
  1. Laible E, Wegner A, Knutson K, Kacmaz H, Garramone GK, Gogineni K, Matveyenko A, Linden DR, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Circadian rhythm and whole gut transit in mice. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2024 Apr; 36 (4):e14771 Epub 2024 Feb 23
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  2. Niloy SI, Strege PR, Hannan EC, Cowan LM, Linsenmeier F, Friedrich O, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Stretch response of the mechano-gated channel TMEM63A in membrane patches and single cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2024 Feb 1; 326 (2):C622-C631 Epub 2024 Jan 08
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  3. Servin-Vences MR, Lam RM, Koolen A, Wang Y, Saade DN, Loud M, Kacmaz H, Frausto S, Zhang Y, Beyder A, Marshall KL, Bonnemann CG, Chesler AT, Patapoutian A. PIEZO2 in somatosensory neurons controls gastrointestinal transit. Cell. 2023 Aug 3; 186 (16):3386-3399.e15
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  4. Cherukuri ASS, Modi VK, Baraskar B, Sood S, Reguram R, Palvia D, Gopalakrishnan K, Damani DN, Gaddam S, Samaddar P, Katukuri N, Shivaram S, Dey S, Mitra D, Roy S, Linden DR, Beyder A, Kulkarni K, Arunachalam SP. Microwave-based dielectric properties as an electrophysiological biomarker: future perspectives. Electronics. 2023 Aug; 12 (15):3276
  5. Strege PR, Cowan LM, Alcaino C, Mazzone A, Ahern CA, Milescu LS, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Mechanosensitive pore opening of a prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channel. Elife. 2023 Mar 13; 12
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  6. Beyder A. Gut touch: Molecules, cells, circuits, and purpose. Biophys J. 2023 Feb 10; 122 (3S1):4a
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  7. de Hoyos-Vega JM, Yu X, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Chen S, Mercado-Perez A, Krueger E, Hernandez J, Fedyshyn Y, Druliner BR, Linden DR, Beyder A, Revzin A. Modeling gut neuro-epithelial connections in a novel microfluidic device. Microsyst Nanoeng. 2023; 9:144 Epub 2023 Nov 14
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  8. Knutson KR, Whiteman ST, Alcaino C, Mercado-Perez A, Finholm I, Serlin HK, Bellampalli SS, Linden DR, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Intestinal enteroendocrine cells rely on ryanodine and IP(3) calcium store receptors for mechanotransduction. J Physiol. 2023 Jan; 601 (2):287-305 Epub 2022 Dec 13
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  9. Du P, Joshi V, Beyder A. Tracking Gut Motility in Organ and Cultures. Methods Mol Biol. 2023; 2644:449-466
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  10. Cowan LM, Strege PR, Rusinova R, Andersen OS, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Capsaicin as an amphipathic modulator of Na(V)1.5 mechanosensitivity. Channels (Austin). 2022 Dec; 16 (1):9-26
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  11. Aghababaie Z, O'Grady G, Nisbet LA, Modesto AE, Chan CA, Matthee A, Amirapu S, Beyder A, Farrugia G, Asirvatham SJ, Sands GB, Paskaranandavadivel N, Cheng LK, Angeli-Gordon TR. Localized bioelectrical conduction block from radiofrequency gastric ablation persists after healing: safety and feasibility in a recovery model. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2022 Dec 1; 323 (6):G640-G652 Epub 2022 Oct 18
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  12. Katsuta E, Takabe K, Vujcic M, Gottlieb PA, Dai T, Mercado-Perez A, Beyder A, Wang Q, Opyrchal M. Mechano-Sensing Channel PIEZO2 Enhances Invasive Phenotype in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Aug 31; 23 (17)
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  13. Joshi V, Beyder A. LEtS set the tone. J Physiol 2022 Jun; 600 (11):2541-2542 Epub 2022 Apr 30
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  14. Mercado-Perez A, Beyder A. Gut feelings: mechanosensing in the gastrointestinal tract. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 May; 19 (5):283-296 Epub 2022 Jan 12
