
  1. Yeo D, Zars Fisher EL, Khosla S, Farr JN, Westendorf JJ. Hdac3-deficiency increases senescence-associated distention of satellite DNA and telomere-associated foci in osteoprogenitor cells. J Bone Miner Res. 2024 Jun 6 Epub 2024 June 06
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  2. Froemming MN, Khosla S, Farr JN. Marrow Adipocyte Senescence in the Pathogenesis of Bone Loss. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2024 Jun 3 Epub 2024 June 03
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  3. Saul D, Doolittle ML, Rowsey JL, Froemming MN, Kosinsky RL, Vos SJ, Ruan M, LeBrasseur NK, Chandra A, Pignolo RJ, Passos JF, Farr JN, Monroe DG, Khosla S. Osteochondroprogenitor cells and neutrophils expressing p21 and senescence markers modulate fracture repair. J Clin Invest. 2024 May 16; 134 (12) [Epub ahead of print]
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  4. Meas SJ, Daire GM, Friedman MA, DeNapoli R, Ghosh P, Farr JN, Donahue HJ. A comparison of bone microarchitectural and transcriptomic changes in murine long bones in response to hindlimb unloading and aging. Bone. 2024 Feb; 179:116973 Epub 2023 Nov 21
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  5. Victorelli S, Salmonowicz H, Chapman J, Martini H, Vizioli MG, Riley JS, Cloix C, Hall-Younger E, Machado Espindola-Netto J, Jurk D, Lagnado AB, Sales Gomez L, Farr JN, Saul D, Reed R, Kelly G, Eppard M, Greaves LC, Dou Z, Pirius N, Szczepanowska K, Porritt RA, Huang H, Huang TY, Mann DA, Masuda CA, Khosla S, Dai H, Kaufmann SH, Zacharioudakis E, Gavathiotis E, LeBrasseur NK, Lei X, Sainz AG, Korolchuk VI, Adams PD, Shadel GS, Tait SWG, Passos JF. Author Correction: Apoptotic stress causes mtDNA release during senescence and drives the SASP. Nature. 2024 Jan; 625(7995):E15.
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  6. Doolittle ML, Eckhardt BA, Vos SJ, Grain S, Rowsey JL, Ruan M, Saul D, Farr JN, Weivoda MM, Khosla S, Monroe DG. Modest Effects of Osteoclast-Specific ERalpha Deletion after Skeletal Maturity. JBMR Plus. 2023 Oct; 7 (10):e10797 Epub 2023 July 13
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  7. Victorelli S, Salmonowicz H, Chapman J, Martini H, Vizioli MG, Riley JS, Cloix C, Hall-Younger E, Machado Espindola-Netto J, Jurk D, Lagnado AB, Sales Gomez L, Farr JN, Saul D, Reed R, Kelly G, Eppard M, Greaves LC, Dou Z, Pirius N, Szczepanowska K, Porritt RA, Huang H, Huang TY, Mann DA, Masuda CA, Khosla S, Dai H, Kaufmann SH, Zacharioudakis E, Gavathiotis E, LeBrasseur NK, Lei X, Sainz AG, Korolchuk VI, Adams PD, Shadel GS, Tait SWG, Passos JF. Apoptotic stress causes mtDNA release during senescence and drives the SASP. Nature. 2023 Oct; 622(7983):627-636. Epub 2023 Oct 11.
