
  1. Kalogera E, Nevala WK, Finnes HD, Suman VJ, Schimke JM, Strand CA, Kottschade LA, Kudgus RA, Buhrow SA, Becher LR, Geng L, Glaser GE, Grudem ME, Jatoi A, Klampe CM, Kumar A, Langstraat CL, McWilliams RR, Wahner Hendrickson AE, Weroha SJ, Yan Y, Reid JM, Markovic SN, Block MS. A Phase I Trial of Nab-Paclitaxel/Bevacizumab (AB160) Nano-Immunoconjugate Therapy for Gynecologic Malignancies. Clin Cancer Res. 2024 Jun 14; 30 (12):2623-2635
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  2. Dinoi G, Garzon S, Weaver A, McGree M, Glaser G, Langstraat C, Kumar A, Weroha J, Garda AE, Shahi M, Palmieri E, Scambia G, Fanfani F, Mariani A. How deep is too deep? Assessing myometrial invasion as a predictor of distant recurrence in stage I endometrioid endometrial cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2024 May 30 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. De Vitis LA, Fumagalli D, Schivardi G, Capasso I, Grcevich L, Multinu F, Cucinella G, Occhiali T, Betella I, Guillot BE, Pappalettera G, Shahi M, Fought AJ, McGree M, Reynolds E, Colombo N, Zanagnolo V, Aletti G, Langstraat C, Mariani A, Glaser G. Incidence of sentinel lymph node metastases in apparent early-stage endometrial cancer: a multicenter observational study. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2024 May 6; 34 (5):689-696 Epub 2024 May 06
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  4. Garzon S, Mariani A, Weaver AL, Mcgree ME, Uccella S, Ghezzi F, Dowdy SC, Langstraat CL, Glaser GE. Robotic-assisted hysterectomy for benign gynecologic disease in the United States: in-hospital use of opioid and non-opioid analgesics. J Robot Surg. 2024 Apr 26; 18 (1):182
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  5. Dinoi G, Ghoniem K, Huang Y, Zanfagnin V, Cucinella G, Langstraat C, Glaser G, Kumar A, Weaver A, McGree M, Fanfani F, Scambia G, Mariani A. Endometrial cancer with positive sentinel lymph nodes: pathologic characteristics of metastases as predictors of extent of lymphatic dissemination and prognosis. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2024 Apr 23 [Epub ahead of print]
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  6. Williams-Brown MY, Summey RM, Newtson A, Burke W, Turner T, Sabu P, Davidson BA, Glaser G. System-level recommendations for improved wellness for gynecologic oncologists: A Society of Gynecologic Oncology Review. Gynecol Oncol. 2024 Apr; 183:85-92 Epub 2024 Mar 29
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  7. Glaser GE, Maddy B, Kumar A, Ishitani K, Lemens MA, Hanson K, Moyer AM, Habermann E, Dowdy SC. Impact of pharmacogenomic profiles on post-surgical pain following laparotomy for gynecologic pathology. Gynecol Oncol. 2024 Apr; 183:9-14 Epub 2024 Mar 12
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  8. Fumagalli D, De Vitis LA, Caruso G, Occhiali T, Palmieri E, Guillot BE, Pappalettera G, Langstraat CL, Glaser GE, Reynolds EA, Fruscio R, Landoni F, Mariani A, Grassi T. Low-Volume Metastases in Apparent Early-Stage Endometrial Cancer: Prevalence, Clinical Significance, and Future Perspectives. Cancers (Basel). 2024 Mar 29; 16 (7)
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  9. Capasso I, Cucinella G, Volcheck G, McGree M, Fought AJ, Chuzhyk O, De Vitis LA, Schivardi G, Fumagalli D, Occhiali T, Fanfani F, Chiantera V, Scambia G, Reynolds E, Mariani A, Glaser G. Let go of the myth: safety of indocyanine green for sentinel lymph node mapping in endometrial cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2023 Dec 07. [Epub ahead of print]
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  10. Cucinella G, Schivardi G, Zhou XC, AlHilli M, Wallace S, Wohlmuth C, Baiocchi G, Tokgozoglu N, Raspagliesi F, Buda A, Zanagnolo V, Zapardiel I, Jagasia N, Giuntoli R, Glickman A, Peiretti M, Lanner M, Chacon E, Di Guilmi J, Pereira A, Laas-Faron E, Fishman A, Nitschmann CC, Kurnit K, Moriarty K, Joehlin-Price A, Lees B, Covens A, De Brot L, Taskiran C, Bogani G, Landoni F, Grassi T, Paniga C, Multinu F, De Vitis LA, Hernández A, Mastroyannis S, Ghoniem K, Chiantera V, Shahi M, Fought AJ, McGree M, Mariani A, Glaser G. Prognostic value of isolated tumor cells in sentinel lymph nodes in low risk endometrial cancer: results from an international multi-institutional study. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2023 Dec 07. [Epub ahead of print]
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  11. Kailasam A, Cucinella G, Fought AJ, Cliby W, Mariani A, Glaser G, Langstraat C. Nonsurgical management of early-stage endometrial cancer due to obesity: a survey of the practice patterns of current Society of Gynecologic Oncology members. Gynecol Oncol Rep. 2023 Dec; 50:101280 Epub 2023 Oct 04
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  12. Dinoi G, Multinu F, Yost K, AlHilli M, Larish A, Langstraat C, Kumar A, Weaver AL, McGree M, Cheville A, Dowdy S, Mariani A, Glaser G. Impact of comorbidities and extent of lymphadenectomy on quality of life in endometrial cancer patients treated with minimally invasive surgery in the era of sentinel lymph nodes. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2023 Aug 07; 33(8):1227-1236.
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  13. Capasso I, Garzon S, Kumar S, Weaver AL, Mc Gree M, De Vitis LA, Uccella S, Petersen I, Glaser G, Langstraat C, Scambia G, Fanfani F, Mariani A. Prognostic factors in patients with endometrial cancer with isolated lymphatic recurrence. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2023 Aug 07; 33(8):1169-1178.
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  14. Nelson G, Fotopoulou C, Taylor J, Glaser G, Bakkum-Gamez J, Meyer LA, Stone R, Mena G, Elias KM, Altman AD, Bisch SP, Ramirez PT, Dowdy SC. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS(R)) society guidelines for gynecologic oncology: Addressing implementation challenges - 2023 update. Gynecol Oncol. 2023 Jun; 173:58-67 Epub 2023 Apr 21
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  15. Robison K, Wohlrab K, Howe CJ, Richter HE, Sung V, Bevis KS, Luis C, McCourt C, Lowder J, Occhino J, Glaser G, Lokich E, Dunivan G, Brown A, Tunitsky-Bitton E, Wethington S, Chen CCG, Rahn D, Carlson M, Cram R, Raker C, Clark MA. Endometrial Cancer Surgery With or Without Concomitant Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery. Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Apr 1; 141 (4):642-652 Epub 2023 Mar 09
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  16. Pasha AS, Breitkopf D, Glaser G. The Impact of Dobbs on US Graduate Medical Education. J Law Med Ethics. 2023; 51 (3):497-503 Epub 2023 Dec 13
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  17. Kurnit KC, Nobre SP, Fellman BM, Iglesias DA, Lindemann K, Jhingran A, Eriksson AGZ, Ataseven B, Glaser GE, Mueller JJ, Westin SN, Soliman PT. Adjuvant therapy in women with early stage uterine serous carcinoma: A multi-institutional study. Gynecol Oncol. 2022 Dec; 167 (3):452-457 Epub 2022 Oct 13
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  18. Garzon S, Grassi T, Mariani A, Kollikonda S, Weaver AL, McGree ME, Petersen IA, Weroha SJ, Glaser GE, Langstraat CL, Amarnath SR, AlHilli MM. Not all stage I and II endometrial cancers are created equal: Recurrence-free survival and cause-specific survival after observation or vaginal brachytherapy alone in all subgroups of early-stage high-intermediate and high-risk endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2022 Dec; 167(3):444-451. Epub 2022 Oct 14.
