
  1. Mara KC, Clark RH, Carey WA. Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Very Low Birth Weight Neonates: A Natural History Study. Am J Perinatol. 2024 May; 41 (S 01):e435-e445 Epub 2022 May 12
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  2. Mavis SC, Brumbaugh JE, Carey WA, Kelm DJ. A Flipped Classroom Pilot in Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation. ATS Sch. 2024 Mar; 5 (1):162-173 Epub 2023 Dec 22
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  3. Brumbaugh JE, Ball CT, Crook JE, Stoppel CJ, Carey WA, Bobo WV. Poor Neonatal Adaptation After Antidepressant Exposure During the Third Trimester in a Geographically Defined Cohort. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2023 Apr; 7 (2):127-139 Epub 2023 Mar 07
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  4. Annankra WB, Mavis SC, Shany E, Jacob BM, Bakari A, Yeboah R, Karplus M, Carey WA, Golan A. Impact of an Online Program of Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Education in a Resource-Constrained Setting. ATS Sch. 2023 Mar; 4 (1):87-95 Epub 2023 Jan 30
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  5. Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Stybayeva G, Carey WA, Revzin A. Automated Microfluidic System with Active Mixing Enables Rapid Analysis of Biomarkers in 5 muL of Whole Blood. Anal Chem. 2022 Jul 12; 94 (27):9706-9714 Epub 2022 May 23
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  6. Sanderson KR, Warady B, Carey W, Tolia V, Boynton MH, Benjamin DK, Jackson W, Laughon M, Clark RH, Greenberg RG. Mortality Risk Factors among Infants Receiving Dialysis in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. J Pediatr. 2022 Mar; 242:159-165 Epub 2021 Nov 16
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  7. Mavis SC, Kreofsky BL, Ouk MY, Carey WA, Fang JL. Training fellows in neonatal tele-resuscitation using a simulation-based mastery learning model. Resusc Plus. 2021 Dec; 8:100172 Epub 2021 Oct 08
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  8. Stetson RC, Brumbaugh JE, Weaver AL, Mara KC, Clark RH, Carey WA, Fang JL. Association of outborn versus inborn birth status on the in-hospital outcomes of neonates treated with therapeutic hypothermia: A propensity score-weighted cohort study. Resuscitation. 2021 Oct; 167:82-88 Epub 2021 Aug 21
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  9. McCauley KE, Carey EC, Weaver AL, Mara KC, Clark RH, Carey WA, Collura CA. Survival of Ventilated Extremely Premature Neonates With Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage. Pediatrics. 2021 Apr; 147 (4) Epub 2021 Mar 16
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  10. Clyman RI, Kaempf J, Liebowitz M, Erdeve O, Bulbul A, Hakansson S, Lindqvist J, Farooqi A, Katheria A, Sauberan J, Singh J, Nelson K, Wickremasinghe A, Dong L, Hassinger DC, Aucott SW, Hayashi M, Heuchan AM, Carey WA, Derrick M, Fernandez E, Sankar M, Leone T, Perez J, Serize A, PDA-TOLERATE Trial Investigators. Prolonged Tracheal Intubation and the Association Between Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: A Secondary Analysis of the PDA-TOLERATE trial. J Pediatr. 2021 Feb; 229:283-288.e2 Epub 2020 Oct 28
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  11. Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Stybayeva G, Carey WA, Revzin A. Automated microfluidic device for whole blood plasma separation and biomarkers analysis in microliter samples. MicroTAS 2021 - 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. 2021; 647-8
  12. Ruano R, Daniels DJ, Ahn ES, Ibirogba ER, Lu VM, Snyder KA, Trinidad M, Carey WA, Colby CE, Kolbe AB, Arendt KW, Segura L, Sviggum HP, Qureshi MY, Famuyide A, Terzic A. In Utero Restoration of Hindbrain Herniation in Fetal Myelomeningocele as Part of Prenatal Regenerative Therapy Program at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Apr; 95 (4):738-746
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  13. Madigan T, Block DR, Carey WA, Kaemingk BD, Patel R. Proposed Plasma Ammonia Reference Intervals in a Reference Group of Hospitalized Term and Preterm Neonates. J Appl Lab Med. 2020 Mar 1; 5 (2):363-369
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  14. Kaemingk BD, Ulrich TJ, Li M, Carey WA, Ellsworth MA. Universal Electrocardiographic Screening for Long QT Syndrome in Hospitalized Neonates. Am J Perinatol. 2020 Feb; 37 (3):322-325 Epub 2019 Feb 04
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  15. Fang JL, Mara KC, Weaver AL, Clark RH, Carey WA. Outcomes of outborn extremely preterm neonates admitted to a NICU with respiratory distress. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2020 Jan; 105 (1):33-40 Epub 2019 May 11
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  16. Udland CJ, Carey WA, Weaver AL, Mara KC, Clark RH, Ellsworth KR. Birth Size and Gestational Age Specific Outcomes of Inhaled Nitric Oxide Therapy in Preterm Neonates with Clinically Diagnosed Pulmonary Hypertension. Am J Perinatol. 2019 Dec; 36 (14):1471-1480 Epub 2019 Jan 23
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  17. Liebowitz M, Katheria A, Sauberan J, Singh J, Nelson K, Hassinger DC, Aucott SW, Kaempf J, Kimball A, Fernandez E, Carey WA, Perez J, Serize A, Wickremasinghe A, Dong L, Derrick M, Wolf IS, Heuchan AM, Sankar M, Bulbul A, Clyman RI, PDA-TOLERATE (PDA: TOLEave it alone or Respond And Treat Early) Trial Investigators. Lack of Equipoise in the PDA-TOLERATE Trial: A Comparison of Eligible Infants Enrolled in the Trial and Those Treated Outside the Trial. J Pediatr. 2019 Oct; 213:222-226.e2 Epub 2019 June 27
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  18. Liebowitz M, Kaempf J, Erdeve O, Bulbul A, Hakansson S, Lindqvist J, Farooqi A, Katheria A, Sauberan J, Singh J, Nelson K, Wickremasinghe A, Dong L, Hassinger DC, Aucott SW, Hayashi M, Heuchan AM, Carey WA, Derrick M, Wolf IS, Kimball A, Sankar M, Leone T, Perez J, Serize A, Clyman RI. Comparative effectiveness of drugs used to constrict the patent ductus arteriosus: a secondary analysis of the PDA-TOLERATE trial (NCT01958320). J Perinatol. 2019 May; 39 (5):599-607 Epub 2019 Mar 08
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  19. Madigan T, Carey WA, Kaemingk BD, Patel R. Low Ureaplasma Polymerase Chain Reaction Positivity Rate Among Newborns in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or Intermediate Special Care Nursery. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2019 May; 38 (5):e111
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  20. Clyman RI, Liebowitz M, Kaempf J, Erdeve O, Bulbul A, Hakansson S, Lindqvist J, Farooqi A, Katheria A, Sauberan J, Singh J, Nelson K, Wickremasinghe A, Dong L, Hassinger DC, Aucott SW, Hayashi M, Heuchan AM, Carey WA, Derrick M, Fernandez E, Sankar M, Leone T, Perez J, Serize A, PDA-TOLERATE (PDA: TO LEave it alone or Respond And Treat Early) Trial Investigators. PDA-TOLERATE Trial: An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial of Treatment of Moderate-to-Large Patent Ductus Arteriosus at 1 Week of Age. J Pediatr. 2019 Feb; 205:41-48.e6 Epub 2018 Oct 16
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  21. Collura CA, Mara KC, Weaver AL, Clark RH, Carey WA. Outcomes of early inhaled nitric oxide use in premature African American neonates. J Perinatol. 2018 Dec; 38 (12):1657-1665 Epub 2018 Oct 01
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  22. Ellsworth KR, Weaver AL, Carey WA. Potential Benefits of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Pulmonary Hypertension With Hypoplasia in Premature Neonates-Reply. JAMA Pediatr 2018 Nov 1; 172 (11):1103-1104
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  23. Ellsworth KR, Ellsworth MA, Weaver AL, Mara KC, Clark RH, Carey WA. Association of Early Inhaled Nitric Oxide With the Survival of Preterm Neonates With Pulmonary Hypoplasia. JAMA Pediatr. 2018 Jul 2; 172 (7):e180761 Epub 2018 July 02
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  24. Ruano R, Klinkner DB, Balakrishnan K, Novoa Y Novoa VA, Davies N, Potter DD, Carey WA, Colby CE, Kolbe AB, Arendt KW, Segura L, Sviggum HP, Lemens MA, Famuyide A, Terzic A. Fetoscopic Therapy for Severe Pulmonary Hypoplasia in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: A First in Prenatal Regenerative Medicine at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Jun; 93 (6):693-700
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  25. Fang JL, Campbell MS, Weaver AL, Mara KC, Schuning VS, Carey WA, Colby CE. The impact of telemedicine on the quality of newborn resuscitation: A retrospective study. Resuscitation. 2018 Apr; 125:48-55 Epub 2018 Feb 03
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  26. Carey WA, Weaver AL, Mara KC, Clark RH. Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Extremely Premature Neonates With Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Pediatrics. 2018 Mar; 141 (3) Epub 2018 Feb 09
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  27. Barron MR, Blanco EW, Aho JM, Chakroff J, Johnson J, Cassivi SD, Carey WA, Wigle DA. Full-thickness oesophageal regeneration in pig using a polyurethane mucosal cell seeded graft. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2018 Jan; 12 (1):175-185 Epub 2017 June 04
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  28. Fine KL, Carey WA, Schuster JAW, Bryant SC, Cook WJ, Karon BS. Defining the limitations of transcutaneous bilirubin measurement in late preterm newborns. J Perinatol. 2017 Jun; 37 (6):658-661 Epub 2017 Feb 16
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  29. Voge GA, Carey WA, Ryu E, King KS, Wi CI, Juhn YJ. What accounts for the association between late preterm births and risk of asthma? Allergy Asthma Proc. 2017 Mar 01; 38: (2)152-156.
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  30. Bojanic K, Woodbury JM, Cavalcante AN, Grizelj R, Asay GF, Colby CE, Carey WA, Schears GJ, Weingarten TN, Schroeder DR, Sprung J. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: outcomes of neonates treated at Mayo Clinic with and without extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Paediatr Anaesth. 2017 Mar; 27 (3):314-321 Epub 2017 Feb 17
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  31. Fang JL, Collura CA, Johnson RV, Asay GF, Carey WA, Derleth DP, Lang TR, Kreofsky BL, Colby CE. Emergency Video Telemedicine Consultation for Newborn Resuscitations: The Mayo Clinic Experience. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Dec; 91 (12):1735-1743 Epub 2016 Nov 22
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  32. Carey WA, Ellsworth MA, Harris MN. Inhaled Nitric Oxide Use in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Rising Costs and the Need for a New Research Paradigm. JAMA Pediatr. 2016 Jul 1; 170 (7):639-40
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  33. Tolan NV, Kaleta EJ, Fang JL, Colby CE, Carey WA, Karon BS, Baumann NA. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Quality Initiative: Identifying Preanalytical Variables Contributing to Specimen Hemolysis and Measuring the Impact of Evidence-Based Practice Interventions. Am J Clin Pathol. 2016 Jul; 146 (1):113-8 Epub 2016 June 29
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  34. Watzlawik JO, Kahoud RJ, Wootla B, Painter MM, Warrington AE, Carey WA, Rodriguez M. Antibody Binding Specificity for Kappa (Vkappa) Light Chain-containing Human (IgM) Antibodies: Polysialic Acid (PSA) Attached to NCAM as a Case Study. J Vis Exp. 2016 Jun 29; (112) Epub 2016 June 29
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  35. Fang JL, Sorita A, Carey WA, Colby CE, Murad MH, Alahdab F. Interventions To Prevent Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2016 Apr; 137 (4) Epub 2016 Mar 09
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  36. Beniwal LA, Kleven KL, Moody LT, Molin BM, Kantola SJ, Carlson ML, Schuning VS, Jain S, van Buskirk CM, Harris MN, Carey WA, Ellsworth MA. Outcomes of a Quality Improvement Initiative to Prevent Unnecessary Packed Red Blood Cell Transfusions Among Extremely Low Birth-Weight Neonates. Adv Neonatal Care. 2016 Feb; 16 (1):E3-9
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  37. Juskewitch JE, Abraham RS, League SC, Jenkins SM, Smith CY, Enders FT, Grebe SK, Carey WA, Huskins WC. Monocyte HLA-DR expression and neutrophil CD64 expression as biomarkers of infection in critically ill neonates and infants. Pediatr Res. 2015 Dec; 78(6):683-90. Epub 2015 Aug 31.
