
  1. Seetharam M, Dronca R, Dudek A, Nelson G, Block M, Starling S, Baskin A, Bradshaw R, Nelson C, Andrews K, Birgin A, Watson C, Yan Y, Mahadevan D, Markovic S, Myers T, Paradiso L, Babiker H. Phase 1 trial of MEK1 inhibitor E6201 plus dabrafenib in patients (pts) with BRAF V600-mutated metastatic melanoma (MM) with central nervous system (CNS) metastases (mets) Cancer Research, American Association for Cancer Research. 2024.
  2. Emiloju OE, Yin J, Koubek E, Reid JM, Borad MJ, Lou Y, Seetharam M, Edelman MJ, Sausville EA, Jiang Y, Kaseb AO, Posey JA, Davis SL, Gores GJ, Roberts LR, Takebe N, Schwartz GK, Hendrickson AEW, Kaufmann SH, Adjei AA, Hubbard JM, Costello BA. Phase 1 trial of navitoclax and sorafenib in patients with relapsed or refractory solid tumors with hepatocellular carcinoma expansion cohort. Invest New Drugs. 2024 Feb; 42 (1):127-135 Epub 2024 Jan 25
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  3. Huff D, Horsley RK, Seetharam M, Larsen BT. Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma Presenting as Hip Pain. Am J Med. 2023 Sep; 136 (9):e171-e172 Epub 2023 May 04
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  4. Ingham M, Allred JB, Chen L, Das B, Kochupurakkal B, Gano K, George S, Attia S, Burgess MA, Seetharam M, Boikos SA, Bui N, Chen JL, Close JL, Cote GM, Thaker PH, Ivy SP, Bose S, D'Andrea A, Marino-Enriquez A, Shapiro GI, Schwartz GK. Phase II Study of Olaparib and Temozolomide for Advanced Uterine Leiomyosarcoma (NCI Protocol 10250). J Clin Oncol. 2023 Sep 1; 41 (25):4154-4163 Epub 2023 July 19
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  5. Watters CR, Barro O, Elliott NM, Zhou Y, Gabere M, Raupach E, Baker AT, Barrett MT, Buetow KH, Jacobs B, Seetharam M, Borad MJ, Nagalo BM. Multi-modal efficacy of a chimeric vesiculovirus expressing the Morreton glycoprotein in sarcoma. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2023 Jun 15; 29:4-14 Epub 2023 Mar 01
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  6. Heater NK, Okuno S, Robinson S, Attia S, Seetharam M, Siontis BL, Yoon J, Chawla S, Milhem MM, Monga V, Skubitz K, Charlson J, Hirbe AC, Weiss MC, Van Tine B, Agulnik M. The Midwest Sarcoma Trials Partnership: Bridging Academic and Community Networks in a Collaborative Approach to Sarcoma. J Clin Med. 2023 Mar 29; 12 (7)
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  7. Laughlin BS, Golafshar MA, Lin K, Goulding K, Roesler K, Vern-Gross T, Seetharam M, Zaniletti I, Ashman JB. Long-term experience with intraoperative electron radiation therapy boost in extremity sarcoma. J Surg Oncol. 2022 Dec; 126 (7):1279-1287 Epub 2022 July 20
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  8. Haug LP, Zarka MA, D'Cunha J, Downey FX 3rd, Seetharam M, Yang M. Pulmonary Artery Angiomatoid Fibrous Histiocytoma Mimicking a Large Pulmonary Embolism. Clin Nucl Med. 2022 Dec 1; 47 (12):e738-e739 Epub 2022 June 11
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  9. Subbiah V, Cassier PA, Siena S, Garralda E, Paz-Ares L, Garrido P, Nadal E, Vuky J, Lopes G, Kalemkerian GP, Bowles DW, Seetharam M, Chang J, Zhang H, Green J, Zalutskaya A, Schuler M, Fan Y, Curigliano G. Pan-cancer efficacy of pralsetinib in patients with RET fusion-positive solid tumors from the phase 1/2 ARROW trial. Nat Med. 2022 Aug; 28 (8):1640-1645 Epub 2022 Aug 12
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  10. Laughlin BS, Golafshar MA, Ahmed S, Prince M, Anderson JD, Vern-Gross T, Seetharam M, Goulding K, Petersen I, DeWees T, Ashman JB. Early Experience Using Proton Beam Therapy for Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Multicenter Study. Int J Part Ther. 2022 Summer; 9(1):1-11. Epub 2022 May 06.