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  19. Glaser GE, Lara OD, Pothuri B, Grimaldi CG, Prescott LS, Mastroyannis SA, Kim S, ElNaggar AC, Torres D, Conrad LB, McGree M, Weaver A, Huh WK, Cohn DE, Yamada SD, Fader AN. Clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 and gynecologic cancer: A society of gynecologic oncology COVID-19 and gynecologic cancer registry study. Gynecol Oncol. 2022 Nov; 167 (2):146-151 Epub 2022 Sept 23
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  20. Mai PL, Miller A, Black A, Falk RT, Boggess JF, Tucker K, Stuckey AR, Rodriguez GC, Wong C, Amatruda TT, Wilkinson KJ, Modesitt SC, Yamada SD, Bixel KL, Glaser GE, Rose PG, Greene MH, Sherman ME. Effect of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy on sex steroid hormone serum levels among postmenopausal women: an NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Jul; 227 (1):61.e1-61.e18 Epub 2022 Feb 22
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  21. Cope AG, Lazaro-Weiss JJ, Willborg BE, Lindstrom ED, Mara KC, Destephano CC, Vetter MH, Glaser GE, Langstraat CL, Chen AH, Martino MA, Dinh TA, Salani R, Green IC. Surgical Science-Simbionix Robotic Hysterectomy Simulator: Validating a New Tool. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2022 Jun; 29 (6):759-766 Epub 2022 Feb 03
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  22. Garzon S, Mariani A, Day CN, Habermann EB, Langstraat C, Glaser G, Kumar A, Casarin J, Uccella S, Ghezzi F, Larish A. Overall survival after surgical staging by lymph node dissection versus sentinel lymph node biopsy in endometrial cancer: a national cancer database study. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2022 Jan; 32 (1):28-40 Epub 2021 Nov 08
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  23. Wenzel L, Osann K, McKinney C, Cella D, Fulci G, Scroggins MJ, Lankes HA, Wang V, Nephew KP, Maxwell GL, Mok SC, Conrads TP, Miller A, Mannel RS, Gray HJ, Hanjani P, Huh WK, Spirtos N, Leitao MM, Glaser G, Sharma SK, Santin AD, Sperduto P, Lele SB, Burger RA, Monk BJ, Birrer M. Quality of Life and Adverse Events: Prognostic Relationships in Long-Term Ovarian Cancer Survival. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2021 Oct 1; 113 (10):1369-1378
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  24. Bradford L, Glaser G. In Reply. Obstet Gynecol 2021 May 1; 137 (5):959
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  25. Narasimhulu DM, Block MS, Weaver AL, McGree M, Kumar A, Langstraat C, Petersen I, Mariani A, Glaser G. Sequencing chemotherapy before radiotherapy for women with stage IIIC endometrial cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2021 May; 31 (5):702-708 Epub 2021 Mar 26
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  26. Cappuccio S, Li Y, Song C, Liu E, Glaser G, Casarin J, Grassi T, Butler K, Magtibay P, Magrina JF, Scambia G, Mariani A, Langstraat C. The shift from inpatient to outpatient hysterectomy for endometrial cancer in the United States: trends, enabling factors, cost, and safety. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2021 May; 31 (5):686-693 Epub 2021 Mar 16
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  27. Hokenstad ED, Hallbeck MS, Lowndes BR, Morrow MM, Weaver AL, McGree M, Glaser GE, Occhino JA. Ergonomic Robotic Console Configuration in Gynecologic Surgery: An Interventional Study. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2021 Apr; 28(4):850-859. Epub 2020 Jul 28.