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  15. Aghababaie Z, Cheng LK, Paskaranandavadivel N, Avci R, Chan CA, Matthee A, Amirapu S, Asirvatham SJ, Farrugia G, Beyder A, O'Grady G, Angeli-Gordon TR. Targeted ablation of gastric pacemaker sites to modulate patterns of bioelectrical slow wave activation and propagation in an anesthetized pig model. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2022 Apr 1; 322 (4):G431-G445 Epub 2022 Feb 09
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  16. Mercado-Perez A, Wegner A, Knutson K, Zumchak M, Beyder A. Studying Murine Small Bowel Mechanosensing of Luminal Particulates. J Vis Exp. 2022 Mar 18; (181)
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  17. Treichel AJ, Finholm I, Knutson KR, Alcaino C, Whiteman ST, Brown MR, Matveyenko A, Wegner A, Kacmaz H, Mercado-Perez A, Gajdos GB, Ordog T, Grover M, Szurszewski J, Linden DR, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Specialized Mechanosensory Epithelial Cells in Mouse Gut Intrinsic Tactile Sensitivity. Gastroenterology. 2022 Feb; 162 (2):535-547.e13 Epub 2021 Oct 22
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  18. Joshi V, Strege PR, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Mechanotransduction in gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells: role of mechanosensitive ion channels. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 May 1; 320 (5):G897-G906 Epub 2021 Mar 17
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  19. Zheng T, Ellinghaus D, Juzenas S, Cossais F, Burmeister G, Mayr G, Jorgensen IF, Teder-Laving M, Skogholt AH, Chen S, Strege PR, Ito G, Banasik K, Becker T, Bokelmann F, Brunak S, Buch S, Clausnitzer H, Datz C, Degenhardt F, Doniec M, Erikstrup C, Esko T, Forster M, Frey N, Fritsche LG, Gabrielsen ME, Grassle T, Gsur A, Gross J, Hampe J, Hendricks A, Hinz S, Hveem K, Jongen J, Junker R, Karlsen TH, Hemmrich-Stanisak G, Kruis W, Kupcinskas J, Laubert T, Rosenstiel PC, Rocken C, Laudes M, Leendertz FH, Lieb W, Limperger V, Margetis N, Matz-Rensing K, Nemeth CG, Ness-Jensen E, Nowak-Gottl U, Pandit A, Pedersen OB, Peleikis HG, Peuker K, Rodriguez CL, Ruhlemann MC, Schniewind B, Schulzky M, Skieceviciene J, Tepel J, Thomas L, Uellendahl-Werth F, Ullum H, Vogel I, Volzke H, von Fersen L, von Schonfels W, Vanderwerff B, Wilking J, Wittig M, Zeissig S, Zobel M, Zawistowski M, Vacic V, Sazonova O, Noblin ES, Farrugia G, Beyder A, Wedel T, Kahlke V, Schafmayer C, D'Amato M, Franke A, DBDS Consortium//23andMe Research Team. Genome-wide analysis of 944 133 individuals provides insights into the etiology of haemorrhoidal disease. Gut. 2021 Apr 22; 70 (8):1538-49 [Epub ahead of print]
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  20. Aghababaie Z, Paskaranandavadivel N, Amirapu S, Chan CA, Du P, Asirvatham SJ, Farrugia G, Beyder A, O'Grady G, Cheng LK, Angeli-Gordon TR. Gastric ablation as a novel technique for modulating electrical conduction in the in vivo stomach. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2021 Apr 1; 320 (4):G573-G585 Epub 2021 Jan 20
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  21. Mazzaferro S, Whiteman ST, Alcaino C, Beyder A, Sine SM. NACHO and 14-3-3 promote expression of distinct subunit stoichiometries of the alpha4beta2 acetylcholine receptor. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021 Feb; 78 (4):1565-1575 Epub 2020 July 16
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  22. Kacmaz H, Alto A, Knutson K, Linden DR, Gibbons SJ, Farrugia G, Beyder A. A simple automated approach to measure mouse whole gut transit. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2021 Feb; 33 (2):e13994 Epub 2020 Sept 30
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  23. Melo CGS, Nicolai EN, Alcaino C, Cassmann TJ, Whiteman ST, Wright AM, Miller KE, Gibbons SJ, Beyder A, Linden DR. Identification of intrinsic primary afferent neurons in mouse jejunum. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2020 Dec; 32 (12):e13989 Epub 2020 Sept 28
