
  1. Bangash H, Saadatagah S, Naderian M, Hamed ME, Alhalabi L, Sherafati A, Sutton J, Elsekaily O, Mir A, Gundelach JH, Gibbons D, Johnsen P, Wood-Wentz CM, Smith CY, Caraballo PJ, Bailey KR, Kullo IJ. Effect of clinical decision support for severe hypercholesterolemia on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. NPJ Digit Med. 2024 Mar 18; 7 (1):73
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  2. Salehinejad H, Meehan AM, Caraballo PJ, Borah BJ. Contrastive Transfer Learning for Prediction of Adverse Events in Hospitalized Patients. IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med. 2024; 12:215-224 Epub 2023 Dec 18
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  3. Salehinejad H, Meehan AM, Rahman PA, Core MA, Borah BJ, Caraballo PJ. Novel machine learning model to improve performance of an early warning system in hospitalized patients: a retrospective multisite cross-validation study. EClinicalMedicine. 2023 Dec; 66:102312 Epub 2023 Nov 16
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  4. Brown SA, Hamid A, Pederson E, Bs AH, Maddula R, Goodman R, Lamberg M, Caraballo P, Noseworthy P, Lukan O, Echefu G, Berman G, Choudhuri I, Cardio-Oncology Artificial Intelligence Informatics & Precision Equity (CAIPE) and Patient Similarity Algorithms in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Toxicity (PACT) Research Team Investigators. Simplified rules-based tool to facilitate the application of up-to-date management recommendations in cardio-oncology. Cardiooncology. 2023 Oct 27; 9 (1):37
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  5. Yang H, Tourani R, Li Jia, Caraballo PJ, Steinbach M, Kumar V, Simon G. Causal Structure Learning from Imperfect Longitudinal Data in Healthcare The 11th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (IEEE-ICHI 2023). 2023; 1-11.
  6. Bangash H, Elsekaily O, Saadatagah S, Sutton J, Johnsen P, Gundelach JH, Kamzabek A, Freimuth R, Caraballo PJ, Kullo IJ. Clinician Perspectives on Clinical Decision Support for Familial Hypercholesterolemia. J Pers Med. 2023 May 31; 13 (6)
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  7. Linder JE, Allworth A, Bland HT, Caraballo PJ, Chisholm RL, Clayton EW, Crosslin DR, Dikilitas O, DiVietro A, Esplin ED, Forman S, Freimuth RR, Gordon AS, Green R, Harden MV, Holm IA, Jarvik GP, Karlson EW, Labrecque S, Lennon NJ, Limdi NA, Mittendorf KF, Murphy SN, Orlando L, Prows CA, Rasmussen LV, Rasmussen-Torvik L, Rowley R, Sawicki KT, Schmidlen T, Terek S, Veenstra D, Velez Edwards DR, Absher D, Abul-Husn NS, Alsip J, Bangash H, Beasley M, Below JE, Berner ES, Booth J, Chung WK, Cimino JJ, Connolly J, Davis P, Devine B, Fullerton SM, Guiducci C, Habrat ML, Hain H, Hakonarson H, Harr M, Haverfield E, Hernandez V, Hoell C, Horike-Pyne M, Hripcsak G, Irvin MR, Kachulis C, Karavite D, Kenny EE, Khan A, Kiryluk K, Korf B, Kottyan L, Kullo IJ, Larkin K, Liu C, Malolepsza E, Manolio TA, May T, McNally EM, Mentch F, Miller A, Mooney SD, Murali P, Mutai B, Muthu N, Namjou B, Perez EF, Puckelwartz MJ, Rakhra-Burris T, Roden DM, Rosenthal EA, Saadatagah S, Sabatello M, Schaid DJ, Schultz B, Seabolt L, Shaibi GQ, Sharp RR, Shirts B, Smith ME, Smoller JW, Sterling R, Suckiel SA, Thayer J, Tiwari HK, Trinidad SB, Walunas T, Wei WQ, Wells QS, Weng C, Wiesner GL, Wiley K, Peterson JF. Returning integrated genomic risk and clinical recommendations: The eMERGE study. Genet Med. 2023 Apr; 25 (4):100006 Epub 2023 Jan 06
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  8. Brown SA, Chung BY, Doshi K, Hamid A, Pederson E, Maddula R, Hanna A, Choudhuri I, Sparapani R, Bagheri Mohamadi Pour M, Zhang J, Kothari AN, Collier P, Caraballo P, Noseworthy P, Arruda-Olson A, Cardio-Oncology Artificial Intelligence Informatics and Precision Equity (CAIPE) Research Team Investigators. Patient similarity and other artificial intelligence machine learning algorithms in clinical decision aid for shared decision-making in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Toxicity (PACT): a feasibility trial design. Cardiooncology. 2023 Jan 23; 9 (1):7
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  9. Shen X, Ma S, Caraballo PJ, Vemuri P, Simon GJ. A novel method for handling missing not at random data in the electronic health record 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI). 2022; 21-26. Epub 2022 Sep 08.
  10. Wang L, Scherer SE, Bielinski SJ, Muzny DM, Jones LA, Black JL 3rd, Moyer AM, Giri J, Sharp RR, Matey ET, Wright JA, Oyen LJ, Nicholson WT, Wiepert M, Sullard T, Curry TB, Rohrer Vitek CR, McAllister TM, St Sauver JL, Caraballo PJ, Lazaridis KN, Venner E, Qin X, Hu J, Kovar CL, Korchina V, Walker K, Doddapaneni H, Wu TJ, Raj R, Denson S, Liu W, Chandanavelli G, Zhang L, Wang Q, Kalra D, Karow MB, Harris KJ, Sicotte H, Peterson SE, Barthel AE, Moore BE, Skierka JM, Kluge ML, Kotzer KE, Kloke K, Vander Pol JM, Marker H, Sutton JA, Kekic A, Ebenhoh A, Bierle DM, Schuh MJ, Grilli C, Erickson S, Umbreit A, Ward L, Crosby S, Nelson EA, Levey S, Elliott M, Peters SG, Pereira N, Frye M, Shamoun F, Goetz MP, Kullo IJ, Wermers R, Anderson JA, Formea CM, El Melik RM, Zeuli JD, Herges JR, Krieger CA, Hoel RW, Taraba JL, St Thomas SR, Absah I, Bernard ME, Fink SR, Gossard A, Grubbs PL, Jacobson TM, Takahashi P, Zehe SC, Buckles S, Bumgardner M, Gallagher C, Fee-Schroeder K, Nicholas NR, Powers ML, Ragab AK, Richardson DM, Stai A, Wilson J, Pacyna JE, Olson JE, Sutton EJ, Beck AT, Horrow C, Kalari KR, Larson NB, Liu H, Wang L, Lopes GS, Borah BJ, Freimuth RR, Zhu Y, Jacobson DJ, Hathcock MA, Armasu SM, McGree ME, Jiang R, Koep TH, Ross JL, Hilden MG, Bosse K, Ramey B, Searcy I, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Weinshilboum RM. Implementation of preemptive DNA sequence-based pharmacogenomics testing across a large academic medical center: The Mayo-Baylor RIGHT 10K Study. Genet Med. 2022 May; 24 (5):1062-1072 Epub 2022 Mar 21
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  11. Brown SA, Sparapani R, Osinski K, Zhang J, Blessing J, Cheng F, Hamid A, Berman G, Lee K, BagheriMohamadiPour M, Lal JC, Kothari AN, Caraballo P, Noseworthy P, Johnson RH, Hansen K, Sun LY, Crotty B, Cheng YC, Olson J, Cardio-Oncology Artificial Intelligence Informatics & Precision (CAIP) Research Team Investigators. Establishing an interdisciplinary research team for cardio-oncology artificial intelligence informatics precision and health equity. Am Heart J Plus. 2022 Jan; 13 Epub 2022 Feb 05
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  12. Wright JA, Moyer AM, Sutton J, Chaney AJ, Nicholson WT, El Melik RM, Matey ET, Bielinski SJ, Mara K, Black JL 3rd, Caraballo PJ. Pharmacogenomics testing in patients with liver transplant and potential impact on prospective management. Pharmacogenomics. 2021 Dec; 22 (18):1177-1183 Epub 2021 Nov 08
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  13. Shen X, Ma S, Vemuri P, Castro MR, Caraballo PJ, Simon PJ. A novel method for causal structure discovery from EHR data and its application to type-2 diabetes mellitus. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 25; 11 (1):21025
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  14. Oh W, Steinbach MS, Castro MR, Peterson KA, Kumar V, Caraballo PJ, Simon GJ. A Computational Method for Learning Disease Trajectories From Partially Observable EHR Data. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2021 Jul; 25 (7):2476-2486 Epub 2021 July 27
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  15. Murugan M, Babb LJ, Overby Taylor C, Rasmussen LV, Freimuth RR, Venner E, Yan F, Yi V, Granite SJ, Zouk H, Aronson SJ, Power K, Fedotov A, Crosslin DR, Fasel D, Jarvik GP, Hakonarson H, Bangash H, Kullo IJ, Connolly JJ, Nestor JG, Caraballo PJ, Wei W, Wiley K, Rehm HL, Gibbs RA. Genomic considerations for FHIR(R); eMERGE implementation lessons. J Biomed Inform. 2021 Jun; 118:103795 Epub 2021 Apr 28
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  16. Taylor CO, Manov NF, Crew KD, Weng C, Connolly JJ, Chute CG, Ford DE, Lehmann H, Rahm AK, Kullo IJ, Caraballo PJ, Holm IA, Mathews D. Preferences for Updates on General Research Results: A Survey of Participants in Genomic Research from Two Institutions. J Pers Med. 2021 May 11; 11 (5)
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  17. Rohrer Vitek CR, Giri J, Caraballo PJ, Curry TB, Nicholson WT. Pharmacogenomics education and perceptions: is there a gap between internal medicine resident and attending physicians? Pharmacogenomics. 2021 Mar; 22 (4):195-201 Epub 2021 Feb 04
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  18. Li J, Simon G, Castro MR, Kumar V, Steinbach MS, Caraballo PJ. Association of BMI, comorbidities and all-cause mortality by using a baseline mortality risk model. PLoS One. 2021; 16 (7):e0253696 Epub 2021 July 09
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  19. Bangash H, Pencille L, Gundelach JH, Makkawy A, Sutton J, Makkawy L, Dikilitas O, Kopecky S, Freimuth R, Caraballo PJ, Kullo IJ. An Implementation Science Framework to Develop a Clinical Decision Support Tool for Familial Hypercholesterolemia. J Pers Med. 2020 Jul 23; 10(3).
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  20. Ngufor C, Caraballo PJ, O'Byrne TJ, Chen D, Shah ND, Pruinelli L, Steinbach M, Simon G. Development and Validation of a Risk Stratification Model Using Disease Severity Hierarchy for Mortality or Major Cardiovascular Event. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Jul 1; 3 (7):e208270 Epub 2020 July 01
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  21. Bangash H, Sutton J, Gundelach JH, Pencille L, Makkawy A, Elsekaily O, Dikilitas O, Mir A, Freimuth R, Caraballo PJ, Kullo IJ. Deploying Clinical Decision Support for Familial Hypercholesterolemia. ACI open. 2020 Jul; 4 (2):e157-e161 Epub 2020 Dec 31
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  22. Kochan DC, Winkler E, Lindor N, Shaibi GQ, Olson J, Caraballo PJ, Freimuth R, Pacyna JE, Breitkopf CR, Sharp RR, Kullo IJ. Challenges in returning results in a genomic medicine implementation study: the Return of Actionable Variants Empirical (RAVE) study. NPJ Genom Med. 2020 May 4; 5 (1):19 Epub 2020 May 04
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  23. Bielinski SJ, St Sauver JL, Olson JE, Larson NB, Black JL, Scherer SE, Bernard ME, Boerwinkle E, Borah BJ, Caraballo PJ, Curry TB, Doddapaneni H, Formea CM, Freimuth RR, Gibbs RA, Giri J, Hathcock MA, Hu J, Jacobson DJ, Jones LA, Kalla S, Koep TH, Korchina V, Kovar CL, Lee S, Liu H, Matey ET, McGree ME, McAllister TM, Moyer AM, Muzny DM, Nicholson WT, Oyen LJ, Qin X, Raj R, Roger VL, Rohrer Vitek CR, Ross JL, Sharp RR, Takahashi PY, Venner E, Walker K, Wang L, Wang Q, Wright JA, Wu TJ, Wang L, Weinshilboum RM. Cohort Profile: The Right Drug, Right Dose, Right Time: Using Genomic Data to Individualize Treatment Protocol (RIGHT Protocol). Int J Epidemiol. 2020 Feb 1; 49 (1):23-24k
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  24. Simon GJ, Peterson KA, Castro MR, Steinbach MS, Kumar V, Caraballo PJ. Predicting diabetes clinical outcomes using longitudinal risk factor trajectories. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2020 Jan 8; 20 (1):6 Epub 2020 Jan 08
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  25. Caraballo PJ, Sutton JA, Giri J, Wright JA, Nicholson WT, Kullo IJ, Parkulo MA, Bielinski SJ, Moyer AM. Integrating pharmacogenomics into the electronic health record by implementing genomic indicators. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2020 Jan 1; 27 (1):154-158
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  26. Yadav P, Caraballo PJ, Steinbach M, Kumar V, Castro MR, Simon G. Frequent Causal Pattern Mining: A Computationally Efficient Framework For Estimating Bias-Corrected Effects. Proc IEEE Int Conf Big Data. 2019 Dec; 2019:1981-1990 Epub 2020 Feb 24
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  27. Oh W, Steinbach MS, Castro MR, Peterson KA, Kumar V, Caraballo PJ, Simona GJ. Evaluating the Impact of Data Representation on EHR-Based Analytic Tasks. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019 Aug 21; 264:288-292
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  28. Bunkers K, Cronk D, Core M, Blair D, Parkulo M, Caraballo PJ. Impact of the Performance Gap Between Interactive Alerts and Quality Metrics. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019 Aug 21; 264:1646-1647
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  29. Njeru JW, Castro MR, Carta KG, Simon G, Caraballo PJ. CLINICAL RECOGNITION AND MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PREDIABETES. Endocr Pract. 2019 Jun; 25 (6):545-553 Epub 2019 Mar 13
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  30. Kim E, Caraballo PJ, Castro MR, Pieczkiewicz DS, Simon GJ. Towards more Accessible Precision Medicine: Building a more Transferable Machine Learning Model to Support Prognostic Decisions for Micro- and Macrovascular Complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. J Med Syst. 2019 May 17; 43 (7):185
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  31. Herr TM, Peterson JF, Rasmussen LV, Caraballo PJ, Peissig PL, Starren JB. Pharmacogenomic clinical decision support design and multi-site process outcomes analysis in the eMERGE Network. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2019 Feb 1; 26 (2):143-148
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  32. Giri J, Moyer AM, Bielinski SJ, Caraballo PJ. Concepts Driving Pharmacogenomics Implementation Into Everyday Healthcare. Pharmgenomics Pers Med. 2019; 12:305-318 Epub 2019 Oct 30
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  33. Kullo IJ, Olson J, Fan X, Jose M, Safarova M, Radecki Breitkopf C, Winkler E, Kochan DC, Snipes S, Pacyna JE, Carney M, Chute CG, Gupta J, Jose S, Venner E, Murugan M, Jiang Y, Zordok M, Farwati M, Philogene M, Smith E, Shaibi GQ, Caraballo P, Freimuth R, Lindor NM, Sharp R, Thibodeau SN. The Return of Actionable Variants Empirical (RAVE) Study, a Mayo Clinic Genomic Medicine Implementation Study: Design and Initial Results. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Nov; 93 (11):1600-1610
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  34. Aronson S, Babb L, Ames D, Gibbs RA, Venner E, Connelly JJ, Marsolo K, Weng C, Williams MS, Hartzler AL, Liang WH, Ralston JD, Devine EB, Murphy S, Chute CG, Caraballo PJ, Kullo IJ, Freimuth RR, Rasmussen LV, Wehbe FH, Peterson JF, Robinson JR, Wiley K, Overby Taylor C, eMERGE Network EHRI Working Group. Empowering genomic medicine by establishing critical sequencing result data flows: the eMERGE example. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018 Oct 1; 25 (10):1375-1381
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  35. Hasnie AA, Kumbamu A, Safarova MS, Caraballo PJ, Kullo IJ. A Clinical Decision Support Tool for Familial Hypercholesterolemia Based on Physician Input. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2018 Jun; 2 (2):103-112 Epub 2018 May 24
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  36. Ubanyionwu S, Formea CM, Anderson B, Wix K, Dierkhising R, Caraballo PJ. Evaluation of prescriber responses to pharmacogenomics clinical decision support for thiopurine S-methyltransferase testing. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2018 Feb 15; 75 (4):191-198
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  37. Orlenko A, Moore JH, Orzechowski P, Olson RS, Cairns J, Caraballo PJ, Weinshilboum RM, Wang L, Breitenstein MK. Considerations for automated machine learning in clinical metabolic profiling: Altered homocysteine plasma concentration associated with metformin exposure. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2018; 23:460-471
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  38. Anderson HN, Bos JM, Haugaa KH, Morlan BW, Tarrell RF, Caraballo PJ, Ackerman MJ. Prevalence and Outcome of High-Risk QT Prolongation Recorded in the Emergency Department from an Institution-Wide QT Alert System. J Emerg Med. 2018 Jan; 54 (1):8-15 Epub 2017 Oct 26
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  39. Kim E, Pieczkiewicz DS, Castro MR, Caraballo PJ, Simon GJ. Multi-Task Learning to Identify Outcome-Specific Risk Factors that Distinguish Individual Micro and Macrovascular Complications of Type 2 Diabetes. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2018; 2017:122-131 Epub 2018 May 18
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  40. Moyer AM, Caraballo PJ. The challenges of implementing pharmacogenomic testing in the clinic. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. 2017 Dec; 17 (6):567-577 Epub 2017 Oct 03
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  41. Moyer AM, Rohrer Vitek CR, Giri J, Caraballo PJ. Challenges in Ordering and Interpreting Pharmacogenomic Tests in Clinical Practice. Am J Med 2017 Dec; 130 (12):1342-1344 Epub 2017 July 27
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  42. Sugrue A, Noseworthy PA, Kremen V, Bos JM, Qiang B, Rohatgi RK, Sapir Y, Attia ZI, Brady P, Caraballo PJ, Asirvatham SJ, Friedman PA, Ackerman MJ. Automated T-wave analysis can differentiate acquired QT prolongation from congenital long QT syndrome. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol. 2017 Nov; 22 (6) Epub 2017 Apr 21
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  43. Sharma S, Martijn Bos J, Tarrell RF, Simon GJ, Morlan BW, Ackerman MJ, Caraballo PJ. Providers' Response to Clinical Decision Support for QT Prolonging Drugs. J Med Syst. 2017 Sep 2; 41 (10):161 Epub 2017 Sept 02
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  44. Oh W, Yadav P, Kumar V, Caraballo PJ, Castro MR, Steinbach MS, Simon GJ. Estimating Disease Onset Time by Modeling Lab Result Trajectories via Bayes Networks. IEEE Int Conf Healthc Inform. 2017 Aug; 2017:374-379 Epub 2017 Sept 14
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  45. Caraballo PJ, Bielinski SJ, St Sauver JL, Weinshilboum RM. Electronic Medical Record-Integrated Pharmacogenomics and Related Clinical Decision Support Concepts. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Aug; 102 (2):254-264 Epub 2017 May 26
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  46. Olson JE, Rohrer Vitek CR, Bell EJ, McGree ME, Jacobson DJ, St Sauver JL, Caraballo PJ, Griffin JM, Roger VL, Bielinski SJ. Participant-perceived understanding and perspectives on pharmacogenomics: the Mayo Clinic RIGHT protocol (Right Drug, Right Dose, Right Time). Genet Med. 2017 Jul; 19 (7):819-825 Epub 2017 Jan 05
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  47. Caraballo PJ, Hodge LS, Bielinski SJ, Stewart AK, Farrugia G, Schultz CG, Rohrer-Vitek CR, Olson JE, St Sauver JL, Roger VL, Parkulo MA, Kullo IJ, Nicholson WT, Elliott MA, Black JL, Weinshilboum RM. Multidisciplinary model to implement pharmacogenomics at the point of care. Genet Med. 2017 Apr; 19 (4):421-429 Epub 2016 Sept 22
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  48. Bielinski SJ, St Sauver JL, Olson JE, Wieland ML, Vitek CR, Bell EJ, Mc Gree ME, Jacobson DJ, McCormick JB, Takahashi PY, Black JL, Caraballo PJ, Sharp RR, Beebe TJ, Weinshilboum RM, Wang L, Roger VL. Are patients willing to incur out-of-pocket costs for pharmacogenomic testing? Pharmacogenomics J. 2017 Jan; 17 (1):1-3 Epub 2016 Oct 25
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  49. Caraballo PJ, Sutton JA, Moyer AM, Blair D, Hines LC, Rao PS, Adams MF, Murthy S, Garza T, Karow ME, Singh H, Giri J, Gabrielson DB, Sauver JS, Bielinski SJ, Parkulo MA. Technical Challenges and Opportunities when Implementing Pharmacogenomics Decision Support Integrated in the Electronic Health Record. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017; 245:1255
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  50. St Sauver JL, Olson JE, Roger VL, Nicholson WT, Black JL 3rd, Takahashi PY, Caraballo PJ, Bell EJ, Jacobson DJ, Larson NB, Bielinski SJ. CYP2D6 phenotypes are associated with adverse outcomes related to opioid medications. Pharmgenomics Pers Med. 2017; 10:217-227 Epub 2017 July 24
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  51. St Sauver JL, Bielinski SJ, Olson JE, Bell EJ, Mc Gree ME, Jacobson DJ, McCormick JB, Caraballo PJ, Takahashi PY, Roger VL, Rohrer Vitek CR. Integrating Pharmacogenomics into Clinical Practice: Promise vs Reality. Am J Med. 2016 Oct; 129 (10):1093-1099.e1 Epub 2016 May 05
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  52. Castro MR, Simon G, Cha SS, Yawn BP, Melton LJ 3rd, Caraballo PJ. Statin Use, Diabetes Incidence and Overall Mortality in Normoglycemic and Impaired Fasting Glucose Patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2016 May; 31 (5):502-8 Epub 2016 Feb 05
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  53. Ji Y, Skierka JM, Blommel JH, Moore BE, VanCuyk DL, Bruflat JK, Peterson LM, Veldhuizen TL, Fadra N, Peterson SE, Lagerstedt SA, Train LJ, Baudhuin LM, Klee EW, Ferber MJ, Bielinski SJ, Caraballo PJ, Weinshilboum RM, Black JL 3rd. Preemptive Pharmacogenomic Testing for Precision Medicine: A Comprehensive Analysis of Five Actionable Pharmacogenomic Genes Using Next-Generation DNA Sequencing and a Customized CYP2D6 Genotyping Cascade. J Mol Diagn. 2016 May; 18 (3):438-445 Epub 2016 Mar 03
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  54. Oh W, Kim E, Castro MR, Caraballo PJ, Kumar V, Steinbach MS, Simon GJ. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Trajectories and Associated Risks. Big Data. 2016 Mar 1; 4 (1):25-30
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  55. Joyce DD, Bos JM, Haugaa KH, Tarrell RF, Morlan BW, Caraballo PJ, Ackerman MJ. Frequency and cause of transient QT prolongation after surgery. Am J Cardiol. 2015 Nov 15; 116: (10)1605-9.
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  56. Anderson HN, Bos JM, Haugaa KH, Morlan BW, Tarrell RF, Caraballo PJ, Ackerman MJ. Phenotype of Children with QT Prolongation Identified Using an Institution-Wide QT Alert System. Pediatr Cardiol. 2015 Oct; 36 (7):1350-6 Epub 2015 Apr 07
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  57. Sorita A, Bos JM, Morlan BW, Tarrell RF, Ackerman MJ, Caraballo PJ. Impact of clinical decision support preventing the use of QT-prolonging medications for patients at risk for torsade de pointes. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015 Apr; 22 (e1):e21-7 Epub 2014 Oct 16
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  58. Rohrer Vitek CR, Nicholson WT, Schultz C, Caraballo PJ. Evaluation of the use of clinical decision support and online resources for pharmacogenomics education. Pharmacogenomics. 2015; 16 (14):1595-603 Epub 2015 Sept 30
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  59. Caraballo PJ, Parkulo M, Blair D, Elliott M, Schultz C, Sutton J, Rao P, Bruflat J, Bleimeyer R, Crooks J, Gabrielson D, Nicholson W, Rohrer Vitek C, Wix K, Bielinski SJ, Pathak J, Kullo I. Clinical Decision Support to Implement CYP2D6 Drug-Gene Interaction. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015; 216:946.
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  60. Simon GJ, Caraballo PJ, Therneau TM, Cha SS, Castro MR, Li PW. Extending association rule summarization techniques to assess risk of diabetes mellitus. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 2015; 27(1):130-41.
  61. Cook DA, Enders F, Caraballo PJ, Nishimura RA, Lloyd FJ. An automated clinical alert system for newly-diagnosed atrial fibrillation. PLoS One. 2015; 10 (4):e0122153 Epub 2015 Apr 07
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  62. Haugaa KH, Bos JM, Borkenhagen EJ, Tarrell RF, Morlan BW, Caraballo PJ, Ackerman MJ. Impact of left ventricular hypertrophy on QT prolongation and associated mortality. Heart Rhythm. 2014 Nov; 11: (11)1957-65.
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  63. Caraballo PJ, Naessens JM, Klarich MJ, Leutink DJ, Peterson JA, Wagie AE, Manning DM, Qian Q. Decline in ACEIARB Prescribing as Heart Failure Core Metrics Improve During Computer-Based Clinical Decision Support. Am J Med Qual. 2014 Jul-Aug; 29: (4)300-7.
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  64. Kim E, Oh W, Pieczkiewicz DS, Castro MR, Caraballo PJ, Simon GJ. Divisive Hierarchical Clustering towards Identifying Clinically Significant Pre-Diabetes Subpopulations. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2014; 2014:1815-24 Epub 2014 Nov 14
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  65. Bos JM, Caraballo PJ, Ackerman MJ. Computer-based early warning system for potentially life-threatening QT prolongation. Hospital Medicine Clinics. 2014; 3(2):e235-44.
  66. Bielinski SJ, Olson JE, Pathak J, Weinshilboum RM, Wang L, Lyke KJ, Ryu E, Targonski PV, Van Norstrand MD, Hathcock MA, Takahashi PY, McCormick JB, Johnson KJ, Maschke KJ, Rohrer Vitek CR, Ellingson MS, Wieben ED, Farrugia G, Morrisette JA, Kruckeberg KJ, Bruflat JK, Peterson LM, Blommel JH, Skierka JM, Ferber MJ, Black JL, Baudhuin LM, Klee EW, Ross JL, Veldhuizen TL, Schultz CG, Caraballo PJ, Freimuth RR, Chute CG, Kullo IJ. Preemptive genotyping for personalized medicine: design of the right drug, right dose, right time-using genomic data to individualize treatment protocol. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014 Jan; 89 (1):25-33
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  67. Haugaa KH, Bos JM, Tarrell RF, Morlan BW, Caraballo PJ, Ackerman MJ. Institution-wide QT alert system identifies patients with a high risk of mortality. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013 Apr; 88 (4):315-25
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  68. Simon GJ, Schrom J, Castro MR, Li PW, Caraballo PJ. Survival association rule mining towards type 2 diabetes risk assessment. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2013; 2013:1293-302 Epub 2013 Nov 16
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  69. Schrom JR, Caraballo PJ, Castro MR, Simon GJ. Quantifying the effect of statin use in pre-diabetic phenotypes discovered through association rule mining. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2013; 2013:1249-57 Epub 2013 Nov 16
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  70. Wei WQ, Leibson CL, Ransom JE, Kho AN, Caraballo PJ, Chai HS, Yawn BP, Pacheco JA, Chute CG. Impact of data fragmentation across healthcare centers on the accuracy of a high-throughput clinical phenotyping algorithm for specifying subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Mar-Apr; 19(2):219-24. Epub 2012 Jan 16.
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  71. Castro MR, Espiritu RP, Bahn RS, Henry MR, Gharib H, Caraballo PJ, Morris JC. Predictors of malignancy in patients with cytologically suspicious thyroid nodules. Thyroid. 2011 Nov; 21 (11):1191-8 Epub 2011 Oct 18
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  72. Caraballo PJ, North F, Peters S, Puffer M, Nyman M, Epps S, Peterson J, Bleimeyer R, Elkin P. Use of decision support to prevent errors when documenting height and weight in the hospital electronic medical record. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2008 Nov 06; 890.
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  73. North F, Varkey P, Caraballo P, Vsetecka D, Bartel G. Use of a quality improvement tool, the prioritization matrix, to identify and prioritize triage software algorithm enhancement. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2007 Oct 11; 1062.
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  74. ALLHAT Collaborative Research Group. Major outcomes in high-risk hypertensive patients randomized to angiotensin-converting enzme inhibitor or calcium channel blocker vs diuretic: The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT). JAMA. 2002 Dec; 288(23):2981-97.
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  76. Castro MR, Caraballo PJ, Morris JC. Effectiveness of thyroid hormone suppressive therapy in benign solitary thyroid nodules: a meta-analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Sep; 87(9):4154-9.
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