
  1. Zheng J, Wang L, Zhao S, Zhang W, Chang Y, Bosco DB, Huang T, Dheer A, Gao S, Xu S, Ayasoufi K, Al-Kharboosh R, Qi F, Xie M, Johnson AJ, Dong H, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Wu LJ. TREM2 mediates MHCII-associated CD4+ T-cell response against gliomas. Neuro Oncol. 2024 May 3; 26 (5):811-825
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  2. Umpierre AD, Li B, Ayasoufi K, Simon WL, Zhao S, Xie M, Thyen G, Hur B, Zheng J, Liang Y, Bosco DB, Maynes MA, Wu Z, Yu X, Sung J, Johnson AJ, Li Y, Wu LJ. Microglial P2Y(6) calcium signaling promotes phagocytosis and shapes neuroimmune responses in epileptogenesis. Neuron. 2024 Apr 10 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. Fain CE, Zheng J, Jin F, Ayasoufi K, Wu Y, Lilley MT, Dropik AR, Wolf DM, Rodriguez RC, Aibaidula A, Tritz ZP, Bouchal SM, Pewe LL, Urban SL, Chen Y, Chang SY, Hansen MJ, Kachergus JM, Shi J, Thompson EA, Jensen HE, Harty JT, Parney IF, Sun J, Wu LJ, Johnson AJ. Discrete class I molecules on brain endothelium differentially regulate neuropathology in experimental cerebral malaria. Brain. 2024 Feb 1; 147 (2):566-589
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  4. Ayasoufi K, Wolf DM, Namen SL, Jin F, Tritz ZP, Pfaller CK, Zheng J, Goddery EN, Fain CE, Gulbicki LR, Borchers AL, Reesman RA, Yokanovich LT, Maynes MA, Bamkole MA, Khadka RH, Hansen MJ, Wu LJ, Johnson AJ. Brain resident memory T cells rapidly expand and initiate neuroinflammatory responses following CNS viral infection. Brain Behav Immun. 2023 Aug; 112:51-76 Epub 2023 May 24
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  5. Zhao S, Zheng J, Wang L, Umpierre AD, Parusel S, Xie M, Dheer A, Ayasoufi K, Johnson AJ, Richardson JR, Wu LJ. Chemogenetic manipulation of CX3CR1(+) cells transiently induces hypolocomotion independent of microglia. Mol Psychiatry. 2023 Jul; 28 (7):2857-2871 Epub 2023 June 26
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  6. Tritz ZP, Ayasoufi K, Wolf DM, Owens CA, Malo CS, Himes BT, Fain CE, Goddery EN, Yokanovich LT, Jin F, Hansen MJ, Parney IF, Wang C, Moynihan KD, Irvine DJ, Wittrup KD, Diaz Marcano RM, Vile RG, Johnson AJ. Anti-PD-1 and Extended Half-life IL2 Synergize for Treatment of Murine Glioblastoma Independent of Host MHC Class I Expression. Cancer Immunol Res. 2023 Jun 2; 11 (6):763-776
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  7. Aydin S, Pareja J, Schallenberg VM, Klopstein A, Gruber T, Page N, Bouillet E, Blanchard N, Liblau R, Korbelin J, Schwaninger M, Johnson AJ, Schenk M, Deutsch U, Merkler D, Engelhardt B. Antigen recognition detains CD8(+) T cells at the blood-brain barrier and contributes to its breakdown. Nat Commun. 2023 May 30; 14 (1):3106
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  8. Tieu R, Zeng Q, Zhao D, Zhang G, Feizi N, Manandhar P, Williams AL, Popp B, Wood-Trageser MA, Demetris AJ, Tso JY, Johnson AJ, Kane LP, Abou-Daya KI, Shlomchik WD, Oberbarnscheidt MH, Lakkis FG. Tissue-resident memory T cell maintenance during antigen persistence requires both cognate antigen and interleukin-15. Sci Immunol. 2023 Apr 21; 8 (82):eadd8454
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  9. Manriquez Roman C, Sakemura RL, Kimball BL, Jin F, Khadka RH, Adada MM, Siegler EL, Johnson AJ, Kenderian SS. Assessment of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell-Associated Toxicities Using an Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patient-derived Xenograft Mouse Model. J Vis Exp. 2023 Feb 10; (192)