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  28. Moynagh MR, Dowdy SC, Welch B, Glaser GE, Schmitz JJ, Jatoi A, Langstraat CL, Block MS, Kurup AN, Kumar A. Image-guided tumor ablation in gynecologic oncology: Review of interventional oncology techniques and case examples highlighting a collaborative, multidisciplinary program. Gynecol Oncol. 2021 Mar; 160 (3):835-843 Epub 2020 Dec 30
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  29. Larish A, Yin L, Glaser G, Moore E, Bakkum-Gamez J, Routman D, Ma D, Price D, Janus J, Price K, Chintakuntlawar A, Neben-Wittich M, Foote R, Van Abel K. Human Papillomavirus-Associated Anogenital Pathology in Females With HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 Feb; 164 (2):369-374 Epub 2020 July 14
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  30. Bradford L, Glaser G. Addressing Physician Burnout and Ensuring High-Quality Care of the Physician Workforce. Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jan 1; 137 (1):3-11
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  31. Glaser G, Dinoi G, Multinu F, Yost K, Al Hilli M, Larish A, Kumar A, McGree M, Weaver AL, Cheville A, Dowdy S, Mariani A. Reduced lymphedema after sentinel lymph node biopsy versus lymphadenectomy for endometrial cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2021 Jan; 31(1):85-91. Epub 2020 Nov 26.
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  32. Block MS, Dietz AB, Gustafson MP, Kalli KR, Erskine CL, Youssef B, Vijay GV, Allred JB, Pavelko KD, Strausbauch MA, Lin Y, Grudem ME, Jatoi A, Klampe CM, Wahner-Hendrickson AE, Weroha SJ, Glaser GE, Kumar A, Langstraat CL, Solseth ML, Deeds MC, Knutson KL, Cannon MJ. Th17-inducing autologous dendritic cell vaccination promotes antigen-specific cellular and humoral immunity in ovarian cancer patients. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 14; 11(1):5173.
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  33. Grassi T, Mariani A, Cibula D, Soliman PT, Suman VJ, Weaver AL, Pedra Nobre S, Weigelt B, Glaser GE, Cappuccio S, Abu-Rustum NR. A prospective multicenter international single-arm observational study on the oncological safety of the sentinel lymph node algorithm in stage I intermediate-risk endometrial cancer (SELECT, SEntinel Lymph node Endometrial Cancer Trial). Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2020 Oct; 30 (10):1627-1632 Epub 2020 July 22
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  34. Colon-Otero G, Zanfagnin V, Hou X, Foster NR, Asmus EJ, Wahner Hendrickson A, Jatoi A, Block MS, Langstraat CL, Glaser GE, Dinh TA, Robertson MW, Camoriano JK, Butler KA, Copland JA, Weroha SJ. Phase II trial of ribociclib and letrozole in patients with relapsed oestrogen receptor-positive ovarian or endometrial cancers. ESMO Open. 2020 Oct; 5(5):e000926.
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  35. Narasimhulu DM, McGree ME, Weaver AL, Jatoi A, LeBrasseur NK, Glaser GE, Langstraat CL, Block MS, Kumar A. Frailty is a determinant of suboptimal chemotherapy in women with advanced ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2020 Sep; 158 (3):646-652 Epub 2020 June 06
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  36. Bogani G, Cappuccio S, Casarin J, Narasimhulu DMM, Cilby WA, Glaser GE, Weaver AL, McGree ME, Keeney GL, Weroha J, Petersen IA, Mariani A. Role of adjuvant therapy in stage IIIC2 endometrial cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2020 Aug; 30 (8):1169-1176 Epub 2020 July 09
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  37. Narasimhulu DM, Cope A, Riaz IB, Petersen I, Cilby W, Langstraat C, Glaser G, Kumar A, Cappuccio S, Murad MH, West C, Mariani A. External beam radiotherapy versus vaginal brachytherapy in patients with stage II endometrial cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2020 Jun; 30 (6):797-805 Epub 2020 Mar 26