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  8. Doolittle ML, Saul D, Kaur J, Rowsey JL, Vos SJ, Pavelko KD, Farr JN, Monroe DG, Khosla S. Multiparametric senescent cell phenotyping reveals targets of senolytic therapy in the aged murine skeleton. Nat Commun. 2023 Jul 31; 14 (1):4587 Epub 2023 July 31
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  9. Kaur J, Saul D, Doolittle ML, Farr JN, Khosla S, Monroe DG. MicroRNA-19a-3p Decreases with Age in Mice and Humans and Inhibits Osteoblast Senescence. JBMR Plus. 2023 Jun; 7 (6):e10745 Epub 2023 Apr 18
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  10. Farr JN. Skeletal Senescence with Aging and Type 2 Diabetes. Endocrinol Metab (Seoul). 2023 Jun; 38 (3):295-301 Epub 2023 June 14
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  11. Samakkarnthai P, Saul D, Zhang L, Aversa Z, Doolittle ML, Sfeir JG, Kaur J, Atkinson EJ, Edwards JR, Russell GG, Pignolo RJ, Kirkland JL, Tchkonia T, Niedernhofer LJ, Monroe DG, Lebrasseur NK, Farr JN, Robbins PD, Khosla S. In vitro and in vivo effects of zoledronic acid on senescence and senescence-associated secretory phenotype markers. Aging (Albany NY). 2023 May 7; 15 (9):3331-3355 Epub 2023 May 07
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  12. Farr JN, Saul D, Doolittle ML, Kaur J, Rowsey JL, Vos SJ, Froemming MN, Lagnado AB, Zhu Y, Weivoda M, Ikeno Y, Pignolo RJ, Niedernhofer LJ, Robbins PD, Jurk D, Passos JF, LeBrasseur NK, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, Monroe DG, Khosla S. Local senolysis in aged mice only partially replicates the benefits of systemic senolysis. J Clin Invest. 2023 Apr 17; 133 (8)
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  13. Rufus-Membere P, Holloway-Kew KL, Diez-Perez A, Appelman-Dijkstra NM, Bouxsein ML, Eriksen EF, Farr JN, Khosla S, Kotowicz MA, Nogues X, Rubin M, Pasco JA. Reference Intervals for Bone Impact Microindentation in Healthy Adults: A Multi-Centre International Study. Calcif Tissue Int. 2023 Mar; 112 (3):338-349 Epub 2023 Feb 02
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  14. Doolittle ML, Saul D, Kaur J, Rowsey JL, Eckhardt B, Vos S, Grain S, Kroupova K, Ruan M, Weivoda M, Oursler MJ, Farr JN, Monroe DG, Khosla S. Skeletal Effects of Inducible ERalpha Deletion in Osteocytes in Adult Mice. J Bone Miner Res. 2022 Sep; 37 (9):1750-1760 Epub 2022 July 22
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  15. Saul D, Kosinsky RL, Atkinson EJ, Doolittle ML, Zhang X, LeBrasseur NK, Pignolo RJ, Robbins PD, Niedernhofer LJ, Ikeno Y, Jurk D, Passos JF, Hickson LJ, Xue A, Monroe DG, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, Farr JN, Khosla S. A new gene set identifies senescent cells and predicts senescence-associated pathways across tissues. Nat Commun. 2022 Aug 16; 13 (1):4827
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  16. Kaur J, Saul D, Doolittle ML, Rowsey JL, Vos SJ, Farr JN, Khosla S, Monroe DG. Identification of a suitable endogenous control miRNA in bone aging and senescence. Gene. 2022 Aug 15; 835:146642 Epub 2022 June 11
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  17. Kaur J, Khosla S, Farr JN. Effects of diabetes on osteocytes. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2022 Aug 1; 29 (4):310-317 Epub 2022 June 24
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  18. Sfeir JG, Drake MT, Khosla S, Farr JN. Skeletal Aging. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Jun; 97 (6):1194-1208
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  19. Chandra A, Lagnado AB, Farr JN, Doolittle M, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, LeBrasseur NK, Robbins PD, Niedernhofer LJ, Ikeno Y, Passos JF, Monroe DG, Pignolo RJ, Khosla S. Targeted clearance of p21- but not p16-positive senescent cells prevents radiation-induced osteoporosis and increased marrow adiposity. Aging Cell. 2022 May; 21 (5):e13602 Epub 2022 Apr 01
