
  1. Ye RZ, Lipatov K, Diedrich D, Bhattacharyya A, Erickson BJ, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Automatic ARDS surveillance with chest X-ray recognition using convolutional neural networks. J Crit Care. 2024 Aug; 82:154794 Epub 2024 Mar 28
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  2. Jentzer JC, Senghavi D, Patel PC, Bhattacharyya A, van Diepen S, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Kashani KB. Shock Severity Classification and Mortality in Adults With Cardiac, Medical, Surgical, and Neurological Critical Illness. Mayo Clin Proc. 2024 May; 99 (5):727-739 Epub 2023 Oct 08
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  3. Strechen I, Herasevich S, Barwise A, Garcia-Mendez J, Rovati L, Pickering B, Diedrich D, Herasevich V. Centralized Multipatient Dashboards' Impact on Intensive Care Unit Clinician Performance and Satisfaction: A Systematic Review. Appl Clin Inform. 2024 May; 15 (3):414-427 Epub 2024 Apr 04
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  4. Tekin A, Joghataee M, Rovati L, Truong H, Castillo-Zambrano C, Kushagra K, Nikravangolsefid N, Ozkan M, Gupta A, Herasevich V, Domecq J, O'Horo J, Gajic O. Development and validation of a preliminary multivariable diagnostic model for identifying unusual infections in hospitalized patients. Biomol Biomed. 2024 Apr 20 [Epub ahead of print]
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  5. Lindroth H, Nalaie K, Raghu R, Ayala IN, Busch C, Bhattacharyya A, Moreno Franco P, Diedrich DA, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Applied Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Review of Computer Vision Technology Application in Hospital Settings. J Imaging. 2024 Mar 28; 10 (4)
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  7. Zorko Garbajs N, Valencia Morales DJ, Singh TD, Herasevich V, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Weingarten TN, Gajic O, Sprung J, Rabinstein AA. Association of Blood Pressure Variability with Delirium in Patients with Critical Illness. Neurocrit Care. 2023 Dec; 39 (3):646-654 Epub 2022 Dec 16
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  8. Nemeth C, Amos-Binks A, Rule G, Laufersweiler D, Keeney N, Flint I, Pinevich Y, Herasevich V. TCCC Decision Support With Machine Learning Prediction of Hemorrhage Risk, Shock Probability. Mil Med. 2023 Nov 8; 188 (Suppl 6):659-665
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  9. Garcia-Mendez JP, Lal A, Herasevich S, Tekin A, Pinevich Y, Lipatov K, Wang HY, Qamar S, Ayala IN, Khapov I, Gerberi DJ, Diedrich D, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Machine Learning for Automated Classification of Abnormal Lung Sounds Obtained from Public Databases: A Systematic Review. Bioengineering (Basel). 2023 Oct 2; 10 (10) Epub 2023 Oct 02
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  10. Senefeld JW, Gorman EK, Johnson PW, Moir ME, Klassen SA, Carter RE, Paneth NS, Sullivan DJ, Morkeberg OH, Wright RS, Fairweather D, Bruno KA, Shoham S, Bloch EM, Focosi D, Henderson JP, Juskewitch JE, Pirofski LA, Grossman BJ, Tobian AAR, Franchini M, Ganesh R, Hurt RT, Kay NE, Parikh SA, Baker SE, Buchholtz ZA, Buras MR, Clayburn AJ, Dennis JJ, Diaz Soto JC, Herasevich V, Klompas AM, Kunze KL, Larson KF, Mills JR, Regimbal RJ, Ripoll JG, Sexton MA, Shepherd JRA, Stubbs JR, Theel ES, van Buskirk CM, van Helmond N, Vogt MNP, Whelan ER, Wiggins CC, Winters JL, Casadevall A, Joyner MJ. Rates Among Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 Treated With Convalescent Plasma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2023 Oct; 7 (5):499-513 Epub 2023 Oct 10
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  11. Herasevich S, Pinevich Y, Lindroth HL, Herasevich V, Pickering BW, Barwise AK. Who needs clinician attention first? A qualitative study of critical care clinicians' needs that enable the prioritization of care for populations of acutely ill patients. Int J Med Inform. 2023 Sep; 177:105118 Epub 2023 June 02
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  12. Valik JK, Ward L, Tanushi H, Johansson AF, Farnert A, Mogensen ML, Pickering BW, Herasevich V, Dalianis H, Henriksson A, Naucler P. Predicting sepsis onset using a machine learned causal probabilistic network algorithm based on electronic health records data. Sci Rep. 2023 Jul 20; 13 (1):11760 Epub 2023 July 20
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  13. Pinevich Y, Barwise AK, Austin JM, Soleimani J, Herasevich S, Redmond S, Dong Y, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Pickering BW. Time to diagnostic certainty for saddle pulmonary embolism in hospitalized patients. Biomol Biomed. 2023 Jul 3; 23 (4):671-679 Epub 2023 July 03
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  14. Wilson PM, Ramar P, Philpot LM, Soleimani J, Ebbert JO, Storlie CB, Morgan AA, Schaeferle GM, Asai SW, Herasevich V, Pickering BW, Tiong IC, Olson EA, Karow JC, Pinevich Y, Strand J. Effect of an Artificial Intelligence Decision Support Tool on Palliative Care Referral in Hospitalized Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2023 Jul; 66 (1):24-32 Epub 2023 Feb 24
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  15. Herasevich S, Pinevich Y, Lipatov K, Barwise AK, Lindroth HL, LeMahieu AM, Dong Y, Herasevich V, Pickering BW. Evaluation of Digital Health Strategy to Support Clinician-Led Critically Ill Patient Population Management: A Randomized Crossover Study. Crit Care Explor. 2023 May; 5 (5):e0909 Epub 2023 May 03
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  16. Tekin A, Pinevich Y, Herasevich V, Pickering BW, Vergidis P, Gajic O, O'Horo JC. Diagnostic delay in pulmonary blastomycosis: a case series reflecting a referral center experience. Infection. 2023 Feb; 51 (1):193-201 Epub 2022 July 01
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  17. Valencia Morales DJ, Bansal V, Heavner SF, Castro JC, Sharma M, Tekin A, Bogojevic M, Zec S, Sharma N, Cartin-Ceba R, Nanchal RS, Sanghavi DK, La Nou AT, Khan SA, Belden KA, Chen JT, Melamed RR, Sayed IA, Reilkoff RA, Herasevich V, Domecq Garces JP, Walkey AJ, Boman K, Kumar VK, Kashyap R. Validation of automated data abstraction for SCCM discovery VIRUS COVID-19 registry: practical EHR export pathways (VIRUS-PEEP). Front Med (Lausanne). 2023; 10:1089087 Epub 2023 Oct 04
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  18. Herasevich S, Pinevich Y, Lindroth HL, Herasevich V, Pickering BW, Barwise AK. Who needs clinician attention first? A qualitative study of critical care clinicians' needs that enable the prioritization of care for populations of acutely ill patients. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2023; 177:105118
  19. Ye RZ, Subramanian A, Diedrich D, Lindroth H, Pickering B, Herasevich V. Effects of Image Quality on the Accuracy Human Pose Estimation and Detection of Eye Lid Opening/Closing Using Openpose and DLib. J Imaging. 2022 Dec 19; 8 (12)
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  20. Herasevich S, Lindroth HL, Pinevich Y, Lipatov K, Tekin A, Herasevich V, Pickering BW, Barwise AK. The authors reply. Crit Care Med 2022 Nov 1; 50 (11):e804-e805 Epub 2022 Oct 13
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  21. Garbajs NZ, Singh TD, Valencia Morales DJ, Herasevich V, Warner DO, Martin DP, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Hanson AC, Jennissen AJ, Schroeder DR, Weingarten TN, Gajic O, Rabinstein AA, Sprung J. Association of blood pressure variability with short- and long-term cognitive outcomes in patients with critical illness. J Crit Care. 2022 Oct; 71:154107 Epub 2022 July 06
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  22. Do Q, Lipatov K, Ramar K, Rasmusson J, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Pressure Injury Prediction Model Using Advanced Analytics for At-Risk Hospitalized Patients. J Patient Saf. 2022 Oct 1; 18 (7):e1083-e1089 Epub 2022 May 19
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  23. Lindroth HL, Pinevich Y, Barwise AK, Fathma S, Diedrich D, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Information and Data Visualization Needs among Direct Care Nurses in the Intensive Care Unit. Appl Clin Inform. 2022 Oct; 13 (5):1207-1213 Epub 2022 Dec 28
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  24. Lal A, Dang J, Nabzdyk C, Gajic O, Herasevich V. Regulatory oversight and ethical concerns surrounding software as medical device (SaMD) and digital twin technology in healthcare. Ann Transl Med 2022 Sep; 10 (18):950
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  25. Laudanski K, Scruth E, Winterbottom F, Rastrepo M, Dugar S, Herasevich V, Villanueva I, Armaignac DL, Scott BK. A Survey of Tele-Critical Care State and Needs in 2019 and 2020 Conducted among the Members of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Aug 01; 10(8).
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  26. Herasevich S, Lipatov K, Pinevich Y, Lindroth H, Tekin A, Herasevich V, Pickering BW, Barwise AK. The Impact of Health Information Technology for Early Detection of Patient Deterioration on Mortality and Length of Stay in the Hospital Acute Care Setting: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Crit Care Med. 2022 Aug 1; 50 (8):1198-1209 Epub 2022 Apr 12
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  27. Zhang Z, Chen L, Xu P, Wang Q, Zhang J, Chen K, Clements CM, Celi LA, Herasevich V, Hong Y. Effectiveness of automated alerting system compared to usual care for the management of sepsis. NPJ Digit Med. 2022 Jul 19; 5 (1):101 Epub 2022 July 19
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  28. Huang C, Barwise A, Soleimani J, Dong Y, Svetlana H, Khan SA, Gavin A, Helgeson SA, Moreno-Franco P, Pinevich Y, Kashyap R, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Pickering BW. Bedside Clinicians' Perceptions on the Contributing Role of Diagnostic Errors in Acutely Ill Patient Presentation: A Survey of Academic and Community Practice. J Patient Saf. 2022 Mar 1; 18 (2):e454-e462
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  29. Zhong Xiang, Sarijaloo Farnaz, Prakash Aditya, Park Jaeyoung, Huang Chanyan, Barwise Amelia, Herasevich Vitaly, Gajic Ognjen, Pickering Brian, Dong Yue. A multidisciplinary approach to the development of digital twin models of critical care delivery in intensive care units International Journal of Production Research. 2022.
  30. Esmaeilzadeh S, Lane CM, Gerberi DJ, Wakeam E, Pickering BW, Herasevich V, Hyder JA. Improving In-Hospital Patient Rescue: What Are Studies on Early Warning Scores Missing? A Scoping Review. Crit Care Explor. 2022 Feb; 4(2):e0644. Epub 2022 Feb 21.
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  31. Pinevich Y, Amos-Binks A, Burris CS, Rule G, Bogojevic M, Flint I, Pickering BW, Nemeth CP, Herasevich V. Validation of a Machine Learning Model for Early Shock Detection. Mil Med. 2022 Jan 4; 187 (1-2):82-88
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  32. Lipatov K, Daniels CE, Park JG, Elmer J, Hanson AC, Madsen BE, Clements CM, Gajic O, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Implementation and evaluation of sepsis surveillance and decision support in medical ICU and emergency department. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Jan; 51:378-383 Epub 2021 Nov 11
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  33. Senefeld JW, Johnson PW, Kunze KL, Bloch EM, van Helmond N, Golafshar MA, Klassen SA, Klompas AM, Sexton MA, Diaz Soto JC, Grossman BJ, Tobian AAR, Goel R, Wiggins CC, Bruno KA, van Buskirk CM, Stubbs JR, Winters JL, Casadevall A, Paneth NS, Shaz BH, Petersen MM, Sachais BS, Buras MR, Wieczorek MA, Russoniello B, Dumont LJ, Baker SE, Vassallo RR, Shepherd JRA, Young PP, Verdun NC, Marks P, Haley NR, Rea RF, Katz L, Herasevich V, Waxman DA, Whelan ER, Bergman A, Clayburn AJ, Grabowski MK, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Vogt MNP, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, Buchholtz ZA, Pletsch MC, Wright K, Greenshields JT, Joyner MJ, Wright RS, Carter RE, Fairweather D. Access to and safety of COVID-19 convalescent plasma in the United States Expanded Access Program: A national registry study. PLoS Med. 2021 Dec; 18 (12):e1003872 Epub 2021 Dec 20
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  34. Riaz IB, He H, Ryu AJ, Siddiqi R, Naqvi SAA, Yao Y, Husnain M, Narasimhulu DM, Mathew J, Sipra QUAR, Vandvik PO, Joseph RW, Liu H, Wang Z, Herasevich V, Singh P, Hussain SA, Ho TH, Bryce AH, Pagliaro LC, Murad MH, Costello BA. A Living, Interactive Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of First-line Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. Eur Urol. 2021 Dec; 80 (6):712-723 Epub 2021 Apr 03
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  35. Do QT, Lipatov K, Wang HY, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Classification of Respiratory Conditions using Auscultation Sound. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2021 Nov; 2021:1942-1945
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  36. Yang T, Shen Y, Park JG, Schulte PJ, Hanson AC, Herasevich V, Dong Y, Bauer PR. Outcome after intubation for septic shock with respiratory distress and hemodynamic compromise: an observational study. BMC Anesthesiol. 2021 Oct 25; 21 (1):253
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  37. Wilson PM, Philpot LM, Ramar P, Storlie CB, Strand J, Morgan AA, Asai SW, Ebbert JO, Herasevich VD, Soleimani J, Pickering BW. Improving time to palliative care review with predictive modeling in an inpatient adult population: study protocol for a stepped-wedge, pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2021 Sep 16; 22 (1):635 Epub 2021 Sept 16
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  38. Gali B, Arteaga GM, Au G, Herasevich V. Impact of In Situ Education on Management of Cardiac Arrest after Cardiac Surgery Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Crtical Care. 08/16/2021.
  39. Kunze KL, Johnson PW, van Helmond N, Senefeld JW, Petersen MM, Klassen SA, Wiggins CC, Klompas AM, Bruno KA, Mills JR, Theel ES, Buras MR, Golafshar MA, Sexton MA, Diaz Soto JC, Baker SE, Shepherd JRA, Verdun NC, Marks P, Paneth NS, Fairweather D, Wright RS, van Buskirk CM, Winters JL, Stubbs JR, Senese KA, Pletsch MC, Buchholtz ZA, Rea RF, Herasevich V, Whelan ER, Clayburn AJ, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Lesser ER, Vogt MNP, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, Casadevall A, Carter RE, Joyner MJ. Mortality in individuals treated with COVID-19 convalescent plasma varies with the geographic provenance of donors. Nat Commun. 2021 Aug 11; 12 (1):4864
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  40. Pinevich Y, Clark KJ, Harrison AM, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Interaction Time with Electronic Health Records: A Systematic Review. Appl Clin Inform. 2021 Aug; 12 (4):788-799 Epub 2021 Aug 25
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  41. Murphree DH, Wilson PM, Asai SW, Quest DJ, Lin Y, Mukherjee P, Chhugani N, Strand JJ, Demuth G, Mead D, Wright B, Harrison A, Soleimani J, Herasevich V, Pickering BW, Storlie CB. Improving the delivery of palliative care through predictive modeling and healthcare informatics. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 Jun 12; 28 (6):1065-1073
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  42. Joyner MJ, Carter RE, Senefeld JW, Klassen SA, Mills JR, Johnson PW, Theel ES, Wiggins CC, Bruno KA, Klompas AM, Lesser ER, Kunze KL, Sexton MA, Diaz Soto JC, Baker SE, Shepherd JRA, van Helmond N, Verdun NC, Marks P, van Buskirk CM, Winters JL, Stubbs JR, Rea RF, Hodge DO, Herasevich V, Whelan ER, Clayburn AJ, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Buras MR, Vogt MNP, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, Paneth NS, Fairweather D, Wright RS, Casadevall A. Convalescent Plasma Antibody Levels and the Risk of Death from Covid-19. N Engl J Med. 2021 Mar 18; 384 (11):1015-1027 Epub 2021 Jan 13
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  43. Huang C, Barwise AK, Soleimani J, Dong Y, Herasevich S, Khan SA, Gavin A, Helgeson SA, Moreno P, Pinevich Y, Kashyap R, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Pickering BW. Bedside clinicians’ perceptions on the contributing role of diagnostic errors in acutely ill patient presentation: a survey of academic and community practice Journal of patient safety. in-press.
  44. Lal A, Herasevich V, Gajic O. Utility of AI models in critical care: union of man and the machine. Crit Care 2021 Feb 2; 25 (1):46 Epub 2021 Feb 02
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  45. Nemeth C, Amos-Binks A, Burris C, Keeney N, Pinevich Y, Pickering BW, Rule G, Laufersweiler D, Herasevich V, Sun MG. Decision Support for Tactical Combat Casualty Care Using Machine Learning to Detect Shock. Mil Med. 2021 Jan 25; 186 (Suppl 1):273-280
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  46. Glancova A, Do QT, Sanghavi DK, Franco PM, Gopal N, Lehman LM, Dong Y, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Are We Ready for Video Recognition and Computer Vision in the Intensive Care Unit? A Survey. Appl Clin Inform. 2021 Jan; 12 (1):120-132 Epub 2021 Feb 24
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  47. Do Q, Marc D, Plotkin M, Pickering B, Herasevich V. Starter Kit for Geotagging and Geovisualization in Health Care: Resource Paper. JMIR Form Res. 2020 Dec 24; 4 (12):e23379
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  48. Lal A, Li G, Cubro E, Chalmers S, Li H, Herasevich V, Dong Y, Pickering BW, Kilickaya O, Gajic O. Development and Verification of a Digital Twin Patient Model to Predict Specific Treatment Response During the First 24 Hours of Sepsis. Crit Care Explor. 2020 Nov; 2 (11):e0249 Epub 2020 Nov 16
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  49. Joyner MJ, Wright RS, Fairweather D, Senefeld JW, Bruno KA, Klassen SA, Carter RE, Klompas AM, Wiggins CC, Shepherd JR, Rea RF, Whelan ER, Clayburn AJ, Spiegel MR, Johnson PW, Lesser ER, Baker SE, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Hodge DO, Kunze KL, Buras MR, Vogt MN, Herasevich V, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, Van Buskirk CM, Winters JL, Stubbs JR, Paneth NS, Verdun NC, Marks P, Casadevall A. Early safety indicators of COVID-19 convalescent plasma in 5000 patients. J Clin Invest. 2020 Sep 1; 130 (9):4791-4797
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  50. Valik JK, Ward L, Tanushi H, Mullersdorf K, Ternhag A, Aufwerber E, Farnert A, Johansson AF, Mogensen ML, Pickering B, Dalianis H, Henriksson A, Herasevich V, Naucler P. Validation of automated sepsis surveillance based on the Sepsis-3 clinical criteria against physician record review in a general hospital population: observational study using electronic health records data. BMJ Qual Saf. 2020 Sep; 29 (9):735-745 Epub 2020 Feb 06
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  51. Joyner MJ, Bruno KA, Klassen SA, Kunze KL, Johnson PW, Lesser ER, Wiggins CC, Senefeld JW, Klompas AM, Hodge DO, Shepherd JRA, Rea RF, Whelan ER, Clayburn AJ, Spiegel MR, Baker SE, Larson KF, Ripoll JG, Andersen KJ, Buras MR, Vogt MNP, Herasevich V, Dennis JJ, Regimbal RJ, Bauer PR, Blair JE, van Buskirk CM, Winters JL, Stubbs JR, van Helmond N, Butterfield BP, Sexton MA, Diaz Soto JC, Paneth NS, Verdun NC, Marks P, Casadevall A, Fairweather D, Carter RE, Wright RS. Safety Update: COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma in 20,000 Hospitalized Patients. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Sep; 95 (9):1888-1897 Epub 2020 July 19
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  52. Lal A, Pinevich Y, Gajic O, Herasevich V, Pickering B. Artificial intelligence and computer simulation models in critical illness. World J Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun 5; 9 (2):13-19 Epub 2020 June 05
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  53. Joyner M, Wright RS, Fairweather D, Senefeld J, Bruno K, Klassen S, Carter R, Klompas A, Wiggins C, Shepherd JR, Rea R, Whelan E, Clayburn A, Spiegel M, Johnson P, Lesser E, Baker S, Larson K, Ripoll Sanz J, Andersen K, Hodge D, Kunze K, Buras M, Vogt M, Herasevich V, Dennis J, Regimbal R, Bauer P, Blair J, van Buskirk C, Winters J, Stubbs J, Paneth N, Casadevall A. Early Safety Indicators of COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma in 5,000 Patients. medRxiv 2020 May 14
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  54. Soleimani J, Pinevich Y, Barwise AK, Huang C, Dong Y, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Pickering BW. Feasibility and Reliability Testing of Manual Electronic Health Record Reviews as a Tool for Timely Identification of Diagnostic Error in Patients at Risk. Appl Clin Inform. 2020 May; 11 (3):474-482 Epub 2020 July 15
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  55. Subramanian S, Pamplin JC, Hravnak M, Hielsberg C, Riker R, Rincon F, Laudanski K, Adzhigirey LA, Moughrabieh MA, Winterbottom FA, Herasevich V. Tele-Critical Care: An Update From the Society of Critical Care Medicine Tele-ICU Committee. Crit Care Med. 2020 Apr; 48 (4):553-561
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  56. Subramanian S, Pamplin JC, Hravnak M, Hielsberg C, Riker R, Rincon F, Laudanski K, Adzhigirey LA, Moughrabieh MA, Winterbottom FA, Herasevich V. Tele-Critical Care: An Update From the Society of Critical Care Medicine Tele-ICU Committee. Crit Care Med. 2019 Dec 17 [Epub ahead of print]
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  57. Harrison AM, Siwani R, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Clinical impact of intraoperative electronic health record downtime on surgical patients. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2019 Oct 1; 26 (10):928-933
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  58. Tafti AP, Dong Y, Habermann E, Liu H, Herasevich V. Relationship Between Very Cold Outside Weather and Surgical Outcome: Integrating Shallow and Deep Artificial Neural Nets. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019 Aug 21; 264:1783-1784
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  59. Herasevich V, Subramanian S. Tele-ICU Technologies. Crit Care Clin. 2019 Jul; 35 (3):427-438 Epub 2019 Apr 08
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  60. Dziadzko MA, Novotny PJ, Sloan J, Gajic O, Herasevich V, Mirhaji P, Wu Y, Gong MN. Multicenter derivation and validation of an early warning score for acute respiratory failure or death in the hospital. Crit Care. 2018 Oct 30; 22 (1):286
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  61. Sen A, Coopersmith CM, Herasevich V, Farmer JC. It Was the Best of Rounds, It Was the Worst of Rounds, It Was the Age of Wisdom, It Was the Age of Electronic Health Records.... Crit Care Med 2018 Oct; 46 (10):1685-1686
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  62. Barwise A, Caples S, Jensen J, Pickering B, Herasevich V. Information needs for the rapid response team electronic clinical tool. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2017 Oct 2; 17 (1):142 Epub 2017 Oct 02
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  63. Nolan ME, Siwani R, Helmi H, Pickering BW, Moreno-Franco P, Herasevich V. Health IT Usability Focus Section: Data Use and Navigation Patterns among Medical ICU Clinicians during Electronic Chart Review. Appl Clin Inform. 2017 Oct; 8 (4):1117-1126 Epub 2017 Dec 14
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  64. Nolan ME, Cartin-Ceba R, Moreno-Franco P, Pickering B, Herasevich V. A Multisite Survey Study of EMR Review Habits, Information Needs, and Display Preferences among Medical ICU Clinicians Evaluating New Patients. Appl Clin Inform. 2017 Oct; 8 (4):1197-1207 Epub 2017 Dec 22
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  65. Naksuk N, Thongprayoon C, Park JY, Sharma S, Gaba P, Rosenbaum AN, Peeraphatdit T, Hu TY, Bell MR, Herasevich V, Brady PA, Kapa S, Asirvatham SJ. Editor's Choice-Clinical impact of delirium and antipsychotic therapy: 10-Year experience from a referral coronary care unit. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care 2017 Sep; 6 (6):560-568 Epub 2015 June 29
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  66. Aakre C, Franco PM, Ferreyra M, Kitson J, Li M, Herasevich V. Prospective validation of a near real-time EHR-integrated automated SOFA score calculator. Int J Med Inform. 2017 Jul; 103:1-6 Epub 2017 Apr 03
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  67. Aakre CA, Kitson JE, Li M, Herasevich V. Iterative User Interface Design for Automated Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score Calculator in Sepsis Detection. JMIR Hum Factors. 2017 May 18; 4 (2):e14
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  68. Aakre C, Dziadzko M, Keegan MT, Herasevich V. Automating Clinical Score Calculation within the Electronic Health Record. A Feasibility Assessment. Appl Clin Inform. 2017 Apr 12; 8 (2):369-380
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  69. Ali R, Cornelius PJ, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Kashyap R. Effect of daily use of electronic checklist on physical rehabilitation consultations in critically ill patients. J Crit Care. 2017 Apr; 38:357-361 Epub 2016 Dec 22
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  70. Aakre CA, Dziadzko MA, Herasevich V. Towards automated calculation of evidence-based clinical scores. World J Methodol. 2017 Mar 26; 7 (1):16-24
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  71. Naksuk N, Hu T, Krittanawong C, Thongprayoon C, Sharma S, Park JY, Rosenbaum AN, Gaba P, Killu AM, Sugrue AM, Peeraphatdit T, Herasevich V, Bell MR, Brady PA, Kapa S, Asirvatham SJ. Association of Serum Magnesium on Mortality in Patients Admitted to the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit. Am J Med. 2017 Feb; 130 (2):229.e5-229.e13 Epub 2016 Sept 14
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  72. Kashani KB, Frazee EN, Kukralova L, Sarvottam K, Herasevich V, Young PM, Kashyap R, Lieske JC. Evaluating Muscle Mass by Using Markers of Kidney Function: Development of the Sarcopenia Index. Crit Care Med. 2017 Jan; 45: (1)e23-e29.
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  73. Ellsworth MA, Dziadzko M, O'Horo JC, Farrell AM, Zhang J, Herasevich V. An appraisal of published usability evaluations of electronic health records via systematic review. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2017 Jan; 24 (1):218-226 Epub 2016 Apr 23
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  74. Harrison AM, Thongprayoon C, Aakre CA, Jeng JY, Dziadzko MA, Gajic O, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Comparison of methods of alert acknowledgement by critical care clinicians in the ICU setting. PeerJ. 2017; 5:e3083 Epub 2017 Mar 14
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  75. Nolan ME, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. DOCtimer: A Timing and Event Recording Tool for Direct Observational Research. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017; 245:1309
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  76. Dziadzko MA, Harrison AM, Tiong IC, Pickering BW, Moreno Franco P, Herasevich V. Testing modes of computerized sepsis alert notification delivery systems. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2016 Dec 9; 16 (1):156 Epub 2016 Dec 09
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  77. Dziadzko MA, Gajic O, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Clinical calculators in hospital medicine: Availability, classification, and needs. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2016 Sep; 133:1-6 Epub 2016 May 19
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  78. Aakre CA, Chaudhry R, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Information Needs Assessment for a Medicine Ward-Focused Rounding Dashboard. J Med Syst. 2016 Aug; 40 (8):183 Epub 2016 June 15
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  79. Dziadzko MA, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Predicting Outcomes From Respiratory Distress: Does Another Score Help to Solve the Problem? Crit Care Med 2016 Jul; 44 (7):1437-8
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  80. Ellsworth MA, Aakre CA, Dziadzko M, Peters SG, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Early Computerization of Patient Care at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Jul; 91 (7):e93-e101 Epub 2016 May 26
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  81. Fedosov V, Dziadzko M, Dearani JA, Brown DR, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Decision Support Tool to Improve Glucose Control Compliance After Cardiac Surgery. AACN Adv Crit Care. 2016 Jul; 27: (3)274-282.
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  82. Gong MN, Schenk L, Gajic O, Mirhaji P, Sloan J, Dong Y, Festic E, Herasevich V. Early intervention of patients at risk for acute respiratory failure and prolonged mechanical ventilation with a checklist aimed at the prevention of organ failure: protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedged cluster trial of PROOFCheck. BMJ Open. 2016 Jun 10; 6 (6):e011347 Epub 2016 June 10
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  83. Harrison AM, Gajic O, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Development and Implementation of Sepsis Alert Systems. Clin Chest Med. 2016 Jun; 37 (2):219-29 Epub 2016 Feb 20
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  84. Pearl JS, Gajic O, Dong Y, Herasevich V, Gong MN. Creation of the Prevention of Organ Failure Checklist. A Multidisciplinary Approach Using the Modified Delphi Technique. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 Jun; 13 (6):910-6
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  85. O'Horo JC, Kashyap R, Sevilla Berrios R, Herasevich V, Sampathkumar P. Differentiating infectious and noninfectious ventilator-associated complications: A new challenge. Am J Infect Control. 2016 Jun 1; 44 (6):661-5 Epub 2016 Feb 18
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  86. Dziadzko MA, Thongprayoon C, Ahmed A, Tiong IC, Li M, Brown DR, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Automatic quality improvement reports in the intensive care unit: One step closer toward meaningful use. World J Crit Care Med. 2016 May 04; 5(2):165-70.
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  87. Dziadzko MA, Herasevich V, Sen A, Pickering BW, Knight AM, Moreno Franco P. User perception and experience of the introduction of a novel critical care patient viewer in the ICU setting. Int J Med Inform. 2016 Apr; 88:86-91 Epub 2016 Jan 29
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  88. Frazee EN, Personett HA, Wood-Wentz CM, Herasevich V, Lieske JC, Kashani KB. Overestimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate Among Critically Ill Adults With Hospital-Acquired Oligoanuric Acute Kidney Injury. J Pharm Pract. 2016 Apr; 29(2):125-31. Epub 2014 Oct 16.
