
  1. Fortis S, Guo J, Nagpal P, Chaudhary MFA, Newell JD Jr, Gerard SE, Han MK, Kazerooni EA, Martinez FJ, Barjaktarevic IZ, Barr RG, Bodduluri S, Paine Iii R, Awan HA, Schroeder JD, Gravens-Mueller LD, Ortega VE, Anderson WH, Cooper CB, Couper D, Woodruff PG, Bowler RP, Bhatt SP, Hoffman EA, Reinhardt JM, Comellas AP. Association of Ground Glass Opacities with Systemic Inflammation and Progression of Emphysema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2024 Jun 6 Epub 2024 June 06
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  2. Oelsner EC, Sun Y, Balte PP, Allen NB, Andrews H, Carson A, Cole SA, Coresh J, Couper D, Cushman M, Daviglus M, Demmer RT, Elkind MSV, Gallo LC, Gutierrez JD, Howard VJ, Isasi CR, Judd SE, Kanaya AM, Kandula NR, Kaplan RC, Kinney GL, Kucharska-Newton AM, Lackland DT, Lee JS, Make BJ, Min YI, Murabito JM, Norwood AF, Ortega VE, Pettee Gabriel K, Psaty BM, Regan EA, Sotres-Alvarez D, Schwartz D, Shikany JM, Thyagarajan B, Tracy RP, Umans JG, Vasan RS, Wenzel SE, Woodruff PG, Xanthakis V, Zhang Y, Post WS. Epidemiologic Features of Recovery From SARS-CoV-2 Infection. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Jun 3; 7 (6):e2417440 Epub 2024 June 03
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  3. Zamora AC, Ortega VE, Carmona EM. When the Third Time Is Not the Charm-Trial Outcomes in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. JAMA. 2024 May 19 [Epub ahead of print]
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  4. Everman JL, Sajuthi SP, Liegeois MA, Jackson ND, Collet EH, Peters MC, Chioccioli M, Moore CM, Patel BB, Dyjack N, Powell R, Rios C, Montgomery MT, Eng C, Elhawary JR, Mak ACY, Hu D, Huntsman S, Salazar S, Feriani L, Fairbanks-Mahnke A, Zinnen GL, Michel CR, Gomez J, Zhang X, Medina V, Chu HW, Cicuta P, Gordon ED, Zeitlin P, Ortega VE, Reisdorph N, Dunican EM, Tang M, Elicker BM, Henry TS, Bleecker ER, Castro M, Erzurum SC, Israel E, Levy BD, Mauger DT, Meyers DA, Sumino K, Gierada DS, Hastie AT, Moore WC, Denlinger LC, Jarjour NN, Schiebler ML, Wenzel SE, Woodruff PG, Rodriguez-Santana J, Pearson CG, Burchard EG, Fahy JV, Seibold MA. A common polymorphism in the Intelectin-1 gene influences mucus plugging in severe asthma. Nat Commun. 2024 May 9; 15 (1):3900 Epub 2024 May 09
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  5. Pinto E Vairo F, Kemppainen JL, Vitek CRR, Whalen DA, Kolbert KJ, Sikkink KJ, Kroc SA, Kruisselbrink T, Shupe GF, Knudson AK, Burke EM, Loftus EC, Bandel LA, Prochnow CA, Mulvihill LA, Thomas B, Gable DM, Graddy CB, Garzon GGM, Ekpoh IU, Porquera EMC, Fervenza FC, Hogan MC, El Ters M, Warrington KJ, Davis JM 3rd, Koster MJ, Orandi AB, Basiaga ML, Vella A, Kumar S, Creo AL, Lteif AN, Pittock ST, Tebben PJ, Abate EG, Joshi AY, Ristagno EH, Patnaik MS, Schimmenti LA, Dhamija R, Sabrowsky SM, Wierenga KJ, Keddis MT, Samadder NJJ, Presutti RJ, Robinson SI, Stephens MC, Roberts LR, Faubion WA Jr, Driscoll SW, Wong-Kisiel LC, Selcen D, Flanagan EP, Ramanan VK, Jackson LM, Mauermann ML, Ortega VE, Anderson SA, Aoudia SL, Klee EW, McAllister TM, Lazaridis KN. Correction: Implementation of genomic medicine for rare disease in a tertiary healthcare system: Mayo Clinic Program for Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases (PRaUD). J Transl Med. 2024 Apr 30; 22 (1):400
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  6. Baddour NA, Paulin LM, Gassett AJ, Woo H, Hoffman EA, Newell JD Jr, Woodruff PG, Pirozzi CS, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, O'Neal W, Han MK, Martinez FJ, Peters SP, Hastie AT, Hansel NN, Ortega VE, Kaufman JD, Sack CS. Air Pollution Exposure and Interstitial Lung Features in SPIROMICS Participants with COPD. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2024 Apr 3 Epub 2024 Apr 03
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  7. Hastie AT, Bishop AC, Khan MS, Bleecker ER, Castro M, Denlinger LC, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Israel E, Levy BD, Mauger DT, Meyers DA, Moore WC, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Wenzel SE, Steele CH. Protein-Protein interactive networks identified in bronchoalveolar lavage of severe compared to nonsevere asthma. Clin Exp Allergy. 2024 Apr; 54 (4):265-277 Epub 2024 Jan 22
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  8. Fakhry B, Chedraoui C, Sleiman J, Attaway A, Carr T, Gaston B, Hu B, Meyers D, Ortega VE, Bleecker ER, Zein J. Paradoxical bronchodilator response is associated with increased risk of asthma exacerbations. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2024 Mar 26 [Epub ahead of print]
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  9. Suri R, Markovic D, Woo H, Arjomandi M, Barr RG, Bowler RP, Criner G, Curtis JL, Dransfield MT, Drummond MB, Fortis S, Han MK, Hoffman EA, Kaner RJ, Kaufman JD, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, Ohar J, Ortega VE, Paine Iii R, Soler X, Woodruff PG, Hansel NN, Cooper CB, Tashkin DP, Buhr RG, Barjaktarevic IZ. The Effect of Chronic Altitude Exposure on COPD Outcomes in the SPIROMICS Cohort. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2024 Mar 20 [Epub ahead of print]
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  10. Yeung-Luk BH, Wally A, Swaby C, Jauregui S, Lee E, Zhang R, Chen D, Luk SH, Upadya N, Tieng E, Wilmsen K, Sherman E, Sudhakar D, Luk M, Shrivastav AK, Cao S, Ghosh B, Christenson SA, Huang YJ, Ortega VE, Biswal S, Tang WY, Sidhaye VK. Epigenetic Reprogramming Drives Epithelial Disruption in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2024 Mar; 70 (3):165-177
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  11. Kim JS, Sun Y, Balte P, Cushman M, Boyle R, Tracy RP, Styer LM, Bell TD, Anderson MR, Allen NB, Schreiner PJ, Bowler RP, Schwartz DA, Lee JS, Xanthakis V, Doyle MF, Regan EA, Make BJ, Kanaya AM, Wenzel SE, Coresh J, Isasi CR, Raffield LM, Elkind MSV, Howard VJ, Ortega VE, Woodruff P, Cole SA, Henderson JM, Mantis NJ, Parker MM, Demmer RT, Oelsner EC. Demographic and Clinical Factors Associated With SARS-CoV-2 Spike 1 Antibody Response Among Vaccinated US Adults: the C4R Study. Nat Commun. 2024 Feb 19; 15 (1):1492
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  12. Koch AL, Shing TL, Namen A, Couper D, Smith B, Barr RG, Bhatt S, Putcha N, Baugh A, Saha AK, Ziedler M, Comellas A, Cooper CB, Barjaktarevic I, Bowler RP, Han MK, Kim V, Paine R 3rd, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, Woodruff PG, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Peters SP, Ortega VE, SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS) Investigators. Lung Structure and Risk of Sleep Apnea in SPIROMICS. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2024 Jan 25; 11 (1):26-36
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  13. Opron K, Begley LA, Erb-Downward JR, Li G, Alexis NE, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Boucher R, Bowler RP, Christenson SA, Comellas AP, Criner G, Cooper CB, Couper D, Galban CJ, Han MK, Hastie A, Hatt C, Hoffman EA, Kaner RJ, Kesimer M, Krishnan JA, LaFon DC, Martinez FJ, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Paine Iii R, Putcha N, Woodruff PG, Huffnagle GB, Kozik AJ, Curtis JL, Huang YJ, SPIROMICS Investigators. Loss of Airway Phylogenetic Diversity Is Associated with Clinical and Pathobiological Markers of Disease Development in COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2024 Jan 23 [Epub ahead of print]
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  14. Angelini ED, Yang J, Balte PP, Hoffman EA, Manichaikul AW, Sun Y, Shen W, Austin JHM, Allen NB, Bleecker ER, Bowler R, Cho MH, Cooper CS, Couper D, Dransfield MT, Garcia CK, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hughes E, Jacobs DR, Kasela S, Kaufman JD, Kim JS, Lappalainen T, Lima J, Malinsky D, Martinez FJ, Oelsner EC, Ortega VE, Paine R, Post W, Pottinger TD, Prince MR, Rich SS, Silverman EK, Smith BM, Swift AJ, Watson KE, Woodruff PG, Laine AF, Barr RG. Pulmonary emphysema subtypes defined by unsupervised machine learning on CT scans. Thorax. 2023 Nov; 78 (11):1067-1079 Epub 2023 June 02
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  15. Moll M, Peljto AL, Kim JS, Xu H, Debban CL, Chen X, Menon A, Putman RK, Ghosh AJ, Saferali A, Nishino M, Hatabu H, Hobbs BD, Hecker J, McDermott G, Sparks JA, Wain LV, Allen RJ, Tobin MD, Raby BA, Chun S, Silverman EK, Zamora AC, Ortega VE, Garcia CK, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Meyers DA, Kaner RJ, Rich SS, Manichaikul A, Rotter JI, Dupuis J, O'Connor GT, Fingerlin TE, Hunninghake GM, Schwartz DA, Cho MH. A Polygenic Risk Score for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Interstitial Lung Abnormalities. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 Oct 1; 208 (7):791-801
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  16. Shrine N, Izquierdo AG, Chen J, Packer R, Hall RJ, Guyatt AL, Batini C, Thompson RJ, Pavuluri C, Malik V, Hobbs BD, Moll M, Kim W, Tal-Singer R, Bakke P, Fawcett KA, John C, Coley K, Piga NN, Pozarickij A, Lin K, Millwood IY, Chen Z, Li L, Wijnant SRA, Lahousse L, Brusselle G, Uitterlinden AG, Manichaikul A, Oelsner EC, Rich SS, Barr RG, Kerr SM, Vitart V, Brown MR, Wielscher M, Imboden M, Jeong A, Bartz TM, Gharib SA, Flexeder C, Karrasch S, Gieger C, Peters A, Stubbe B, Hu X, Ortega VE, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, Gabriel SB, Gupta N, Smith AV, Luan J, Zhao JH, Hansen AF, Langhammer A, Willer C, Bhatta L, Porteous D, Smith BH, Campbell A, Sofer T, Lee J, Daviglus ML, Yu B, Lim E, Xu H, O'Connor GT, Thareja G, Albagha OME, Suhre K, Granell R, Faquih TO, Hiemstra PS, Slats AM, Mullin BH, Hui J, James A, Beilby J, Patasova K, Hysi P, Koskela JT, Wyss AB, Jin J, Sikdar S, Lee M, May-Wilson S, Pirastu N, Kentistou KA, Joshi PK, Timmers PRHJ, Williams AT, Free RC, Wang X, Morrison JL, Gilliland FD, Chen Z, Wang CA, Foong RE, Harris SE, Taylor A, Redmond P, Cook JP, Mahajan A, Lind L, Palviainen T, Lehtimaki T, Raitakari OT, Kaprio J, Rantanen T, Pietilainen KH, Cox SR, Pennell CE, Hall GL, Gauderman WJ, Brightling C, Wilson JF, Vasankari T, Laitinen T, Salomaa V, Mook-Kanamori DO, Timpson NJ, Zeggini E, Dupuis J, Hayward C, Brumpton B, Langenberg C, Weiss S, Homuth G, Schmidt CO, Probst-Hensch N, Jarvelin MR, Morrison AC, Polasek O, Rudan I, Lee JH, Sayers I, Rawlins EL, Dudbridge F, Silverman EK, Strachan DP, Walters RG, Morris AP, London SJ, Cho MH, Wain LV, Hall IP, Tobin MD, China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group//Qatar Genome Program Research (QGPR) Consortium. Author Correction: Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses improve resolution of genes and pathways influencing lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk. Nat Genet. 2023 Oct; 55 (10):1778-1779
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  17. Forno E, Ortega VE, Celedon JC. Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Clin Chest Med. 2023 Sep; 44 (3):519-530 Epub 2023 May 09
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  18. Baugh AD, Woodruff P, Shiboski S, Glidden DV, Ortega VE, Thakur N. Spirometry in Mixed-Race Civil War Veterans. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2023 Aug; 20 (8):1217-1219
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  19. McKleroy W, Shing T, Anderson WH, Arjomandi M, Awan HA, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Boscardin J, Bowler RP, Buhr RG, Criner GJ, Comellas AP, Curtis JL, Dransfield M, Doerschuk CM, Dolezal BA, Drummond MB, Han MK, Hansel NN, Helton K, Hoffman EA, Kaner RJ, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Lazarus SC, Martinez FJ, Ohar J, Ortega VE, Paine R 3rd, Peters SP, Reinhardt JM, Rennard S, Smith BM, Tashkin DP, Couper D, Cooper CB, Woodruff PG. Longitudinal Follow-Up of Participants With Tobacco Exposure and Preserved Spirometry. JAMA. 2023 Aug 1; 330 (5):442-453
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  20. Hansel NN, Woo H, Koehler K, Gassett A, Paulin LM, Alexis N, Putcha N, Lorizio W, Fawzy A, Belz D, Sack C, Barr RG, Martinez FJ, Han MK, Woodruff P, Pirozzi C, Paine Iii R, Barjaktarevic I, Cooper CB, Ortega V, Zusman M, Kaufman J. Indoor Pollution and Lung Function Decline in Current and Former Smokers: SPIROMICS AIR. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 Jul 31 Epub 2023 July 31
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  21. Arjomandi M, Zeng S, Chen J, Bhatt SP, Abtin F, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Buhr RG, Criner GJ, Comellas AP, Couper DJ, Curtis JL, Dransfield MT, Fortis S, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Hokanson JE, Kaner RJ, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Labaki WW, Lynch DA, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Woodruff PG, Cooper CB, Bowler RP, Paine R 3rd, Rennard SI, Tashkin DP, and the COPDGene and SPIROMICS Investigators. Changes in Lung Volumes with Spirometric Disease Progression in COPD. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2023 Jul 26; 10 (3):270-285
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  22. Izquierdo M, Marion CR, Genese F, Newell JD, O'Neal WK, Li X, Hawkins GA, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Christenson S, Cooper CB, Couper D, Curtis J, Han MK, Hansel NN, Kanner RE, Martinez FJ, Paine R 3rd, Tejwani V, Woodruff PG, Zein JG, Hoffman EA, Peters SP, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, Ortega VE, SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study (SPIROMICS) investigators. Impact of Bronchiectasis on COPD Severity and Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency as a Risk Factor in Individuals with a Heavy Smoking History. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2023 Jul 26; 10 (3):199-210
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  23. Pinto E Vairo F, Kemppainen JL, Vitek CRR, Whalen DA, Kolbert KJ, Sikkink KJ, Kroc SA, Kruisselbrink T, Shupe GF, Knudson AK, Burke EM, Loftus EC, Bandel LA, Prochnow CA, Mulvihill LA, Thomas B, Gable DM, Graddy CB, Garzon GGM, Ekpoh IU, Porquera EMC, Fervenza FC, Hogan MC, El Ters M, Warrington KJ, Davis JM 3rd, Koster MJ, Orandi AB, Basiaga ML, Vella A, Kumar S, Creo AL, Lteif AN, Pittock ST, Tebben PJ, Abate EG, Joshi AY, Ristagno EH, Patnaik MS, Schimmenti LA, Dhamija R, Sabrowsky SM, Wierenga KJ, Keddis MT, Samadder NJJ, Presutti RJ, Robinson SI, Stephens MC, Roberts LR, Faubion WA Jr, Driscoll SW, Wong-Kisiel LC, Selcen D, Flanagan EP, Ramanan VK, Jackson LM, Mauermann ML, Ortega VE, Anderson SA, Aoudia SL, Klee EW, McAllister TM, Lazaridis KN. Implementation of genomic medicine for rare disease in a tertiary healthcare system: Mayo Clinic Program for Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases (PRaUD). J Transl Med. 2023 Jun 23; 21 (1):410 Epub 2023 June 23
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  24. Hill AC, Guo C, Litkowski EM, Manichaikul AW, Yu B, Konigsberg IR, Gorbet BA, Lange LA, Pratte KA, Kechris KJ, DeCamp M, Coors M, Ortega VE, Rich SS, Rotter JI, Gerzsten RE, Clish CB, Curtis JL, Hu X, Obeidat ME, Morris M, Loureiro J, Ngo D, O'Neal WK, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, Hobbs BD, Cho MH, Banaei-Kashani F, Bowler RP. Large scale proteomic studies create novel privacy considerations. Sci Rep. 2023 Jun 7; 13 (1):9254 Epub 2023 June 07