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  20. Chandra A, Lagnado AB, Farr JN, Schleusner M, Monroe DG, Saul D, Passos JF, Khosla S, Pignolo RJ. Bone Marrow Adiposity in Models of Radiation- and Aging-Related Bone Loss Is Dependent on Cellular Senescence. J Bone Miner Res. 2022 May; 37 (5):997-1011 Epub 2022 Mar 29
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  21. Khosla S, Farr JN, Monroe DG. Cellular senescence and the skeleton: pathophysiology and therapeutic implications. J Clin Invest. 2022 Feb 1; 132 (3)
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  22. Khosla S, Samakkarnthai P, Monroe DG, Farr JN. Update on the pathogenesis and treatment of skeletal fragility in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2021 Nov; 17 (11):685-697 Epub 2021 Sept 13
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  23. Saul D, Monroe DG, Rowsey JL, Kosinsky RL, Vos SJ, Doolittle ML, Farr JN, Khosla S. Modulation of fracture healing by the transient accumulation of senescent cells. Elife. 2021 Oct 7; 10 Epub 2021 Oct 07
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  24. Doolittle ML, Monroe DG, Farr JN, Khosla S. The role of senolytics in osteoporosis and other skeletal pathologies. Mech Ageing Dev. 2021 Oct; 199:111565 Epub 2021 Sept 06
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  25. Aquino-Martinez R, Eckhardt BA, Rowsey JL, Fraser DG, Khosla S, Farr JN, Monroe DG. Senescent cells exacerbate chronic inflammation and contribute to periodontal disease progression in old mice. J Periodontol. 2021 Oct; 92 (10):1483-1495 Epub 2021 Jan 06
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  26. Kaur J, Farr JN. Cellular senescence in age-related disorders. Transl Res. 2020 Dec; 226:96-104 Epub 2020 June 20
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  27. Aquino-Martinez R, Khosla S, Farr JN, Monroe DG. Periodontal Disease and Senescent Cells: New Players for an Old Oral Health Problem? Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Oct 9; 21 (20) Epub 2020 Oct 09
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  28. Samakkarnthai P, Sfeir JG, Atkinson EJ, Achenbach SJ, Wennberg PW, Dyck PJ, Tweed AJ, Volkman TL, Amin S, Farr JN, Vella A, Drake MT, Khosla S. Determinants of Bone Material Strength and Cortical Porosity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Oct 1; 105 (10):e3718-29
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  29. Farr JN, Kaur J, Doolittle ML, Khosla S. Osteocyte Cellular Senescence. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2020 Oct; 18 (5):559-567
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  30. Farr JN. Very Infrequent Zoledronate Therapy - Somehow Still Promisingly Effective. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2020 Jun 1; 105 (6):e2289-90
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  31. Chandra A, Lagnado AB, Farr JN, Monroe DG, Park S, Hachfeld C, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, Khosla S, Passos JF, Pignolo RJ. Targeted Reduction of Senescent Cell Burden Alleviates Focal Radiotherapy-Related Bone Loss. J Bone Miner Res. 2020 Jun; 35 (6):1119-1131 Epub 2020 Mar 05
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  32. Eckhardt BA, Rowsey JL, Thicke BS, Fraser DG, O'Grady KL, Bondar OP, Hines JM, Singh RJ, Thoreson AR, Rakshit K, Lagnado AB, Passos JF, Vella A, Matveyenko AV, Khosla S, Monroe DG, Farr JN. Accelerated osteocyte senescence and skeletal fragility in mice with type 2 diabetes. JCI Insight. 2020 May 7; 5 (9) Epub 2020 May 07
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  33. O'Grady KL, Khosla S, Farr JN, Bondar OP, Atkinson EJ, Achenbach SJ, Eckhardt BA, Thicke BS, Tweed AJ, Volkman TL, Drake MT, Hines JM, Singh RJ. Development and Application of Mass Spectroscopy Assays for Nepsilon-(1-Carboxymethyl)-L-Lysine and Pentosidine in Renal Failure and Diabetes. J Appl Lab Med. 2020 May 1; 5 (3):558-568