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  24. Mazzone A, Strege PR, Gibbons SJ, Alcaino C, Joshi V, Haak AJ, Tschumperlin DJ, Bernard CE, Cima RR, Larson DW, Chua HK, Graham RP, El Refaey M, Mohler PJ, Hayashi Y, Ordog T, Calder S, Du P, Farrugia G, Beyder A. microRNA overexpression in slow transit constipation leads to reduced Na(V)1.5 current and altered smooth muscle contractility. Gut. 2020 May; 69 (5):868-876 Epub 2019 Nov 22
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  25. Strege PR, Mercado-Perez A, Mazzone A, Saito YA, Bernard CE, Farrugia G, Beyder A. SCN5A mutation G615E results in NaV1.5 voltage-gated sodium channels with normal voltage-dependent function yet loss of mechanosensitivity. Channels (Austin). 2019 Dec; 13 (1):287-298
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  26. Mercado-Perez A, Beyder A. TRPPing up bronchiectasis. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2019 Oct 1; 317 (4):L464-L465 Epub 2019 Sept 11
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  27. Hilscher MB, Sehrawat T, Arab Verdugo JP, Arab JP, Zeng Z, Gao J, Liu M, Kostallari E, Gao Y, Simonetto DA, Yaqoob U, Cao S, Revzin A, Beyder A, Wang RA, Kamath PS, Kubes P, Shah VH. Mechanical Stretch Increases Expression of CXCL1 in Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells to Recruit Neutrophils, Generate Sinusoidal Microthombi, and Promote Portal Hypertension. Gastroenterology. 2019 Jul; 157 (1):193-209.e9 Epub 2019 Mar 11
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  28. Du P, Mazzone A, Calder S, Qian A, Gibbons SJ, Farrugia G, Beyder A. A method for multi-day tracking of gastrointestinal smooth muscle contractile patterns in organotypic culture Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2019 Jul; 4791-4
  29. Aghababaie Z, Chan CHA, Paskaranandavadivel N, Beyder A, Farrugia G, Asirvatham S, O'Grady G, Cheng LK, Angeli TR. Feasibility of high-resolution electrical mapping for characterizing conduction blocks created by gastric ablation Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS. 2019 Jul; 170-3
  30. DeSimone CV, McLeod CJ, Gomez Pinilla PJ, Beyder A, Farrugia G, Asirvatham SJ, Kapa S. Telocytes express ANO-1-encoded chloride channels in canine ventricular myocardium. J Arrhythm. 2019 Jun; 35 (3):515-521 Epub 2019 Apr 05
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  31. Butin-Israeli V, Bui TM, Wiesolek HL, Mascarenhas L, Lee JJ, Mehl LC, Knutson KR, Adam SA, Goldman RD, Beyder A, Wiesmuller L, Hanauer SB, Sumagin R. Neutrophil-induced genomic instability impedes resolution of inflammation and wound healing. J Clin Invest. 2019 Feb 1; 129 (2):712-726 Epub 2019 Jan 14
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  32. Knutson K, Strege PR, Li J, Leiter AB, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Whole Cell Electrophysiology of Primary Cultured Murine Enterochromaffin Cells. J Vis Exp. 2018 Sep 26; (139) Epub 2018 Sept 26
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  33. Treichel AJ, Farrugia G, Beyder A. The touchy business of gastrointestinal (GI) mechanosensitivity. Brain Res. 2018 Aug 15; 1693 (Pt B):197-200
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  34. Alcaino C, Knutson KR, Treichel AJ, Yildiz G, Strege PR, Linden DR, Li JH, Leiter AB, Szurszewski JH, Farrugia G, Beyder A. A population of gut epithelial enterochromaffin cells is mechanosensitive and requires Piezo2 to convert force into serotonin release. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Aug 7; 115 (32):E7632-E7641 Epub 2018 July 23
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  35. Beyder A. Gut development on a full stomach. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018 Jul; 15 (7):394-395
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  36. Strege PR, Mazzone A, Bernard CE, Neshatian L, Gibbons SJ, Saito YA, Tester DJ, Calvert ML, Mayer EA, Chang L, Ackerman MJ, Beyder A, Farrugia G. Irritable bowel syndrome patients have SCN5A channelopathies that lead to decreased NaV1.5 current and mechanosensitivity. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2018 Apr 1; 314 (4):G494-G503 Epub 2017 Nov 22
