
  1. Kukhon FR, Festic E. Adjuvant Inhaled Corticosteroids in Community-Acquired Pneumonia: A Review Article. Med Sci (Basel). 2021 May 23; 9 (2)
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  2. Levitt JE, Festic E, Desai M, Hedlin H, Mahaffey KW, Rogers AJ, Gajic O, Matthay MA, ARREST Pneumonia Clinical Trial Investigators. The ARREST Pneumonia Clinical Trial. Rationale and Design. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2021 Apr; 18(4):698-708.
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  3. Sakusic A, Markotic D, Dong Y, Festic E, Krajinovic V, Todorovic Z, Sustic A, Milivojevic N, Jandric M, Gavrilovic S, Niven A, Kovacevic P, Gajic O. Rapid, multimodal, critical care knowledge-sharing platform for COVID-19 pandemics. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2021 Feb 1; 21 (1):93-97 Epub 2021 Feb 01
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  4. Shah JS, Pedraza O, Festic E, Oskarsson B. The relationship between ventilatory function and cognitive and behavioral impairment in ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. 2021; 22 (sup1):62-67
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  5. Seckin ZI, Helmi H, Weister TJ, Lee A, Festic E. Acute pulmonary embolism in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: frequency, hospital outcomes, and recurrence. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Jul 15; 16 (7):1029-1036
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  6. Cengic S, Zuberi M, Bansal V, Ratzlaff R, Rodrigues E, Festic E. Hypotension after intensive care unit drop-off in adult cardiac surgery patients. World J Crit Care Med. 2020 Jun 5; 9 (2):20-30 Epub 2020 June 05
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  7. Helgeson SA, Levitt JE, Festic E. Systemic and Inhaled Corticosteroids, with or without Beta Agonists, as Adjuvant Therapy in Community Acquired Pneumonia. Acta Med Acad. 2020 Apr; 49 (1):9-20
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  8. Wasey W, Festic E, Sapra A, Rafi T, Bhandari P. New Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Following Anterior Cervical Discectomy Complicated by Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Report. Cureus. 2020 Mar 27; 12 (3):e7439
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  9. Kovacevic P, Dragic S, Kovacevic T, Momcicevic D, Festic E, Kashyap R, Niven AS, Dong Y, Gajic O. Impact of weekly case-based tele-education on quality of care in a limited resource medical intensive care unit. Crit Care. 2019 Jun 14; 23 (1):220 Epub 2019 June 14
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  10. Festic N, Zuberi M, Bansal V, Fredrickson P, Festic E. Correlation Between Oxygen Saturation and Pulse Tracing Patterns on Overnight Oximetry With Normal Desaturation Index Is an Independent Predictor of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. J Clin Sleep Med. 2019 Feb 15; 15 (2):195-200
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  11. Festic N, Alejos D, Bansal V, Mooney L, Fredrickson PA, Castillo PR, Festic E. Sleep Apnea in Patients Hospitalized With Acute Ischemic Stroke: Underrecognition and Associated Clinical Outcomes. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Jan 15; 14 (1):75-80
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  12. Pisani L, Roozeman JP, Simonis FD, Giangregorio A, van der Hoeven SM, Schouten LR, Horn J, Neto AS, Festic E, Dondorp AM, Grasso S, Bos LD, Schultz MJ, MARS consortium. Risk stratification using SpO2/FiO2 and PEEP at initial ARDS diagnosis and after 24 h in patients with moderate or severe ARDS. Ann Intensive Care. 2017 Oct 25; 7 (1):108
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  13. Alejos D, Festic E, Guru P, Moss JE. Neurological outcomes of patients with history of obstructive sleep apnea after a cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2017 Oct; 119:13-17 Epub 2017 July 29