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  34. Khosla S, Farr JN, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL. The role of cellular senescence in ageing and endocrine disease. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2020 May; 16 (5):263-275 Epub 2020 Mar 11
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  35. Aquino-Martinez R, Rowsey JL, Fraser DG, Eckhardt BA, Khosla S, Farr JN, Monroe DG. LPS-induced premature osteocyte senescence: Implications in inflammatory alveolar bone loss and periodontal disease pathogenesis. Bone. 2020 Mar; 132:115220 Epub 2020 Jan 02
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  36. Weivoda MM, Chew CK, Monroe DG, Farr JN, Atkinson EJ, Geske JR, Eckhardt B, Thicke B, Ruan M, Tweed AJ, McCready LK, Rizza RA, Matveyenko A, Kassem M, Andersen TL, Vella A, Drake MT, Clarke BL, Oursler MJ, Khosla S. Identification of osteoclast-osteoblast coupling factors in humans reveals links between bone and energy metabolism. Nat Commun. 2020 Jan 7; 11 (1):87 Epub 2020 Jan 07
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  37. Farr JN, Rowsey JL, Eckhardt BA, Thicke BS, Fraser DG, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL, Monroe DG, Khosla S. Independent Roles of Estrogen Deficiency and Cellular Senescence in the Pathogenesis of Osteoporosis: Evidence in Young Adult Mice and Older Humans. J Bone Miner Res. 2019 Aug; 34 (8):1407-1418 Epub 2019 June 21
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  38. Farr JN, Khosla S. Cellular senescence in bone. Bone. 2019 Apr; 121:121-133 Epub 2019 Jan 16
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  39. Aquino-Martinez R, Farr JN, Weivoda MM, Negley BA, Onken JL, Thicke BS, Fulcer MM, Fraser DG, van Wijnen AJ, Khosla S, Monroe DG. miR-219a-5p Regulates Rorbeta During Osteoblast Differentiation and in Age-related Bone Loss. J Bone Miner Res. 2019 Jan; 34 (1):135-144 Epub 2018 Oct 15
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  40. Khosla S, Drake MT, Volkman TL, Thicke BS, Achenbach SJ, Atkinson EJ, Joyner MJ, Rosen CJ, Monroe DG, Farr JN. Sympathetic beta1-adrenergic signaling contributes to regulation of human bone metabolism. J Clin Invest. 2018 Nov 1; 128 (11):4832-4842 Epub 2018 Oct 02
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  41. Farr JN, Almeida M. The Spectrum of Fundamental Basic Science Discoveries Contributing to Organismal Aging. J Bone Miner Res. 2018 Sep; 33 (9):1568-1584 Epub 2018 Aug 13
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  42. Xu M, Pirtskhalava T, Farr JN, Weigand BM, Palmer AK, Weivoda MM, Inman CL, Ogrodnik MB, Hachfeld CM, Fraser DG, Onken JL, Johnson KO, Verzosa GC, Langhi LGP, Weigl M, Giorgadze N, LeBrasseur NK, Miller JD, Jurk D, Singh RJ, Allison DB, Ejima K, Hubbard GB, Ikeno Y, Cubro H, Garovic VD, Hou X, Weroha SJ, Robbins PD, Niedernhofer LJ, Khosla S, Tchkonia T, Kirkland JL. Senolytics improve physical function and increase lifespan in old age. Nat Med. 2018 Aug; 24 (8):1246-1256 Epub 2018 July 09
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  43. Farr JN, Weivoda MM, Nicks KM, Fraser DG, Negley BA, Onken JL, Thicke BS, Ruan M, Liu H, Forrest D, Hawse JR, Khosla S, Monroe DG. Osteoprotection Through the Deletion of the Transcription Factor Rorbeta in Mice. J Bone Miner Res. 2018 Apr; 33 (4):720-731 Epub 2017 Dec 27
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  44. Khosla S, Farr JN, Kirkland JL. Inhibiting Cellular Senescence: A New Therapeutic Paradigm for Age-Related Osteoporosis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018 Apr 1; 103 (4):1282-1290
