
  1. Felzer JR, Montgomery A, LeMahieu AM, Finney Rutten LJ, Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Jacobson RM, Kennedy CC. Disparities in Influenza, Pneumococcal, COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage in High-Risk Adults 19 to 64 Years of Age in Southeastern Minnesota, 2010-2021. Chest. 2024 Feb 9 Epub 2024 Feb 09
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  2. Pongdee T, Brunner WM, Kanuga MJ, Sussman JH, Wi CI, Juhn YJ. Rural Health Disparities in Allergy, Asthma, and Immunologic Diseases: The Current State and Future Direction for Clinical Care and Research. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2024 Feb; 12 (2):334-344 Epub 2023 Nov 25
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  3. Zheng L, Ohde JW, Overgaard SM, Brereton TA, Jose K, Wi CI, Peterson KJ, Juhn YJ. Clinical Needs Assessment of a Machine Learning-Based Asthma Management Tool: User-Centered Design Approach. JMIR Form Res. 2024 Jan 15; 8:e45391
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  4. Ryu E, Wi CI, Wheeler PH, King KS, Carlson RE, Juhn YJ, Takahashi PY. The Role of Individual-Level Socioeconomic Status on Nursing Home Placement Accounting for Neighborhood Characteristics. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2023 Jul; 24 (7):1048-1053.e2 Epub 2023 Feb 23
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  5. Ahn JC, Wi CI, Buryska S, Sivasubramaniam P, Harmsen WS, Kamath PS, Simonetto DA, Juhn Y, Shah VH. Disproportionate increases in alcohol-associated hepatitis incidence in women and individuals of low socioeconomic status: A population-based study using the Rochester epidemiology project database. Hepatol Commun. 2023 Jun 1; 7 (6) Epub 2023 May 31
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  6. Felzer JR, Finney Rutten LJ, Wi CI, LeMahieu AM, Beam E, Juhn YJ, Jacobson RM, Kennedy CC. Disparities in vaccination rates in solid organ transplant patients. Transpl Infect Dis. 2023 Apr; 25 (2):e14010 Epub 2023 Jan 30
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  7. Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Takahashi PY, Ryu E, King KS, Hickman JA, Yao JD, Binnicker MJ, Natoli TL, Evans TK, Sampathkumar P, Patten C, Luyts D, Pircon JY, Damaso S, Pignolo RJ. Incidence of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Older Adults Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Jan 3; 6 (1):e2250634 Epub 2023 Jan 03
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  8. LeCroy MN, Potter LN, Bandeen-Roche K, Bianco ME, Cappola AR, Carter EB, Dayan PS, Eckstrom E, Edwards DF, Farabi SS, Fisher SD, Giordano J, Hanson HA, Jenkins E, Juhn Y, Kaskel F, Stake CE, Reeds DN, Schleiss MR, Wafford QE, McColley SA. Barriers to and solutions for representative inclusion across the lifespan and in life course research: The need for structural competency highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. J Clin Transl Sci. 2023; 7 (1):e38 Epub 2022 Dec 06
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  9. Wi CI, King KS, Ryu E, Natoli TL, Miller RP, Spiten MJ, Borah BJ, Takahashi PY, Yao X, Noseworthy PA, Pignolo RJ, Juhn YJ. Application of Innovative Subject Recruitment System for Batch Enrollment: A Pilot Study. J Prim Care Community Health. 2023 Jan-Dec; 14:21501319231194967
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  10. Maciejko LA, Fox JM, Steffens MT, Patten CA, Newman HR, Decker PA, Wheeler P, Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Gorfine M, Brewer L, Sinicrope PS. Rural and urban residents' attitudes and preferences toward COVID-19 prevention behaviors in a midwestern community. PLoS One. 2023; 18(6):e0286953. Epub 2023 Jun 23.
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  11. Wi CI, Gent JF, Bublitz JT, King KS, Ryu E, Sorrentino K, Plano J, McKay L, Porcher J, Wheeler PH, Chiarella SE, DeWan AT, Godri Pollitt KJ, Sheares BJ, Leaderer B, Juhn YJ. Paired Indoor and Outdoor Nitrogen Dioxide Associated With Childhood Asthma Outcomes in a Mixed Rural-Urban Setting: A Feasibility Study. J Prim Care Community Health. 2023 Jan-Dec; 14:21501319231173813
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  12. Vachon CM, Norman AD, Prasad K, Jensen D, Schaeferle GM, Vierling KL, Sherden M, Majerus MR, Bews KA, Heinzen EP, Hebl A, Yost KJ, Kennedy RB, Theel ES, Ghosh A, Fries M, Wi CI, Juhn YJ, Sampathkumar P, Morice WG 2nd, Rocca WA, Tande AJ, Cerhan JR, Limper AH, Ting HH, Farrugia G, Carter RE, Finney Rutten LJ, Jacobson RM, St Sauver J. Rates of Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection and