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  2. Yowler JY, Knier K, WareJoncas Z, Ehlers SL, Ekker SC, Reyes FG, Horazdovsky BF, Mueller G, Gomez AM, Sood A, Sussman CR, Scholl LM, Weavers KM, Pierret C. Rapid Adaptation and Remote Delivery of Undergraduate Research Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability. 2021 Jun; 13 (11) Epub 2021 May 29
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  3. Coffman KE, Martinez-Galvez G, Brown AK, Matchett WE, Horazdovsky BF. Providing pedagogy education for aspiring instructors at institutions without formal pedagogy curriculum or undergraduate populations. Journal of College Science Teaching. 2018; 48 (2):14-20
  4. Hughes CA, Bauer MC, Horazdovsky BF, Garrison ER, Patten CA, Petersen WO, Bowman CN, Vierkant RA. Development and pilot evaluation of Native CREST-a Cancer Research Experience and Student Training program for Navajo undergraduate students. J Cancer Educ. 2013 Mar; 28 (1):92-9
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  5. Fazly A, Li Q, Hu Q, Mer G, Horazdovsky B, Zhang Z. Histone chaperone Rtt106 promotes nucleosome formation using (H3-H4)2 tetramers. J Biol Chem. 2012 Mar 30; 287 (14):10753-60 Epub 2012 Feb 15
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  6. Keren-Kaplan T, Attali I, Motamedchaboki K, Davis BA, Tanner N, Reshef Y, Laudon E, Kolot M, Levin-Kravets O, Kleifeld O, Glickman M, Horazdovsky BF, Wolf DA, Prag G. Synthetic biology approach to reconstituting the ubiquitylation cascade in bacteria. EMBO J. 2012 Jan 18; 31(2):378-90.
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  7. Davies BA, Azmi IF, Payne J, Shestakova A, Horazdovsky BF, Babst M, Katzmann DJ. Coordination of substrate binding and ATP hydrolysis in Vps4-mediated ESCRT-III disassembly. Mol Biol Cell. 2010 Oct 1; 21 (19):3396-408 Epub 2010 Aug 11
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  8. Tomshine JC, Severson SR, Wigle DA, Sun Z, Beleford DA, Shridhar V, Horazdovsky BF. Cell proliferation and epidermal growth factor signaling in non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma cell lines are dependent on Rin1. J Biol Chem. 2009 Sep 25; 284 (39):26331-9 Epub 2009 July 01
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  11. Davies BA, Carney DS, Horazdovsky BF. Evaluating yeast biosynthetic vacuolar transport. Methods Mol Biol. 2007; 390:329-37
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  12. Carney DS, Davies BA, Horazdovsky BF. Vps9 domain-containing proteins: activators of Rab5 GTPases from yeast to neurons. Trends Cell Biol. 2006 Jan; 16(1):27-35. Epub 2005 Dec 2
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  13. Devon RS, Schwab C, Topp JD, Orban PC, Yang YZ, Pape TD, Helm JR, Davidson TL, Rogers DA, Gros-Louis F, Rouleau G, Horazdovsky BF, Leavitt BR, Hayden MR. Cross-species characterization of the ALS2 gene and analysis of its pattern of expression in development and adulthood. Neurobiol Dis. 2005 Mar; 18(2):243-57.
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  14. Topp JD, Carney DS, Horazdovsky BF. Biochemical characterization of Alsin, a Rab5 and Rac1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor. Methods Enzymol. 2005; 403:261-76.
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  15. Davies BA, Carney DS, Horazdovsky BF. Ubiquitin regulation of the Rab5 family GEF Vps9p. Methods Enzymol. 2005; 403:561-83.
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  16. Topp JD, Gray NW, Gerard RD, Horazdovsky BF. Alsin is a Rab5 and Rac1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor. J Biol Chem. 2004 Jun 4; 279 (23):24612-23 Epub 2004 Mar 19
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  17. Horazdovsky B. Endosomal protein traffic meets nuclear signal transduction head on. Dev Cell. 2004 Feb; 6 (2):161-2
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  18. Barbieri MA, Kong C, Chen PI, Horazdovsky BF, Stahl PD. The Src homology 2 domain of Rin1 mediates its binding to the epidermal growth factor receptor and regulates receptor endocytosis. J Biol Chem. 2003 Aug 22; 278(34):32027-36.
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  19. Davies BA, Topp JD, Sfeir AJ, Katzmann DJ, Carney DS, Tall GG, Friedberg AS, Deng L, Chen Z, Horazdovsky BF. Vps9p CUE domain ubiquitin binding is required for efficient endocytic protein traffic. J Biol Chem. 2003 May 30; 278 (22):19826-33 Epub 2003 Mar 24
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  20. Prag G, Misra S, Jones EA, Ghirlando R, Davies BA, Horazdovsky BF, Hurley JH. Mechanism of ubiquitin recognition by the CUE domain of Vps9p. Cell. 2003 May 30; 113(5):609-20.