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  45. Farr JN, Melton LJ 3rd, Achenbach SJ, Atkinson EJ, Khosla S, Amin S. Fracture Incidence and Characteristics in Young Adults Aged 18 to 49 Years: A Population-Based Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2017 Dec; 32 (12):2347-2354 Epub 2017 Oct 03
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  46. Farr JN, Xu M, Weivoda MM, Monroe DG, Fraser DG, Onken JL, Negley BA, Sfeir JG, Ogrodnik MB, Hachfeld CM, LeBrasseur NK, Drake MT, Pignolo RJ, Pirtskhalava T, Tchkonia T, Oursler MJ, Kirkland JL, Khosla S. Targeting cellular senescence prevents age-related bone loss in mice. Nat Med. 2017 Sep; 23 (9):1072-1079 Epub 2017 Aug 21
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  47. Farr JN, Dimitri P. The Impact of Fat and Obesity on Bone Microarchitecture and Strength in Children. Calcif Tissue Int. 2017 May; 100 (5):500-513 Epub 2016 Dec 24
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  48. Farr JN, Fraser DG, Wang H, Jaehn K, Ogrodnik MB, Weivoda MM, Drake MT, Tchkonia T, LeBrasseur NK, Kirkland JL, Bonewald LF, Pignolo RJ, Monroe DG, Khosla S. Identification of Senescent Cells in the Bone Microenvironment. J Bone Miner Res. 2016 Nov; 31 (11):1920-1929 Epub 2016 Oct 24
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  49. Elraiyah T, Ahmed AH, Wang Z, Farr JN, Murad MH, Drake MT. Predictors of teriparatide treatment failure in patients with low bone mass. Bone Rep. 2016 Jun; 4:17-22 Epub 2015 Nov 17
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  50. McGee-Lawrence ME, Carpio LR, Schulze RJ, Pierce JL, McNiven MA, Farr JN, Khosla S, Oursler MJ, Westendorf JJ. Hdac3 Deficiency Increases Marrow Adiposity and Induces Lipid Storage and Glucocorticoid Metabolism in Osteochondroprogenitor Cells. J Bone Miner Res. 2016 Jan; 31 (1):116-28 Epub 2015 Aug 20
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  51. Farr JN, Khosla S. Determinants of bone strength and quality in diabetes mellitus in humans. Bone. 2016 Jan; 82:28-34 Epub 2015 July 26
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  52. Farr JN, Khosla S. Skeletal changes through the lifespan--from growth to senescence. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2015 Sep; 11 (9):513-21 Epub 2015 June 02
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  53. Zhu Y, Tchkonia T, Pirtskhalava T, Gower AC, Ding H, Giorgadze N, Palmer AK, Ikeno Y, Hubbard GB, Lenburg M, O'Hara SP, LaRusso NF, Miller JD, Roos CM, Verzosa GC, LeBrasseur NK, Wren JD, Farr JN, Khosla S, Stout MB, McGowan SJ, Fuhrmann-Stroissnigg H, Gurkar AU, Zhao J, Colangelo D, Dorronsoro A, Ling YY, Barghouthy AS, Navarro DC, Sano T, Robbins PD, Niedernhofer LJ, Kirkland JL. The Achilles' heel of senescent cells: from transcriptome to senolytic drugs. Aging Cell. 2015 Aug; 14 (4):644-58 Epub 2015 Apr 22
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  54. Roforth MM, Farr JN, Fujita K, McCready LK, Atkinson EJ, Therneau TM, Cunningham JM, Drake MT, Monroe DG, Khosla S. Global transcriptional profiling using RNA sequencing and DNA methylation patterns in highly enriched mesenchymal cells from young versus elderly women. Bone. 2015 Jul; 76:49-57 Epub 2015 Mar 27
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  55. Farr JN, Roforth MM, Fujita K, Nicks KM, Cunningham JM, Atkinson EJ, Therneau TM, McCready LK, Peterson JM, Drake MT, Monroe DG, Khosla S. Effects of Age and Estrogen on Skeletal Gene Expression in Humans as Assessed by RNA Sequencing. PLoS One. 2015; 10 (9):e0138347 Epub 2015 Sept 24
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  56. Bergen HR 3rd, Farr JN, Vanderboom PM, Atkinson EJ, White TA, Singh RJ, Khosla S, LeBrasseur NK. Myostatin as a mediator of sarcopenia versus homeostatic regulator of muscle mass: insights using a new mass spectrometry-based assay. Skelet Muscle. 2015; 5:21. Epub 2015 Jul 15.
