
  1. Jefferson FA, Fadel A, Findlay BL, Robinson MO, Seyer AK, Koo K, Granberg CF, Boorjian SA, Anderson KT. The prevalence of impostor phenomenon and its association with burnout amongst urologists. BJU Int. 2024 May; 133 (5):579-586 Epub 2024 Feb 20
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  2. Ungerer GN, Liaw CW, Potretzke AM, Sas DJ, Gargollo PC, Granberg CF, Koo K. Examination of nutritional factors associated with urolithiasis risk in plant based meat alternatives marketed to children and infants. J Pediatr Urol. 2023 Oct; 19 (5):513.e1-513.e7 Epub 2023 Apr 17
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  3. Findlay Bridget, Jefferson Francis, Gargollo Patricio, Haile Dawit, Granberg Candace. Review of Spinal Anesthesia for Pediatric Genitourinary Surgery Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics. 2023; 9:81-92.
  4. Granberg C, Parikh N, Gargollo P. And then there was one ... incision. First single-port pediatric robotic case series. J Pediatr Urol. 2023 Aug; 19 (4):426.e1-426.e4 Epub 2023 Apr 05
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  5. Lehner KS, Granberg CF, Koo K. Editorial Commentary. Urol Pract. 2023 Jul; 10(4):341-342. Epub 2023 May 08.
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  6. Lautz TB, Martelli H, Fuchs J, Chargari C, Smeulders N, Granberg CF, Wolden SL, Sparber-Sauer M, Hawkins DS, Bisogno G, Koscielniak E, Rodeberg DA, Seitz G, INSTRuCT group. Local treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma of the female genital tract: Expert consensus from the Children's Oncology Group, the European Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Group, and the Cooperative Weichteilsarkom Studiengruppe. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2023 May; 70 (5):e28601 Epub 2020 Aug 06
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  7. Behl S, Joshi VB, Larson NB, Young MC, Bilal M, Walker DL, Khan Z, Granberg CF, Chattha A, Zhao Y. Vitrification versus slow freezing of human ovarian tissue: a systematic review and meta-analysis of histological outcomes. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2023 Mar; 40 (3):455-464 Epub 2022 Dec 21
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  8. Findlay BL, Bearrick EN, Granberg CF, Koo K. Path to Parity: Trends in Female Representation Among Physicians, Trainees, and Applicants in Urology and Surgical Specialties. Urology. 2023 Feb; 172:228-233 Epub 2022 Dec 07
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  9. Jefferson FA, Findlay BL, Handlogten KS, Gargollo PC, Warner LL, Woodbury JM, Haile DT, Granberg CF. Spinal anesthesia in infants undergoing urologic surgery duration greater than 60 minutes. J Pediatr Urol. 2022 Dec; 18 (6):786.e1-786.e7 Epub 2022 July 14
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  10. Parikh N, Gargollo P, Granberg C. Collateral Damage From Fetal Interventions: Increasing the Complexity of Complex Patients. Urology. 2022 Nov; 169:211-213 Epub 2022 May 24
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  11. Hull NC, Granberg CF, Gargollo PC, Thacker PG. Imaging of pre- and post-cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for pediatric intraperitoneal malignancy. Pediatr Radiol. 2022 Nov; 52 (12):2254-2266 Epub 2022 Oct 07
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  12. Singh P, Granberg CF, Harris PC, Lieske JC, Licht JH, Weiss A, Milliner DS. Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 3 Can Also Result in Kidney Failure: A Case Report. Am J Kidney Dis. 2022 Jan; 79 (1):125-128 Epub 2021 July 07