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  25. Van Buren E, Radicioni G, Lester S, O'Neal WK, Dang H, Kasela S, Garudadri S, Curtis JL, Han MK, Krishnan JA, Wan ES, Silverman EK, Hastie A, Ortega VE, Lappalainen T, Nawijn MC, Berge MVD, Christenson SA, Li Y, Cho MH, Kesimer M, Kelada SNP. Genetic regulators of sputum mucin concentration and their associations with COPD phenotypes. PLoS Genet. 2023 Jun; 19 (6):e1010445 Epub 2023 June 23
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  26. DiLillo KM, Norman KC, Freeman CM, Christenson SA, Alexis NE, Anderson WH, Barjaktarevic IZ, Barr RG, Comellas AP, Bleecker ER, Boucher RC, Couper DJ, Criner GJ, Doerschuk CM, Wells JM, Han MK, Hoffman EA, Hansel NN, Hastie AT, Kaner RJ, Krishnan JA, Labaki WW, Martinez FJ, Meyers DA, O'Neal WK, Ortega VE, Paine R 3rd, Peters SP, Woodruff PG, Cooper CB, Bowler RP, Curtis JL, Arnold KB, SPIROMICS investigators. A blood and bronchoalveolar lavage protein signature of rapid FEV(1) decline in smoking-associated COPD. Sci Rep. 2023 May 22; 13 (1):8228
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  27. LaFon DC, Woo H, Fedarko N, Azar A, Hill H, Tebo AE, Martins TB, Han MK, Krishnan JA, Ortega VE, Barjaktarevic I, Kaner RJ, Hastie A, O'Neal WK, Couper D, Woodruff PG, Curtis JL, Hansel NN, Nahm MH, Dransfield MT, Putcha N, SPIROMICS investigators. Reduced quantity and function of pneumococcal antibodies are associated with exacerbations of COPD in SPIROMICS. Clin Immunol. 2023 May; 250:109324 Epub 2023 Apr 06
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  28. Weinstock JS, Laurie CA, Broome JG, Taylor KD, Guo X, Shuldiner AR, O'Connell JR, Lewis JP, Boerwinkle E, Barnes KC, Chami N, Kenny EE, Loos RJF, Fornage M, Redline S, Cade BE, Gilliland FD, Chen Z, Gauderman WJ, Kumar R, Grammer L, Schleimer RP, Psaty BM, Bis JC, Brody JA, Silverman EK, Yun JH, Qiao D, Weiss ST, Lasky-Su J, DeMeo DL, Palmer ND, Freedman BI, Bowden DW, Cho MH, Vasan RS, Johnson AD, Yanek LR, Becker LC, Kardia S, He J, Kaplan R, Heckbert SR, Smith NL, Wiggins KL, Arnett DK, Irvin MR, Tiwari H, Correa A, Raffield LM, Gao Y, de Andrade M, Rotter JI, Rich SS, Manichaikul AW, Konkle BA, Johnsen JM, Wheeler MM, Custer BS, Duggirala R, Curran JE, Blangero J, Gui H, Xiao S, Williams LK, Meyers DA, Li X, Ortega V, McGarvey S, Gu CC, Chen YI, Lee WJ, Shoemaker MB, Darbar D, Roden D, Albert C, Kooperberg C, Desai P, Blackwell TW, Abecasis GR, Smith AV, Kang HM, Mathias R, Natarajan P, Jaiswal S, Reiner AP, Bick AG, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium. The genetic determinants of recurrent somatic mutations in 43,693 blood genomes. Sci Adv. 2023 Apr 28; 9 (17):eabm4945 Epub 2023 Apr 26
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  29. Bhakta NR, Bime C, Kaminsky DA, McCormack MC, Thakur N, Stanojevic S, Baugh AD, Braun L, Lovinsky-Desir S, Adamson R, Witonsky J, Wise RA, Levy SD, Brown R, Forno E, Cohen RT, Johnson M, Balmes J, Mageto Y, Lee CT, Masekela R, Weiner DJ, Irvin CG, Swenson ER, Rosenfeld M, Schwartzstein RM, Agrawal A, Neptune E, Wisnivesky JP, Ortega VE, Burney P. Race and Ethnicity in Pulmonary Function Test Interpretation: An Official American Thoracic Society Statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 Apr 15; 207 (8):978-995
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  30. Zein JG, Bazeley P, Meyers D, Bleecker E, Gaston B, Hu B, Attaway A, Ortega V. A Between-Sex Comparison of the Genomic Architecture of Asthma. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2023 Apr; 68 (4):456-458
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  31. LeMaster WB, Quibrera PM, Couper D, Tashkin DP, Bleecker ER, Doerschuk CM, Ortega VE, Cooper C, Han MK, Woodruff PG, O'Neal WK, Anderson WH, Alexis NE, Bowler RP, Barr RG, Kaner RJ, Dransfield MT, Paine R 3rd, Kim V, Curtis JL, Martinez FJ, Hastie AT, Barjaktarevic I. Clinical Implications of Low Absolute Blood Eosinophil Count in the SPIROMICS COPD Cohort. Chest. 2023 Mar; 163 (3):515-528 Epub 2022 Nov 04
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  32. Shrine N, Izquierdo AG, Chen J, Packer R, Hall RJ, Guyatt AL, Batini C, Thompson RJ, Pavuluri C, Malik V, Hobbs BD, Moll M, Kim W, Tal-Singer R, Bakke P, Fawcett KA, John C, Coley K, Piga NN, Pozarickij A, Lin K, Millwood IY, Chen Z, Li L, Wijnant SRA, Lahousse L, Brusselle G, Uitterlinden AG, Manichaikul A, Oelsner EC, Rich SS, Barr RG, Kerr SM, Vitart V, Brown MR, Wielscher M, Imboden M, Jeong A, Bartz TM, Gharib SA, Flexeder C, Karrasch S, Gieger C, Peters A, Stubbe B, Hu X, Ortega VE, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, Gabriel SB, Gupta N, Smith AV, Luan J, Zhao JH, Hansen AF, Langhammer A, Willer C, Bhatta L, Porteous D, Smith BH, Campbell A, Sofer T, Lee J, Daviglus ML, Yu B, Lim E, Xu H, O'Connor GT, Thareja G, Albagha OME, Suhre K, Granell R, Faquih TO, Hiemstra PS, Slats AM, Mullin BH, Hui J, James A, Beilby J, Patasova K, Hysi P, Koskela JT, Wyss AB, Jin J, Sikdar S, Lee M, May-Wilson S, Pirastu N, Kentistou KA, Joshi PK, Timmers PRHJ, Williams AT, Free RC, Wang X, Morrison JL, Gilliland FD, Chen Z, Wang CA, Foong RE, Harris SE, Taylor A, Redmond P, Cook JP, Mahajan A, Lind L, Palviainen T, Lehtimaki T, Raitakari OT, Kaprio J, Rantanen T, Pietilainen KH, Cox SR, Pennell CE, Hall GL, Gauderman WJ, Brightling C, Wilson JF, Vasankari T, Laitinen T, Salomaa V, Mook-Kanamori DO, Timpson NJ, Zeggini E, Dupuis J, Hayward C, Brumpton B, Langenberg C, Weiss S, Homuth G, Schmidt CO, Probst-Hensch N, Jarvelin MR, Morrison AC, Polasek O, Rudan I, Lee JH, Sayers I, Rawlins EL, Dudbridge F, Silverman EK, Strachan DP, Walters RG, Morris AP, London SJ, Cho MH, Wain LV, Hall IP, Tobin MD, China Kadoorie Biobank Collaborative Group//Qatar Genome Program Research (QGPR) Consortium. Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses improve resolution of genes and pathways influencing lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk. Nat Genet. 2023 Mar; 55 (3):410-422 Epub 2023 Mar 13
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  33. Chaudhary MFA, Hoffman EA, Guo J, Comellas AP, Newell JD Jr, Nagpal P, Fortis S, Christensen GE, Gerard SE, Pan Y, Wang D, Abtin F, Barjaktarevic IZ, Barr RG, Bhatt SP, Bodduluri S, Cooper CB, Gravens-Mueller L, Han MK, Kazerooni EA, Martinez FJ, Menchaca MG, Ortega VE, Iii RP, Schroeder JD, Woodruff PG, Reinhardt JM. Predicting severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations using quantitative CT: a retrospective model development and external validation study. Lancet Digit Health. 2023 Feb; 5 (2):e83-e92
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  34. Esther CR Jr, O'Neal WK, Alexis NE, Koch AL, Cooper CB, Barjaktarevic I, Raffield LM, Bowler RP, Comellas AP, Peters SP, Hastie AT, Curtis JL, Ronish B, Ortega VE, Wells JM, Halper-Stromberg E, Rennard SI, Boucher RC, SPIROMICS. Prolonged, physiologically relevant nicotine concentrations in the airways of smokers. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2023 Jan 1; 324 (1):L32-L37 Epub 2022 Nov 07
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  35. Chiarella SE, Bancos I, Ortega VE. Inhaled Corticosteroid-Induced Adrenal Suppression in Patients With Asthma Detected by Metabolomic Profiling. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 Oct; 10 (10):2774-2775 Epub 2022 Oct 07
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  36. Cardet JC, Kim D, Bleecker ER, Casale TB, Israel E, Mauger D, Meyers DA, Ampleford E, Hawkins GA, Tu Y, Liggett SB, Ortega VE, SARP3 investigators. Clinical and molecular implications of RGS2 promoter genetic variation in severe asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Sep; 150(3):721-726.e1. Epub 2022 Apr 08.