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  14. Grek A, Booth S, Festic E, Maniaci M, Shirazi E, Thompson K, Starbuck A, Mcree C, Naessens JM, Moreno Franco P. Sepsis and Shock Response Team: Impact of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Implementing Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines and Surviving the Process. Am J Med Qual. 2017 Sep/Oct; 32 (5):500-507 Epub 2016 Nov 11
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  15. Schultz MJ, Dunser MW, Dondorp AM, Adhikari NK, Iyer S, Kwizera A, Lubell Y, Papali A, Pisani L, Riviello BD, Angus DC, Azevedo LC, Baker T, Diaz JV, Festic E, Haniffa R, Jawa R, Jacob ST, Kissoon N, Lodha R, Martin-Loeches I, Lundeg G, Misango D, Mer M, Mohanty S, Murthy S, Musa N, Nakibuuka J, Serpa Neto A, Nguyen Thi Hoang M, Nguyen Thien B, Pattnaik R, Phua J, Preller J, Povoa P, Ranjit S, Talmor D, Thevanayagam J, Thwaites CL, Global Intensive Care Working Group of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Current challenges in the management of sepsis in ICUs in resource-poor settings and suggestions for the future. Intensive Care Med. 2017 May; 43 (5):612-624 Epub 2017 Mar 27
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  16. Festic E, Carr GE, Cartin-Ceba R, Hinds RF, Banner-Goodspeed V, Bansal V, Asuni AT, Talmor D, Rajagopalan G, Frank RD, Gajic O, Matthay MA, Levitt JE. Randomized Clinical Trial of a Combination of an Inhaled Corticosteroid and Beta Agonist in Patients at Risk of Developing the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Crit Care Med. 2017 May; 45 (5):798-805
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  17. Kwizera A, Festic E, Dunser MW. What's new in sepsis recognition in resource-limited settings? Intensive Care Med. 2016 Dec; 42 (12):2030-2033 Epub 2016 Jan 29
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  18. Gao F, Festic E, Schultz M, Schultz M, Roberts JA, Dawson D, Garcia M, Jones A, Scott M. ESICM LIVES 2016: part one : Milan, Italy. 1-5 October 2016. Intensive Care Med Exp. 2016 Sep; 4: (Suppl 1)27.
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  19. Kor DJ, Carter RE, Park PK, Festic E, Banner-Goodspeed VM, Hinds R, Talmor D, Gajic O, Ware LB, Gong MN, US Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group: Lung Injury Prevention with Aspirin Study Group (USCIITG: LIPS-A). Effect of Aspirin on Development of ARDS in At-Risk Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department: The LIPS-A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2016 Jun 14; 315 (22):2406-14
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  20. Gong MN, Schenk L, Gajic O, Mirhaji P, Sloan J, Dong Y, Festic E, Herasevich V. Early intervention of patients at risk for acute respiratory failure and prolonged mechanical ventilation with a checklist aimed at the prevention of organ failure: protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedged cluster trial of PROOFCheck. BMJ Open. 2016 Jun 10; 6 (6):e011347 Epub 2016 June 10
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  21. Festic E, Bansal V, Gupta E, Scanlon PD. Association of Inhaled Corticosteroids with Incident Pneumonia and Mortality in COPD Patients; Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. COPD. 2016 Jun; 13 (3):312-26 Epub 2015 Dec 08
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  22. Festic E, Soto JS, Pitre LA, Leveton M, Ramsey DM, Freeman WD, Heckman MG, Lee AS. Novel Bedside Phonetic Evaluation to Identify Dysphagia and Aspiration Risk. Chest. 2016 Mar; 149(3):649-59. Epub 2016 Jan 12.
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  23. Festic E, Rawal B, Gajic O. How to improve assessment of balance in baseline characteristics of clinical trial participants-example from PROSEVA trial data? Ann Transl Med. 2016 Feb; 4 (4):79
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  24. Gong MN, Schenk L, Gajic O, Mirhaji P, Sloan J, Dong Y, Festic E, Herasevich V. Early intervention of patients at risk for acute respiratory failure and prolonged mechanical ventilation with a checklist aimed at the prevention of organ failure: protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedged cluster trial of proofcheck Bmj Open. 2016; 6: (6)e011347.