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  13. Joshi VB, Behl S, Pittock ST, Arndt CAS, Zhao Y, Khan Z, Granberg CF, Chattha A. Establishment of a Pediatric Ovarian and Testicular Cryopreservation Program for Malignant and Non-Malignant Conditions: The Mayo Clinic Experience. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2021 Oct; 34 (5):673-680 Epub 2021 Apr 25
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  14. Lavoie RR, Gargollo PC, Ahmed ME, Kim Y, Baer E, Phelps DA, Charlesworth CM, Madden BJ, Wang L, Houghton PJ, Cheville J, Dong H, Granberg CF, Lucien F. Surfaceome Profiling of Rhabdomyosarcoma Reveals B7-H3 as a Mediator of Immune Evasion. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Sep 9; 13 (18) Epub 2021 Sept 09
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  15. Parikh N, Gargollo P, Granberg C. Improving Operating Room Efficiency Using the Six Sigma Methodology. Urology. 2021 Aug; 154:141-147 Epub 2021 May 11
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  16. Parikh N, Gargollo P, Granberg C. AUTHOR REPLY. Urology 2021 Aug; 154:147
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  17. Gargollo PC, Ahmed ME, Prieto M, Butaney M, Cramer CH, Joshi V, Heimbach JK, Granberg CF. Reply by Authors. J Urol 2021 Jul; 206 (1):122-123 Epub 2021 Apr 13
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  18. Parikh N, Chattha A, Gargollo P, Granberg C. Fertility Preservation: A Tale of Two Testicles. Urology. 2021 Jul; 153:298-300 Epub 2020 Nov 20
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  19. Gargollo PC, Ahmed ME, Prieto M, Butaney M, Cramer CH, Joshi V, Heimbach JK, Granberg CF. Feasibility Study of Vascularized Composite Urinary Bladder Allograft Transplantation in a Cadaver Model. J Urol. 2021 Jul; 206 (1):115-123 Epub 2021 Mar 08
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  20. Ahmed ME, Joshi VB, Alamiri J, Viers BR, Granberg CF, Thompson RH. A Survey of Urology Residency Program Directors Assessing Criteria to Interview Applicants during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Urol Pract. 2021 Jul; 8 (4):472-479 Epub 2021 May 10
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  21. Osumah TS, Granberg CF, Butaney M, Gearman DJ, Ahmed M, Gargollo PC. Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Urachal Excision Using Hidden Incision Endoscopic Surgery Technique in Pediatric Patients. J Endourol. 2021 Jun; 35 (6):937-943 Epub 2020 Mar 25
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  22. Parikh N, Findlay B, Boswell T, Granberg C, Gargollo P. Single-port robotic Mitrofanoff in a pediatric patient. J Pediatr Urol. 2021 Jun; 17 (3):424-425 Epub 2021 Mar 28
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  23. Xiao L, Granberg CF, Hull NC. Bladder hemangioma: An arduous diagnosis of hematuria. Radiol Case Rep. 2021 May; 16 (5):1042-1046 Epub 2021 Feb 24
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  24. Findlay BL, Manka MG, Bole R, Dodge NA, Thompson RH, Granberg CF. Defining the Current Landscape of Women in Urology: An Analysis of Female Applicants, Residents, and Faculty at AUA-Accredited Residency Programs. Urology. 2021 Feb; 148:59-63 Epub 2020 Dec 07
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  25. Behl S, Joshi VB, Hussein RS, Walker DL, Lampat KL, Krenik AG, Barud KM, Fredrickson JR, Galanits TM, Rian KJ, Delgado AM, Byrne JH, Potter D Jr, Pittock ST, Arndt CAS, Zhao Y, Gargollo PC, Granberg CF, Khan Z, Chattha AJ. Consult and procedure incidence outcomes following establishment of a fertility preservation program for children with cancer. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2021 Feb; 38 (2):495-501 Epub 2021 Jan 03
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  26. Lautz TB, Chi YY, Li M, Wolden SL, Casey DL, Routh JC, Granberg CF, Binite O, Rudzinski ER, Hawkins DS, Venkatramani R, Rodeberg DA. Benefit of delayed primary excision in rhabdomyosarcoma: A report from the Children's Oncology Group. Cancer. 2021 Jan 15; 127 (2):275-283 Epub 2020 Oct 20
