
  1. St Clair NE, Sharahil NB, Umphrey L, Merry S, Koueik J, Beshish A, Acheampong B, Kloster H, Conway JH. Health Care Providers Working Cross-Culturally: Pitfalls, Pearls, and Preparation Resources for Culture Shock. Pediatr Ann. 2023 Sep; 52 (9):e335-e343 Epub 2023 Sept 01
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  2. Matchett CL, Nordhues HC, Bashir MU, Merry SP, Sawatsky AP. Residents' Reflections on Cost-Conscious Care after International Health Electives: A Single-Center Qualitative Study. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 Jan; 38 (1):42-48 Epub 2022 Apr 11
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  3. Greenwood JD, Merry SP, Boswell CL. Skin Biopsy Techniques. Prim Care. 2022 Mar; 49 (1):1-22 Epub 2022 Jan 05
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  4. Pecina JL, Merry SP, Park JG, Thacher TD. Vitamin D Status and Severe COVID-19 Disease Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211041206
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  5. Merry SP, Havyer RD, McCoy RG, Elrashidi MY, Fischer PR. How can physicians advise faith communities during the COVID-19 pandemic? Travel Med Infect Dis 2020 Nov - Dec; 38:101762 Epub 2020 June 01
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  6. Merry SP, O'Grady JS, Boswell CL. Trigger Finger? Just Shoot! J Prim Care Community Health. 2020 Jan-Dec; 11:2150132720943345
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  7. Bashir MU, Nordhues HC, Merry SP, Sawatsky AP. Dealing With Patient Death on International Health Electives: A Qualitative Study of Residents' Experiences. Acad Med. 2019 Aug; 94 (8):1170-1177
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  8. Sawatsky AP, Nordhues HC, Merry SP, Bashir MU, Hafferty FW. Transformative Learning and Professional Identity Formation During International Health Electives: A Qualitative Study Using Grounded Theory. Acad Med. 2018 Sep; 93 (9):1381-1390
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  9. Sessions KL, Wheeler L, Shah A, Farrell D, Agaba E, Kuule Y, Merry SP. Mental illness in Bwindi, Uganda: Understanding stakeholder perceptions of benefits and barriers to developing a community-based mental health programme. Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med. 2017 Nov 30; 9 (1):e1-e7
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  10. Nordhues HC, Bashir MU, Merry SP, Sawatsky AP. Graduate medical education competencies for international health electives: A qualitative study. Med Teach. 2017 Nov; 39 (11):1128-1137 Epub 2017 Aug 28
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  11. Shah A, Wheeler L, Sessions K, Kuule Y, Agaba E, Merry SP. Community perceptions of mental illness in rural Uganda: An analysis of existing challenges facing the Bwindi Mental Health Programme. Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med. 2017 Oct 11; 9 (1):e1-e9
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  12. Greenlund LJS, Merry SP, Thacher TD, Ward WJ. Primary Care Management of Skin Abscesses Guided by Ultrasound. Am J Med. 2017 May; 130: (5)e191-e193.
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  13. Sessions KL, Phillips JD, Merry SP. Avoiding pitfalls in overseas medical educational experiences Christian Journal for Global Health. 2017; 4(1):24-29.
  14. Pecina JL, Romanovsky L, Merry SP, Kennel KA, Thacher TD. Comparison of Clinical Risk Tools for Predicting Osteoporosis in Women Ages 50-64. J Am Board Fam Med. 2016 Mar-Apr; 29: (2)233-9.
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  15. Dejaco C, Singh YP, Perel P, Hutchings A, Camellino D, Mackie S, Abril A, Bachta A, Balint P, Barraclough K, Bianconi L, Buttgereit F, Carsons S, Ching D, Cid M, Cimmino M, Diamantopoulos A, Docken W, Duftner C, Fashanu B, Gilbert K, Hildreth P, Hollywood J, Jayne D, Lima M, Maharaj A, Mallen C, Martinez-Taboada V, Maz M, Merry S, Miller J, Mori S, Neill L, Nordborg E, Nott J, Padbury H, Pease C, Salvarani C, Schirmer M, Schmidt W, Spiera R, Tronnier D, Wagner A, Whitlock M, Matteson EL, Dasgupta B, European League Against Rheumatism//American College of Rheumatology. 2015 Recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015 Oct; 74 (10):1799-807
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  16. Dejaco C, Singh YP, Perel P, Hutchings A, Camellino D, Mackie S, Abril A, Bachta A, Balint P, Barraclough K, Bianconi L, Buttgereit F, Carsons S, Ching D, Cid M, Cimmino M, Diamantopoulos A, Docken W, Duftner C, Fashanu B, Gilbert K, Hildreth P, Hollywood J, Jayne D, Lima M, Maharaj A, Mallen C, Martinez-Taboada V, Maz M, Merry S, Miller J, Mori S, Neill L, Nordborg E, Nott J, Padbury H, Pease C, Salvarani C, Schirmer M, Schmidt W, Spiera R, Tronnier D, Wagner A, Whitlock M, Matteson EL, Dasgupta B, European League Against Rheumatism//American College of Rheumatology. 2015 recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2015 Oct; 67 (10):2569-80
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  17. Doganer YC, Angstman K, Rohrer J, Merry S. Impact of predictors upon the reduction of lipid parameters in family medicine practice. Sao Paulo Med J. 2015 Sep-Oct; 133 (5):428-34
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  18. Rohrer JE, Doganer YC, Merry SP, Angstman KB, Erickson JL, Furst JW. Low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) greater than 100 mg/dL as a quality indicator: locating risk in person, place and time. J Eval Clin Pract. 2015 Aug; 21: (4)735-9.