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  89. Thongprayoon C, Harrison AM, O'Horo JC, Berrios RA, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. The Effect of an Electronic Checklist on Critical Care Provider Workload, Errors, and Performance. J Intensive Care Med. 2016 Mar; 31 (3):205-12 Epub 2014 Nov 12
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  90. Barwise A, Thongprayoon C, Gajic O, Jensen J, Herasevich V, Pickering BW. Delayed Rapid Response Team Activation Is Associated With Increased Hospital Mortality, Morbidity, and Length of Stay in a Tertiary Care Institution. Crit Care Med. 2016 Jan; 44 (1):54-63
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  91. Marc DT, Beattie J, Herasevich V, Gatewood L, Zhang R. Assessing Metadata Quality of a Federally Sponsored Health Data Repository. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2016; 2016:864-873 Epub 2017 Feb 10
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  92. Wilson ME, Kaur S, Gallo De Moraes A, Pickering BW, Gajic O, Herasevich V. Important clinician information needs about family members in the intensive care unit. J Crit Care. 2015 Dec; 30 (6):1317-23 Epub 2015 July 31
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  93. Weingarten TN, Herasevich V, McGlinch MC, Beatty NC, Christensen ED, Hannifan SK, Koenig AE, Klanke J, Zhu X, Gali B, Schroeder DR, Sprung J. Predictors of Delayed Postoperative Respiratory Depression Assessed from Naloxone Administration. Anesth Analg. 2015 Aug; 121 (2):422-9
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  94. Mittal MK, Kashyap R, Herasevich V, Rabinstein AA, Wijdicks EFM. Do patients in a medical or surgical icu benefit from a neurologic consultation? Int J Neurosci. 2015 Jul; 125(7):512-20.
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  95. Thompson G, O'Horo JC, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Impact of the Electronic Medical Record on Mortality, Length of Stay, and Cost in the Hospital and ICU: A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis. Crit Care Med. 2015 Jun; 43 (6):1276-82
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  96. Pickering BW, Dong Y, Ahmed A, Giri J, Kilickaya O, Gupta A, Gajic O, Herasevich V. The implementation of clinician designed, human-centered electronic medical record viewer in the intensive care unit: a pilot step-wedge cluster randomized trial. Int J Med Inform. 2015 May; 84 (5):299-307 Epub 2015 Jan 31
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  97. Harrison AM, Thongprayoon C, Kashyap R, Chute CG, Gajic O, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Developing the surveillance algorithm for detection of failure to recognize and treat severe sepsis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Feb; 90 (2):166-75 Epub 2015 Jan 06
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  98. Kashani K, Herasevich V. Utilities of Electronic Medical Records to Improve Quality of Care for Acute Kidney Injury: Past, Present, Future. Nephron. 2015; 131: (2)92-6.
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  99. Kashiouris MG, Miljkovic M, Herasevich V, Goldberg AD, Albrecht C. Description and pilot evaluation of the Metabolic Irregularities Narrowing down Device software: a case analysis of physician programming. J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2015; 5 (1):25793 Epub 2015 Feb 03
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  100. Lan H, Thongprayoon C, Ahmed A, Herasevich V, Sampathkumar P, Gajic O, O'Horo JC. Automating Quality Metrics in the Era of Electronic Medical Records: Digital Signatures for Ventilator Bundle Compliance. Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015:396508 Epub 2015 June 08
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  101. Ellsworth MA, Homan JM, Cimino JJ, Peters SG, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Point-of-Care Knowledge-Based Resource Needs of Clinicians: A Survey from a Large Academic Medical Center. Appl Clin Inform. 2015; 6 (2):305-17 Epub 2015 May 06
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  102. Schmickl CN, Pannu S, Al-Qadi MO, Alsara A, Kashyap R, Dhokarh R, Herasevich V, Gajic O. Decision support tool for differential diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) vs Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (CPE): a prospective validation and meta-analysis. Crit Care. 2014 Nov 29; 18 (6):659
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  103. Ellsworth MA, Lang TR, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Clinical data needs in the neonatal intensive care unit electronic medical record. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2014 Oct 24; 14:92
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  104. Smischney NJ, Velagapudi VM, Onigkeit JA, Pickering BW, Herasevich V, Kashyap R. Derivation and validation of a search algorithm to retrospectively identify mechanical ventilation initiation in the intensive care unit. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2014 Jun 25; 14:55 Epub 2014 June 25
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  105. Kilickaya O, Schmickl C, Ahmed A, Pulido J, Onigkeit J, Kashani K, Gajic O, Herasevich V, Pickering B. Customized reference ranges for laboratory values decrease false positive alerts in intensive care unit patients. PLoS One. 2014; 9(9):e107930. Epub 2014 Sep 18.
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  106. Herasevich V, Ellsworth MA, Hebl JR, Brown MJ, Pickering BW. Information needs for the OR and PACU electronic medical record. Appl Clin Inform. 2014; 5 (3):630-41 Epub 2014 July 16
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  107. Ofoma UR, Chandra S, Kashyap R, Herasevich V, Ahmed A, Gajic O, Pickering BW, Farmer CJ. Findings from the implementation of a validated readmission predictive tool in the discharge workflow of a medical intensive care unit. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2014; 11(5):737-43.
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  108. Ahmed A, Thongprayoon C, Pickering BW, Akhoundi A, Wilson G, Pieczkiewicz D, Herasevich V. Towards prevention of acute syndromes: electronic identification of at-risk patients during hospital admission. Appl Clin Inform. 2014; 5 (1):58-72 Epub 2014 Jan 22
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  109. Kashani K, Herasevich V. Sniffing out acute kidney injury in the ICU: do we have the tools? Curr Opin Crit Care. 2013 Dec; 19(6):531-6.