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  38. Bojanic K, Pritisanac E, Luetic T, Vukovic J, Sprung J, Weingarten TN, Carey WA, Schroeder DR, Grizelj R. Survival of outborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: the role of protective ventilation, early presentation and transport distance: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Pediatr. 2015 Oct 12; 15:155
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  39. Watzlawik JO, Kahoud RJ, Ng S, Painter MM, Papke LM, Zoecklein L, Wootla B, Warrington AE, Carey WA, Rodriguez M. Polysialic acid as an antigen for monoclonal antibody HIgM12 to treat multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative disorders. J Neurochem. 2015 Sep; 134 (5):865-78 Epub 2015 Apr 27
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  40. Carey WA, Martz KL, Warady BA. Outcome of Patients Initiating Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis During the First Year of Life. Pediatrics. 2015 Aug 24. [Epub ahead of print]
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  41. Ulrich TJ, Ellsworth MA, Carey WA, Colby CE, Soma DB. Predictive Ability of Direct Antibody Testing in Infants Born to Mothers with Rh(D) and Other Minor Red Blood Cell Antibodies. Am J Perinatol. 2015 Aug; 32: (10)987-92.
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  42. Ellsworth MA, Harris MN, Carey WA, Spitzer AR, Clark RH. Off-label use of inhaled nitric oxide after release of NIH consensus statement. Pediatrics. 2015 Apr; 135(4):643-8. Epub 2015 Mar 9
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  43. Martin YN, Manlove L, Dong J, Carey WA, Thompson MA, Pabelick CM, Pandya HC, Martin RJ, Wigle DA, Prakash YS. Hyperoxia-induced changes in estradiol metabolism in postnatal airway smooth muscle. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2015 Jan 15; 308 (2):L141-6 Epub 2014 Nov 14
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  44. Watzlawik JO, Kahoud RJ, O'Toole RJ, White KA, Ogden AR, Painter MM, Wootla B, Papke LM, Denic A, Weimer JM, Carey WA, Rodriguez M. Abbreviated exposure to hypoxia is sufficient to induce CNS dysmyelination, modulate spinal motor neuron composition, and impair motor development in neonatal mice. PLoS One. 2015; 10 (5):e0128007 Epub 2015 May 28
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  45. Ulrich TJ, Ellsworth MA, Carey WA, Zubair AS, MacQueen BC, Colby CE, Ackerman MJ. Heart-rate-corrected QT interval evolution in premature infants during the first week of life. Pediatr Cardiol. 2014 Dec; 35 (8):1363-9 Epub 2014 June 04
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  46. Fang JL, Carey WA, Lang TR, Lohse CM, Colby CE. Real-time video communication improves provider performance in a simulated neonatal resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2014 Nov; 85 (11):1518-22 Epub 2014 Aug 15
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  47. Bratton SL, Carey WA, Carroll P, Gupta M, McCaffrey M, et al. Eliminating central line-associated bloodstream infections in the neonatal intensive care unit: Performance Improvement Module. American Board of Pediatrics (available at;
  48. Yanowitz TD, Reese J, Gillam-Krakauer M, Cochran CM, Jegatheesan P, Lau J, Tran VT, Walsh M, Carey WA, Fujii A, Fabio A, Clyman R. Superior mesenteric artery blood flow velocities following medical treatment of a patent ductus arteriosus. J Pediatr. 2014 Mar; 164 (3):661-3 Epub 2013 Dec 08
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  49. Harris MN, Carey WA, Ellsworth MA, Haas LR, Hartman TK, Lang TR, Colby CE. Perceptions and practices of therapeutic hypothermia in American neonatal intensive care units. Am J Perinatol. 2014 Jan; 31 (1):15-20 Epub 2013 Mar 01
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  50. Ellsworth MA, Ulrich TJ, Carey WA, Colby CE, Ackerman MJ. QTc interval prolongation and severe apneas associated with a change in infant positioning. Pediatrics. 2013 Dec; 132(6):e1690-3. Epub 2013 Nov 11