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  21. Shelton SN, Barylko B, Binns DD, Horazdovsky BF, Albanesi JP, Goodman JM. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a Type II phosphoinositide 4-kinase. Biochem J. 2003 Apr 15; 371(Pt 2):533-40.
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  22. Tall GG, Barbieri MA, Stahl PD, Horazdovsky BF. Ras-activated endocytosis is mediated by the Rab5 guanine nucleotide exchange activity of RIN1. Dev Cell. 2001 Jul; 1(1):73-82.
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  23. Tall GG, Hama H, DeWald DB, Horazdovsky BF. The phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate binding protein Vac1p interacts with a Rab GTPase and a Sec1p homologue to facilitate vesicle-mediated vacuolar protein sorting. Mol Biol Cell. 1999 Jun; 10(6):1873-89.
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  24. Hama H, Tall GG, Horazdovsky BF. Vps9p is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor involved in vesicle-mediated vacuolar protein transport. J Biol Chem. 1999 May 21; 274(21):15284-91.
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  25. Faulkner A, Chen X, Rush J, Horazdovsky B, Waechter CJ, Carman GM, Sternweis PC. The LPP1 and DPP1 gene products account for most of the isoprenoid phosphate phosphatase activities in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem. 1999 May 21; 274(21):14831-7.
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  26. Horazdovsky BF, Davies BA, Seaman MN, McLaughlin SA, Yoon S, Emr SD. A sorting nexin-1 homologue, Vps5p, forms a complex with Vps17p and is required for recycling the vacuolar protein-sorting receptor. Mol Biol Cell. 1997 Aug; 8(8):1529-41.
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  27. Horazdovsky BF, Cowles CR, Mustol P, Holmes M, Emr SD. A novel RING finger protein, Vps8p, functionally interacts with the small GTPase, Vps21p, to facilitate soluble vacuolar protein localization. J Biol Chem. 1996 Dec 27; 271(52):33607-15.
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  28. Horazdovsky BF, DeWald DB, Emr SD. Protein transport to the yeast vacuole. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1995 Aug; 7(4):544-51.
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  29. Stack JH, Horazdovsky B, Emr SD. Receptor-mediated protein sorting to the vacuole in yeast: roles for a protein kinase, a lipid kinase and GTP-binding proteins. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 1995; 11:1-33.
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  30. Stack JH, Herman PK, DeWald DB, Marcusson EG, Lin Cereghino J, Horazdovsky BF, Emr SD. Novel protein kinase/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex essential for receptor-mediated protein sorting to the vacuole in yeast. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1995; 60:157-70.
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  31. Cowles CR, Emr SD, Horazdovsky BF. Mutations in the VPS45 gene, a SEC1 homologue, result in vacuolar protein sorting defects and accumulation of membrane vesicles. J Cell Sci. 1994 Dec; 107(Pt 12):3449-59.
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  32. Marcusson EG, Horazdovsky BF, Cereghino JL, Gharakhanian E, Emr SD. The sorting receptor for yeast vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y is encoded by the VPS10 gene. Cell. 1994 May 20; 77(4):579-86.
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  33. Horazdovsky BF, Busch GR, Emr SD. VPS21 encodes a rab5-like GTP binding protein that is required for the sorting of yeast vacuolar proteins. EMBO J. 1994 Mar 15; 13(6):1297-309.
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  34. Horazdovsky BF, Emr SD. The VPS16 gene product associates with a sedimentable protein complex and is essential for vacuolar protein sorting in yeast. J Biol Chem. 1993 Mar 5; 268(7):4953-62.
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  35. Paravicini G, Horazdovsky BF, Emr SD. Alternative pathways for the sorting of soluble vacuolar proteins in yeast: a vps35 null mutant missorts and secretes only a subset of vacuolar hydrolases. Mol Biol Cell. 1992 Apr; 3(4):415-27.
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  36. Horazdovsky BF, Hogg RW. High-affinity L-arabinose transport operon. Gene product expression and mRNAs. J Mol Biol. 1987 Sep 5; 197(1):27-35.
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  37. Scripture JB, Voelker C, Miller S, O'Donnell RT, Polgar L, Rade J, Horazdovsky BF, Hogg RW. High-affinity L-arabinose transport operon. Nucleotide sequence and analysis of gene products. J Mol Biol. 1987 Sep 5; 197(1):37-46.
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