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  10. Aibaidula AZ, Fain CE, Garcia LC, Wier A, Bouchal SM, Bauman MM, Jung MY, Sarkaria JN, Johnson AJ, Parney IF. Spectral flow cytometry identifies distinct nonneoplastic plasma extracellular vesicle phenotype in glioblastoma patients. Neurooncol Adv. 2023 Jan-Dec; 5 (1):vdad082 Epub 2023 July 07
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  11. Lorrey SJ, Waibl Polania J, Wachsmuth LP, Hoyt-Miggelbrink A, Tritz ZP, Edwards R, Wolf DM, Johnson AJ, Fecci PE, Ayasoufi K. Systemic immune derangements are shared across various CNS pathologies and reflect novel mechanisms of immune privilege. Neurooncol Adv. 2023 Jan-Dec; 5 (1):vdad035 Epub 2023 Apr 11
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  12. Adams VR, Collins LB, Williams TI, Holmes J, Hess P, Atkins HM, Scheidemantle G, Liu X, Lodge M, Johnson AJ, Kennedy A. Myeloid cell MHC I expression drives CD8(+) T cell activation in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Front Immunol. 2023; 14:1302006 Epub 2024 Jan 11
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  13. Tang J, Zeng C, Cox TM, Li C, Son YM, Cheon IS, Wu Y, Behl S, Taylor JJ, Chakaraborty R, Chakraborty R, Johnson AJ, Schiavo DN, Shiavo DN, Utz JP, Reisenauer JS, Midthun DE, Mullon JJ, Edell ES, Alameh MG, Borish L, Teague WG, Kaplan MH, Weissman D, Kern R, Hu H, Vassallo R, Liu SL, Sun J. Respiratory mucosal immunity against SARS-CoV-2 after mRNA vaccination. Sci Immunol. 2022 Oct 28; 7 (76):eadd4853 Epub 2022 Oct 21
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  14. Zhang X, Pearsall VM, Carver CM, Atkinson EJ, Clarkson BDS, Grund EM, Baez-Faria M, Pavelko KD, Kachergus JM, White TA, Johnson RK, Malo CS, Gonzalez-Suarez AM, Ayasoufi K, Johnson KO, Tritz ZP, Fain CE, Khadka RH, Ogrodnik M, Jurk D, Zhu Y, Tchkonia T, Revzin A, Kirkland JL, Johnson AJ, Howe CL, Thompson EA, LeBrasseur NK, Schafer MJ. Rejuvenation of the aged brain immune cell landscape in mice through p16-positive senescent cell clearance. Nat Commun. 2022 Sep 27; 13 (1):5671 Epub 2022 Sept 27
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  15. Bedar M, Saffari TM, Johnson AJ, Shin AY. The effect of mesenchymal stem cells and surgical angiogenesis on immune response and revascularization of acellular nerve allografts in a rat sciatic defect model. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2022 Aug; 75 (8):2809-2820 Epub 2022 Mar 09
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  17. Panagioti E, Kurokawa C, Viker K, Ammayappan A, Anderson SK, Sotiriou S, Chatzopoulos K, Ayasoufi K, Johnson AJ, Iankov ID, Galanis E. Immunostimulatory bacterial antigen-armed oncolytic measles virotherapy significantly increases the potency of anti-PD1 checkpoint therapy. J Clin Invest. 2021 Jul 1; 131 (13)
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  18. Goddery EN, Fain CE, Lipovsky CG, Ayasoufi K, Yokanovich LT, Malo CS, Khadka RH, Tritz ZP, Jin F, Hansen MJ, Johnson AJ. Microglia and Perivascular Macrophages Act as Antigen Presenting Cells to Promote CD8 T Cell Infiltration of the Brain. Front Immunol. 2021; 12:726421 Epub 2021 Aug 30
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  19. Tritz ZP, Ayasoufi K, Johnson AJ. Anti-PD-1 checkpoint blockade monotherapy in the orthotopic GL261 glioma model: the devil is in the detail. Neurooncol Adv. 2021 Jan-Dec; 3 (1):vdab066 Epub 2021 May 14