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  38. Glaser GE, Kalogera E, Kumar A, Yi J, Destephano C, Ubl D, Glasgow A, Habermann E, Dowdy SC. Outcomes and patient perspectives following implementation of tiered opioid prescription guidelines in gynecologic surgery. Gynecol Oncol. 2020 May; 157 (2):476-481 Epub 2020 Feb 24
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  39. Ghoniem K, Shazly SA, Dinoi G, Zanfagnin V, Glaser GE, Mariani A. Sentinel Lymph Nodes and Precision Surgery in Gynecologic Cancer. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Mar; 63 (1):12-23
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  40. Casarin J, Song C, Multinu F, Cappuccio S, Liu E, Butler KA, Glaser GE, Cliby WA, Langstraat CL, Ghezzi F, Fu AZ, Mariani A. Implementing robotic surgery for uterine cancer in the United States: Better outcomes without increased costs. Gynecol Oncol. 2020 Feb; 156 (2):451-458 Epub 2019 Nov 25
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  41. Schlappe BA, Weaver AL, McGree ME, Ducie J, Zahl Eriksson AG, Dowdy SC, Cliby WA, Glaser GE, Abu-Rustum NR, Mariani A, Leitao MM Jr. Multicenter study comparing oncologic outcomes after lymph node assessment via a sentinel lymph node algorithm versus comprehensive pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy in patients with serous and clear cell endometrial carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol. 2020 Jan; 156 (1):62-69 Epub 2019 Nov 24
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  42. Casarin J, Multinu F, Tortorella L, Cappuccio S, Weaver AL, Ghezzi F, Cilby W, Kumar A, Langstraat C, Glaser G, Mariani A. Sentinel lymph node biopsy for robotic-assisted endometrial cancer staging: further improvement of perioperative outcomes. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2020 Jan; 30 (1):41-47 Epub 2019 Nov 27
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  43. Multinu F, Ducie JA, Eriksson AGZ, Schlappe BA, Cliby WA, Glaser GE, Grassi T, Keeney GL, Weaver AL, Abu-Rustum NR, Leitao MM Jr, Mariani A. Role of lymphadenectomy in endometrial cancer with nonbulky lymph node metastasis: Comparison of comprehensive surgical staging and sentinel lymph node algorithm. Gynecol Oncol. 2019 Nov; 155 (2):177-185 Epub 2019 Oct 08
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  44. Matsuo K, Cripe JC, Kurnit KC, Kaneda M, Garneau AS, Glaser GE, Nizam A, Schillinger RM, Kuznicki ML, Yabuno A, Yanai S, Garofalo DM, Suzuki J, St Laurent JD, Yen TT, Liu AY, Shida M, Kakuda M, Oishi T, Nishio S, Marcus JZ, Adachi S, Kurokawa T, Ross MS, Horowitz MP, Johnson MS, Kim MK, Melamed A, Machado KK, Yoshihara K, Yoshida Y, Enomoto T, Ushijima K, Satoh S, Ueda Y, Mikami M, Rimel BJ, Stone RL, Growdon WB, Okamoto A, Guntupalli SR, Hasegawa K, Shahzad MMK, Im DD, Frimer M, Gostout BS, Ueland FR, Nagao S, Soliman PT, Thaker PH, Wright JD, Roman LD. Recurrence, death, and secondary malignancy after ovarian conservation for young women with early-stage low-grade endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2019 Oct; 155 (1):39-50 Epub 2019 Aug 16
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  45. Tortorella L, Casarin J, Multinu F, Cappuccio S, McGree ME, Weaver AL, Langstraat CL, Keeney GL, Kumar A, Melis GB, Angioni S, Scambia G, Mariani A, Glaser GE. Sentinel lymph node biopsy with cervical injection of indocyanine green in apparent early-stage endometrial cancer: predictors of unsuccessful mapping. Gynecol Oncol. 2019 Oct; 155(1):34-38. Epub 2019 Aug 08.
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  46. Kilts TP, Glaser GE, Langstraat CL, Kumar A, Weaver AL, Mc Gree ME, Gostout BS, Podratz KC, Dowdy SC, Cliby WA, Mariani A, Bakkum-Gamez JN. Comparing risk stratification criteria for predicting lymphatic dissemination in endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2019 Oct; 155 (1):21-26 Epub 2019 Aug 10
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  47. Zanfagnin V, Huang Y, Mc Gree ME, Weaver AL, Casarin J, Multinu F, Cappuccio S, Ferrero A, Mariani A, Glaser GE. Predictors of extensive lymphatic dissemination and recurrences in node-positive endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2019 Sep; 154 (3):480-486 Epub 2019 July 16
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  48. Multinu F, Casarin J, Cappuccio S, Keeney GL, Glaser GE, Cliby WA, Weaver AL, McGree ME, Angioni S, Faa G, Leitao MM Jr, Abu-Rustum NR, Mariani A. Ultrastaging of negative pelvic lymph nodes to decrease the true prevalence of isolated paraaortic dissemination in endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2019 Jul; 154(1):60-64. Epub 2019 May 22.
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  49. Nelson G, Bakkum-Gamez J, Kalogera E, Glaser G, Altman A, Meyer LA, Taylor JS, Iniesta M, Lasala J, Mena G, Scott M, Gillis C, Elias K, Wijk L, Huang J, Nygren J, Ljungqvist O, Ramirez PT, Dowdy SC. Guidelines for perioperative care in gynecologic/oncology: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society recommendations-2019 update. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2019 May; 29 (4):651-668 Epub 2019 Mar 15
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  50. Kumar A, Wallace SA, Cliby WA, Glaser GE, Mariani A, Leitao MM, Frumovitz M, Langstraat CL. Impact of Sentinel Node Approach in Gynecologic Cancer on Training Needs. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2019 May - Jun; 26 (4):727-732 Epub 2018 Aug 20
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  51. Kalogera E, Glaser GE, Kumar A, Dowdy SC, Langstraat CL. Enhanced Recovery after Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Procedures with Bowel Surgery: A Systematic Review. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2019 Feb; 26 (2):288-298 Epub 2018 Oct 24
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  52. Casarin J, Multinu F, Abu-Rustum N, Cibula D, Cliby WA, Ghezzi F, Leitao M, Konishi I, Nam JH, Querleu D, Soliman PT, Yost KJ, Weaver AL, Mariani A, Glaser GE. Factors influencing the adoption of the sentinel lymph node technique for endometrial cancer staging: an international survey of gynecologic oncologists. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2019 Jan; 29 (1):60-67
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  53. Schlappe BA, Weaver AL, Ducie JA, Eriksson AGZ, Dowdy SC, Cliby WA, Glaser GE, Soslow RA, Alektiar KM, Makker V, Abu-Rustum NR, Mariani A, Leitao MM Jr. Multicenter study comparing oncologic outcomes between two nodal assessment methods in patients with deeply invasive endometrioid endometrial carcinoma: A sentinel lymph node algorithm versus a comprehensive pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy. Gynecol Oncol. 2018 Nov; 151 (2):235-242 Epub 2018 Aug 31
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  54. Casarin J, Glaser G. Frozen Section to Detect Empty Nodes and Improve the Accuracy of the Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Endometrial Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 Nov; 25 (12):3699-3700 Epub 2018 Sept 17
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  55. Casarin J, Multinu F, Pasupathy K, Weaver A, McGree M, Tortorella L, Torres D, Kumar A, Langstraat C, Huang Y, Ghezzi F, Mariani A, Glaser G. Frozen Section for Detection of Lymph Nodes After Cervical Injection with Indocyanine Green (ICG) for Sentinel Lymph Node Technique in Endometrial Cancer Staging. Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 Nov; 25 (12):3692-3698 Epub 2018 Aug 16
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  56. Glaser G, Dowdy SC, Peedicayil A. Enhanced recovery after surgery in gynecologic oncology. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2018 Oct; 143 Suppl 2:143-146