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  27. Shenoy A, Alvarez E, Chi YY, Li M, Shern JF, Khan J, Hiniker SM, Granberg CF, Hawkins DS, Parham DM, Teot LA, Rudzinski ER. The prognostic significance of anaplasia in childhood rhabdomyosarcoma: A report from the Children's Oncology Group. Eur J Cancer. 2021 Jan; 143:127-133 Epub 2020 Dec 07
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  28. Handlogten K, Warner L, Granberg C, Gargollo P, Thalji L, Haile D. Implementation of a spinal anesthesia and sedation protocol that reliably prolongs infant spinal anesthesia: Case series of 102 infants who received spinal anesthesia for urologic surgery. Paediatr Anaesth. 2020 Dec; 30 (12):1355-1362 Epub 2020 Oct 15
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  29. O'Kelly F, Sparks S, Seideman C, Gargollo P, Granberg C, Ko J, Malhotra N, Hecht S, Swords K, Rowe C, Whittam B, Spinoit AF, Dudley A, Ellison J, Chu D, Routh J, Cannon G, Kokorowski P, Koyle M, Silay MS, APAUC (Academic Paediatric and Adolescent Urology Collaborative) and the YAU (Young Academic Urologists) Group. A survey and panel discussion of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric urological productivity, guideline adherence and provider stress. J Pediatr Urol. 2020 Aug; 16 (4):492.e1-492.e9 Epub 2020 July 04
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  30. Findlay BL, Gargollo PC, Granberg CF. Use of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) in Pediatric Sarcoma for Maximal Oncologic Control. Urology. 2020 Jul; 141:139-142 Epub 2020 Apr 22
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  31. Aksenov LI, Granberg CF, Gargollo PC. A Systematic Review of Complications of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Pediatric Urological Literature. J Urol. 2020 May; 203 (5):1010-1016 Epub 2019 Dec 19
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  32. Jimbo M, Overholt TL, Cosma GL, Hudak SJ, Granberg CF, Gargollo PC. Full thickness genital burns independently increase the odds of death among pediatric burn patients. J Pediatr Urol. 2020 Apr; 16 (2):220.e1-220.e6 Epub 2020 Jan 31
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  33. Villanueva CA, Granberg CF. Editorial Comment. J Urol 2019 Sep; 202 (3):621-622 Epub 2019 Aug 08
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  34. Valli-Pulaski H, Peters KA, Gassei K, Steimer SR, Sukhwani M, Hermann BP, Dwomor L, David S, Fayomi AP, Munyoki SK, Chu T, Chaudhry R, Cannon GM, Fox PJ, Jaffe TM, Sanfilippo JS, Menke MN, Lunenfeld E, Abofoul-Azab M, Sender LS, Messina J, Klimpel LM, Gosiengfiao Y, Rowell EE, Hsieh MH, Granberg CF, Reddy PP, Sandlow JI, Huleihel M, Orwig KE. Testicular tissue cryopreservation: 8 years of experience from a coordinated network of academic centers. Hum Reprod. 2019 Jun 4; 34 (6):966-977
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  35. McLeod DJ, Szymanski KM, Gong E, Granberg C, Reddy P, Sebastiao Y, Fuchs M, Gargollo P, Whittam B, VanderBrink BA, Pediatric Urology Midwest Alliance (PUMA). Renal Replacement Therapy and Intermittent Catheterization Risk in Posterior Urethral Valves. Pediatrics. 2019 Mar; 143 (3) Epub 2019 Feb 01
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  36. Jimbo M, Granberg CF, Osumah TS, Bandari J, Cannon GM, Routh JC, Gargollo PC. Discrepancies in Self-Reported and Actual Conflicts of Interest for Robotic Pediatric Urological Surgery. J Urol. 2019 Feb; 201 (2):393-399
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  37. Gargollo PC, Granberg C, Gong E, Tu D, Whittam B, Dajusta D. Complex Robotic Lower Urinary Tract Surgery in Patients with History of Open Surgery. J Urol. 2019 Jan; 201 (1):162-168