  25. Serpa Neto A, Schultz MJ, Festic E. Ventilatory support of patients with sepsis or septic shock in resource-limited settings. Intensive Care Med. 2016 Jan; 42 (1):100-3 Epub 2015 Sept 28
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  26. Dragic S, Kovacevic P, Momcicevic D, Zlojutro B, Topolovac S, Dajic V, Kovacevic T, Festic E, Gajic O. Video consultation in a medical intensive care unit based on CERTAIN platform– A pilot study Infektoloski Glasnik. 2016; 36 (3-4):111-9
  27. Ruthman CA, Festic E. Emerging therapies for the prevention of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2015 Aug; 9 (4):173-87 Epub 2015 May 22
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  28. Festic E, Bansal V, Kor DJ, Gajic O, US Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group: Lung Injury Prevention Study Investigators (USCIITG-LIPS). SpO2/FiO2 ratio on hospital admission is an indicator of early acute respiratory distress syndrome development among patients at risk. J Intensive Care Med. 2015 May; 30 (4):209-16 Epub 2013 Dec 20
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  29. Kurklinsky AK, Yataco JC, Yamani MH, Festic E. Case in point. Patent foramen ovale with platypnea-orthodeoxia due to colonic distention. Consultant. 2015 Feb; 55(2):131-2.
  30. Festic E, Kor DJ, Gajic O. Prevention of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Curr Opin Crit Care. 2015 Feb; 21 (1):82-90
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  31. Festic E, Scanlon PD. Incident pneumonia and mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A double effect of inhaled corticosteroids? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015 Jan 15; 191 (2):141-8
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  32. Mangi AM, Bansal V, Li G, Pieper MS, Gajic O, Festic E. Pre-hospital use of inhaled corticosteroids and inhaled beta agonists and incidence of ARDS: A population-based study. Acta Med Acad. 2015; 44 (2):109-16
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  33. Bansal V, Mangi MA, Johnson MM, Festic E. Inhaled corticosteroids and incident pneumonia in patients with asthma: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Med Acad. 2015; 44 (2):135-58
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  34. Diaz-Gomez JL, Perez-Protto S, Hargrave J, Builes A, Capdeville M, Festic E, Shahul S. Impact of a focused transthoracic echocardiography training course for rescue applications among anesthesiology and critical care medicine practitioners: a prospective study. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2015; 29 (3):576-81 Epub 2015 Jan 23
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  35. Karnatovskaia LV, Lee AS, Festic E, Kramer CL, Freeman WD. Effect of prolonged therapeutic hypothermia on intracranial pressure, organ function, and hospital outcomes among patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care. 2014 Dec; 21 (3):451-61
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  36. Lee A, Festic E, Park PK, Raghavendran K, Dabbagh O, Adesanya A, Gajic O, Bartz RR, United States Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group. Characteristics and outcomes of patients hospitalized following pulmonary aspiration. Chest. 2014 Oct; 146 (4):899-907
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  37. Ramos JA, Festic E. Images in clinical medicine. Catastrophic gastroduodenal pneumatosis. N Engl J Med. 2014 Sep 25; 371: (13)e19.
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  38. Karnatovskaia LV, Lee AS, Bender SP, Talmor D, Festic E, US Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group: Lung Injury Prevention Study Investigators (USCIITG-LIPS). Obstructive sleep apnea, obesity, and the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome. J Clin Sleep Med. 2014 Jun 15; 10 (6):657-62 Epub 2014 June 15
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  39. Karnatovskaia LV, Festic E, Freeman WD, Lee AS. Effect of therapeutic hypothermia on gas exchange and respiratory mechanics: a retrospective cohort study. Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag. 2014 Jun; 4: (2)88-95.