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  37. Beyder A. In Pursuit of the Epithelial Mechanosensitivity Mechanisms. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018; 9:804 Epub 2019 Jan 15
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  38. Codipilly DC, Chedid V, Beyder A. 47-Year-Old Man With Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Jan; 93 (1):e1-e6 Epub 2017 Nov 13
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  39. Strege PR, Knutson K, Eggers SJ, Li JH, Wang F, Linden D, Szurszewski JH, Milescu L, Leiter AB, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Sodium channel NaV1.3 is important for enterochromaffin cell excitability and serotonin release. Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 15; 7 (1):15650
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  40. Bhattarai Y, Schmidt BA, Linden DR, Larson ED, Grover M, Beyder A, Farrugia G, Kashyap PC. Human-derived gut microbiota modulates colonic secretion in mice by regulating 5-HT3 receptor expression via acetate production. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2017 Jul 1; 313 (1):G80-G87 Epub 2017 Apr 13
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  41. Strege PR, Gibbons SJ, Mazzone A, Bernard CE, Beyder A, Farrugia G. EAVK segment "c" sequence confers Ca(2+)-dependent changes to the kinetics of full-length human Ano1. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2017 Jun 1; 312 (6):G572-G579 Epub 2017 Mar 23
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  42. Alcaino C, Knutson K, Gottlieb PA, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo2 is inhibited by D-GsMTx4. Channels (Austin). 2017 May 4; 11 (3):245-253 Epub 2017 Jan 13
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  43. Beyder A, de Lartigue G, Ghia JE, Hoffman JM. XIVth Little Brain Big Brain: next-generation enteric neuroscience. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Mar; 14 (3):135-136 Epub 2017 Jan 05
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  44. Wang F, Knutson K, Alcaino C, Linden DR, Gibbons SJ, Kashyap P, Grover M, Oeckler R, Gottlieb PA, Li HJ, Leiter AB, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo2 is important for enterochromaffin cell response to mechanical forces. J Physiol. 2017 Jan 1; 595 (1):79-91 Epub 2016 Aug 13
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  45. Alcaino C, Farrugia G, Beyder A. Mechanosensitive Piezo Channels in the Gastrointestinal Tract. Curr Top Membr. 2017; 79:219-244 Epub 2017 Jan 07
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  46. Beyder A, Farrugia G. Ion channelopathies in functional GI disorders. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2016 Oct 1; 311 (4):G581-G586 Epub 2016 Aug 11
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  47. Choi KM, Gibbons SJ, Sha L, Beyder A, Verhulst PJ, Cipriani G, Phillips JE, Bauer AJ, Ordog T, Camp JJ, Ge X, Bharucha AE, Linden DR, Szurszewski JH, Kashyap PC, Farrugia G. Interleukin 10 Restores Gastric Emptying, Electrical Activity, and Interstitial Cells of Cajal Networks in Diabetic Mice. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Jul; 2 (4):454-467 Epub 2016 Apr 23
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  48. Pestana L, Puckett J, Beyder A. 39-Year-Old Man With Dysphagia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Jun; 91 (6):808-11 Epub 2016 Mar 09
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  49. Beyder A, Gibbons SJ, Mazzone A, Strege PR, Saravanaperumal SA, Sha L, Higgins S, Eisenman ST, Bernard CE, Geurts A, Kline CF, Mohler PJ, Farrugia G. Expression and function of the Scn5a-encoded voltage-gated sodium channel NaV 1.5 in the rat jejunum. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2016 Jan; 28 (1):64-73 Epub 2015 Oct 13
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  50. Linan-Rico A, Ochoa-Cortes F, Beyder A, Soghomonyan S, Zuleta-Alarcon A, Coppola V, Christofi FL. Mechanosensory Signaling in Enterochromaffin Cells and 5-HT Release: Potential Implications for Gut Inflammation. Front Neurosci. 2016; 10:564 Epub 2016 Dec 19
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  51. Strege PR, Bernard CE, Mazzone A, Linden DR, Beyder A, Gibbons SJ, Farrugia G. A novel exon in the human Ca2+-activated Cl- channel Ano1 imparts greater sensitivity to intracellular Ca2. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2015 Nov 1; 309 (9):G743-9 Epub 2015 Sept 10
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  52. Neshatian L, Strege PR, Rhee PL, Kraichely RE, Mazzone A, Bernard CE, Cima RR, Larson DW, Dozois EJ, Kline CF, Mohler PJ, Beyder A, Farrugia G. Ranolazine inhibits voltage-gated mechanosensitive sodium channels in human colon circular smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2015 Sep 15; 309 (6):G506-12 Epub 2015 July 16
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  53. Simonetto DA, Yang HY, Yin M, de Assuncao TM, Kwon JH, Hilscher M, Pan S, Yang L, Bi Y, Beyder A, Cao S, Simari RD, Ehman R, Kamath PS, Shah VH. Chronic passive venous congestion drives hepatic fibrogenesis via sinusoidal thrombosis and mechanical forces. Hepatology. 2015 Feb; 61 (2):648-59 Epub 2015 Jan 05
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  54. Beyder A, Mazzone A, Strege PR, Tester DJ, Saito YA, Bernard CE, Enders FT, Ek WE, Schmidt PT, Dlugosz A, Lindberg G, Karling P, Ohlsson B, Gazouli M, Nardone G, Cuomo R, Usai-Satta P, Galeazzi F, Neri M, Portincasa P, Bellini M, Barbara G, Camilleri M, Locke GR, Talley NJ, D'Amato M, Ackerman MJ, Farrugia G. Loss-of-function of the voltage-gated sodium channel NaV1.5 (channelopathies) in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology. 2014 Jun; 146 (7):1659-1668 Epub 2014 Mar 05
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  55. Ngwa TN, Beyder A, Vege SS. 84-year-old man with night sweats, weight loss, and diarrhea. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014 Mar; 89(3):409-13.
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  56. Angeli TR, Du P, Paskaranandavadivel N, Janssen PW, Beyder A, Lentle RG, Bissett IP, Cheng LK, O'Grady G. The bioelectrical basis and validity of gastrointestinal extracellular slow wave recordings. J Physiol. 2013 Sep 15; 591 (18):4567-79 Epub 2013 May 27
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  57. Wilson ME, Wan SH, Beyder A, Osborn TG, Beckman TJ. Acute polyarticular gout presenting as delirium. J Clin Rheumatol. 2013 Jun; 19(4):221-2.
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  58. Strege P, Beyder A, Bernard C, Crespo-Diaz R, Behfar A, Terzic A, Ackerman M, Farrugia G. Ranolazine inhibits shear sensitivity of endogenous Na+ current and spontaneous action potentials in HL-1 cells. Channels (Austin). 2012 Nov-Dec; 6 (6):457-62 Epub 2012 Sept 27
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  59. Beyder A, Strege PR, Bernard C, Farrugia G. Membrane permeable local anesthetics modulate Na(V)1.5 mechanosensitivity. Channels (Austin). 2012 Jul-Aug; 6 (4):308-16 Epub 2012 July 01
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  60. Beyder A, Strege PR, Reyes S, Bernard CE, Terzic A, Makielski J, Ackerman MJ, Farrugia G. Ranolazine decreases mechanosensitivity of the voltage-gated sodium ion channel Na(v)1.5: a novel mechanism of drug action. Circulation. 2012 Jun 5; 125 (22):2698-706 Epub 2012 May 07
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  61. Beyder A, Klarich KW. Large atrial myxoma causing dynamic obstruction of the mitral valve and atrial fibrillation. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Feb; 87 (2):e9
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  62. Poh YC, Beyder A, Strege PR, Farrugia G, BUist M. Quantification of a gastrointestinal sodium channelopathy. J Theoor Biol. 2012 Jan 21; 293:41-48.
