SA, Ford SK, Senese KA, Wiggins CC, Bostrom BC, Thompson MA, Baker SE, Nicholson WT, Johnson PW, Carter RE, Henderson JP, Hartman WR, Pirofski LA, Wright RS, Fairweather L, Bruno KA, Paneth NS, Casadevall A, Joyner MJ. Use of convalescent plasma in COVID-19 patients with immunosuppression. Transfusion. 2021 Aug; 61 (8):2503-2511 Epub 2021 June 01
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  13. Klassen SA, Joyner MJ, Baker SE. The impact of ageing and sex on sympathetic neurocirculatory regulation. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Aug; 116:72-81 Epub 2021 Jan 16
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  14. Senefeld JW, Shepherd JRA, Baker SE, Joyner MJ. Sex-based limits to running speed in the human, horse and dog: The role of sexual dimorphisms. FASEB J. 2021 May; 35 (5):e21562
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  15. Klassen SA, Senefeld JW, Johnson PW, Carter RE, Wiggins CC, Shoham S, Grossman BJ, Henderson JP, Musser J, Salazar E, Hartman WR, Bouvier NM, Liu STH, Pirofski LA, Baker SE, van Helmond N, Wright RS, Fairweather D, Bruno KA, Wang Z, Paneth NS, Casadevall A, Joyner MJ. The Effect of Convalescent Plasma Therapy on Mortality Among Patients With COVID-19: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 May; 96 (5):1262-1275 Epub 2021 Feb 17
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  16. Joyner MJ, Carter RE, Senefeld JW, Klassen SA, Mills JR, Johnson PW, Theel ES, Wiggins CC, Bruno KA, Klompas AM, Lesser ER, Kunze KL, Sexton MA, Diaz Soto JC, Baker SE, Shepherd JRA, van Helmond N, Verdun NC, Marks P, van Buskirk CM, Winters JL, Stubbs JR, Rea RF, Hodge DO, Herasevich V, Whelan ER, Clayburn AJ, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Buras MR, Vogt MNP, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, Paneth NS, Fairweather D, Wright RS, Casadevall A. Convalescent Plasma Antibody Levels and the Risk of Death from Covid-19. N Engl J Med. 2021 Mar 18; 384 (11):1015-1027 Epub 2021 Jan 13
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  17. Joyner MJ, Baker SE, Senefeld JW, Klassen SA, Wiggins CC. Experiments of nature and within species comparative physiology. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2021 Mar; 253:110864 Epub 2020 Dec 07
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  18. Ripoll JG, van Helmond N, Senefeld JW, Wiggins CC, Klassen SA, Baker SE, Larson KF, Murphy BM, Andersen KJ, Ford SK, Casadevall A, Joyner MJ. Convalescent Plasma for Infectious Diseases: Historical Framework and Use in COVID-19. Clin Microbiol Newsl. 2021 Feb 15; 43(4):23-32. Epub 2021 Feb 05.