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  38. Smith BM, Duncan FE, Ataman L, Smith K, Quinn GP, Chang RJ, Finlayson C, Orwig K, Valli-Pulaski H, Moravek MB, Zelinski MB, Irene Su H, Vitek W, Smith JF, Jeruss JS, Gracia C, Coutifaris C, Shah D, Nahata L, Gomez-Lobo V, Appiah LC, Brannigan RE, Gillis V, Gradishar W, Javed A, Rhoton-Vlasak AS, Kondapalli LA, Neuber E, Ginsberg JP, Muller CH, Hirshfeld-Cytron J, Kutteh WH, Lindheim SR, Cherven B, Meacham LR, Rao P, Torno L, Sender LS, Vadaparampil ST, Skiles JL, Schafer-Kalkhoff T, Frias OJ, Byrne J, Westphal LM, Schust DJ, Klosky JL, McCracken KA, Ting A, Khan Z, Granberg C, Lockart B, Scoccia B, Laronda MM, Mersereau JE, Marsh C, Pavone ME, Woodruff TK. The National Physicians Cooperative: transforming fertility management in the cancer setting and beyond. Future Oncol. 2018 Dec; 14 (29):3059-3072 Epub 2018 Nov 26
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  39. Osumah TS, Jimbo M, Granberg CF, Gargollo PC. Frontiers in pediatric testicular torsion: An integrated review of prevailing trends and management outcomes. J Pediatr Urol. 2018 Oct; 14 (5):394-401 Epub 2018 July 21
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  40. Agarwal DK, Miest TS, Granberg CF, Frank I, Gargollo PC. Pediatric Robotic Prostatectomy and Pelvic Lymphadenectomy for Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma. Urology. 2018 Sep; 119:143-145 Epub 2018 Apr 24
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  41. Grimsby GM, Schlomer BJ, Menon VS, Ostrov L, Keays M, Sheth KR, Villanueva C, Granberg C, Dajusta D, Hill M, Sanchez E, Harrison CB, Jacobs MA, Burgu B, Hennes H, Baker LA. Prospective Evaluation of Predictors of Testis Atrophy After Surgery for Testis Torsion in Children. Urology. 2018 Jun; 116:150-155 Epub 2018 Mar 20
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  42. Toussi A, Granberg CF, Gargollo PC. A Case of Prenatally Diagnosed Wilms Tumor Managed With Laparoscopic Nephrectomy. Urology. 2018 Mar; 113:197-199 Epub 2017 Nov 16
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  43. Schlomer BJ, Keays MA, Grimsby GM, Granberg CF, DaJusta DG, Menon VS, Ostrov L, Sheth KR, Hill M, Sanchez EJ, Harrison CB, Jacobs MA, Huang R, Burgu B, Hennes H, Baker LA. Transscrotal Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic Test for Testis Torsion in Pediatric Acute Scrotum: A Prospective Comparison to Gold Standard Diagnostic Test Study. J Urol. 2017 Sep; 198 (3):694-701 Epub 2017 Apr 06
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  44. Granberg CF, Gargollo PC. Neurogenic Bladder in a Girl After Surgery for Cloacal Malformation: The Importance of informing Patients and Parents of All Various Options. Eur Urol Focus 2017 Apr; 3 (2-3):161-163 Epub 2017 Sept 06
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  45. Ziegelmann MJ, Viers BR, Cockerill PA, Viers LD, Matsumoto JM, Granberg CF. The Utility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Accessory Scrotum in the Newborn. Urology. 2017 Jan; 99:228-230. Epub 2016 Jun 16.
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  46. Sheth KR, Keays M, Grimsby GM, Granberg CF, Menon VS, DaJusta DG, Ostrov L, Hill M, Sanchez E, Kuppermann D, Harrison CB, Jacobs MA, Huang R, Burgu B, Hennes H, Schlomer BJ, Baker LA. Diagnosing Testicular Torsion before Urological Consultation and Imaging: Validation of the TWIST Score. J Urol. 2016 Jun; 195 (6):1870-6 Epub 2016 Feb 02
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  47. Linder BJ, Granberg CF. Pediatric renal abscesses: A contemporary series. J Pediatr Urol. 2016 Apr; 12: (2)99.e1-5.