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  110. Herasevich V, Kor DJ, Subramanian A, Pickering BW. Connecting the dots: rule-based decision support systems in the modern EMR era. J Clin Monit Comput. 2013 Aug; 27 (4):443-8 Epub 2013 Feb 28
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  111. Pickering BW, Gajic O, Ahmed A, Herasevich V, Keegan MT. Data utilization for medical decision making at the time of patient admission to ICU. Crit Care Med. 2013 Jun; 41(6):1502-10.
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  112. Tsapenko MV, Herasevich V, Mour GK, Tsapenko AV, Comfere TB, Mankad SV, Cartin-Ceba R, Gajic O, Albright RC. Severe sepsis and septic shock in patients with pre-existing non-cardiac pulmonary hypertension: contemporary management and outcomes. Crit Care Resusc. 2013 Jun; 15(2):103-9.
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  113. Clifford L, Singh A, Wilson GA, Toy P, Gajic O, Malinchoc M, Herasevich V, Pathak J, Kor DJ. Electronic health record surveillance algorithms facilitate the detection of transfusion-related pulmonary complications. Transfusion. 2013 Jun; 53 (6):1205-16 Epub 2012 Aug 31
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  114. Singh B, Hanson AC, Alhurani R, Wang S, Herasevich V, Cartin-Ceba R, Kor DJ, Gangat N, Li G. Trends in the incidence and outcomes of disseminated intravascular coagulation in critically ill patients (2004-2010): a population-based study. Chest. 2013 May; 143 (5):1235-1242
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  115. Smischney NJ, Velagapudi VM, Onigkeit JA, Pickering BW, Herasevich V, Kashyap R. Retrospective derivation and validation of a search algorithm to identify emergent endotracheal intubations in the intensive care unit. Appl Clin Inform. 2013; 4: (3)419-27.
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  116. Giri J, Ahmed A, Dong Y, Keegan MT, Herasevich V, Pickering B, Gajic O. Daily intensive care unit rounds: A multidisciplinary perspective. Appl Med Inform. 2013; 33:64-75.
  117. Giri J, Li M, Pickering B, Subramanian A, Kor DJ, Herasevich V. Validation of computerized sniffer for monitoring perioperative normothermia. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013; 192:943
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  118. Kashiouris M, O'Horo JC, Pickering BW, Herasevich V. Diagnostic performance of electronic syndromic surveillance systems in acute care: a systematic review. Appl Clin Inform. 2013; 4 (2):212-24 Epub 2013 May 08
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  119. Harrison AM, Yadav H, Pickering BW, Cartin-Ceba R, Herasevich V. Validation of computerized automatic calculation of the sequential organ failure assessment score. Crit Care Res Pract. 2013; 2013:975672 Epub 2013 July 09
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  120. Pickering BW, Litell JM, Herasevich V, Gajic O. Clinical review: the hospital of the future - building intelligent environments to facilitate safe and effective acute care delivery. Crit Care. 2012 Dec 12; 16 (2):220
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  121. Herasevich V, Litell J, Pickering B. Electronic medical records and mHealth anytime, anywhere. Biomed Instrum Technol. 2012 Fall; Suppl:45-8.
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  122. Singh B, Singh A, Ahmed A, Wilson GA, Pickering BW, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Li G. Derivation and validation of automated electronic search strategies to extract Charlson comorbidities from electronic medical records. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Sep; 87 (9):817-24
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  123. Pulido JN, Afessa B, Masaki M, Yuasa T, Gillespie S, Herasevich V, Brown DR, Oh JK. Clinical spectrum, frequency, and significance of myocardial dysfunction in severe sepsis and septic shock. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Jul; 87 (7):620-8 Epub 2012 June 08
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  124. Chbat NW, Chu W, Ghosh M, Li G, Li M, Chiofolo CM, Vairavan S, Herasevich V, Gajic O. Clinical knowledge-based inference model for early detection of acute lung injury. Ann Biomed Eng. 2012 May; 40(5):1131-41. Epub 2011 Dec 14.
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  125. Enfield KB, Schafer K, Zlupko M, Herasevich V, Novicoff WM, Gajic O, Hoke TR, Truwit JD. A comparison of administrative and physiologic predictive models in determining risk adjusted mortality rates in critically ill patients. PLoS One. 2012; 7(2):e32286. Epub 2012 Feb 24.
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  126. Chandra S, Agarwal D, Hanson A, Farmer JC, Pickering BW, Gajic O, Herasevich V. The use of an electronic medical record based automatic calculation tool to quantify risk of unplanned readmission to the intensive care unit: a validation study. J Crit Care. 2011 Dec; 26 (6):634.e9-634.e15 Epub 2011 June 28
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  127. Cartin-Ceba R, Kojicic M, Li G, Kor DJ, Poulose J, Herasevich V, Kashyap R, Trillo-Alvarez C, Cabello-Garza J, Hubmayr R, Seferian EG, Gajic O. Epidemiology of critical care syndromes, organ failures, and life-support interventions in a suburban US community. Chest. 2011 Dec; 140 (6):1447-1455 Epub 2011 Oct 13
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  128. Herasevich V, Kor DJ, Li M, Pickering BW. ICU data mart: a non-iT approach. A team of clinicians, researchers and informatics personnel at the Mayo Clinic have taken a homegrown approach to building an ICU data mart. Healthc Inform. 2011 Nov; 28 (11):42, 44-5
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  129. Schmickl CN, Li M, Li G, Wetzstein MM, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Benzo RP. The accuracy and efficiency of electronic screening for recruitment into a clinical trial on COPD. Respir Med. 2011 Oct; 105 (10):1501-6 Epub 2011 May 14
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  130. Herasevich V, Pieper MS, Pulido J, Gajic O. Enrollment into a time sensitive clinical study in the critical care setting: results from computerized septic shock sniffer implementation. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2011 Sep-Oct; 18 (5):639-44 Epub 2011 Apr 20
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  131. Ahmed A, Chandra S, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Pickering BW. The effect of two different electronic health record user interfaces on intensive care provider task load, errors of cognition, and performance. Crit Care Med. 2011 Jul; 39 (7):1626-34
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  132. Shari G, Kojicic M, Li G, Cartin-Ceba R, Alvarez CT, Kashyap R, Dong Y, Poulose JT, Herasevich V, Garza JA, Gajic O. Timing of the onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome: a population-based study. Respir Care. 2011 May; 56 (5):576-82 Epub 2011 Jan 27
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  133. Alsara A, Warner DO, Li G, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Kor DJ. Derivation and validation of automated electronic search strategies to identify pertinent risk factors for postoperative acute lung injury. Mayo Clin Proc. 2011 May; 86 (5):382-8
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  134. Trillo-Alvarez C, Cartin-Ceba R, Kor DJ, Kojicic M, Kashyap R, Thakur S, Thakur L, Herasevich V, Malinchoc M, Gajic O. Acute lung injury prediction score: derivation and validation in a population-based sample. Eur Respir J. 2011 Mar; 37 (3):604-9 Epub 2010 June 18
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  135. Chandra S, Kashyap R, Trillo-Alvarez CA, Tsapenko M, Yilmaz M, Hanson AC, Pickering BW, Gajic O, Herasevich V. Mapping physicians' admission diagnoses to structured concepts towards fully automatic calculation of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation score. BMJ Open. 2011; 1 (2):e000216 Epub 2011 Nov 14
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  136. Herasevich V, Tsapenko M, Kojicic M, Ahmed A, Kashyap R, Venkata C, Shahjehan K, Thakur SJ, Pickering BW, Zhang J, Hubmayr RD, Gajic O. Limiting ventilator-induced lung injury through individual electronic medical record surveillance. Crit Care Med. 2011 Jan; 39(1):34-9.