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  40. Festic E, Siegel J, Stritt M, Freeman WD. The utility of serum procalcitonin in distinguishing systemic inflammatory response syndrome from infection after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care. 2014 Jun; 20 (3):375-81
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  41. Kor DJ, Lingineni RK, Gajic O, Park PK, Blum JM, Hou PC, Hoth JJ, Anderson HL 3rd, Bajwa EK, Bartz RR, Adesanya A, Festic E, Gong MN, Carter RE, Talmor DS. Predicting risk of postoperative lung injury in high-risk surgical patients: a multicenter cohort study. Anesthesiology. 2014 May; 120 (5):1168-81
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  42. Festic E, Bansal V, Gajic O, Lee AS, United States Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group: Lung Injury Prevention Study Investigators (USCIITG-LIPS). Prehospital use of inhaled corticosteroids and point prevalence of pneumonia at the time of hospital admission: secondary analysis of a multicenter cohort study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014 Feb; 89 (2):154-62
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  43. Festic E, Ortiz-Diaz E, Lee A, Li G, Kor DJ, Adebola A, Akca O, Hoth J, Levitt JE, Carter R, Gajic O, United States Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group: Lung Injury Prevention Study Investigators (USCIITG-LIPS). Prehospital use of inhaled steroids and incidence of acute lung injury among patients at risk. J Crit Care. 2013 Dec; 28 (6):985-91 Epub 2013 Sept 24
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  44. Ortiz-Diaz E, Festic E, Gajic O, Levitt JE. Emerging pharmacological therapies for prevention and early treatment of acute lung injury. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2013 Aug; 34 (4):448-58 Epub 2013 Aug 11
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  45. Karnatovskaia LV, Lee AS, Gajic O, Festic E, U.S. Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group: Lung Injury Prevention Study Investigators (USCIITG-LIPS). The influence of prehospital systemic corticosteroid use on development of acute respiratory distress syndrome and hospital outcomes. Crit Care Med. 2013 Jul; 41 (7):1679-85
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  46. Bohman JK, Kor DJ, Kashyap R, Gajic O, Festic E, He Z, Lee AS. Airway pepsin levels in otherwise healthy surgical patients receiving general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation. Chest. 2013 May; 143 (5):1407-1413
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  47. Festic E, Rabinstein AA, Freeman WD, Mauricio EA, Robinson MT, Mandrekar J, Zubair AC, Lee AS, Gajic O. Blood transfusion is an important predictor of hospital mortality among patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care. 2013 Apr; 18 (2):209-15
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  48. Karnatovskaia LV, Festic E, Gajic O, Carter RE, Lee AS, US Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group: Lung Injury Prevention Study Investigators (USCIITG-LIPS). Prehospital amiodarone may increase the incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome among patients at risk. J Crit Care. 2012 Oct; 27 (5):447-53 Epub 2012 Jan 04
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  49. Karnatovskaia LV, Festic E. Sepsis: a review for the neurohospitalist. Neurohospitalist. 2012 Oct; 2 (4):144-53
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  50. Karnatovskaia LV, Lee AS, Dababneh H, Lin A, Festic E. Stress-induced cardiomyopathy complicating a stroke caused by an air embolism. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2012 Jul; 19(3):224-7.
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  51. Lu N, Jackson D, Luke S, Festic E, Hanel RA, Freeman WD. Intraventricular nicardipine for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage related vasospasm: assessment of 90 days outcome. Neurocrit Care. 2012 Jun; 16 (3):368-75
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  52. Dunser MW, Festic E, Dondorp A, Kissoon N, Ganbat T, Kwizera A, Haniffa R, Baker T, Schultz MJ, Global Intensive Care Working Group of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Recommendations for sepsis management in resource-limited settings. Intensive Care Med. 2012 Apr; 38(4):557-74. Epub 2012 Feb 14.
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  53. Moss JE, Festic E, Odell JA. Retrocardiac herniation of atelectatic lung into the opposite chest. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012 Feb; 93: (2)662.