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  57. Matsuo K, Machida H, Mariani A, Mandelbaum RS, Glaser GE, Gostout BS, Roman LD, Wright JD. Adequate pelvic lymphadenectomy and survival of women with early-stage epithelial ovarian cancer. J Gynecol Oncol. 2018 Sep; 29 (5):e69 Epub 2018 May 04
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  58. Eskander RN, Kauderer J, Tewari KS, Mannel RS, Bristow RE, O'Malley DM, Rubin SC, Glaser GE, Hamilton CA, Fujiwara K, Huh WK, Ueland F, Stephan JM, Burger RA. Correlation between Surgeon's assessment and radiographic evaluation of residual disease in women with advanced stage ovarian cancer reported to have undergone optimal surgical cytoreduction: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group study. Gynecol Oncol. 2018 Jun; 149 (3):525-530 Epub 2018 Mar 15
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  59. Dowdy SC, Glaser GE. Adjuvant therapy for women with high-risk endometrial carcinoma. Lancet Oncol 2018 Mar; 19 (3):268-269 Epub 2018 Feb 12
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  60. Norquist BM, Brady MF, Harrell MI, Walsh T, Lee MK, Gulsuner S, Bernards SS, Casadei S, Burger RA, Tewari KS, Backes F, Mannel RS, Glaser G, Bailey C, Rubin S, Soper J, Lankes HA, Ramirez NC, King MC, Birrer MJ, Swisher EM. Mutations in Homologous Recombination Genes and Outcomes in Ovarian Carcinoma Patients in GOG 218: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Feb 15; 24 (4):777-783 Epub 2017 Nov 30
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  61. Casarin J, Multinu F, Ubl DS, Dowdy SC, Cliby WA, Glaser GE, Butler KA, Ghezzi F, Habermann EB, Mariani A. Adoption of Minimally Invasive Surgery and Decrease in Surgical Morbidity for Endometrial Cancer Treatment in the United States. Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Feb; 131 (2):304-311
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  62. Bogani G, Gostout BS, Dowdy SC, Multinu F, Casarin J, Cliby WA, Frigerio L, Kim B, Weaver AL, Glaser GE, Mariani A. Clinical Utility of Preoperative Computed Tomography in Patients With Endometrial Cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2017 Oct; 27 (8):1685-1693
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  63. Janco JM, Glaser G, Kim B, McGree ME, Weaver AL, Cliby WA, Dowdy SC, Bakkum-Gamez JN. Development of a prediction model for residual disease in newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2015 Jul; 138 (1):70-7 Epub 2015 Apr 22
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  64. Glaser G, Weroha SJ, Becker MA, Hou X, Enderica-Gonzalez S, Harrington SC, Haluska P. Conventional chemotherapy and oncogenic pathway targeting in ovarian carcinosarcoma using a patient-derived tumorgraft. PLoS One. 2015; 10(5):e0126867. Epub 2015 May 11.
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  65. Glaser G, Torres M, Kim B, Aletti G, Weaver A, Mariani A, Hartmann L, Cliby W. The use of CT findings to predict extent of tumor at primary surgery for ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2013 Aug; 130 (2):280-3 Epub 2013 May 11
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  66. Hendrickson AE, Oberg AL, Glaser G, Camoriano JK, Peethambaram PP, Colon-Otero G, Erlichman C, Ivy SP, Kaufmann SH, Karnitz LM, Haluska P. A phase II study of gemcitabine in combination with tanespimycin in advanced epithelial ovarian and primary peritoneal carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol. 2012 Feb; 124 (2):210-5 Epub 2011 Nov 01
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  67. Khoury-Collado F, Glaser GE, Zivanovic O, Sonoda Y, Levine DA, Chi DS, Gemignani ML, Barakat RR, Abu-Rustum NR. Improving sentinel lymph node detection rates in endometrial cancer: how many cases are needed? Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Dec; 115: (3)453-5.
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  68. Barmat L, Glaser G, Davis G, Craparo F. Da Vinci-assisted abdominal cerclage. Fertil Steril. 2007 Nov; 88: (5)1437.e1-3.
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