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  19. Ripoll JG, van Helmond N, Senefeld JW, Wiggins CC, Klassen SA, Baker SE, Larson KF, Murphy BM, Andersen KJ, Ford SK, Casadevall A, Joyner MJ. Convalescent Plasma for Infectious Diseases: Historical Framework and Use in COVID-19. Clin Microbiol Newsl. 2021 Feb 15; 43 (4):23-32 Epub 2021 Feb 05
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  20. Ma T, Wiggins CC, Kornatowski BM, Hailat RS, Clayburn AJ, Guo WL, Johnson PW, Senefeld JW, Klassen SA, Baker SE, Bruno KA, Fairweather D, Wright RS, Carter RE, Li C, Joyner MJ, Paneth NS. The Role of Disease Severity and Demographics in the Clinical Course of COVID-19 Patients Treated With Convalescent Plasma. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021; 8:707895 Epub 2022 Jan 26
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  21. Webb KL, Dominelli PB, Baker SE, Klassen SA, Joyner MJ, Senefeld JW, Wiggins CC. Influence of High Hemoglobin-Oxygen Affinity on Humans During Hypoxia. Front Physiol. 2021; 12:763933 Epub 2022 Jan 14
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  22. Klassen SA, Senefeld JW, Senese KA, Johnson PW, Wiggins CC, Baker SE, van Helmond N, Bruno KA, Pirofski LA, Shoham S, Grossman BJ, Henderson JP, Wright RS, Fairweather D, Paneth NS, Carter RE, Casadevall A, Joyner MJ. Convalescent Plasma Therapy for COVID-19: A Graphical Mosaic of the Worldwide Evidence. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021; 8:684151 Epub 2021 June 07
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  23. Jacob DW, Ott EP, Baker SE, Scruggs ZM, Ivie CL, Harper JL, Manrique-Acevedo CM, Limberg JK. Sex differences in integrated neurocardiovascular control of blood pressure following acute intermittent hypercapnic hypoxia. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2020 Dec 1; 319 (6):R626-R636 Epub 2020 Sept 23
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  24. Uchida K, Baker SE, Wiggins CC, Senefeld JW, Shepherd JRA, Trenerry MR, Buchholtz ZA, Clifton HR, Holmes DR, Joyner MJ, Curry TB. A Novel Method to Measure Transient Impairments in Cognitive Function During Acute Bouts of Hypoxia. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2020 Nov 1; 91 (11):839-844
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  25. Andersen KJ, Klassen SA, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Senefeld JW, Clayburn AJ, Shepherd JRA, Tseng AS, Wiggins CC, Murphy BM, Ford SK, Johnson CP, Miller AD, Baker SE, Wright RS, Winters JL, Stubbs JR, Joyner MJ, van Buskirk CM. Recruitment Strategy for Potential COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Donors. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Nov; 95 (11):2343-2349 Epub 2020 Sept 21
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  26. Senefeld JW, Wiggins CC, Regimbal RJ, Dominelli PB, Baker SE, Joyner MJ. Ergogenic Effect of Nitrate Supplementation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2020 Oct; 52 (10):2250-2261
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  27. Wiggins Chad, Baker Sarah, Shepherd John, Uchida Koji, Joyner Michael, Dominelli Paolo. Body position does not influence muscle oxygenation during submaximal cycling Translational Sports Medicine. 2020.
  28. Joyner MJ, Wright RS, Fairweather D, Senefeld JW, Bruno KA, Klassen SA, Carter RE, Klompas AM, Wiggins CC, Shepherd JR, Rea RF, Whelan ER, Clayburn AJ, Spiegel MR, Johnson PW, Lesser ER, Baker SE, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Hodge DO, Kunze KL, Buras MR, Vogt MN, Herasevich V, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, Van Buskirk CM, Winters JL, Stubbs JR, Paneth NS, Verdun NC, Marks P, Casadevall A. Early safety indicators of COVID-19 convalescent plasma in 5000 patients. J Clin Invest. 2020 Sep 1; 130 (9):4791-4797
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  29. Joyner MJ, Bruno KA, Klassen SA, Kunze KL, Johnson PW, Lesser ER, Wiggins CC, Senefeld JW, Klompas AM, Hodge DO, Shepherd JRA, Rea RF, Whelan ER, Clayburn AJ, Spiegel MR, Baker SE, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Buras MR, Vogt MNP, Herasevich V, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, van Buskirk CM, Winters JL, Stubbs JR, van Helmond N, Butterfield BP, Sexton MA, Diaz Soto JC, Paneth NS, Verdun NC, Marks P, Casadevall A, Fairweather D, Carter RE, Wright RS. Safety Update: COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma in 20,000 Hospitalized Patients. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Sep; 95 (9):1888-1897 Epub 2020 July 19
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  30. Guo WL, Eli IM, Ripoll JG, Baker SE, Shepherd JRA, Wiggins CC, Welch BT, Joyner MJ, Dominelli PB. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia patients have preserved CT-measured central airway luminal area. Respir Med. 2020 Aug - Sep; 170:106071. Epub 2020 Jun 25.
