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  4. Watkins R, Gamo A, Choi SH, Kumar M, Buckarma E, McCabe C, Tomlinson J, Pereya D, Lupse B, Geravandi S, Werneburg NW, Wang C, Starlinger P, Zhu S, Li S, Yu S, Surakattula M, Baguley T, Ardestani A, Maedler K, Roland J, Nguyen-Tran V, Joseph S, Petrassi M, Rogers N, Gores G, Chatterjee A, Tremblay M, Shen W, Smoot R. A small molecule MST1/2 inhibitor accelerates murine liver regeneration with improved survival in models of steatohepatitis. PNAS Nexus. 2024 Mar; 3 (3):pgae096 Epub 2024 Mar 01
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  10. Wang C, Block MS, Cunningham JM, Sherman ME, McCauley BM, Armasu SM, Vierkant RA, Traficante N, Talhouk A, Ramus SJ, Pejovic N, Kobel M, Jorgensen BD, Garsed DW, Fereday S, Doherty JA, Ariyaratne D, Anglesio MS, Widschwendter M, Pejovic T, Bosquet JG, Bowtell DD, Winham SJ, Goode EL, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group. Methylation Signature Implicated in Immuno-Suppressive Activities in Tubo-Ovarian High-Grade Serous Carcinoma. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2023 Apr 3; 32 (4):542-549
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  13. Kang EY, Weir A, Meagher NS, Farrington K, Nelson GS, Ghatage P, Lee CH, Riggan MJ, Bolithon A, Popovic G, Leung B, Tang K, Lambie N, Millstein J, Alsop J, Anglesio MS, Ataseven B, Barlow E, Beckmann MW, Berger J, Bisinotto C, Bösmüller H, Boros J, Brand AH, Brooks-Wilson A, Brucker SY, Carney ME, Casablanca Y, Cazorla-Jiménez A, Cohen PA, Conrads TP, Cook LS, Coulson P, Courtney-Brooks M, Cramer DW, Crowe P, Cunningham JM, Cybulski C, Darcy KM, El-Bahrawy MA, Elishaev E, Erber R, Farrell R, Fereday S, Fischer A, García MJ, Gayther SA, Gentry-Maharaj A, Gilks CB, AOCS Group, Grube M, Harnett PR, Harrington SP, Harter P, Hartmann A, Hecht JL, Heikaus S, Hein A, Heitz F, Hendley J, Hernandez BY, Polo SH, Heublein S, Hirasawa A, Høgdall E, Høgdall CK, Horlings HM, Huntsman DG, Huzarski T, Jewell A, Jimenez-Linan M, Jones ME, Kaufmann SH, Kennedy CJ, Khabele D, Kommoss FKF, Kruitwagen RFPM, Lambrechts D, Le ND, Lener M, Lester J, Leung Y, Linder A, Loverix L, Lubinski J, Madan R, Maxwell GL, Modugno F, Neuhausen SL, Olawaiye A, Olbrecht S, Orsulic S, Palacios J, Pearce CL, Pike MC, Quinn CM, Mohan GR, Rodríguez-Antona C, Ruebner M, Ryan A, Salfinger SG, Sasamoto N, Schildkraut JM, Schoemaker MJ, Shah M, Sharma R, Shvetsov YB, Singh N, Sonke GS, Steele L, Stewart CJR, Sundfeldt K, Swerdlow AJ, Talhouk A, Tan A, Taylor SE, Terry KL, Toloczko A, Traficante N, Van de Vijver KK, van der Aa MA, Van Gorp T, Van Nieuwenhuysen E, van-Wagensveld L, Vergote I, Vierkant RA, Wang C, Wilkens LR, Winham SJ, Wu AH, Benitez J, Berchuck A, Candido Dos Reis FJ, DeFazio A, Fasching PA, Goode EL, Goodman MT, Gronwald J, Karlan BY, Kommoss S, Menon U, Sinn HP, Staebler A, Brenton JD, Bowtell DD, Pharoah PDP, Ramus SJ, Köbel M. CCNE1 and survival of patients with tubo-ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma: An Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis consortium study. Cancer. 2023 Mar 01; 129(5):697-713. Epub 2022 Dec 26.
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  14. Jiang J, Moore R, Jordan CE, Guo R, Maus RL, Liu H, Goode E, Markovic SN, Wang C. Multiplex Immunofluorescence Image Quality Checking Using DAPI Channel-referenced Evaluation. J Histochem Cytochem. 2023 Mar; 71 (3):121-130 Epub 2023 Mar 24
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  15. Weir A, Kang EY, Meagher NS, Nelson GS, Ghatage P, Lee CH, Riggan MJ, Gentry-Maharaj A, Ryan A, Singh N, Widschwendter M, Alsop J, Anglesio MS, Beckmann MW, Berger J, Bisinotto C, Boros J, Brand AH, Brenton JD, Brooks-Wilson A, Carney ME, Cunningham JM, Cushing-Haugen KL, Cybulski C, Elishaev E, Erber R, Fereday S, Fischer A, Paz-Ares L, Gayarre J, Gilks BC, Grube M, Harnett PR, Harris HR, Hartmann A, Hein A, Hendley J, Hernandez BY, Heublein S, Huang Y, Huzarski T, Jakubowska A, Jimenez-Linan M, Kennedy CJ, Kommoss FKF, Koziak JM, Kraemer B, Le ND, Lesnock J, Lester J, Lubinski J, Menkiszak J, Ney B, Olawaiye A, Orsulic S, Osorio A, Robles-Díaz L, Ruebner M, Shah M, Sharma R, Shvetsov YB, Steed H, Talhouk A, Taylor SE, Traficante N, Vierkant RA, Wang C, Wilkens LR, Winham SJ, Benitez J, Berchuck A, Bowtell DD, Candido Dos Reis FJ, Cook LS, DeFazio A, AOCs group, Doherty JA, Fasching PA, García MJ, Goode EL, Goodman MT, Gronwald J, Huntsman DG, Karlan BY, Kommoss S, Modugno F, Schildkraut JM, Sinn HP, Staebler A, Kelemen LE, Ford CE, Menon U, Pharoah PDP, Köbel M, Ramus SJ. Increased FOXJ1 protein expression is associated with improved overall survival in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma: an Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis Consortium Study. Br J Cancer. 2023 Jan; 128(1):137-147. Epub 2022 Nov 02.
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  16. Garsed DW, Pandey A, Fereday S, Kennedy CJ, Takahashi K, Alsop K, Hamilton PT, Hendley J, Chiew YE, Traficante N, Provan P, Ariyaratne D, Au-Yeung G, Bateman NW, Bowes L, Brand A, Christie EL, Cunningham JM, Friedlander M, Grout B, Harnett P, Hung J, McCauley B, McNally O, Piskorz AM, Saner FAM, Vierkant RA, Wang C, Winham SJ, Pharoah PDP, Brenton JD, Conrads TP, Maxwell GL, Ramus SJ, Pearce CL, Pike MC, Nelson BH, Goode EL, DeFazio A, Bowtell DDL. The genomic and immune landscape of long-term survivors of high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Nat Genet. 2022 Dec; 54 (12):1853-1864 Epub 2022 Dec 01
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