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  37. Baugh A, Buhr RG, Quibrera P, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Bowler R, Han MK, Kaufman JD, Koch AL, Krishnan J, Labaki W, Martinez FJ, Mkorombindo T, Namen A, Ortega V, Paine R, Peters SP, Schotland H, Sundar K, Zeidler MR, Hansel NN, Woodruff PG, Thakur N. Risk of COPD exacerbation is increased by poor sleep quality and modified by social adversity. Sleep. 2022 Aug 11; 45 (8)
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  38. Izquierdo ME, Marion CR, Moore WC, Raraigh KS, Taylor-Cousar JL, Cutting GR, Ampleford E, Hawkins GA, Zein J, Castro M, Denlinger LC, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Israel E, Jarjour NN, Mauger D, Levy BD, Wenzel SE, Woodruff P, Bleecker ER, Meyers DA, Ortega VE. DNA sequencing analysis of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene identifies cystic fibrosis-associated variants in the Severe Asthma Research Program. Pediatr Pulmonol 2022 Jul; 57 (7):1782-1788 Epub 2022 May 05
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  39. Oelsner EC, Krishnaswamy A, Balte PP, Allen NB, Ali T, Anugu P, Andrews HF, Arora K, Asaro A, Barr RG, Bertoni AG, Bon J, Boyle R, Chang AA, Chen G, Coady S, Cole SA, Coresh J, Cornell E, Correa A, Couper D, Cushman M, Demmer RT, Elkind MSV, Folsom AR, Fretts AM, Gabriel KP, Gallo LC, Gutierrez J, Han MLK, Henderson JM, Howard VJ, Isasi CR, Jacobs DR Jr, Judd SE, Mukaz DK, Kanaya AM, Kandula NR, Kaplan RC, Kinney GL, Kucharska-Newton A, Lee JS, Lewis CE, Levine DA, Levitan EB, Levy BD, Make BJ, Malloy K, Manly JJ, Mendoza-Puccini C, Meyer KA, Min YN, Moll MR, Moore WC, Mauger D, Ortega VE, Palta P, Parker MM, Phipatanakul W, Post WS, Postow L, Psaty BM, Regan EA, Ring K, Roger VL, Rotter JI, Rundek T, Sacco RL, Schembri M, Schwartz DA, Seshadri S, Shikany JM, Sims M, Hinckley Stukovsky KD, Talavera GA, Tracy RP, Umans JG, Vasan RS, Watson KE, Wenzel SE, Winters K, Woodruff PG, Xanthakis V, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, C4R Investigators. Collaborative Cohort of Cohorts for COVID-19 Research (C4R) Study: Study Design. Am J Epidemiol. 2022 Jun 27; 191(7):1153-1173.
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  44. Ronish BE, Couper DJ, Barjaktarevic IZ, Cooper CB, Kanner RE, Pirozzi CS, Kim V, Wells JM, Han MK, Woodruff PG, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Hoffman EA, Buhr RG, Dolezal BA, Tashkin DP, Liou TG, Bateman LA, Schroeder JD, Martinez FJ, Barr RG, Hansel NN, Comellas AP, Rennard SI, Arjomandi M, Paine Iii R. Forced Expiratory Flow at 25%-75% Links COPD Physiology to Emphysema and Disease Severity in the SPIROMICS Cohort. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2022 Apr 29; 9(2):111-121.
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  45. Godbole S, Labaki WW, Pratte KA, Hill A, Moll M, Hastie AT, Peters SP, Gregory A, Ortega VE, DeMeo D, Cho MH, Bhatt SP, Wells JM, Barjaktarevic I, Stringer KA, Comellas A, O'Neal W, Kechris K, Bowler RP. A Metabolomic Severity Score for Airflow Obstruction and Emphysema. Metabolites. 2022 Apr 19; 12 (5)
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  46. Baugh AD, Shiboski S, Hansel NN, Ortega V, Barjakteravic I, Barr RG, Bowler R, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Couper D, Criner G, Curtis JL, Dransfield M, Ejike C, Han MK, Hoffman E, Krishnan J, Krishnan JA, Mannino D, Paine R 3rd, Parekh T, Peters S, Putcha N, Rennard S, Thakur N, Woodruff PG. Reconsidering the Utility of Race-Specific Lung Function Prediction Equations. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2022 Apr 1; 205 (7):819-829
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  47. Gereige JD, Xu H, Ortega VE, Cho MH, Liu M, Sakornsakolpat P, Silverman EK, Beaty TH, Miller BE, Bakke P, Gulsvik A, Hersh CP, Morrow JD, Ampleford EJ, Hawkins GA, Bleecker ER, Meyers DA, Peters SP, Celedon JC, Tantisira K, Li J, Dupuis J, O'Connor GT, International COPD Genetics Consortium. A genome-wide association study of bronchodilator response in participants of European and African ancestry from six independent cohorts. ERJ Open Res. 2022 Apr; 8 (2) Epub 2022 June 27
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  48. Zein JG, Strauss R, Attaway AH, Hu B, Milinovich A, Jawhari N, Chamat SS, Ortega VE. Eosinophilia Is Associated with Improved COVID-19 Outcomes in Inhaled Corticosteroid-Treated Patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 Mar; 10 (3):742-750.e14 Epub 2022 Jan 13
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  49. Georas SN, Wright RJ, Ivanova A, Israel E, LaVange LM, Akuthota P, Carr TF, Denlinger LC, Fajt ML, Kumar R, O'Neal WK, Phipatanakul W, Szefler SJ, Aronica MA, Bacharier LB, Burbank AJ, Castro M, Crotty Alexander L, Bamdad J, Cardet JC, Comhair SAA, Covar RA, DiMango EA, Erwin K, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Gaffin JM, Gaston B, Gerald LB, Hoffman EA, Holguin F, Jackson DJ, James J, Jarjour NN, Kenyon NJ, Khatri S, Kirwan JP, Kraft M, Krishnan JA, Liu AH, Liu MC, Marquis MA, Martinez F, Mey J, Moore WC, Moy JN, Ortega VE, Peden DB, Pennington E, Peters MC, Ross K, Sanchez M, Smith LJ, Sorkness RL, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, White SR, Zein J, Zeki AA, Noel P, PrecISE Study Team. The Precision Interventions for Severe and/or Exacerbation-Prone (PrecISE) Asthma Network: An overview of Network organization, procedures, and interventions. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Feb; 149(2):488-516.e9. Epub 2021 Nov 29.
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  50. Akenroye AT, Brunetti T, Romero K, Daya M, Kanchan K, Shankar G, Chavan S, Preethi Boorgula M, Ampleford EA, Fonseca HF, Hawkins GA, Pitangueira Teixeira HM, Campbell M, Rafaels N, Winters A, Bleecker ER, Cruz AA, Barreto ML, Meyers DA, Ortega VE, Figueiredo CA, Barnes KC, Checkley W, Hansel NN, Mathias RA. Genome-wide association study of asthma, total IgE, and lung function in a cohort of Peruvian children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 Dec; 148(6):1493-1504. Epub 2021 Mar 10.
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  51. Daya M, Cox C, Acevedo N, Boorgula MP, Campbell M, Chavan S, Cho MH, David GL, Kachroo P, Lasky-Su J, Li X, McHugh CP, Qiao D, Rafaels N, Beck LA, Bleecker ER, Caraballo L, Cupples AL, Figueiredo CA, Gallo RL, Hanifin J, Hansel NN, Hata TR, Hersh CP, Knight-Madden J, Leung DYM, Guttman-Yassky E, Meyers DA, O'Connor G, Ober C, Ong PY, Ortega VE, Paller AS, Putcha N, Reed RM, Schneider LC, Silverman EK, Slifka MK, Spergel JM, Vasan RS, Viaud-Martinez KA, Watson H, Weiss ST, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium, Ruczinski I, Beaty TH, Mathias RA, Barnes KC. Multiethnic genome-wide and HLA association study of total serum IgE level. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 Dec; 148(6):1589-1595. Epub 2021 Sep 15.