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  20. Ayasoufi K, Pfaller CK, Evgin L, Khadka RH, Tritz ZP, Goddery EN, Fain CE, Yokanovich LT, Himes BT, Jin F, Zheng J, Schuelke MR, Hansen MJ, Tung W, Parney IF, Pease LR, Vile RG, Johnson AJ. Brain cancer induces systemic immunosuppression through release of non-steroid soluble mediators. Brain. 2020 Dec 1; 143 (12):3629-3652
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  21. Fereidan-Esfahani M, Yue WY, Wilbanks B, Johnson AJ, Warrington AE, Howe CL, Rodriguez M, Maher LJ 3rd. Remyelination-Promoting DNA Aptamer Conjugate Myaptavin-3064 Binds to Adult Oligodendrocytes In Vitro. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2020 Nov 19; 13 (11)
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  22. Goplen NP, Wu Y, Son YM, Li C, Wang Z, Cheon IS, Jiang L, Zhu B, Ayasoufi K, Chini EN, Johnson AJ, Vassallo R, Limper AH, Zhang N, Sun J. Tissue-resident CD8(+) T cells drive age-associated chronic lung sequelae after viral pneumonia. Sci Immunol. 2020 Nov 6; 5 (53)
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  23. Tritz ZP, Orozco RC, Malo CS, Ayasoufi K, Fain CE, Khadka RH, Goddery EN, Yokanovich LT, Settell ML, Hansen MJ, Jin F, Pavelko KD, Pease LR, Johnson AJ. Conditional Silencing of H-2D(b) Class I Molecule Expression Modulates the Protective and Pathogenic Kinetics of Virus-Antigen-Specific CD8 T Cell Responses during Theiler's Virus Infection. J Immunol. 2020 Sep 1; 205 (5):1228-1238 Epub 2020 July 31
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  24. Himes BT, Peterson TE, de Mooij T, Garcia LMC, Jung MY, Uhm S, Yan D, Tyson J, Jin-Lee HJ, Parney D, Abukhadra Y, Gustafson MP, Dietz AB, Johnson AJ, Dong H, Maus RL, Markovic S, Lucien F, Parney IF. The role of extracellular vesicles and PD-L1 in glioblastoma-mediated immunosuppressive monocyte induction. Neuro Oncol. 2020 Jul 7; 22 (7):967-978
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  25. Evgin L, Huff AL, Wongthida P, Thompson J, Kottke T, Tonne J, Schuelke M, Ayasoufi K, Driscoll CB, Shim KG, Reynolds P, Monie DD, Johnson AJ, Coffey M, Young SL, Archer G, Sampson J, Pulido J, Perez LS, Vile R. Oncolytic virus-derived type I interferon restricts CAR T cell therapy. Nat Commun. 2020 Jun 24; 11 (1):3187 Epub 2020 June 24
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  26. von Roemeling CA, Wang Y, Qie Y, Yuan H, Zhao H, Liu X, Yang Z, Yang M, Deng W, Bruno KA, Chan CK, Lee AS, Rosenfeld SS, Yun K, Johnson AJ, Mitchell DA, Jiang W, Kim BYS. Therapeutic modulation of phagocytosis in glioblastoma can activate both innate and adaptive antitumour immunity. Nat Commun. 2020 Mar 20; 11 (1):1508
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  27. Khadka RH, Sakemura R, Kenderian SS, Johnson AJ. Management of cytokine release syndrome: an update on emerging antigen-specific T cell engaging immunotherapies. Immunotherapy. 2019 Jul; 11 (10):851-857 Epub 2019 June 04
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  28. Wang Z, Wang S, Goplen NP, Li C, Cheon IS, Dai Q, Huang S, Shan J, Ma C, Ye Z, Xiang M, Limper AH, Porquera EC, Kohlmeier JE, Kaplan MH, Zhang N, Johnson AJ, Vassallo R, Sun J. PD-1(hi) CD8(+) resident memory T cells balance immunity and fibrotic sequelae. Sci Immunol. 2019 Jun 14; 4 (36)
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  29. Neier SC, Ferrer A, Wilton KM, Smith SEP, Kelcher AMH, Pavelko KD, Canfield JM, Davis TR, Stiles RJ, Chen Z, McCluskey J, Burrows SR, Rossjohn J, Hebrink DM, Carmona EM, Limper AH, Kappes DJ, Wettstein PJ, Johnson AJ, Pease LR, Daniels MA, Neuhauser C, Gil D, Schrum AG. The early proximal alphabeta TCR signalosome specifies thymic selection outcome through a quantitative protein interaction network. Sci Immunol. 2019 Feb 15; 4 (32)
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  30. Sterner RM, Sakemura R, Cox MJ, Yang N, Khadka RH, Forsman CL, Hansen MJ, Jin F, Ayasoufi K, Hefazi M, Schick KJ, Walters DK, Ahmed O, Chappell D, Sahmoud T, Durrant C, Nevala WK, Patnaik MM, Pease LR, Hedin KE, Kay NE, Johnson AJ, Kenderian SS. GM-CSF inhibition reduces cytokine release syndrome and neuroinflammation but enhances CAR-T cell function in xenografts. Blood. 2019 Feb 14; 133 (7):697-709 Epub 2018 Nov 21
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  31. Cumba Garcia LM, Peterson TE, Cepeda MA, Johnson AJ, Parney IF. Isolation and Analysis of Plasma-Derived Exosomes in Patients With Glioma. Front Oncol. 2019; 9:651 Epub 2019 July 16
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  32. Randall EC, Emdal KB, Laramy JK, Kim M, Roos A, Calligaris D, Regan MS, Gupta SK, Mladek AC, Carlson BL, Johnson AJ, Lu FK, Xie XS, Joughin BA, Reddy RJ, Peng S, Abdelmoula WM, Jackson PR, Kolluri A, Kellersberger KA, Agar JN, Lauffenburger DA, Swanson KR, Tran NL, Elmquist WF, White FM, Sarkaria JN, Agar NYR. Integrated mapping of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in a patient-derived xenograft model of glioblastoma. Nat Commun. 2018 Nov 21; 9 (1):4904
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  33. Kim M, Ma DJ, Calligaris D, Zhang S, Feathers RW, Vaubel RA, Meaux I, Mladek AC, Parrish KE, Jin F, Barriere C, Debussche L, Watters J, Tian S, Decker PA, Eckel-Passow JE, Kitange GJ, Johnson AJ, Parney IF, Anastasiadis PZ, Agar NYR, Elmquist WF, Sarkaria JN. Efficacy of the MDM2 Inhibitor SAR405838 in Glioblastoma Is Limited by Poor Distribution Across the Blood-Brain Barrier. Mol Cancer Ther. 2018 Sep; 17 (9):1893-1901 Epub 2018 July 03
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  34. Burrack KS, Huggins MA, Taras E, Dougherty P, Henzler CM, Yang R, Alter S, Jeng EK, Wong HC, Felices M, Cichocki F, Miller JS, Hart GT, Johnson AJ, Jameson SC, Hamilton SE. Interleukin-15 Complex Treatment Protects Mice from Cerebral Malaria by Inducing Interleukin-10-Producing Natural Killer Cells. Immunity. 2018 Apr 17; 48 (4):760-772.e4 Epub 2018 Apr 03
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  35. Malo CS, Huggins MA, Goddery EN, Tolcher HMA, Renner DN, Jin F, Hansen MJ, Pease LR, Pavelko KD, Johnson AJ. Non-equivalent antigen presenting capabilities of dendritic cells and macrophages in generating brain-infiltrating CD8 (+) T cell responses. Nat Commun. 2018 Feb 12; 9 (1):633
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  36. Rajani KR, Carlstrom LP, Parney IF, Johnson AJ, Warrington AE, Burns TC. Harnessing Radiation Biology to Augment Immunotherapy for Glioblastoma. Front Oncol. 2018; 8:656 Epub 2019 Feb 22
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  37. Malo CS, Khadka RH, Ayasoufi K, Jin F, AbouChehade JE, Hansen MJ, Iezzi R, Pavelko KD, Johnson AJ. Immunomodulation Mediated by Anti-angiogenic Therapy Improves CD8 T Cell Immunity Against Experimental Glioma. Front Oncol. 2018; 8:320. Epub 2018 Aug 20.
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  38. Willenbring RC, Ikeda Y, Pease LR, Johnson AJ. Human perforin gene variation is geographically distributed. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2018 Jan; 6 (1):44-55 Epub 2017 Dec 07
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  39. Willenbring RC, Johnson AJ. Finding a Balance between Protection and Pathology: The Dual Role of Perforin in Human Disease. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Jul 25; 18 (8) Epub 2017 July 25
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  40. Huseby Kelcher AM, Atanga PA, Gamez JD, Cumba Garcia LM, Teclaw SJ, Pavelko KD, Macura SI, Johnson AJ. Brain atrophy in picornavirus-infected FVB mice is dependent on the H-2D(b) class I molecule. FASEB J. 2017 Jun; 31 (6):2267-2275 Epub 2017 Feb 10
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  41. Huggins MA, Johnson HL, Jin F, N Songo A, Hanson LM, N'Songo A, LaFrance SJ, Butler NS, Harty JT, Johnson AJ. Perforin Expression by CD8 T Cells Is Sufficient To Cause Fatal Brain Edema during Experimental Cerebral Malaria. Infect Immun. 2017 May; 85 (5) Epub 2017 Apr 21
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  42. Hardcastle J, Mills L, Malo CS, Jin F, Kurokawa C, Geekiyanage H, Schroeder M, Sarkaria J, Johnson AJ, Galanis E. Immunovirotherapy with measles virus strains in combination with anti-PD-1 antibody blockade enhances antitumor activity in glioblastoma treatment. Neuro Oncol. 2017 Apr 1; 19 (4):493-502
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  43. Kumar R, de Mooij T, Peterson TE, Kaptzan T, Johnson AJ, Daniels DJ, Parney IF. Modulating glioma-mediated myeloid-derived suppressor cell development with sulforaphane. PLoS One. 2017; 12 (6):e0179012 Epub 2017 June 30
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  44. Cumba-Garcia LM, Cumba Garcia LM, Huseby Kelcher AM, Malo CS, Johnson AJ. Superior isolation of antigen-specific brain infiltrating T cells using manual homogenization technique. J Immunol Methods. 2016 Dec; 439:23-28 Epub 2016 Sept 10
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  45. Willenbring RC, Jin F, Hinton DJ, Hansen M, Choi DS, Pavelko KD, Johnson AJ. Modulatory effects of perforin gene dosage on pathogen-associated blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption. J Neuroinflammation. 2016 Aug 31; 13 (1):222
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  46. Kim TD, Jin F, Shin S, Oh S, Lightfoot SA, Grande JP, Johnson AJ, van Deursen JM, Wren JD, Janknecht R. Histone demethylase JMJD2A drives prostate tumorigenesis through transcription factor ETV1. J Clin Invest. 2016 Feb 1; 126: (2)706-20.
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  47. David L, Gokhale A, Jois S, Johnson A, Behrens M, Luthra H, Taneja V. CD74/DQA1 dimers predispose to the development of arthritis in humanized mice. Immunology. 2016 Feb; 147 (2):204-11 Epub 2015 Dec 21
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  48. Malo CS, Renner DN, Huseby Kelcher AM, Jin F, Hansen MJ, Pavelko KD, Johnson AJ. The Effect of Vector Silencing during Picornavirus Vaccination against Experimental Melanoma and Glioma. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (8):e0162064 Epub 2016 Aug 25
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  49. Renner DN, Malo CS, Jin F, Parney IF, Pavelko KD, Johnson AJ. Improved Treatment Efficacy of Antiangiogenic Therapy when Combined with Picornavirus Vaccination in the GL261 Glioma Model. Neurotherapeutics. 2016 Jan; 13 (1):226-36
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  50. Boczek NJ, Ye D, Jin F, Tester DJ, Huseby A, Bos JM, Johnson AJ, Kanter R, Ackerman MJ. Identification and Functional Characterization of a Novel CACNA1C-Mediated Cardiac Disorder Characterized by Prolonged QT Intervals With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Congenital Heart Defects, and Sudden Cardiac Death. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015 Oct; 8 (5):1122-32 Epub 2015 Aug 07
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  51. Paz Soldan MM, Raman MR, Gamez JD, Lohrey AK, Chen Y, Pirko I, Johnson AJ. Correlation of Brain Atrophy, Disability, and Spinal Cord Atrophy in a Murine Model of Multiple Sclerosis. J Neuroimaging. 2015 Jul-Aug; 25 (4):595-9 Epub 2015 Apr 20
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  52. Chae M, Peterson TE, Balgeman A, Chen S, Zhang L, Renner DN, Johnson AJ, Parney IF. Increasing glioma-associated monocytes leads to increased intratumoral and systemic myeloid-derived suppressor cells in a murine model. Neuro Oncol. 2015 Jul; 17 (7):978-91 Epub 2014 Dec 23
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  53. Papadakis KA, Krempski J, Reiter J, Svingen P, Xiong Y, Sarmento OF, Huseby A, Johnson AJ, Lomberk GA, Urrutia RA, Faubion WA. Kruppel-like factor KLF10 regulates transforming growth factor receptor II expression and TGF-beta signaling in CD8+ T lymphocytes. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2015 Mar 1; 308 (5):C362-71 Epub 2014 Dec 03
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  54. Reed BK, Chopp LB, Malo CS, Renner DN, Van Keulen VS, Girtman MA, Nevala WN, Pavelko KD, Gil D, Schrum AG, Johnson AJ, Pease LR. A Versatile Simple Capture Assay for Assessing the Structural Integrity of MHC Multimer Reagents. PLoS One. 2015; 10 (9):e0137984 Epub 2015 Sept 21
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  55. Renner DN, Jin F, Litterman AJ, Balgeman AJ, Hanson LM, Gamez JD, Chae M, Carlson BL, Sarkaria JN, Parney IF, Ohlfest JR, Pirko I, Pavelko KD, Johnson AJ. Effective Treatment of Established GL261 Murine Gliomas through Picornavirus Vaccination-Enhanced Tumor Antigen-Specific CD8+ T Cell Responses. PLoS One. 2015; 10 (5):e0125565 Epub 2015 May 01
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  56. Bell MP, Renner DN, Johnson AJ, Pavelko KD. A CD8 T-cell epitope variant enhances immune targeting to a recombinant picornavirus vaccine antigen. Viral Immunol. 2014 Sep; 27 (7):361-6 Epub 2014 July 15
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  57. Johnson HL, Jin F, Pirko I, Johnson AJ. Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus as an experimental model system to study the mechanism of blood-brain barrier disruption. J Neurovirol. 2014 Apr; 20 (2):107-12 Epub 2013 July 16
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  58. Johnson HL, Willenbring RC, Jin F, Manhart WA, LaFrance SJ, Pirko I, Johnson AJ. Perforin competent CD8 T cells are sufficient to cause immune-mediated blood-brain barrier disruption. PLoS One. 2014; 9 (10):e111401 Epub 2014 Oct 22
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  59. Bell MP, Renner DN, Johnson AJ, Pavelko KD. An elite controller of picornavirus infection targets an epitope that is resistant to immune escape. PLoS One. 2014; 9 (4):e94332 Epub 2014 Apr 07
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  60. Johnson HL, Hanson LM, Chen Y, Bieber AJ, Buono RJ, Ferraro TN, Pirko I, Johnson AJ. Quantitative trait loci analysis reveals candidate genes implicated in regulating functional deficit and CNS vascular permeability in CD8 T cell-initiated blood-brain barrier disruption. BMC Genomics. 2013 Oct 3; 14:678 Epub 2013 Oct 03
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  61. Johnson HL, Chen Y, Jin F, Hanson LM, Gamez JD, Pirko I, Johnson AJ. CD8 T cell-initiated blood-brain barrier disruption is independent of neutrophil support. J Immunol. 2012 Aug 15; 189 (4):1937-45 Epub 2012 July 06
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  62. Johnson HL, Chen Y, Suidan GL, McDole JR, Lohrey AK, Hanson LM, Jin F, Pirko I, Johnson AJ. A hematopoietic contribution to microhemorrhage formation during antiviral CD8 T cell-initiated blood-brain barrier disruption. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 Mar 27; 9:60
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  63. Pavelko KD, Mendez-Fernandez Y, Bell MP, Hansen MJ, Johnson AJ, David CS, Rodriguez M, Pease LR. Nonequivalence of classical MHC class I loci in ability to direct effective antiviral immunity. PLoS Pathog. 2012 Feb; 8 (2):e1002541 Epub 2012 Feb 23
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  64. Suidan GL, Dickerson JW, Johnson HL, Chan TW, Pavelko KD, Pirko I, Seroogy KB, Johnson AJ. Preserved vascular integrity and enhanced survival following neuropilin-1 inhibition in a mouse model of CD8 T cell-initiated CNS vascular permeability. J Neuroinflammation. 2012; 9:218. Epub 2012 Sep 18.