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  48. Snodgrass W, Granberg C. Clinical indications for augmentation in children with neurogenic urinary incontinence following bladder outlet procedures: Results of a 14-year observational study. J Pediatr Urol. 2016 Feb; 12: (1)46.e1-8.
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  49. Grimsby GM, Harrison SM, Granberg CF, Bernstein IH, Baker LA. Impact and frequency of extra-genitourinary manifestations of prune belly syndrome. J Pediatr Urol. 2015 Oct; 11 (5):280.e1-6 Epub 2015 July 09
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  50. Rivera M, Granberg CF, Tollefson MK. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery of urachal anomalies: a single-center experience. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2015 Apr; 25 (4):291-4
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  51. Carrasco A Jr, Granberg CF, Gettman MT, Milliner DS, Krambeck AE. Surgical management of stone disease in patients with primary hyperoxaluria. Urology. 2015 Mar; 85 (3):522-6
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  52. Harrison SM, Granberg CF, Keays M, Hill M, Grimsby GM, Baker LA. DNA copy number variations in patients with 46,XY disorders of sex development. J Urol. 2014 Dec; 192 (6):1801-6 Epub 2014 June 16
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  53. Tasian GE, Cost NG, Granberg CF, Pulido JE, Rivera M, Schwen Z, Schulte M, Fox JA. Tamsulosin and spontaneous passage of ureteral stones in children: a multi-institutional cohort study. J Urol. 2014 Aug; 192 (2):506-11 Epub 2014 Feb 08
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  54. Snodgrass WT, Villanueva C, Granberg C, Bush NC. Objective use of testosterone reveals androgen insensitivity in patients with proximal hypospadias. J Pediatr Urol. 2014 Feb; 10: (1)118-22.
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  55. Jaeger CD, McAlvany KL, Zingula SN, Kramer SA, Granberg CF. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in an adolescent male presenting as ureteral stricture. Case Rep Radiol. 2014; 2014:239345 Epub 2014 June 29
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  56. Cost NG, Granberg CF, Schlomer BJ, Wickiser JE, Gargollo PC, Baker LA, Rakheja D. Single institution experience with Tru-Cut renal mass biopsy for diagnosing Wilms tumor. Urol J. 2013 Winter; 10(1):780-3.
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  57. Knoedler J, Han L, Granberg C, Kramer S, Chow G, Gettman M, Kimball B, Moriarty J, Kim S, Husmann D. Population-based comparison of laparoscopic and open pyeloplasty in paediatric pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction. BJU Int. 2013 Jun; 111 (7):1141-7 Epub 2013 Mar 19
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  58. Faddegon S, Granberg C, Tan YK, Gargollo PC, Cadeddu JA. Minimally invasive pyeloplasty in horseshoe kidneys with ureteropelvic junction obstruction: a case series. Int Braz J Urol. 2013 Mar-Apr; 39(2):195-202.
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  59. Snodgrass WT, Granberg C, Bush NC. Urethral strictures following urethral plate and proximal urethral elevation during proximal TIP hypospadias repair. J Pediatr Urol. 2013; 9(6 Part B):990-4.
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  60. Lubahn JD, Cost NG, Kwon J, Powell JA, Yang M, Granberg CF, Wickiser JE, Rakheja D, Gargollo PC, Baker LA, Margulis V. Correlation between preoperative staging computerized tomography and pathological findings after nodal sampling in children with Wilms tumor. J Urol. 2012 Oct; 188: (4 Suppl)1500-4.
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  61. Cost NG, Lubahn JD, Granberg CF, Sagalowsky AI, Wickiser JE, Gargollo PC, Baker LA, Margulis V, Rakheja D. Pathological review of Wilms tumor nephrectomy specimens and potential implications for nephron sparing surgery in Wilms tumor. J Urol. 2012 Oct; 188: (4 Suppl)1506-10.
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  62. Granberg CF, Baker LA. Urolithiasis in children: surgical approach. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2012 Aug; 59(4):897-908. Epub 2012 Jun 22.
