
  1. Jahanian O, Van Straaten MG, Pinnock Branford K, Fortune E, Cain SM, Morrow MMB. Development and evaluation of the ARM algorithm: A novel approach to quantify musculoskeletal disorder risk factors in manual wheelchair users in the real world. PLoS One. 2024; 19 (4):e0300318 Epub 2024 Apr 02
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  2. Bartley MM, St Sauver JL, Baer-Benson H, Schroeder DR, Khera N, Fortune E, Griffin JM. Exploring social determinants of health and physical activity levels in older adults living with mild cognitive impairment and dementia in the Upper Midwest of the United States. Prev Med. 2023 Dec; 177:107773 Epub 2023 Nov 14
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  3. Tetteh E, Wang T, Norasi H, Bremer M, Schimda E, Kim J, Koenig J, Fortune E, Kane G, Hallbeck S. Comparison of physical workload in upper extremities between left- and right-hand ultrasound scanning Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2022; 66(1):651–655.
  4. Fortune E, Jahanian O, Morrow MM, Mielke MM. The Longitudinal Relationship of Real-World Physical Activity with Skeletal Muscle Mass Index Journal of Women's Health. 2022.
  5. Fortune E, Cloud-Biebl BA, Madansingh SI, Ngufor CG, Van Straaten MG, Goodwin BM, Murphree DH, Zhao KD, Morrow MM. Estimation of manual wheelchair-based activities in the free-living environment using a neural network model with inertial body-worn sensors. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2022 Feb; 62:102337 Epub 2019 July 17
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  6. Fortune E, Jahanian O, Morrow M, Miller V, Mielke M. . Premenopausal bilateral oophorectomy effects on clinical and real-world physical function measures Innovation in Aging. 2021; 5:169.
  7. Fortune E, Jahanian O, Morrow M, Mielke M. The relationships of real-world and clinical physical function measures with fall incidence in women with and without a history of premenopausal bilateral oophorectomy Journal of Women's Health. 2021; 30(12):A1-A23.
  8. Norasi H, Tetteh E, Money SR, Davila VJ, Meltzer AJ, Morrow MM, Fortune E, Mendes BC, Hallbeck MS. Intraoperative posture and workload assessment in vascular surgery. Appl Ergon. 2021 Apr; 92:103344 Epub 2020 Dec 21
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  9. Goodwin BM, Jahanian O, Van Straaten MG, Fortune E, Madansingh SI, Cloud-Biebl BA, Zhao KD, Morrow MM. Application and Reliability of Accelerometer-Based Arm Use Intensities in the Free-Living Environment for Manual Wheelchair Users and Able-Bodied Individuals. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Feb 10; 21 (4)
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  10. Davila VJ, Meltzer AJ, Fortune E, Morrow MMB, Lowndes BR, Linden AR, Hallbeck MS, Money SR. Intraprocedural ergonomics of vascular surgeons. J Vasc Surg. 2021 Jan; 73 (1):301-308 Epub 2020 May 23
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  11. Goodwin BM, Jahanian O, Cain SM, Van Straaten MG, Fortune E, Morrow MM. Duration of Static and Dynamic Periods of the Upper Arm During Daily Life of Manual Wheelchair Users and Matched Able-Bodied Participants: A Preliminary Report. Front Sports Act Living. 2021; 3:603020 Epub 2021 Mar 26
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  12. Goodwin BM, Cain SM, Van Straaten MG, Fortune E, Jahanian O, Morrow MMB. Humeral elevation workspace during daily life of adults with spinal cord injury who use a manual wheelchair compared to age and sex matched able-bodied controls. PLoS One. 2021; 16 (4):e0248978 Epub 2021 Apr 23
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  13. Fortune E, Yusuf Y, Blocker R. Measuring Arousal and Emotion in Healthcare Employees Using Novel Devices 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE). 2020.
  14. Anderson A, Hooke AW, Jayaraman C, Burns A, Fortune E, Sosnoff JJ, Morrow MM. Calibration and Evaluation of a Force Measurement Glove for Field-Based Monitoring of Manual Wheelchair Users 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE). 2020.
  15. O’Callaghan B, Doheny E, Goulding C, Fortune E, Lowery M. Adaptive gait segmentation algorithm for walking bout detection using tri-axial accelerometer. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2020.
  16. Yusuf Y, Boutte J, Lloyd A, Fortune E, Blocker R. Joy in the Workplace: A Scoping Review of Positive Emotion and Electroencephalogram Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2020. 2020.
  17. Fortune E, Yusuf Y, Zornes S, Loyo Lopez J, Blocker R. Assessing induced emotions in employees in a workplace setting using wearable devices Proceedings of the Design of Medical Devices. 2020.