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  52. Ortega VE, Daya M, Szefler SJ, Bleecker ER, Chinchilli VM, Phipatanakul W, Mauger D, Martinez FD, Herrera-Luis E, Pino-Yanes M, Hawkins GA, Ampleford EJ, Kunselman SJ, Cox C, Bacharier LB, Cabana MD, Cardet JC, Castro M, Denlinger LC, Eng C, Fitzpatrick AM, Holguin F, Hu D, Jackson DJ, Jarjour N, Kraft M, Krishnan JA, Lazarus SC, Lemanske RF Jr, Lima JJ, Lugogo N, Mak A, Moore WC, Naureckas ET, Peters SP, Pongracic JA, Sajuthi SP, Seibold MA, Smith LJ, Solway J, Sorkness CA, Wenzel S, White SR, Burchard EG, Barnes K, Meyers DA, Israel E, Wechsler ME, NHLBI AsthmaNet. Pharmacogenetic studies of long-acting beta agonist and inhaled corticosteroid responsiveness in randomised controlled trials of individuals of African descent with asthma. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2021 Dec; 5 (12):862-872 Epub 2021 Nov 09
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  53. Yee N, Markovic D, Buhr RG, Fortis S, Arjomandi M, Couper D, Anderson WH, Paine R 3rd, Woodruff PG, Han MK, Martinez FJ, Barr RG, Wells JM, Ortega VE, Hoffman EA, Kim V, Drummond MB, Bowler RP, Curtis JL, Cooper CB, Tashkin DP, Barjaktarevic IZ. Significance of FEV3/FEV6 in recognition of early airway disease in smokers at risk of development of COPD: Analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort. Chest. 2021 Nov 9 Epub 2021 Nov 09
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  54. Lackey L, Coria A, Ghosh AJ, Grayeski P, Hatfield A, Shankar V, Platig J, Xu Z, Ramos SBV, Silverman EK, Ortega VE, Cho MH, Hersh CP, Hobbs BD, Castaldi P, Laederach A. Alternative poly-adenylation modulates alpha1-antitrypsin expression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PLoS Genet. 2021 Nov; 17 (11):e1009912 Epub 2021 Nov 16
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  55. Mikhaylova AV, McHugh CP, Polfus LM, Raffield LM, Boorgula MP, Blackwell TW, Brody JA, Broome J, Chami N, Chen MH, Conomos MP, Cox C, Curran JE, Daya M, Ekunwe L, Glahn DC, Heard-Costa N, Highland HM, Hobbs BD, Ilboudo Y, Jain D, Lange LA, Miller-Fleming TW, Min N, Moon JY, Preuss MH, Rosen J, Ryan K, Smith AV, Sun Q, Surendran P, de Vries PS, Walter K, Wang Z, Wheeler M, Yanek LR, Zhong X, Abecasis GR, Almasy L, Barnes KC, Beaty TH, Becker LC, Blangero J, Boerwinkle E, Butterworth AS, Chavan S, Cho MH, Choquet H, Correa A, Cox N, DeMeo DL, Faraday N, Fornage M, Gerszten RE, Hou L, Johnson AD, Jorgenson E, Kaplan R, Kooperberg C, Kundu K, Laurie CA, Lettre G, Lewis JP, Li B, Li Y, Lloyd-Jones DM, Loos RJF, Manichaikul A, Meyers DA, Mitchell BD, Morrison AC, Ngo D, Nickerson DA, Nongmaithem S, North KE, O'Connell JR, Ortega VE, Pankratz N, Perry JA, Psaty BM, Rich SS, Soranzo N, Rotter JI, Silverman EK, Smith NL, Tang H, Tracy RP, Thornton TA, Vasan RS, Zein J, Mathias RA, Reiner AP, Auer PL, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium. Whole-genome sequencing in diverse subjects identifies genetic correlates of leukocyte traits: The NHLBI TOPMed program. Am J Hum Genet. 2021 Oct 7; 108 (10):1836-1851 Epub 2021 Sept 27
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  56. Lakshman Kumar P, Wilson AC, Rocco A, Cho MH, Wan E, Hobbs BD, Washko GR, Ortega VE, Christenson SA, Li X, Wells JM, Bhatt SP, DeMeo DL, Lutz SM, Rossiter H, Casaburi R, Rennard SI, Lomas DA, Labaki WW, Tal-Singer R, Bowler RP, Hersh CP, Tiwari HK, Dransfield M, Thalacker-Mercer A, Meyers DA, Silverman EK, McDonald MN, COPDGene, ECLIPSE and SPIROMICS investigators. Genetic variation in genes regulating skeletal muscle regeneration and tissue remodelling associated with weight loss in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2021 Sep 15 Epub 2021 Sept 15
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  57. Woo H, Brigham EP, Allbright K, Ejike C, Galiatsatos P, Jones MR, Oates GR, Krishnan JA, Cooper CB, Kanner RE, Bowler RP, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Criner G, Barr RG, Martinez FJ, Han M, Ortega VE, Parekh TM, Christenson S, Belz D, Raju S, Gassett A, Paulin LM, Putcha N, Kaufman JD, Hansel NN. Racial Segregation and Respiratory Outcomes among Urban Black Residents with and at Risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Sep 1; 204 (5):536-545
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  58. Strauss R, Jawhari N, Attaway AH, Hu B, Jehi L, Milinovich A, Ortega VE, Zein JG. Intranasal Corticosteroids Are Associated with Better Outcomes in Coronavirus Disease 2019. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Aug 23 [Epub ahead of print]
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  60. Fortis S, Comellas AP, Bhatt SP, Hoffman EA, Han MK, Bhakta NR, Paine R 3rd, Ronish B, Kanner RE, Dransfield M, Hoesterey D, Buhr RG, Barr RG, Dolezal B, Ortega VE, Drummond MB, Arjomandi M, Kaner RJ, Kim V, Curtis JL, Bowler RP, Martinez F, Labaki WW, Cooper CB, O'Neal WK, Criner G, Hansel NN, Krishnan JA, Woodruff P, Couper D, Tashkin D, Barjaktarevic I. Ratio of FEV1/Slow Vital Capacity of < 0.7 Is Associated With Clinical, Functional, and Radiologic Features of Obstructive Lung Disease in Smokers With Preserved Lung Function. Chest. 2021 Jul; 160 (1):94-103 Epub 2021 Feb 01
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  61. Zusman M, Gassett AJ, Kirwa K, Barr RG, Cooper CB, Han MK, Kanner RE, Koehler K, Ortega VE, Paine Rd R, Paulin L, Pirozzi C, Rule A, Hansel NN, Kaufman JD. Modeling residential indoor concentrations of PM2.5 , NO2 , NOx , and secondhand smoke in the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD (SPIROMICS) Air study. Indoor Air. 2021 May; 31 (3):702-716 Epub 2020 Dec 28
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  62. Israel E, Denlinger LC, Bacharier LB, LaVange LM, Moore WC, Peters MC, Georas SN, Wright RJ, Mauger DT, Noel P, Akuthota P, Bach J, Bleecker ER, Cardet JC, Carr TF, Castro M, Cinelli A, Comhair SAA, Covar RA, Alexander LC, DiMango EA, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Fajt ML, Gaston BM, Hoffman EA, Holguin F, Jackson DJ, Jain S, Jarjour NN, Ji Y, Kenyon NJ, Kosorok MR, Kraft M, Krishnan JA, Kumar R, Liu AH, Liu MC, Ly NP, Marquis MA, Martinez FD, Moy JN, O'Neal WK, Ortega VE, Peden DB, Phipatanakul W, Ross K, Smith LJ, Szefler SJ, Teague WG, Tulchinsky AF, Vijayanand P, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, White SR, Zeki AA, Ivanova A. PrecISE: Precision Medicine in Severe Asthma: An adaptive platform trial with biomarker ascertainment. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021 May; 147(5):1594-1601. Epub 2021 Mar 02.
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  63. Moughames E, Woo H, Galiatsatos P, Romero-Rivero K, Raju S, Tejwani V, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Ortega VE, Parekh T, Krishnan JA, Drummond MB, Couper D, Buhr RG, Paine R, Kaufman JD, Paulin LM, Putcha N, Hansel NN. Disparities in access to food and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)-related outcomes: a cross-sectional analysis. BMC Pulm Med. 2021 Apr 27; 21 (1):139
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  64. Pratte KA, Curtis JL, Kechris K, Couper D, Cho MH, Silverman EK, DeMeo DL, Sciurba FC, Zhang Y, Ortega VE, O'Neal WK, Gillenwater LA, Lynch DA, Hoffman EA, Newell JD Jr, Comellas AP, Castaldi PJ, Miller BE, Pouwels SD, Hacken NHTT, Bischoff R, Klont F, Woodruff PG, Paine R, Barr RG, Hoidal J, Doerschuk CM, Charbonnier JP, Sung R, Locantore N, Yonchuk JG, Jacobson S, Tal-Singer R, Merrill D, Bowler RP. Soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) as a biomarker of COPD. Respir Res. 2021 Apr 27; 22 (1):127
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  65. Kasela S, Ortega VE, Martorella M, Garudadri S, Nguyen J, Ampleford E, Pasanen A, Nerella S, Buschur KL, Barjaktarevic IZ, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Bowler RP, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Couper DJ, Criner GJ, Curtis JL, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Kaner RJ, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, McDonald MN, Meyers DA, Paine R 3rd, Peters SP, Castro M, Denlinger LC, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Israel E, Jarjour NN, Levy BD, Li X, Moore WC, Wenzel SE, Zein J, NHLBI SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study (SPIROMICS), NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium, Langelier C, Woodruff PG, Lappalainen T, Christenson SA. Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting the expression of COVID-19-relevant genes in the large airway epithelium. Genome Med. 2021 Apr 21; 13(1):66.
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  66. Dunican EM, Elicker BM, Henry T, Gierada DS, Schiebler ML, Anderson W, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Boucher RC, Bowler R, Christenson SA, Comellas A, Cooper CB, Couper D, Criner GJ, Dransfield M, Doerschuk CM, Drummond MB, Hansel NN, Han MK, Hastie AT, Hoffman EA, Krishnan JA, Lazarus SC, Martinez FJ, McCulloch CE, O'Neal WK, Ortega VE, Paine R 3rd, Peters S, Schroeder JD, Woodruff PG, Fahy JV. Mucus Plugs and Emphysema in the Pathophysiology of Airflow Obstruction and Hypoxemia in Smokers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Apr 15; 203(8):957-968.
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  67. Ejike CO, Woo H, Galiatsatos P, Paulin LM, Krishnan JA, Cooper CB, Couper DJ, Kanner RE, Bowler RP, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Criner GJ, Barr RG, Martinez FJ, Han MK, Martinez CH, Ortega VE, Parekh TM, Christenson SA, Thakur N, Baugh A, Belz DC, Raju S, Gassett AJ, Kaufman JD, Putcha N, Hansel NN. Contribution of Individual and Neighborhood Factors to Racial Disparities in Respiratory Outcomes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Apr 15; 203 (8):987-997
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  68. Clougherty JE, Kinnee EJ, Cardet JC, Mauger D, Bacharier L, Beigelman A, Blake KV, Cabana MD, Castro M, Chmiel JF, Covar R, Fitzpatrick A, Gaffin JM, Gentile D, Israel E, Jackson DJ, Kraft M, Krishnan JA, Kumar HV, Lang JE, Lazarus SC, Lemanske RF Jr, Lima J, Martinez FD, Morgan W, Moy J, Myers R, Naureckas ET, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Phipatanakul W, Pongracic JA, Ross K, Sheehan WJ, Smith LJ, Solway J, Sorkness CA, Wechsler ME, Wenzel S, White SR, Holguin F. Geography, generalisability, and susceptibility in clinical trials. Lancet Respir Med. 2021 Apr; 9 (4):330-332 Epub 2021 Feb 01
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  69. Gillenwater LA, Kechris KJ, Pratte KA, Reisdorph N, Petrache I, Labaki WW, O'Neal W, Krishnan JA, Ortega VE, DeMeo DL, Bowler RP. Metabolomic Profiling Reveals Sex Specific Associations with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Emphysema. Metabolites. 2021 Mar 11; 11 (3)
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  70. Opron K, Begley LA, Erb-Downward JR, Freeman C, Madapoosi S, Alexis NE, Barjaktarevic I, Graham Barr R, Bleecker ER, Bowler RP, Christenson SA, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Couper DJ, Doerschuk CM, Dransfield MT, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hastie AT, Hoffman EA, Kaner RJ, Krishnan J, O'Neal WK, Ortega VE, Paine R 3rd, Peters SP, Michael Wells J, Woodruff PG, Martinez FJ, Curtis JL, Huffnagle GB, Huang YJ. Lung microbiota associations with clinical features of COPD in the SPIROMICS cohort. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 2021 Feb 05; 7(1):14.