  63. Poh YC, Beyder A, Strege PR, Farrugia G, Buist ML. Quantification of gastrointestinal sodium channelopathy. J Theor Biol. 2012 Jan 21; 293:41-8 Epub 2011 Sept 21
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  64. Beyder A, Farrugia G. Targeting ion channels for the treatment of gastrointestinal motility disorders. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2012 Jan; 5 (1):5-21
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  65. Strege PR, Bernard CE, Kraichely RE, Mazzone A, Sha L, Beyder A, Gibbons SJ, Linden DR, Kendrick ML, Sarr MG, Szurszewski JH, Farrugia G. Hydrogen sulfide is a partially redox-independent activator of the human jejunum Na+ channel, Nav1.5. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2011 Jun; 300 (6):G1105-14 Epub 2011 Mar 10
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  66. Mazzone A, Bernard CE, Strege PR, Beyder A, Galietta LJ, Pasricha PJ, Rae JL, Parkman HP, Linden DR, Szurszewski JH, Ordog T, Gibbons SJ, Farrugia G. Altered expression of Ano1 variants in human diabetic gastroparesis. J Biol Chem. 2011 Apr 15; 286 (15):13393-403 Epub 2011 Feb 24
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  67. Lees-Green R, Du P, O'Grady G, Beyder A, Farrugia G, Pullan AJ. Biophysically based modeling of the interstitial cells of cajal: current status and future perspectives. Front Physiol. 2011; 2:29 Epub 2011 July 04
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  68. Beyder A, Rae JL, Bernard C, Strege PR, Sachs F, Farrugia G. Mechanosensitivity of Nav1.5, a voltage-sensitive sodium channel. J Physiol. 2010 Dec 15; 588 (Pt 24):4969-85 Epub 2010 Nov 01
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  69. Strege PR, Sha L, Beyder A, Bernard CE, Perez-Reyes E, Evangelista S, Gibbons SJ, Szurszewski JH, Farrugia G. T-type Ca(2+) channel modulation by otilonium bromide. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2010 May; 298 (5):G706-13 Epub 2010 Mar 04
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  70. Tharayil VS, Wouters MM, Stanich JE, Roeder JL, Lei S, Beyder A, Gomez-Pinilla PJ, Gershon MD, Maroteaux L, Gibbons SJ, Farrugia G. Lack of serotonin 5-HT2B receptor alters proliferation and network volume of interstitial cells of Cajal in vivo. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2010 Apr; 22 (4):462-9, e109-10 Epub 2009 Nov 26
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  71. Beyder A, Sachs F. Electromechanical coupling in the membranes of Shaker-transfected HEK cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Apr 21; 106 (16):6626-31 Epub 2009 Apr 06
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  72. Spagnoli C, Beyder A, Besch S, Sachs F. Atomic force microscopy analysis of cell volume regulation. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2008 Sep; 78 (3 Pt 1):031916 Epub 2008 Sept 22
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  73. Spagnoli C, Beyder A, Besch SR, Sachs F. Drift-free atomic force microscopy measurements of cell height and mechanical properties. Rev Sci Instrum. 2007 Mar; 78 (3):036111
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  74. Basak S, Beyder A, Raman A, Sachs F. Hydrodynamics of torsional probes for Atomic Force Microscopy in liquids. J Appl Phys. 2007; 102(024914):1-7.
  75. Beyder A, Sachs F. Microfabricated torsion levers optimized for low force and high-frequency operation in fluids. Ultramicroscopy. 2006 Jun-Jul; 106 (8-9):838-46 Epub 2006 May 11
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  76. Beyder A, Spagnoli C, Sachs F. Symmetrically supported torsion levers remove probe dependent AFM drift. Rev Sci Instrum. 2006; 77(056105):1-3.
  77. Beyder A, Spagnoli C, Sachs F. Reducing probe dependent drift in atomic force microscope with symmetrically supported torsion levers Review of Scientific Instruments. 2006; 77 (5):056105
  78. Braun RM, Beyder A, Xu J, Wood MC, Ewing AG, Winograd N. Spatially resolved detection of attomole quantities of organic molecules localized in picoliter vials using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. Anal Chem. 1999 Aug 15; 71 (16):3318-24
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