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  57. Farr JN, Amin S, LeBrasseur NK, Atkinson EJ, Achenbach SJ, McCready LK, Joseph Melton L 3rd, Khosla S. Body composition during childhood and adolescence: relations to bone strength and microstructure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Dec; 99 (12):4641-8
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  58. Farr JN, Laddu DR, Going SB. Exercise, hormones and skeletal adaptations during childhood and adolescence. Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2014 Nov; 26 (4):384-91
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  59. Farr JN, Khosla S, Achenbach SJ, Atkinson EJ, Kirmani S, McCready LK, Melton LJ 3rd, Amin S. Diminished bone strength is observed in adult women and men who sustained a mild trauma distal forearm fracture during childhood. J Bone Miner Res. 2014 Oct; 29 (10):2193-202
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  60. Drake MT, Farr JN. Inhibitors of sclerostin: emerging concepts. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2014 Jul; 26 (4):447-52
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  61. Bishop N, Arundel P, Clark E, Dimitri P, Farr J, Jones G, Makitie O, Munns CF, Shaw N, International Society of Clinical Densitometry. Fracture prediction and the definition of osteoporosis in children and adolescents: the ISCD 2013 Pediatric Official Positions. J Clin Densitom. 2014 Apr-Jun; 17(2):275-80. Epub 2014 Mar 14
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  62. Farr JN, Drake MT, Amin S, Melton LJ 3rd, McCready LK, Khosla S. In vivo assessment of bone quality in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes. J Bone Miner Res. 2014 Apr; 29 (4):787-95
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  63. Fujita K, Roforth MM, Atkinson EJ, Peterson JM, Drake MT, McCready LK, Farr JN, Monroe DG, Khosla S. Isolation and characterization of human osteoblasts from needle biopsies without in vitro culture. Osteoporos Int. 2014 Mar; 25 (3):887-95 Epub 2013 Oct 11
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  64. Farr JN, Amin S, Melton LJ 3rd, Kirmani S, McCready LK, Atkinson EJ, Muller R, Khosla S. Bone strength and structural deficits in children and adolescents with a distal forearm fracture resulting from mild trauma. J Bone Miner Res. 2014 Mar; 29 (3):590-9
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  65. Blew RM, Lee VR, Farr JN, Schiferl DJ, Going SB. Standardizing evaluation of pQCT image quality in the presence of subject movement: qualitative versus quantitative assessment. Calcif Tissue Int. 2014 Feb; 94(2):202-11.
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  66. Farr JN, Zhang W, Kumar SK, Jacques RM, Ng AC, McCready LK, Rajkumar SV, Drake MT. Altered cortical microarchitecture in patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. Blood. 2014 Jan 30; 123 (5):647-9 Epub 2013 Nov 13
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  67. Laddu DR, Farr JN, Lee VR, Blew RM, Stump C, Houtkooper L, Lohman TG, Going SB. Muscle density predicts changes in bone density and strength: A prospective study in girls. Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions. 2014; 14(2):195-204.
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  68. Randall C, Bridges D, Guerri R, Nogues X, Puig L, Torres E, Mellibovsky L, Hoffseth K, Stalbaum T, Srikanth A, Weaver JC, Rosen S, Barnard H, Brimer D, Proctor A, Candy J, Saldana C, Chandrasekar S, Lescun T, Nielson CM, Orwoll E, Herthel D, Kopeikin H, Yang HT, Farr JN, McCready L, Khosla S, Diez-Perez A, Hansma PK. Applications of a New Handheld Reference Point Indentation Instrument Measuring Bone Material Strength. J Med Device. 2013 Dec; 7(4):410051-6. Epub 2013 Sep 24
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  69. Farr JN, Laddu DR, Blew RM, Lee VR, Going SB. Effects of physical activity and muscle quality on bone development in girls. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013 Dec; 45 (12):2332-40
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  70. Farr JN, Khosla S, Miyabara Y, Miller VM, Kearns AE. Effects of estrogen with micronized progesterone on cortical and trabecular bone mass and microstructure in recently postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Feb; 98 (2):E249-57 Epub 2013 Jan 15
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  71. Laddu DR, Farr JN, Laudermilk MJ, Lee VR, Blew RM, Stump C, Houtkooper L, Lohman TG, Going SB. Longitudinal relationships between whole body and central adiposity on weight-bearing bone geometry, density, and bone strength: a pQCT study in young girls. Arch Osteoporos. 2013; 8(1-2):156. Epub 2013 Oct 10.