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  31. Baker SE, Limberg JK, Scruggs ZM, Curry TB, Nicholson WT, Barnes JN, Joyner MJ. Greater Influence of Aerobic Fitness on Autonomic Support of Blood Pressure in Young Women Than in Older Women. Hypertension. 2020 Jun; 75 (6):1497-1504 Epub 2020 Apr 27
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  33. Harvey RE, Ranadive SM, Limberg JK, Baker SE, Nicholson WT, Curry TB, Barnes JN, Joyner MJ. Forearm vasodilatation to a beta2 -adrenergic receptor agonist in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Exp Physiol. 2020 May; 105 (5):886-892 Epub 2020 Apr 16
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  34. Ott EP, Jacob DW, Baker SE, Holbein WW, Scruggs ZM, Shoemaker JK, Limberg JK. Sympathetic neural recruitment strategies following acute intermittent hypoxia in humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2020 May 1; 318 (5):R961-R971 Epub 2020 Apr 08
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  35. Ripoll JG, Guo W, Andersen KJ, Baker SE, Wiggins CC, Shepherd JRA, Carter RE, Welch BT, Joyner MJ, Dominelli PB. Sex differences in paediatric airway anatomy. Exp Physiol. 2020 Apr; 105 (4):721-731 Epub 2020 Mar 13
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  36. Dominelli PB, Wiggins CC, Baker SE, Shepherd JA, Shepherd JRA, Roberts SK, Roy TK, Curry TB, Hoyer JD, Oliveira JL, Joyner MJ. Influence of high affinity haemoglobin on the response to normoxic and hypoxic exercise. J Physiol. 2020 Apr; 598 (8):1475-1490 Epub 2020 Feb 11
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  37. Lee EJ, Van Iterson EH, Baker SE, Kasak AJ, Taylor NE, Kang C, Lundstrom CJ, Snyder EM. Foam rolling is an effective recovery tool in trained distance runners. Sport Sci Health. 2020 Mar; 16 (1):105-115 Epub 2019 Sept 06
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  38. Dominelli PB, Baker SE, Wiggins CC, Stewart GM, Sajgalik P, Shepherd JRA, Roberts SK, Roy TK, Curry TB, Hoyer JD, Oliveira JL, Foster GE, Joyner MJ. Dissociating the effects of oxygen pressure and content on the control of breathing and acute hypoxic response. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2019 Dec 1; 127 (6):1622-1631 Epub 2019 Oct 24
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  39. Klassen SA, Moir ME, Limberg JK, Baker SE, Nicholson WT, Curry TB, Joyner MJ, Shoemaker JK. Asynchronous action potential discharge in human muscle sympathetic nerve activity. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2019 Oct 1; 317 (4):H754-H764 Epub 2019 Aug 02
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  40. Ott EP, Baker SE, Holbein WW, Shoemaker JK, Limberg JK. Effect of varying chemoreflex stress on sympathetic neural recruitment strategies during apnea. J Neurophysiol. 2019 Oct 1; 122 (4):1386-1396 Epub 2019 Aug 07
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  42. Bisch AL, Wheatley CM, Baker SE, Peitzman ER, Van Iterson EH, Laguna TA, Morgan WJ, Snyder EM. Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Genotype, Not Circulating Catecholamines, Influences Cardiovascular Function in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. Clin Med Insights Circ Respir Pulm Med. 2019; 13:1179548419835788 Epub 2019 Mar 29
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  48. Van Iterson EH, Baker SE, Wheatley CM, Morgan WJ, Olson TP, Snyder EM. Exercise Stroke Volume in Adult Cystic Fibrosis: A Comparison of Acetylene Pulmonary Uptake and Oxygen Pulse. Clin Med Insights Circ Respir Pulm Med. 2018; 12:1179548418790564 Epub 2018 July 25
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