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  71. Voorhies K, Sordillo JE, McGeachie M, Ampleford E, Wang AL, Lasky-Su J, Tantisira K, Dahlin A, Kelly RS, Ortega VE, Lutz SM, Wu AC. Age by Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Interactions on Bronchodilator Response in Asthmatics. J Pers Med. 2021 Jan 19; 11 (1)
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  72. Gillenwater LA, Pratte KA, Hobbs BD, Cho MH, Zhuang Y, Halper-Stromberg E, Cruickshank-Quinn C, Reisdorph N, Petrache I, Labaki WW, O'Neal WK, Ortega VE, Jones DP, Uppal K, Jacobson S, Michelotti G, Wendt CH, Kechris KJ, Bowler RP. Plasma Metabolomic Signatures of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and the Impact of Genetic Variants on Phenotype-Driven Modules. Netw Syst Med. 2020 Dec 1; 3 (1):159-181 Epub 2020 Dec 31
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  73. Putcha N, Fawzy A, Matsui EC, Liu MC, Bowler RP, Woodruff PG, O'Neal WK, Comellas AP, Han MK, Dransfield MT, Wells JM, Lugogo N, Gao L, Talbot CC Jr, Hoffman EA, Cooper CB, Paulin LM, Kanner RE, Criner G, Ortega VE, Barr RG, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, Drummond MB, Wise RA, Diette GB, Hersh CP, Hansel NN. Clinical Phenotypes of Atopy and Asthma in COPD: A Meta-analysis of SPIROMICS and COPDGene. Chest. 2020 Dec; 158 (6):2333-2345 Epub 2020 May 23
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  74. Alderawi A, Caramori G, Baker EH, Hitchings AW, Rahman I, Rossios C, Adcock I, Cassolari P, Papi A, Ortega VE, Curtis JL, Dunmore S, Kirkham P. FN3K expression in COPD: a potential comorbidity factor for cardiovascular disease. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2020 Nov; 7 (1)
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  75. Daya M, Ortega VE. Asthma genomics and pharmacogenomics. Curr Opin Immunol. 2020 Oct; 66:136-142 Epub 2020 Nov 07
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  76. Strand M, Austin E, Moll M, Pratte KA, Regan EA, Hayden LP, Bhatt SP, Boriek AM, Casaburi R, Silverman EK, Fortis S, Ruczinski I, Koegler H, Rossiter HB, Occhipinti M, Hanania NA, Gebrekristos HT, Lynch DA, Kunisaki KM, Young KA, Sieren JC, Ragland M, Hokanson JE, Lutz SM, Make BJ, Kinney GL, Cho MH, Pistolesi M, DeMeo DL, Sciurba FC, Comellas AP, Diaz AA, Barjaktarevic I, Bowler RP, Kanner RE, Peters SP, Ortega VE, Dransfield MT, Crapo JD. A Risk Prediction Model for Mortality Among Smokers in the COPDGene(R) Study. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2020 Oct; 7 (4):346-361
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  77. Peters MC, Sajuthi S, Deford P, Christenson S, Rios CL, Montgomery MT, Woodruff PG, Mauger DT, Erzurum SC, Johansson MW, Denlinger LC, Jarjour NN, Castro M, Hastie AT, Moore W, Ortega VE, Bleecker ER, Wenzel SE, Israel E, Levy BD, Seibold MA, Fahy JV. COVID-19-related Genes in Sputum Cells in Asthma. Relationship to Demographic Features and Corticosteroids. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020 Jul 01; 202(1):83-90.
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  78. Vince N, Limou S, Daya M, Morii W, Rafaels N, Geffard E, Douillard V, Walencik A, Boorgula MP, Chavan S, Vergara C, Ortega VE, Wilson JG, Lange LA, Watson H, Nicolae DL, Meyers DA, Hansel NN, Ford JG, Faruque MU, Bleecker ER, Campbell M, Beaty TH, Ruczinski I, Mathias RA, Taub MA, Ober C, Noguchi E, Barnes KC, CAAPA, Torgerson D, Gourraud PA. Association of HLA-DRB1*09:01 with tIgE levels among African-ancestry individuals with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 Jul; 146(1):147-155. Epub 2020 Jan 22.
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  79. Raffield LM, Dang H, Pratte KA, Jacobson S, Gillenwater LA, Ampleford E, Barjaktarevic I, Basta P, Clish CB, Comellas AP, Cornell E, Curtis JL, Doerschuk C, Durda P, Emson C, Freeman CM, Guo X, Hastie AT, Hawkins GA, Herrera J, Johnson WC, Labaki WW, Liu Y, Masters B, Miller M, Ortega VE, Papanicolaou G, Peters S, Taylor KD, Rich SS, Rotter JI, Auer P, Reiner AP, Tracy RP, Ngo D, Gerszten RE, O'Neal WK, Bowler RP, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium. Comparison of Proteomic Assessment Methods in Multiple Cohort Studies. Proteomics. 2020 Jun; 20 (12):e1900278
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  80. Burkes RM, Ceppe AS, Doerschuk CM, Couper D, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Barr RG, Krishnan JA, Cooper C, Labaki WW, Ortega VE, Wells JM, Criner GJ, Woodruff PG, Bowler RP, Pirozzi CS, Hansel NN, Wise RA, Brown TT, Drummond MB, SPIROMICS Investigators. Associations Among 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels, Lung Function, and Exacerbation Outcomes in COPD: An Analysis of the SPIROMICS Cohort. Chest. 2020 Apr; 157 (4):856-865 Epub 2020 Jan 17
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  81. Allen RJ, Guillen-Guio B, Oldham JM, Ma SF, Dressen A, Paynton ML, Kraven LM, Obeidat M, Li X, Ng M, Braybrooke R, Molina-Molina M, Hobbs BD, Putman RK, Sakornsakolpat P, Booth HL, Fahy WA, Hart SP, Hill MR, Hirani N, Hubbard RB, McAnulty RJ, Millar AB, Navaratnam V, Oballa E, Parfrey H, Saini G, Whyte MKB, Zhang Y, Kaminski N, Adegunsoye A, Strek ME, Neighbors M, Sheng XR, Gudmundsson G, Gudnason V, Hatabu H, Lederer DJ, Manichaikul A, Newell JD Jr, O'Connor GT, Ortega VE, Xu H, Fingerlin TE, Bosse Y, Hao K, Joubert P, Nickle DC, Sin DD, Timens W, Furniss D, Morris AP, Zondervan KT, Hall IP, Sayers I, Tobin MD, Maher TM, Cho MH, Hunninghake GM, Schwartz DA, Yaspan BL, Molyneaux PL, Flores C, Noth I, Jenkins RG, Wain LV. Genome-Wide Association Study of Susceptibility to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020 Mar 1; 201 (5):564-574
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  82. Ortega VE, Li X, O'Neal WK, Lackey L, Ampleford E, Hawkins GA, Grayeski PJ, Laederach A, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Cooper C, Couper D, Han MK, Kanner RE, Kleerup EC, Martinez FJ, Paine R 3rd, Peters SP, Pirozzi C, Rennard SI, Woodruff PG, Hoffman EA, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, NHLBI Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcomes Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS). The Effects of Rare SERPINA1 Variants on Lung Function and Emphysema in SPIROMICS. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020 Mar 01; 201(5):540-554.
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  83. Zein J, Gaston B, Bazeley P, DeBoer MD, Igo RP Jr, Bleecker ER, Meyers D, Comhair S, Marozkina NV, Cotton C, Patel M, Alyamani M, Xu W, Busse WW, Calhoun WJ, Ortega V, Hawkins GA, Castro M, Chung KF, Fahy JV, Fitzpatrick AM, Israel E, Jarjour NN, Levy B, Mauger DT, Moore WC, Noel P, Peters SP, Teague WG, Wenzel SE, Erzurum SC, Sharifi N. HSD3B1 genotype identifies glucocorticoid responsiveness in severe asthma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Jan 28; 117(4):2187-2193. Epub 2020 Jan 13.
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  84. Stott-Miller M, Mullerova H, Miller B, Tabberer M, El Baou C, Keeley T, Martinez FJ, Han M, Dransfield M, Hansel NN, Cooper CB, Woodruff P, Ortega VE, Comellas AP, Paine Iii R, Kanner RE, Anderson W, Drummond MB, Kim V, Tal-Singer R, Lazaar AL. Defining Chronic Mucus Hypersecretion Using the CAT in the SPIROMICS Cohort. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2020; 15:2467-2476 Epub 2020 Oct 13
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  85. Holguin F, Cardet JC, Chung KF, Diver S, Ferreira DS, Fitzpatrick A, Gaga M, Kellermeyer L, Khurana S, Knight S, McDonald VM, Morgan RL, Ortega VE, Rigau D, Subbarao P, Tonia T, Adcock IM, Bleecker ER, Brightling C, Boulet LP, Cabana M, Castro M, Chanez P, Custovic A, Djukanovic R, Frey U, Frankemölle B, Gibson P, Hamerlijnck D, Jarjour N, Konno S, Shen H, Vitary C, Bush A. Management of severe asthma: a European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society guideline. Eur Respir J. 2020 Jan; 55(1). Epub 2020 Jan 02.