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  51. Harris MN, Voigt RG, Barbaresi WJ, Voge GA, Killian JM, Weaver AL, Colby CE, Carey WA, Katusic SK. ADHD and learning disabilities in former late preterm infants: a population-based birth cohort. Pediatrics. 2013 Sep; 132 (3):e630-6 Epub 2013 Aug 26
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  52. Ellsworth MA, Carey WA, Li M, Wilson GD, Harris MN, Colby CE. Implementation of an electronic data monitoring system decreases the rate of hyperoxic episodes in premature neonates. J Perinatol. 2013 Sep; 33 (9):721-4 Epub 2013 Apr 11
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  53. Clyman R, Wickremasinghe A, Jhaveri N, Hassinger DC, Attridge JT, Sanocka U, Polin R, Gillam-Krakauer M, Reese J, Mammel M, Couser R, Mulrooney N, Yanowitz TD, Derrick M, Jegatheesan P, Walsh M, Fujii A, Porta N, Carey WA, Swanson JR, Ductus Arteriosus Feed or Fast with Indomethacin or Ibuprofen (DAFFII) Investigators. Enteral feeding during indomethacin and ibuprofen treatment of a patent ductus arteriosus. J Pediatr. 2013 Aug; 163: (2)406-11.
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  54. Carey WA, Colby CE. Educating fellows in practice-based learning and improvement and systems-based practice: The value of quality improvement in clinical practice. J Crit Care. 2013 Feb; 28 (1):112.e1-5 Epub 2012 Aug 09
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  55. Ness MJ, Davis DM, Carey WA. Neonatal skin care: a concise review. Int J Dermatol. 2013 Jan; 52(1):14-22.
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  56. Colby CE, Carey WA, Blumenfeld YJ, Hintz SR. Infants with prenatally diagnosed anomalies: special approaches to preparation and resuscitation. Clin Perinatol. 2012 Dec; 39(4):871-87.
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  57. Dong J, Carey WA, Abel S, Collura C, Jiang G, Tomaszek S, Sutor S, Roden AC, Asmann YW, Prakash YS, Wigle DA. MicroRNA-mRNA interactions in a murine model of hyperoxia-induced bronchopulmonary dysplasia. BMC Genomics. 2012 May 30; 13:204
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  58. Petersson R, Carey W, Thompson D. Single Nostril and Choanal Atresia in a Neonate with Alobar Holoprosencephaly. Ear Nose Throat J. 2012; (In Press).
  59. Stenerson MB, Collura CA, Rose CH, Lteif AN, Carey WA. Bilateral basal ganglia infarctions in a neonate born during maternal diabetic ketoacidosis. Pediatrics. 2011 Sep; 128(3):e707-10. Epub 2011 Aug 01.
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  60. Carey WA, Taylor GD, Dean WB, Bristow JD. Tenascin-C deficiency attenuates TGF-ss-mediated fibrosis following murine lung injury. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2010 Dec; 299 (6):L785-93 Epub 2010 Sept 10
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  61. Van Dorn CS, Sittig SE, Koch CA, Thompson DM, Carey WA. Selective fiberoptic left main-stem intubation to treat bronchial laceration in an extremely low birth weight neonate. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Jun; 74: (6)707-10.
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  62. Carey WA, Colby CE. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for the treatment of neonatal respiratory failure. Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2009 Sep; 13(3):192-7. Epub 2009 Aug 26.
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  63. Kiefer AS, Wickremasinghe AC, Johnson JN, Hartman TK, Hintz SR, Carey WA, Colby CE. Medical management of extremely low-birth-weight infants in the first week of life: a survey of practices in the United States. Am J Perinatol. 2009 Jun; 26 (6):407-18 Epub 2009 Mar 19
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  64. Carey WA, Talley LI, Sehring SA, Jaskula JM, Mathias RS. Outcomes of dialysis initiated during the neonatal period for treatment of end-stage renal disease: a North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies special analysis. Pediatrics. 2007 Feb; 119: (2)e468-73.
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  65. Bristow J, Carey W, Egging D, Schalkwijk J. Tenascin-X, collagen, elastin, and the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2005 Nov 15; 139C: (1)24-30.
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