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  65. Loftspring MC, Johnson HL, Johnson AJ, Clark JF. Depletion of GR-1-positive cells is associated with reduced neutrophil inflammation and astrocyte reactivity after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage. Translational Stroke Research. 2012; 3(Suppl 1):147-54.
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  66. Pirko I, Chen Y, Lohrey AK, McDole J, Gamez JD, Allen KS, Pavelko KD, Lindquist DM, Dunn RS, Macura SI, Johnson AJ. Contrasting roles for CD4 vs. CD8 T-cells in a murine model of virally induced "T1 black hole" formation. PLoS One. 2012; 7 (2):e31459 Epub 2012 Feb 13
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  67. Pirko I, Cardin R, Chen Y, Lohrey AK, Lindquist DM, Dunn RS, Zivadinov R, Johnson AJ. CMV infection attenuates the disease course in a murine model of multiple sclerosis. PLoS One. 2012; 7 (2):e32767 Epub 2012 Feb 29
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  72. McDole JR, Danzer SC, Pun RY, Chen Y, Johnson HL, Pirko I, Johnson AJ. Rapid formation of extended processes and engagement of Theiler's virus-infected neurons by CNS-infiltrating CD8 T cells. Am J Pathol. 2010 Oct; 177(4):1823-33. Epub 2010 Sep 02.
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  73. Suidan GL, Dickerson JW, Chen Y, McDole JR, Tripathi P, Pirko I, Seroogy KB, Johnson AJ. CD8 T cell-initiated vascular endothelial growth factor expression promotes central nervous system vascular permeability under neuroinflammatory conditions. J Immunol. 2010 Jan 15; 184(2):1031-40. Epub 2009 Dec 11.
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  74. Pirko I, Johnson AJ, Lohrey AK, Chen Y, Ying J. Deep gray matter T2 hypointensity correlates with disability in a murine model of MS. J Neurol Sci. 2009 Jul 15; 282(1-2):34-8. Epub 2009 Jan 21.
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  77. Suidan GL, Mcdole JR, Chen Y, Pirko I, Johnson AJ. Induction of blood brain barrier tight junction protein alterations by CD8 T cells. PLoS One. 2008; 3(8):e3037. Epub 2008 Aug 22.
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  78. Pirko I, Suidan GL, Rodriguez M, Johnson AJ. Acute hemorrhagic demyelination in a murine model of multiple sclerosis. J Neuroinflammation. 2008; 5:31. Epub 2008 Jul 07.
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  79. Howe CL, Ure D, Adelson JD, LaFrance-Corey R, Johnson A, Rodriguez M. CD8+ T cells directed against a viral peptide contribute to loss of motor function by disrupting axonal transport in a viral model of fulminant demyelination. J Neuroimmunol. 2007 Aug; 188 (1-2):13-21 Epub 2007 May 09
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  81. Zivadinov R, Nasuelli D, Tommasi MA, Serafin M, Bratina A, Ukmar M, Pirko I, Johnson AJ, Furlan C, Pozzi-Mucelli RS, Monti-Bragadin L, Grop A, Zambon M, Antonello RM, Cazzato G, Zorzon M. Positivity of cytomegalovirus antibodies predicts a better clinical and radiological outcome in multiple sclerosis patients. Neurol Res. 2006 Apr; 28(3):262-9.
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  84. Johnson AJ, Mendez-Fernandez Y, Moyer AM, Sloma CR, Pirko I, Block MS, Rodriguez M, Pease LR. Antigen-specific CD8+ T cells mediate a peptide-induced fatal syndrome. J Immunol. 2005 Jun 1; 174 (11):6854-62
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