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  86. Grossman NL, Ortega VE, King TS, Bleecker ER, Ampleford EA, Bacharier LB, Cabana MD, Cardet JC, Carr TF, Castro M, Denlinger LC, Denson JL, Fandino N, Fitzpatrick AM, Hawkins GA, Holguin F, Krishnan JA, Lazarus SC, Nyenhuis SM, Phipatanakul W, Ramratnam SK, Wenzel S, Peters SP, Meyers DA, Wechsler ME, Israel E. Exacerbation-prone asthma in the context of race and ancestry in Asthma Clinical Research Network trials. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Dec; 144(6):1524-1533. Epub 2019 Sep 11.
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  87. Hobbs BD, Putman RK, Araki T, Nishino M, Gudmundsson G, Gudnason V, Eiriksdottir G, Zilhao Nogueira NR, Dupuis J, Xu H, O'Connor GT, Manichaikul A, Nguyen J, Podolanczuk AJ, Madahar P, Rotter JI, Lederer DJ, Barr RG, Rich SS, Ampleford EJ, Ortega VE, Peters SP, O'Neal WK, Newell JD Jr, Bleecker ER, Meyers DA, Allen RJ, Oldham JM, Ma SF, Noth I, Jenkins RG, Maher TM, Hubbard RB, Wain LV, Fingerlin TE, Schwartz DA, Washko GR, Rosas IO, Silverman EK, Hatabu H, Cho MH, Hunninghake GM. Overlap of Genetic Risk between Interstitial Lung Abnormalities and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019 Dec 01; 200(11):1402-1413.
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  88. Wechsler ME, Szefler SJ, Ortega VE, Pongracic JA, Chinchilli V, Lima JJ, Krishnan JA, Kunselman SJ, Mauger D, Bleecker ER, Bacharier LB, Beigelman A, Benson M, Blake KV, Cabana MD, Cardet JC, Castro M, Chmiel JF, Covar R, Denlinger L, DiMango E, Fitzpatrick AM, Gentile D, Grossman N, Holguin F, Jackson DJ, Kumar H, Kraft M, LaForce CF, Lang J, Lazarus SC, Lemanske RF Jr, Long D, Lugogo N, Martinez F, Meyers DA, Moore WC, Moy J, Naureckas E, Olin JT, Peters SP, Phipatanakul W, Que L, Raissy H, Robison RG, Ross K, Sheehan W, Smith LJ, Solway J, Sorkness CA, Sullivan-Vedder L, Wenzel S, White S, Israel E, NHLBI AsthmaNet. Step-Up Therapy in Black Children and Adults with Poorly Controlled Asthma. N Engl J Med. 2019 Sep 26; 381(13):1227-1239.
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  89. Oelsner EC, Ortega VE, Smith BM, Nguyen JN, Manichaikul AW, Hoffman EA, Guo X, Taylor KD, Woodruff PG, Couper DJ, Hansel NN, Martinez FJ, Paine R 3rd, Han MK, Cooper C, Dransfield MT, Criner G, Krishnan JA, Bowler R, Bleecker ER, Peters S, Rich SS, Meyers DA, Rotter JI, Barr RG. A Genetic Risk Score Associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Susceptibility and Lung Structure on Computed Tomography. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019 Sep 15; 200(6):721-731.
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  90. Daya M, Rafaels N, Brunetti TM, Chavan S, Levin AM, Shetty A, Gignoux CR, Boorgula MP, Wojcik G, Campbell M, Vergara C, Torgerson DG, Ortega VE, Doumatey A, Johnston HR, Acevedo N, Araujo MI, Avila PC, Belbin G, Bleecker E, Bustamante C, Caraballo L, Cruz A, Dunston GM, Eng C, Faruque MU, Ferguson TS, Figueiredo C, Ford JG, Gan W, Gourraud PA, Hansel NN, Hernandez RD, Herrera-Paz EF, Jimenez S, Kenny EE, Knight-Madden J, Kumar R, Lange LA, Lange EM, Lizee A, Maul P, Maul T, Mayorga A, Meyers D, Nicolae DL, O'Connor TD, Oliveira RR, Olopade CO, Olopade O, Qin ZS, Rotimi C, Vince N, Watson H, Wilks RJ, Wilson JG, Salzberg S, Ober C, Burchard EG, Williams LK, Beaty TH, Taub MA, Ruczinski I, Mathias RA, Barnes KC, CAAPA. Author Correction: Association study in African-admixed populations across the Americas recapitulates asthma risk loci in non-African populations. Nat Commun. 2019 Sep 4; 10 (1):4082 Epub 2019 Sept 04
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  91. Cardet JC, Jiang X, Lu Q, Gerard N, McIntire K, Boushey HA, Castro M, Chinchilli VM, Codispoti CD, Dyer AM, Holguin F, Kraft M, Lazarus S, Lemanske RF, Lugogo N, Mauger D, Moore WC, Moy J, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Smith LJ, Solway J, Sorkness CA, Sumino K, Wechsler ME, Wenzel S, Israel E, AsthmaNet Investigators. Loss of bronchoprotection with ICS plus LABA treatment, beta-receptor dynamics, and the effect of alendronate. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Aug; 144 (2):416-425.e7 Epub 2019 Mar 11
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  92. Fitzpatrick AM, Gillespie SE, Mauger DT, Phillips BR, Bleecker ER, Israel E, Meyers DA, Moore WC, Sorkness RL, Wenzel SE, Bacharier LB, Castro M, Denlinger LC, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Gaston BM, Jarjour NN, Larkin A, Levy BD, Ly NP, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Phipatanakul W, Ramratnam S, Teague WG. Racial disparities in asthma-related health care use in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Severe Asthma Research Program. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Jun; 143(6):2052-2061. Epub 2019 Jan 08.
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  93. Spear ML, Hu D, Pino-Yanes M, Huntsman S, Eng C, Levin AM, Ortega VE, White MJ, McGarry ME, Thakur N, Galanter J, Mak ACY, Oh SS, Ampleford E, Peters SP, Davis A, Kumar R, Farber HJ, Meade K, Avila PC, Serebrisky D, Lenoir MA, Brigino-Buenaventura E, Cintron WR, Thyne SM, Rodriguez-Santana JR, Ford JG, Chapela R, Estrada AM, Sandoval K, Seibold MA, Winkler CA, Bleecker ER, Myers DA, Williams LK, Hernandez RD, Torgerson DG, Burchard EG. A genome-wide association and admixture mapping study of bronchodilator drug response in African Americans with asthma. Pharmacogenomics J. 2019 Jun; 19(3):249-259. Epub 2018 Sep 12.
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  94. Izquierdo M, Marion C, Tumin D, Bowling MR, Ortega VE. The clinical and research utility of bronchoscopy in cystic fibrosis. Clinical Pulmonary Medicine. 2019 May; 26(3):76-81.
  95. Cardet JC, Codispoti CD, King TS, Bacharier L, Carr T, Castro M, Chinchilli V, Dunn R, Holquing F, Engle L, Nelson K, Ortega VE, Peters M, Ramratnam S, Krishnan JA, Wechsler ME, Israel E, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Asthmanet. Predictors of inhaled corticosteroid taper failure in adults with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2019 Apr; 7 (4):1335-1337.e3 Epub 2018 Sept 19
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  96. Daya M, Rafaels N, Brunetti TM, Chavan S, Levin AM, Shetty A, Gignoux CR, Boorgula MP, Wojcik G, Campbell M, Vergara C, Torgerson DG, Ortega VE, Doumatey A, Johnston HR, Acevedo N, Araujo MI, Avila PC, Belbin G, Bleecker E, Bustamante C, Caraballo L, Cruz A, Dunston GM, Eng C, Faruque MU, Ferguson TS, Figueiredo C, Ford JG, Gan W, Gourraud PA, Hansel NN, Hernandez RD, Herrera-Paz EF, Jiménez S, Kenny EE, Knight-Madden J, Kumar R, Lange LA, Lange EM, Lizee A, Maul P, Maul T, Mayorga A, Meyers D, Nicolae DL, O'Connor TD, Oliveira RR, Olopade CO, Olopade O, Qin ZS, Rotimi C, Vince N, Watson H, Wilks RJ, Wilson JG, Salzberg S, Ober C, Burchard EG, Williams LK, Beaty TH, Taub MA, Ruczinski I, Mathias RA, Barnes KC, CAAPA. Association study in African-admixed populations across the Americas recapitulates asthma risk loci in non-African populations. Nat Commun. 2019 Feb 20; 10(1):880.