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  54. Festic E, Wilson ME, Gajic O, Divertie GD, Rabatin JT. Perspectives of physicians and nurses regarding end-of-life care in the intensive care unit. J Intensive Care Med. 2012 Feb; 27 (1):45-54 Epub 2011 Jan 21
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  55. Dunser MW, Festic E, Dondorp A, Kissoon N, Ganbat T, Kwizera A, Haniffa R, Baker T, Schultz MJ. Erratum to: Recommendations for sepsis management in resource-limited settings. Intensive Care Med. 2012; 38(4):575-6.
  56. Gajic O, Dabbagh O, Park PK, Adesanya A, Chang SY, Hou P, Anderson H 3rd, Hoth JJ, Mikkelsen ME, Gentile NT, Gong MN, Talmor D, Bajwa E, Watkins TR, Festic E, Yilmaz M, Iscimen R, Kaufman DA, Esper AM, Sadikot R, Douglas I, Sevransky J, Malinchoc M, U.S. Critical Illness and Injury Trials Group: Lung Injury Prevention Study Investigators (USCIITG-LIPS). Early identification of patients at risk of acute lung injury: evaluation of lung injury prediction score in a multicenter cohort study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011 Feb 15; 183 (4):462-70 Epub 2010 Aug 27
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  57. Mickelsen S, Festic E. Apparent triphasic T-wave. Acta Medica Academica.2011;40:(2):193.
  58. Festic E, Grewal R, Rabatin JT, Divertie GD, Shannon RP, Johnson MM. End-of-life care in the intensive care unit: the perceived barriers, supports, and changes needed. Acta Medica Academica. 2010; 39(2):150-8.
  59. Festic E, Johnson MM, Leventhal JP. The Feasibility of Topical Cocaine Use in Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Acta Medica Academia. 2010; 39:18-23.
  60. Festic E, Gajic O. When less is more in the intensive care unit; lessons learned. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2009 Oct; 9 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1):S54-S58
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  61. Kojicic M, Festic E, Gajic O. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: insights gained from clinical and translational research. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2009 Oct; 9 Suppl 1:59-68.
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  62. Thiery G, Kovacevic P, Straus S, Vidovic J, Iglica A, Festic E, Gajic O. From mechanical ventilation to intensive care medicine: a challenge for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2009 Oct; 9 Suppl 1:69-76.
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  63. Rowley M, Riutort K, Shapiro D, Casler J, Festic E, Freeman WD. Methylene blue-associated serotonin syndrome: a 'green' encephalopathy after parathyroidectomy. Neurocrit Care. 2009; 11 (1):88-93 Epub 2009 Mar 05
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  64. Festic E, Abraham PJ, Burnett OL, Young PM, Johnson MM. Increased radiotracer uptake on positron emission tomography after invasive thoracic procedures: a case series. Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 Sep; 82: (9)1060-4.
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  65. Festic E, Gajic O, Limper AH, Aksamit TR. Acute respiratory failure due to pneumocystis pneumonia in patients without human immunodeficiency virus infection: outcome and associated features. Chest. 2005 Aug; 128 (2):573-9
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  66. Festic E, Steiner RM, Spatz E. Aortic dissection with extension to a patent ductus arteriosus. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2005 Aug; 21(4):459-62.
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  67. Gajic O, Dara SI, Mendez JL, Adesanya AO, Festic E, Caples SM, Rana R, St Sauver JL, Lymp JF, Afessa B, Hubmayr RD. Ventilator-associated lung injury in patients without acute lung injury at the onset of mechanical ventilation. Crit Care Med. 2004 Sep; 32 (9):1817-24
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  68. Gajic O, Festic E, Afessa B. Infectious complications in survivors of cardiac arrest admitted to the medical intensive care unit. Resuscitation. 2004 Jan; 60(1):65-9.
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  69. Kassotis J, Slesinger T, Festic E, Voigt L, Reddy CV. Adenosine-sensitive wide-complex tachycardia: an uncommon variant of idiopathic fascicular ventricular tachycardia--a case report. Angiology. 2003 May-Jun; 54(3):369-72.
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