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  63. Cost NG, Lubahn JD, Granberg CF, Schlomer BJ, Wickiser JE, Rakheja D, Gargollo PC, Leonard D, Raj GV, Baker LA, Margulis V. Oncologic outcomes of partial versus radical nephrectomy for unilateral Wilms tumor. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2012 Jun; 58: (6)898-904.
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  64. Cost NG, DaJusta DG, Granberg CF, Cooksey RM, Laborde CE, Wickiser JE, Gargollo PC. Robot-assisted laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in an adolescent population. J Endourol. 2012 Jun; 26: (6)635-40.
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  65. Granberg CF, Gettman MT. Experimental NOTES in urology: are we moving forward? Arch Esp Urol. 2012 Apr; 65(3):393-8.
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  66. Granberg CF, Harrison SM, Dajusta D, Zhang S, Hajarnis S, Igarashi P, Baker LA. Genetic basis of prune belly syndrome: screening for HNF1beta gene. J Urol. 2012 Jan; 187(1):272-8. Epub 2011 Nov 23.
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  67. Fox JA, McGee SM, Routh JC, Granberg CF, Ashley RA, Hutcheson JC, Vandersteen DR, Reinberg YE, Kramer SA. Vesicoureteral reflux in children with urachal anomalies. J Pediatr Urol. 2011 Dec; 7(6):632-5. Epub 2011 May 12.
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  68. Higuchi TT, Granberg CF, Fox JA, Husmann DA. Augmentation cystoplasty and risk of neoplasia: fact, fiction and controversy. J Urol. 2010 Dec; 184(6):2492-6. Epub 2010 Oct 18.
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  69. Granberg CF, Gettman MT. Rationale for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery and current limitations. BJU Int. 2010 Sep; 106(6 Pt B):908-12.
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  70. Granberg CF, Gettman MT. Instrumentation for natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery and laparoendoscopic single-site surgery. Indian J Urol. 2010 Jul; 26 (3):385-8
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  71. Granberg CF, Frank I, Gettman MT. Transvesical NOTES: Current experience and potential implications for urologic applications. J Endourol. 2009 May; 23: (5)747-52.
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  72. McGee SM, Routh JC, Granberg CF, Roth TJ, Hollatz P, Vandersteen DR, Reinberg Y. Sacral neuromodulation in children with dysfunctional elimination syndrome: description of incisionless first stage and second stage without fluoroscopy. Urology. 2009 Mar; 73(3):641-4; discussion 644. Epub 2009 Jan 23.
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  73. McGee SM, Thompson CA, Granberg CF, Hutcheson JC, Vandersteen DR, Reinberg Y, Wolpert JJ. Acute renal infarction due to fungal vascular invasion in disseminated candidiasis. Urology. 2009 Mar; 73 (3):535-7 Epub 2008 Sept 16
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  74. Granberg CF, Boorjian SA, Crispen PL, Tollefson MK, Farmer SA, Frank I, Blute ML. Functional and oncological outcomes after orthotopic neobladder reconstruction in women. BJU Int. 2008 Dec; 102 (11):1551-5 Epub 2008 Oct 08
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  75. Granberg CF, Boorjian SA, Schaff HV, Orszulak TA, Leibovich BC, Lohse CM, Cheville JC, Blute ML. Surgical management, complications, and outcome of radical nephrectomy with inferior vena cava tumor thrombectomy facilitated by vascular bypass. Urology. 2008 Jul; 72 (1):148-52 Epub 2008 Apr 18
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  76. Granberg CF, Humphreys MR, Castle E, Slezak J, Gettman MT, Andrews PE. Thermal effects of laparoscopic saline-enhanced radiofrequency cautery on renal parenchyma in a porcine model. J Endourol. 2008 Jan; 22: (1)139-44.
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  77. Granberg CF, Krambeck AE, Leibovich BC, Frank I, Lohse CM, Gettman MT, Blute ML, Chow GC. Potential underdetection of pT(3a) renal-cell carcinoma with laparoscopic morcellation. J Endourol. 2007 Oct; 21 (10):1183-6
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