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  19. Bongartz T, Glazebrook KN, Kavros SJ, Murthy NS, Merry SP, Franz WB 3rd, Michet CJ, Veetil BM, Davis JM 3rd, Mason TG 2nd, Warrington KJ, Ytterberg SR, Matteson EL, Crowson CS, Leng S, McCollough CH. Dual-energy CT for the diagnosis of gout: an accuracy and diagnostic yield study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015 Jun; 74 (6):1072-7 Epub 2014 Mar 25
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  20. Bansal S, Pecina JL, Merry SP, Kennel KA, Maxson J, Quigg S, Thacher TD. Us preventative services task force frax threshold has a low sensitivity to detect osteoporosis in women ages 50-64 years. Osteoporos Int. 2015 Apr; 26(4):1429-33.
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  21. Doganer YC, Rohrer JE, Angstman KB, Merry SP, Erickson JL. Variations in lipid screening frequency in family medicine patients with cardiovascular risk factors. J Eval Clin Pract. 2015 Apr; 21: (2)215-20.
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  22. Wilson JW, Merry SP, Franz WB. Rules of engagement: the principles of underserved global health volunteerism. Am J Med. 2012 Jun; 125 (6):612-7 Epub 2012 Apr 11
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  23. Merry SP, Rohrer JE, Thacher TD, Summers MR, Alpern JD, Contino RW. Variables associated with utilization of a centralized medical post in the Andean community of Pampas Grande, Peru. J Rural Health. 2012 Summer; 28 (3):235-41 Epub 2011 Sept 20
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  24. Sawatsky AP, Rosenman DJ, Merry SP, McDonald FS. Eight years of the Mayo International Health Program: what an international elective adds to resident education. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 Aug; 85 (8):734-41
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  25. Rohrer JE, Merry SP, Thacher TD, Summers MR, Alpern JD, Contino RW. Self-assessed disability and self-rated health among rural villagers in Peru: a brief report. J Rural Health. 2010 Summer; 26(3):294-8.
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  26. Rohrer JE, Herman DC, Merry SP, Naessens JM, Houston MS. Validity of overall self-rated health as an outcome measure in small samples: a pilot study involving a case series. J Eval Clin Pract. 2009 Apr; 15 (2):366-9
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  27. DeSilva MB, Merry SP, Fischer PR, Rohrer JE, Isichei CO, Cha SS. Youth, unemployment, and male gender predict mortality in AIDS patients started on HAART in Nigeria. AIDS Care. 2009 Jan; 21 (1):70-7
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  28. Rohrer JE, Wilshusen L, Adamson SC, Merry S. Patient-centredness, self-rated health, and patient empowerment: should providers spend more time communicating with their patients? J Eval Clin Pract. 2008 Aug; 14 (4):548-51 Epub 2008 May 02
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  29. Koka S, Beebe TJ, Merry SP, DeJesus RS, Berlanga LD, Weaver AL, Montori VM, Wong DT. The preferences of adult outpatients in medical or dental care settings for giving saliva, urine or blood for clinical testing. J Am Dent Assoc. 2008 Jun; 139 (6):735-40
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  30. Rohrer JE, Merry SP, Rohland B, Rasmussen N, Wilshusen L. Physical limitations and self-rated overall health in family medicine patients. Clin Rehabil. 2008 Jan; 22(1):38-44. Epub 2007 Nov 29.
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  31. Rohrer JE, Merry SP, Adamson SC, Barnes DE. General pain and frequency of medical visits in family medicine - A retrospective analysis of medical records. Disease Management & Health Outcomes. 2008; 16(1):47-52.
  32. Rohrer JE, Merry SP, Lopez-Jimenez F, Adamson SC, Wilshusen L. A patient-centered decision rule for referral of patients to weight-loss programs. Qual Manag Health Care. 2007 Jul-Sep; 16(3):250-5.
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