
  1. Pradhan GN, Galvan-Garza RC, Perez AM, Stepanek J, Cevette MJ. Visual Vestibular Conflict Mitigation in Virtual Reality Using Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2022 May 1; 93 (5):406-414
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  2. Pradhan GN, Galvan-Garza R, Perez AM, Bogle J, Cevette MJ. Generating Flight Illusions Using Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation in Virtual Reality Flight Simulations. Front Neuroergon. 2022; 3:883962 Epub 2022 Apr 26
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  3. Pradhan GN, Hagen KM, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Oculo-cognitive addition test: quantifying cognitive performance during variable cognitive workload through eye movement features. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, ICHI 2022. 2022; 422-30
  4. Pradhan GN, Ottestad W, Meland A, Kasin JI, Hoiseth LO, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Oculometric Feature Changes During Acute Hypoxia in a Simulated High-Altitude Airdrop Scenario. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2021 Dec 1; 92 (12):928-936
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  5. Annaswamy TM, Pradhan GN, Chakka K, Khargonkar N, Borresen A, Prabhakaran B. Using Biometric Technology for Telehealth and Telerehabilitation. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2021 May; 32 (2):437-449 Epub 2021 Feb 11
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  6. Stepanek J, Dunn RA, Pradhan GN, Cevette MJ. Supplemental CO(2) improves oxygen saturation, oxygen tension(,) and cerebral oxygenation in acutely hypoxic healthy subjects. Physiol Rep. 2020 Jul; 8 (14):e14513
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  7. Pradhan GN, Bogle JM, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Discovering Oculometric Patterns to Detect Cognitive Performance Changes in Healthy Youth Football Athletes. J Healthc Inform Res. 2019 Dec; 3(4):371-392. Epub 2019 Feb 08.
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  8. Cevette MJ, Stepanek J, Pradhan G. Letter to the Editor re: The Persistent Issue of Simulator Sickness in Naval Aviation Training: Letter. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018 Oct 1; 89 (10):931
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  9. Pradhan GN, Bogle J, Kleindienst S, Cevette MJ, Stepanek J. Correlating Multi-dimensional Oculometrics with Cognitive Performance in Healthy Youth Athletes. J Healthc Inform Res. 2018 Jun; 2(1-2):132-151. Epub 2017 Nov 27.
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  10. Ottestad W, Hansen TA, Pradhan G, Stepanek J, Hoiseth LO, Kasin JI. Acute hypoxia in a simulated high-altitude airdrop scenario due to oxygen system failure. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2017 Dec 1; 123 (6):1443-1450 Epub 2017 Aug 24
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  11. Pradhan GN, Prabhakaran B. Association Rule Mining in Multiple, Multidimensional Time Series Medical Data. J Healthc Inform Res. 2017 Jun; 1 (1):92-118 Epub 2017 May 26
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  12. Stepanek J, Pradhan GN, Cocco D, Smith BE, Bartlett J, Studer M, Kuhn F, Cevette MJ. Acute hypoxic hypoxia and isocapnic hypoxia effects on oculometric features. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2014; 85(7):700-7.
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  13. Cevette MJ, Pradhan GN, Cocco D, Crowell MD, Galea AM, Bartlett J, Stepanek J. Electrogastrographic and autonomic responses during oculovestibular recoupling in flight simulation. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2014 Jan; 85 (1):15-24
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  14. Stepanek J, Cocco D, Pradhan GN, Smith BE, Bartlett J, Studer M, Kuhn F, Cevette MJ. Early detection of hypoxia-lnduced cognitive impairment using the King-Devick test. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013 Oct; 84 (10):1017-22
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  15. Cevette MJ, Pradhan GN, Cocco D, Crowell MD, Galea AM, Bartlett J, Stepanek J. Electrogastrographic and autonomic responses during oculovestibular recoupling in flight simulation. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2013; 84:1-10.
  16. Pradhan GN, Prabhakaran B. Data mining for integrated sensing of multiple wearable body sensors: A healthcare application. 13th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. 2013.
  17. Cevette MJ, Stepanek J, Cocco D, Galea AM, Pradhan GN, Wagner LS, Oakley SR, Smith BE, Zapala DA, Brookler KH. Oculo-vestibular recoupling using galvanic vestibular stimulation to mitigate simulator sickness. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2012 Jun; 83 (6):549-55
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  18. Stepanek J, Cocco D, Pradhan GN, Cevette M. Early detection of cognitive impairment in hypoxia by using the King-Devick Test. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine Journal. 2012.