  18. Yang L, Money SR, Morrow MM, Lowndes BR, Weidner TK, Fortune E, Davila VJ, Meltzer AJ, Stone WM, Hallbeck MS. Impact of Procedure Type, Case Duration, and Adjunctive Equipment on Surgeon Intraoperative Musculoskeletal Discomfort. J Am Coll Surg. 2020 Apr; 230 (4):554-560 Epub 2020 Mar 15
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  19. Madansingh SI, Ngufor CG, Fortune E. Quality over quantity: skeletal loading intensity plays a key role in understanding the relationship between physical activity and bone density in postmenopausal women. Menopause. 2020 Apr; 27 (4):444-449
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  20. Madansingh SI, Fortune E, Morrow MM, Zhao KD, Cloud-Biebl BA. Comparing supraspinatus to acromion proximity and kinematics of the shoulder and thorax between manual wheelchair propulsion styles: A pilot study. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2020 Apr; 74:42-50 Epub 2020 Jan 21
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  21. Chopra S, Morrow MM, Ngufor C, Fortune E. Differences in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Patterns of Postmenopausal Women With Normal vs. Low Total Hip Bone Mineral Density. Front Sports Act Living. 2020; 2:83 Epub 2020 July 09
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  22. Goodwin BM, Fortune E, Van Straaten MGP, Morrow MMB. Outcome Measures of Free-Living Activity in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep. 2019 Sep; 7 (3):284-289 Epub 2019 May 28
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  23. Madansingh SI, Murphree DH, Kaufman KR, Fortune E. Assessment of gait kinetics in post-menopausal women using tri-axial ankle accelerometers during barefoot walking. Gait Posture. 2019 Mar; 69:85-90 Epub 2019 Jan 15
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  24. Crenshaw JR, Bernhardt KA, Fortune E, Kaufman KR. The accuracy of rapid treadmill-belt movements as a means to deliver standing postural perturbations. Med Eng Phys. 2019 Feb; 64:93-99 Epub 2019 Jan 08
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  25. Fortune E, Mundell B, Amin S, Kaufman K. A pilot study of physical activity and sedentary behavior distribution patterns in older women. Gait Posture. 2017 Sep; 57:74-79 Epub 2017 May 16
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  26. Morrow MMB, Lowndes B, Fortune E, Kaufman KR, Hallbeck S, Hallbeck MS. Validation of Inertial Measurement Units for Upper Body Kinematics. J Appl Biomech. 2017 Jul; 33 (3):227-232 Epub 2017 June 26
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  27. Van Straaten MG, Cloud BA, Zhao KD, Fortune E, Morrow MMB. Maintaining Shoulder Health After Spinal Cord Injury: A Guide to Understanding Treatments for Shoulder Pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 May; 98: (5)1061-1063.
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  28. Fortune E, Crenshaw J, Lugade V, Kaufman KR. Dynamic assessment of center of pressure measurements from an instrumented AMTI treadmill with controlled precision. Med Eng Phys. 2017 Apr; 42:99-104 Epub 2017 Feb 01
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  29. Murphree DH, Kinard TN, Khera N, Storlie CB, Ngufor C, Upadhyaya S, Pathak J, Fortune E, Jacob EK, Carter RE, Poterack KA, Kor DJ. Measuring the impact of ambulatory red blood cell transfusion on home functional status: study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017 Mar 31; 18 (1):153
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  30. Fortune E, Lugade VA, Amin S, Kaufman KR. Step detection using multi- versus single tri-axial accelerometer-based systems. Physiol Meas. 2015 Dec; 36 (12):2519-35 Epub 2015 Nov 23
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  31. Fortune E, Morrow MM, Kaufman KR. Assessment of gait kinetics using triaxial accelerometers. J Appl Biomech. 2014 Oct; 30 (5):668-74 Epub 2014 July 09
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  32. Morrow MM, Hurd WJ, Fortune E, Lugade V, Kaufman KR. Accelerations of the waist and lower extremities over a range of gait velocities to aid in activity monitor selection for field-based studies. J Appl Biomech. 2014 Aug; 30 (4):581-5 Epub 2014 Mar 06
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  33. Fortune E, Lugade V, Morrow M, Kaufman K. Validity of using tri-axial accelerometers to measure human movement - Part II: Step counts at a wide range of gait velocities. Med Eng Phys. 2014 Jun; 36 (6):659-69 Epub 2014 Mar 20
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  34. Fortune E, Lugade VA, Kaufman KR. Posture and movement classification: the comparison of tri-axial accelerometer numbers and anatomical placement. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-transactions Of The Asme. 2014 May; 136(5):051003.
  35. Lugade V, Fortune E, Morrow M, Kaufman K. Validity of using tri-axial accelerometers to measure human movement - Part I: Posture and movement detection. Med Eng Phys. 2014 Feb; 36 (2):169-76 Epub 2013 July 27
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  36. Fortune E, Lowery MM. Effect of membrane properties on skeletal muscle fiber excitability: a sensitivity analysis. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2012 Jun; 50: (6)617-29.
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  37. Fortune E, Lowery MM. Simulation of the interaction between muscle fiber conduction velocity and instantaneous firing rate. Ann Biomed Eng. 2011 Jan; 39: (1)96-109.
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  38. Fortune E, Tierney M, Scanaill CN, Bourke A, Kennedy N, Nelson J. Activity level classification algorithm using SHIMMER wearable sensors for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011; 2011:3059-62.
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  39. Fortune E, Lowery MM. Effect of extracellular potassium accumulation on muscle fiber conduction velocity: a simulation study. Ann Biomed Eng. 2009 Oct; 37: (10)2105-17.
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  40. Fortune E, Lowery MM. The effect of extracellular potassium concentration on muscle fiber conduction velocity examined using model simulation. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007; 2007:2726-9.
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