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  137. Herasevich V, Pickering BW, Dong Y, Peters SG, Gajic O. Informatics infrastructure for syndrome surveillance, decision support, reporting, and modeling of critical illness. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 Mar; 85 (3):247-54
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  138. Pulido J N, Yuasa T, Masaki M, Gillespie S, Herasechic V, Mankad S, Brown D, Oh J, Afessa B. Frequency and Clinical Spectrum of Myocardial Dysfunction in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. Critical Care. 2010; 14(Suppl 1):392.
  139. Pickering BW, Gajic O, Ahmed A, Herasevich V. Novel representation of clinical information in the ICU - developing and testing user interfaces which reduce information overload. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2010; 1:116-31.
  140. Li M, Pickering BW, Smith VD, Hadzikadic M, Gajic O, Herasevich V. Medical informatics: an essential tool for health sciences research in acute care. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2009 Oct; 9 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):S34-S39
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  141. Ahmed A, Kojicic M, Herasevich V, Gajic O. Early identification of patients with or at risk of acute lung injury. Neth J Med. 2009 Oct; 67 (9):268-71
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  142. Herasevich V, Yilmaz M, Khan H, Hubmayr RD, Gajic O. Validation of an electronic surveillance system for acute lung injury. Intensive Care Med. 2009 Jun; 35 (6):1018-23 Epub 2009 Mar 12
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  143. Karpman C, Herasevich V, Gajic O, Afessa B. Association Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Admission Diagnosis in Deceased Patients Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009; 179:A6094.
  144. Herasevich V, Afessa B, Chute CG, Gajic O. Designing and testing computer based screening engine for severe sepsis/septic shock. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 6; 966 Epub 2008 Nov 06
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  145. Rethlefsen M, Gajic O, Herasevich V. Stay tuned. Comparison of journal updates tracking using RSS and e-mail technologies. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 6; 1107 Epub 2008 Nov 06
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  146. Herasevich V, Yilmaz M, Khan H, Chute CG, Gajic O. Rule base system for identification of patients with specific critical care syndromes: The "sniffer" for acute lung injury. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2007 Oct 11; 972
    View PubMed
  147. Herasevich VA, Avetisov AR. MEDLINE. Practical guide. Belarusian medical journal. 2004(1):107-110.
  148. Herasevich VA, Avetisov AR. How to search medical journals in the Internet. Belarusian medical journal. 2004(2):109-111.
  149. Herasevich VA, Avetisov AR, Shemagonova VB, Emilit LA. Modern patents search.Using off-line and online resources. Belarusian medical journal. 2004(3):116-119.
  150. Herasevich VA. Influence of the implantation of arterial stent on the vascular wall in experiment. Belarussian medical journal. 2003(1):32-35.
  151. Herasevich VA, Lipkin NA. Physicomechanical and biological investigations of arterial stents. Bulletin of young scientists: Technical series. 2003(1):28-32.
  152. Mrochek AG, Herasevich VA, Minchenya VT, Chigarev A. To the question of flexibility and radial rigidity of arterial stents with tubular structure Deposit in BelISA 06.03.03. - # D200321 // Published in the Abstract Journal, , BelMAPGE - Minsk, 2003. - 24 p. 2003; 26(3):103.
  153. Herasevich VA, Lipkin NA. Study of some mechanical characteristics of By-S-Stent. Collection of works young scientific the Belarus National Science Academy Minsk. 2003; 3:70-71.
  154. Dubelir NA, Lipkin NA, Herasevich VA. Metallographic investigation of the medical steel wire 316L. Collection of works young scientific the Belarus National Science Academy Minsk. 2003; 3:71-73.
  155. Mrochek AG, Stelmachok VI, Minchenya VT, Adzerikho IE, Herasevich VA. Effects of different low-frequency ultrasound regimens on the debris size during ultrasonic intravascular disruption of occlusive atherosclerotic plaques. News of the National Science Academy: Biol. Science Series. 2002(1):94-97.
  156. Herasevich VA. Biocompatibility of arterial stents. Medicine. 2002(4):23-27.
  157. Herasevich VA. Application of computer technologies in medicine. Medicine. 2001(4):10-14.
  158. Stelmachok VI, Herasevich VA. Effectiveness and safety of the ultrasound angioplasty in atherosclerosic arteries in vitro. News of the Russian State Medical University. 2001(2):61-62.
  159. Herasevich VA. Electronic medical records.Retrospective analysis Scientific works Health Ministry Republic of Belarus, Theory and practice in medicine.. 1999; 136-8.
  160. Herasevich VA. Epidemiology of salmonellosis in adult Belarus population: 1997-1998. News of the Russian State Medical University. 1999(2):7-9.