  19. Cevette MJ, Cocco D, Pradhan GN, Galea AM, Wagner LS, Oakley SR, Smith BE, Zapala DA, Brookler KH, Stepanek J. The effect of galvanic vestibular stimulation on distortion product otoacoustic emissions. J Vestib Res. 2012; 22(1):17-25.
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  20. Chattopadhyay R, Pradhan GN, Panchanathan S. Subject independent computational framework for myoelectric signals. International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. 2011 May.
  21. Pradhan GN, Prabhakaran B. Clustering of human motions based on feature-level fusion of multiple body sensor database. 2010 ACM International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI). 2010 Nov:66-75.
  22. Chattopadhyay R, Pradhan GN, Panchanathan S. Towards fatigue and intensity measurement framework during continuous repetitive activities. International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference. 2010 May.
  23. Pradhan GN, Chattopadhyay R, Panchanathan S. Processing body sensor data streams for continuous physiological monitoring. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval. 2010 Mar.
  24. Pradhan GN, Prabhakara B. Analyzing and visualizing jump performance using wireless body sensors. ACM Transactions on Embedded Systems Special Issue on Wireless Health Systems. 2010.
  25. Pradhan GN, Engineer N, Nadin M, Prabhakara B. Analyzing motoric and physiological data in describing upper extremity movement in the aged. Special Issue of the Int J Universal Access in the Information Society. 2010:1-12.
  26. Chattopadhyay R, Pradhan GN, Panchanathan S. A generalized machine learning framework for continuous monitoring of physiological conditions based on fatigue and intensity of activity in daily living. WIML Workshop at NIPS. 2009 Dec.
  27. Pradhan GN, Prabhakaran B. Indexing 3-D human motion repositories for content-based retrieval. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed. 2009 Sep; 13(5):802-9. Epub 2009 Apr 28.
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  28. Krishnan NC, Pradhan GN, Panchanathan S. Recognizing short duration hand movements from accelerometer data. International Conference in Multimedia and Expo, Multimedia Aspects in Pervasive Healthcare Workshop. 2009 Jul.
  29. Kim KJ, Pradhan GN, Prabhakaran. Analyzing coordination of upper and lower extremities in human gait. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Body Area Networks. 2009 Apr; 1-7.
  30. Pradhan GN, Prabhakaran B. Association rule mining in multiple, multidimensional time series data. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference in Multimedia and Expo, IEEE Press. 2009:1716-9.
  31. Pradhan GN, Prabhakaran B. Evaluating the effect of local variations in visually-similar motions on the clustering of body sensor features. Proceedings of the 2009 Sixth International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, Body Sensor Networks 2009. 2009:333-8.
  32. Pradhan GN, Engineer N, Nadin M, Prabhakaran B. Analyzing motoric and physiological data in describing upper extremity movement in the aged. International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. 2008 Jul.
  33. Pradhan GN, Li C, Prabhakaran. Hand gesture-based computing for hearing and speech impaired. IEEE Multimedia Magazine. 2008; 15(2):20-7.
  34. Pradhan GN, Prabhakaran B. Storage retrieval, and communication of body sensor network data. Proceeding of the 16th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. 2008:1161-2.
  35. Ramachandran R, Ramanna L, Ghasemzadeh H, Pradhan G, Jafari R, Prabhakaran B. Body sensor networks to evaluate standing balance: interpreting muscular activities based on inertial sensors. 2nd International Workshop of Systems and Networking Support for Healthcare and Assisted Living Environments (HealthNet). 2008.
  36. Pradhan GN, Prabhakaran B. Analysis of human performance using physiological data streams. Third International Conference on Body Area Networks. 2008.
  37. Pawar M, Pradhan GN, Zhang K, Prabhakaran B. Content based querying and searching for 3D human motions. International Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM). 2008 Jan; 446-55.
  38. Pradhan GN, Engineer N, Nadin M, Prabhakaran B. Integration of motion capture and EMG data for classifying the human motions. ICDE Workshop on Ambient Intelligence, Media, and Sensing (AIMS. 2007 Apr:56-63.
  39. Pradhan GN, Engineer N, Madin M, Prabhakaran B. An integrated mobile wireless system for capturing physiological data streams during a cognitive-motor task: Applications for aging. IEEE Dallas Engineering in Medicine and Biology Workshop. 2007:67-70.
  40. Pradhan G, Li C, Prabhakaran B. Hierarchical indexing structure for 3D human motions. International Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM). 2007:386-96.
  41. Li C, Pradhan G, Prabhakaran B. Indexing of variable length multi-attribute motion data. International Proceedings of ACIM-MMDB. 2004 Nov:75-84.