
  1. Clarkson BD, Grund EM, Standiford MM, Mirchia K, Westphal MS, Muschler LS, Howe CL. CD8+ T cells recognizing a neuron-restricted antigen injure axons in a model of multiple sclerosis. J Clin Invest. 2023 Nov 1; 133 (21) Epub 2023 Nov 01
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  2. Ramos GP, Bamidele AO, Klatt EE, Sagstetter MR, Kurdi AT, Hamdan FH, Kosinsky RL, Gaballa JM, Nair A, Sun Z, Dasari S, Lanza IR, Rozeveld CN, Schott MB, Urrutia G, Westphal MS, Clarkson BD, Howe CL, Marietta EV, Luckey DH, Murray JA, Gonzalez M, Braga Neto MB, Gibbons HR, Smyrk TC, Johnsen S, Lomberk G, Faubion WA. G9a Modulates Lipid Metabolism in CD4 T Cells to Regulate Intestinal Inflammation. Gastroenterology. 2023 Feb; 164 (2):256-271.e10 Epub 2022 Oct 20
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  3. Hinson SR, Honorat JA, Grund EM, Clarkson BD, Miske R, Scharf M, Zivelonghi C, Al-Lozi MT, Bucelli RC, Budhram A, Cho T, Choi E, Grell J, Lopez-Chiriboga AS, Levin M, Merati M, Montalvo M, Pittock SJ, Wilson MR, Howe CL, McKeon A. Septin-5 and -7-IgGs: Neurologic, Serologic, and Pathophysiologic Characteristics. Ann Neurol. 2022 Dec; 92 (6):1090-1101 Epub 2022 Aug 27
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  4. Clarkson BDS, Grund E, David K, Johnson RK, Howe CL. ISGylation is induced in neurons by demyelination driving ISG15-dependent microglial activation. J Neuroinflammation. 2022 Oct 20; 19 (1):258
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  5. Zhang X, Pearsall VM, Carver CM, Atkinson EJ, Clarkson BDS, Grund EM, Baez-Faria M, Pavelko KD, Kachergus JM, White TA, Johnson RK, Malo CS, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Ayasoufi K, Johnson KO, Tritz ZP, Fain CE, Khadka RH, Ogrodnik M, Jurk D, Zhu Y, Tchkonia T, Revzin A, Kirkland JL, Johnson AJ, Howe CL, Thompson EA, LeBrasseur NK, Schafer MJ. Rejuvenation of the aged brain immune cell landscape in mice through p16-positive senescent cell clearance. Nat Commun. 2022 Sep 27; 13 (1):5671 Epub 2022 Sept 27
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  6. Kabiraj P, Grund EM, Clarkson BDS, Johnson RK, LaFrance-Corey RG, Lucchinetti CF, Howe CL. Teriflunomide shifts the astrocytic bioenergetic profile from oxidative metabolism to glycolysis and attenuates TNFalpha-induced inflammatory responses. Sci Rep. 2022 Feb 23; 12 (1):3049
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  7. Howe CL, LaFrance-Corey RG, Overlee BL, Johnson RK, Clarkson BDS, Goddery EN. Inflammatory monocytes and microglia play independent roles in inflammatory ictogenesis. J Neuroinflammation. 2022 Jan 29; 19 (1):22
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  8. Clarkson BD, Johnson RK, Bingel C, Lothaller C, Howe CL. Preservation of antigen-specific responses in cryopreserved CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells expanded with IL-2 and IL-7. J Transl Autoimmun. 2022; 5:100173 Epub 2022 Nov 25
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  9. Dubey D, Kryzer T, Guo Y, Clarkson B, Cheville JC, Costello BA, Leibovich BC, Algeciras-Schimnich A, Lucchinnetti C, Hammami MB, Knight AM, Howe C, Lennon VA, McKeon A, Pittock SJ. Leucine Zipper 4 Autoantibody: A Novel Germ Cell Tumor and Paraneoplastic Biomarker. Ann Neurol. 2021 May; 89(5):1001-1010. Epub 2021 Feb 28.