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  72. Lee VR, Blew RM, Farr JN, Tomas R, Lohman TG, Going SB. Estimation of whole body fat from appendicular soft tissue from peripheral quantitative computed tomography in adolescent girls. Int J Body Compos Res. 2013; 11(1):1-8.
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  73. Laudermilk MJ, Manore MM, Thomson CA, Houtkooper LB, Farr JN, Going SB. Vitamin C and zinc intakes are related to bone macroarchitectural structure and strength in prepubescent girls. Calcif Tissue Int. 2012 Dec; 91(6):430-9.
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  74. Farr JN, Charkoudian N, Barnes JN, Monroe DG, McCready LK, Atkinson EJ, Amin S, Melton LJ 3rd, Joyner MJ, Khosla S. Relationship of sympathetic activity to bone microstructure, turnover, and plasma osteopontin levels in women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Nov; 97 (11):4219-27 Epub 2012 Sept 04
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  75. Farr JN, Van Loan MD, Lohman TG, Going SB. Lower physical activity is associated with skeletal muscle fat content in girls. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2012 Jul; 44(7):1375-81.
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  76. Farr JN, Funk JL, Chen Z, Lisse JR, Blew RM, Lee VR, Laudermilk M, Lohman TG, Going SB. Skeletal muscle fat content is inversely associated with bone strength in young girls. J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Sep; 26(9):2217-25.
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  77. Farr JN, Blew RM, Lee VR, Lohman TG, Going SB. Associations of physical activity duration, frequency, and load with volumetric BMD, geometry, and bone strength in young girls. Osteoporos Int. 2011 May; 22(5):1419-30. Epub 2010 Aug 07.
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  78. Farr JN, Lee VR, Blew RM, Lohman TG, Going SB. Quantifying bone-relevant activity and its relation to bone strength in girls. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Mar; 43(3):476-83.
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  79. Farr JN, Tomas R, Chen Z, Lisse JR, Lohman TG, Going SB. Lower trabecular volumetric BMD at metaphyseal regions of weight-bearing bones is associated with prior fracture in young girls. J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Feb; 26(2):380-7.
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  80. Going SB, Farr JN. Exercise and Bone Macro-architecture: Is Childhood a Window of Opportunity for Osteoporosis Prevention? Int J Body Compos Res. 2010 Dec; 8:1-9.
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  81. Farr JN, Chen Z, Lisse JR, Lohman TG, Going SB. Relationship of total body fat mass to weight-bearing bone volumetric density, geometry, and strength in young girls. Bone. 2010 Apr; 46(4):977-84. Epub 2010 Jan 06.
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  82. Farr JN, Going SB, McKnight PE, Kasle S, Cussler EC, Cornett M. Progressive resistance training improves overall physical activity levels in patients with early osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther. 2010 Mar; 90(3):356-66. Epub 2010 Jan 07.
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  83. McKnight PE, Kasle S, Going S, Villanueva I, Cornett M, Farr J, Wright J, Streeter C, Zautra A. A comparison of strength training, self-management, and the combination for early osteoarthritis of the knee. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2010 Jan 15; 62(1):45-53.
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  84. Farr JN, Going SB, Lohman TG, Rankin L, Kasle S, Cornett M, Cussler E. Physical activity levels in patients with early knee osteoarthritis measured by accelerometry. Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Sep 15; 59(9):1229-36.
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