  11. Aggarwal C, Prawira A, Antonia S, Rahma O, Tolcher A, Cohen RB, Lou Y, Hauke R, Vogelzang N, P Zandberg D, Kalebasty AR, Atkinson V, Adjei AA, Seetharam M, Birnbaum A, Weickhardt A, Ganju V, Joshua AM, Cavallo R, Peng L, Zhang X, Kaul S, Baughman J, Bonvini E, Moore PA, Goldberg SM, Arnaldez FI, Ferris RL, Lakhani NJ. Dual checkpoint targeting of B7-H3 and PD-1 with enoblituzumab and pembrolizumab in advanced solid tumors: interim results from a multicenter phase I/II trial. J Immunother Cancer. 2022 Apr; 10 (4)
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  12. Zurcher KS, Houghton OM, Shen JF, Seetharam M, Roarke MC, Yang M. Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging in Nodal Staging and Surveillance of Ocular Melanoma: Case Reports and Review of the Literature. J Nucl Med Technol. 2021 Sep; 49 (3):275-280 Epub 2021 Apr 05
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  13. Brumfiel CM, Patel MH, Aqel B, Lehrer M, Patel SH, Seetharam M. Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in a liver transplant recipient with autoimmune disease and metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. JAAD Case Rep. 2021 Aug; 14:78-81 Epub 2021 June 04
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  14. Chawla N, Bui NQ, Seetharam M. Evolving role of entrectinib in treatment of NTRK-positive tumors. Future Oncol. 2021 Aug; 17 (22):2835-2846 Epub 2021 Apr 26
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  15. Hirbe AC, Eulo V, Moon CI, Luo J, Myles S, Seetharam M, Toeniskoetter J, Kershner T, Haarberg S, Agulnik M, Monga V, Milhem M, Parkes A, Robinson S, Okuno S, Attia S, Van Tine BA. A phase II study of pazopanib as front-line therapy in patients with non-resectable or metastatic soft-tissue sarcomas who are not candidates for chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer. 2020 Sep; 137:1-9 Epub 2020 July 23
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  16. Monga V, Skubitz KM, Maliske S, Mott SL, Dietz H, Hirbe AC, Van Tine BA, Oppelt P, Okuno S, Robinson S, O'Connor M, Seetharam M, Attia S, Charlson J, Agulnik M, Milhem M. A Retrospective Analysis of the Efficacy of Immunotherapy in Metastatic Soft-Tissue Sarcomas. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jul 11; 12 (7) Epub 2020 July 11
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  17. Pollack SM, Somaiah N, Araujo DM, Druta M, Van Tine BA, Burgess MA, Chawla SP, Seetharam M, Okuno SH, Bohac C, Chen M, Yurasov S, Attia S. Clinical outcomes of patients with advanced synovial sarcoma or myxoid/round cell liposarcoma treated at major cancer centers in the United States. Cancer Med. 2020 Jul; 9 (13):4593-4602 Epub 2020 May 06
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  18. DeLeon TT, Almquist DR, Kipp BR, Langlais BT, Mangold A, Winters JL, Kosiorek HE, Joseph RW, Dronca RS, Block MS, McWilliams RR, Kottschade LA, Rumilla KM, Voss JS, Seetharam M, Sekulic A, Markovic SN, Bryce AH. Assessment of clinical outcomes with immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in melanoma patients with CDKN2A and TP53 pathogenic mutations. PLoS One. 2020; 15 (3):e0230306 Epub 2020 Mar 20
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  19. Cheng TW, Yu NY, Seetharam M, Patel SH. Radiotherapy for malignant melanoma of the lacrimal sac. Rare Tumors. 2020; 12:2036361320971943 Epub 2020 Nov 11
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  20. Nguyen BD, Seetharam M, Ocal TI. 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging of Trichoblastic Carcinoma With Nodal Metastasis. Clin Nucl Med. 2019 Jul; 44 (7):e423-e424
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  21. Khorana AA, Soff GA, Kakkar AK, Vadhan-Raj S, Riess H, Wun T, Streiff MB, Garcia DA, Liebman HA, Belani CP, O'Reilly EM, Patel JN, Yimer HA, Wildgoose P, Burton P, Vijapurkar U, Kaul S, Eikelboom J, McBane R, Bauer KA, Kuderer NM, Lyman GH, CASSINI Investigators, Seetharam M. Rivaroxaban for Thromboprophylaxis in High-Risk Ambulatory Patients with Cancer. N Engl J Med. 2019 Feb 21; 380 (8):720-728
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  22. Meyer M, Seetharam M. First-Line Therapy for Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2019 Jan 24; 20 (1):6
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  23. Seetharam M, Kolla KR, Ganjoo KN. Aldoxorubicin therapy for the treatment of patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Future Oncol. 2018 Oct; 14 (23):2323-2333 Epub 2018 June 05
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  24. Seetharam M, Kolla KR, Chawla SP. Eribulin therapy for the treatment of patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Future Oncol. 2018 Jul; 14 (16):1531-1545 Epub 2018 Feb 07
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  25. Seetharam M, Kolla KR, Chawla S. Immunotherapy for Sarcomas - The Past, Present and Future. J Oncol Res Ther. 2018; JONT-157.
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  28. Malla M, Seetharam M. To treat or not to treat: a rare case of pseudo-thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in a Jehovah's Witness. Transfusion. 2016 Jan; 56: (1)160-3.
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  29. Weinberg OK, Seetharam M, Ren L, Alizadeh A, Arber DA. Mixed phenotype acute leukemia: A study of 61 cases using World Health Organization and European Group for the Immunological Classification of Leukaemias criteria. Am J Clin Pathol. 2014 Dec; 142: (6)803-8.
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  30. Weinberg OK, Ohgami RS, Ma L, Seo K, Ren L, Gotlib JR, Seetharam M, Cherry A, Arber DA. Acute myeloid leukemia with monosomal karyotype: morphologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular findings. Am J Clin Pathol. 2014 Aug; 142: (2)190-5.
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  32. Seetharam M, Fan AC, Tran M, Xu L, Renschler JP, Felsher DW, Sridhar K, Wilhelm F, Greenberg PL. Treatment of higher risk myelodysplastic syndrome patients unresponsive to hypomethylating agents with ON 01910.Na. Leuk Res. 2012 Jan; 36: (1)98-103.
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