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  10. Dubey D, Wilson MR, Clarkson B, Giannini C, Gandhi M, Cheville J, Lennon VA, Eggers S, Devine MF, Mandel-Brehm C, Kryzer T, Hinson SR, Khazaie K, Hales C, Kattah J, Pavelko KD, Andrews P, Eaton JE, Jitprapaikulsan J, Mills JR, Flanagan EP, Zekeridou A, Leibovich B, Fryer J, Torre M, Kaufman C, Thoreson JB, Sagen J, Linnoila JJ, DeRisi JL, Howe CL, McKeon A, Pittock SJ. Expanded Clinical Phenotype, Oncological Associations, and Immunopathologic Insights of Paraneoplastic Kelch-like Protein-11 Encephalitis. JAMA Neurol. 2020 Nov 1; 77 (11):1420-1429
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  11. Clarkson BDS, LaFrance-Corey RG, Kahoud RJ, Farias-Moeller R, Payne ET, Howe CL. Functional deficiency in endogenous interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in patients with febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome. Ann Neurol. 2019 Apr; 85(4):526-537. Epub 2019 Mar 08.
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  12. Clarkson BDS, Patel MS, LaFrance-Corey RG, Howe CL. Retrograde interferon-gamma signaling induces major histocompatibility class I expression in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2018 Feb; 5(2):172-185. Epub 2017 Dec 21.
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  13. Clarkson BDS, Kahoud RJ, McCarthy CB, Howe CL. Inflammatory cytokine-induced changes in neural network activity measured by waveform analysis of high-content calcium imaging in murine cortical neurons. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 22; 7 (1):9037
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  14. Clarkson BD, Walker A, Harris MG, Rayasam A, Hsu M, Sandor M, Fabry Z. CCR7 deficient inflammatory Dendritic Cells are retained in the Central Nervous System. Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 20; 7:42856
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  15. Wang Y, Cao Y, Mangalam AK, Guo Y, LaFrance-Corey RG, Gamez JD, Atanga PA, Clarkson BD, Zhang Y, Wang E, Angom RS, Dutta K, Ji B, Pirko I, Lucchinetti CF, Howe CL, Mukhopadhyay D. Neuropilin-1 modulates interferon-?-stimulated signaling in brain microvascular endothelial cells. J Cell Sci. 2016 Oct 15; 129(20):3911-3921. Epub 2016 Sep 02.
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  16. Clarkson BD, Walker A, Harris MG, Rayasam A, Sandor M, Fabry Z. CCR2-dependent dendritic cell accumulation in the central nervous system during early effector experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is essential for effector T cell restimulation in situ and disease progression. J Immunol. 2015 Jan 15; 194 (2):531-41 Epub 2014 Dec 10
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  17. Clarkson BD, Walker A, Harris M, Rayasam A, Sandor M, Fabry Z. Mapping the accumulation of co-infiltrating CNS dendritic cells and encephalitogenic T cells during EAE. J Neuroimmunol. 2014 Dec 15; 277 (1-2):39-49 Epub 2014 Sept 28
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  18. Peng Y, Li M, Clarkson BD, Pehar M, Lao PJ, Hillmer AT, Barnhart TE, Christian BT, Mitchell HA, Bendlin BB, Sandor M, Puglielli L. Deficient import of acetyl-CoA into the ER lumen causes neurodegeneration and propensity to infections, inflammation, and cancer. J Neurosci. 2014 May 14; 34 (20):6772-89
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  19. Clarkson BD, Ling C, Shi Y, Harris MG, Rayasam A, Sun D, Salamat MS, Kuchroo V, Lambris JD, Sandor M, Fabry Z. T cell-derived interleukin (IL)-21 promotes brain injury following stroke in mice. J Exp Med. 2014 Apr 07; 211 (4):595-604 Epub 2014 Mar 10
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  20. Harris MG, Hulseberg P, Ling C, Karman J, Clarkson BD, Harding JS, Zhang M, Sandor A, Christensen K, Nagy A, Sandor M, Fabry Z. Immune privilege of the CNS is not the consequence of limited antigen sampling. Sci Rep. 2014 Mar 21; 4:4422
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  21. Clarkson BD, Heninger E, Harris MG, Lee J, Sandor M, Fabry Z. Innate-adaptive crosstalk: how dendritic cells shape immune responses in the CNS. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012; 946:309-33
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  22. Zozulya AL, Clarkson BD, Ortler S, Fabry Z, Wiendl H. The role of dendritic cells in CNS autoimmunity. J Mol Med (Berl). 2010 Jun; 88 (6):535-44 Epub 2010 Mar 09
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