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  97. Barjaktarevic IZ, Buhr RG, Wang X, Hu S, Couper D, Anderson W, Kanner RE, Paine Iii R, Bhatt SP, Bhakta NR, Arjomandi M, Kaner RJ, Pirozzi CS, Curtis JL, O'Neal WK, Woodruff PG, Han MK, Martinez FJ, Hansel N, Wells JM, Ortega VE, Hoffman EA, Doerschuk CM, Kim V, Dransfield MT, Drummond MB, Bowler R, Criner G, Christenson SA, Ronish B, Peters SP, Krishnan JA, Tashkin DP, Cooper CB, NHLBI SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study (SPIROMICS). Clinical Significance of Bronchodilator Responsiveness Evaluated by Forced Vital Capacity in COPD: SPIROMICS Cohort Analysis. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2019; 14:2927-2938 Epub 2019 Dec 20
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  98. Sherman RM, Forman J, Antonescu V, Puiu D, Daya M, Rafaels N, Boorgula MP, Chavan S, Vergara C, Ortega VE, Levin AM, Eng C, Yazdanbakhsh M, Wilson JG, Marrugo J, Lange LA, Williams LK, Watson H, Ware LB, Olopade CO, Olopade O, Oliveira RR, Ober C, Nicolae DL, Meyers DA, Mayorga A, Knight-Madden J, Hartert T, Hansel NN, Foreman MG, Ford JG, Faruque MU, Dunston GM, Caraballo L, Burchard EG, Bleecker ER, Araujo MI, Herrera-Paz EF, Campbell M, Foster C, Taub MA, Beaty TH, Ruczinski I, Mathias RA, Barnes KC, Salzberg SL. Assembly of a pan-genome from deep sequencing of 910 humans of African descent. Nat Genet. 2019 Jan; 51(1):30-35. Epub 2018 Nov 19.
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  99. Pirozzi CS, Gu T, Quibrera PM, Carretta EE, Han MK, Murray S, Cooper CB, Tashkin DP, Kleerup EC, Barjaktarevic I, Hoffman EA, Martinez CH, Christenson SA, Hansel NN, Graham Barr R, Bleecker ER, Ortega VE, Martinez FJ, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, NHLBI SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study (SPIROMICS). Heterogeneous burden of lung disease in smokers with borderline airflow obstruction. Respir Res. 2018 Nov 20; 19(1):223.
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  100. Lima JJ, Castro M, King TS, Lang JE, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Denlinger LC, Israel E, Sorkness CA, Wechsler ME, Wenzel SE, Smith LJ. Association of free vitamin D3 concentrations and asthma treatment failures in the VIDA Trial. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2018 Oct; 121 (4):444-450.e1 Epub 2018 June 14
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  101. Li X, Ortega VE, Ampleford EJ, Graham Barr R, Christenson SA, Cooper CB, Couper D, Dransfield MT, Han MLK, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Kleerup EC, Martinez FJ, Paine R 3rd, Woodruff PG, Hawkins GA, Bleecker ER, Meyers DA, SPIROMICS Research Group. Genome-wide association study of lung function and clinical implication in heavy smokers. BMC Med Genet. 2018 Aug 01; 19(1):134.
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  102. Labaki WW, Xia M, Murray S, Curtis JL, Barr RG, Bhatt SP, Bleecker ER, Hansel NN, Cooper CB, Dransfield MT, Wells JM, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Krishnan JA, Bowler RP, Couper DJ, Woodruff PG, Martinez FJ, Martinez CH, Han MK. NT-proBNP in stable COPD and future exacerbation risk: Analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort. Respir Med. 2018 Jul; 140:87-93. Epub 2018 Jun 05.
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  103. Cardet JC, Louisias M, King TS, Castro M, Codispoti CD, Dunn R, Engle L, Giles BL, Holguin F, Lima JJ, Long D, Lugogo N, Nyenhuis S, Ortega VE, Ramratnam S, Wechsler ME, Israel E, Phipatanakul W, Vitamin D Add-On Therapy Enhances Corticosteroid Disparities Working Group members on behalf of the AsthmaNet investigators. Income is an independent risk factor for worse asthma outcomes. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2018 Feb; 141 (2):754-760.e3 Epub 2017 May 20
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  104. Khoury O, Barrios C, Ortega V, Atala A, Murphy SV. Immunomodulatory Cell Therapy to Target Cystic Fibrosis Inflammation. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2018 Jan; 58 (1):12-20
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  105. Hastie AT, Martinez FJ, Curtis JL, Doerschuk CM, Hansel NN, Christenson S, Putcha N, Ortega VE, Li X, Barr RG, Carretta EE, Couper DJ, Cooper CB, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Kleerup E, O'Neal WK, Paine R 3rd, Peters SP, Alexis NE, Woodruff PG, Han MK, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, SPIROMICS investigators. Association of sputum and blood eosinophil concentrations with clinical measures of COPD severity: an analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort. Lancet Respir Med. 2017 Dec; 5(12):956-967. Epub 2017 Nov 13.
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  106. Celedon JC, Burchard EG, Schraufnagel D, Castillo-Salgado C, Schenker M, Balmes J, Neptune E, Cummings KJ, Holguin F, Riekert KA, Wisnivesky JP, Garcia JGN, Roman J, Kittles R, Ortega VE, Redline S, Mathias R, Thomas A, Samet J, Ford JG, American Thoracic Society and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. An American Thoracic Society/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Workshop Report: Addressing Respiratory Health Equality in the United States. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017 May; 14 (5):814-826
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  107. Mathias RA, Taub MA, Gignoux CR, Fu W, Musharoff S, O'Connor TD, Vergara C, Torgerson DG, Pino-Yanes M, Shringarpure SS, Huang L, Rafaels N, Boorgula MP, Johnston HR, Ortega VE, Levin AM, Song W, Torres R, Padhukasahasram B, Eng C, Mejia-Mejia DA, Ferguson T, Qin ZS, Scott AF, Yazdanbakhsh M, Wilson JG, Marrugo J, Lange LA, Kumar R, Avila PC, Williams LK, Watson H, Ware LB, Olopade C, Olopade O, Oliveira R, Ober C, Nicolae DL, Meyers D, Mayorga A, Knight-Madden J, Hartert T, Hansel NN, Foreman MG, Ford JG, Faruque MU, Dunston GM, Caraballo L, Burchard EG, Bleecker E, Araujo MI, Herrera-Paz EF, Gietzen K, Grus WE, Bamshad M, Bustamante CD, Kenny EE, Hernandez RD, Beaty TH, Ruczinski I, Akey J, CAAPA, Barnes KC. A continuum of admixture in the Western Hemisphere revealed by the African Diaspora genome. Nat Commun. 2016 Oct 11; 7:12522.
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  108. Ortega VE, Kumar R. The Effect of Ancestry and Genetic Variation on Lung Function Predictions: What Is "Normal" Lung Function in Diverse Human Populations? Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2015 Apr; 15 (4):16
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  109. Ortega VE, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER. Asthma pharmacogenetics and the development of genetic profiles for personalized medicine. Pharmgenomics Pers Med. 2015; 8:9-22. Epub 2015 Jan 16.
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  110. Ortega VE, Meyers DA. Implications of population structure and ancestry on asthma genetic studies. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Oct; 14(5):381-9.
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  111. Ortega VE. Pharmacogenetics of beta2 adrenergic receptor agonists in asthma management. Clin Genet. 2014 Jul; 86 (1):12-20 Epub 2014 Apr 07
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  112. Ortega VE, Hawkins GA, Moore WC, Hastie AT, Ampleford EJ, Busse WW, Castro M, Chardon D, Erzurum SC, Israel E, Montealegre F, Wenzel SE, Peters SP, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER. Effect of rare variants in ADRB2 on risk of severe exacerbations and symptom control during longacting ß agonist treatment in a multiethnic asthma population: a genetic study. Lancet Respir Med. 2014 Mar; 2(3):204-13. Epub 2014 Jan 27.
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  113. Ortega VE, Meyers DA. Pharmacogenetics: implications of race and ethnicity on defining genetic profiles for personalized medicine. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Jan; 133(1):16-26.
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  114. Miller SM, Ortega VE. Pharmacogenetics and the development of personalized approaches for combination therapy in asthma. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2013 Oct; 13 (5):443-52
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  115. Ortega VE, Wechsler ME. Asthma pharmacogenetics: responding to the call for a personalized approach. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Aug; 13 (4):399-409
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  116. Hastie AT, Moore WC, Li H, Rector BM, Ortega VE, Pascual RM, Peters SP, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Severe Asthma Research Program. Biomarker surrogates do not accurately predict sputum eosinophil and neutrophil percentages in asthmatic subjects. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013 Jul; 132(1):72-80. Epub 2013 May 21.
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  117. Ortega VE, Bleecker ER. The Pharmacogenetics of Asthma and the Road to Personalized Medicine. Pulmão RJ (Publication of the Rio de Janeiro Respiratory Society). 2012; 21(2):41-52.
  118. Ortega VE, Peters SP. Beta-2 adrenergic agonists: focus on safety and benefits versus risks. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2010 Jun; 10 (3):246-53 Epub 2010 May 06
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  119. Ortega VE, Hawkins GA, Peters SP, Bleecker ER. Pharmacogenetics of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor gene. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2007 Nov; 27(4):665-84; vii.
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  120. Penn RB, Ortega VE, Bleecker ER. A Roadmap to functional genomics. Physiol Genomics. 2007 Jun 19; 30(1):82-8. Epub 2007 Feb 27.
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  121. Hawkins GA, Ortega VE, Bleecker ER. Detailed sequence analysis of the beta-2 receptor gene in Caucasians and African Americans. Allergy Clin Immunol Int: J World Allergy Org. 2007; (Suppl 2):277-284.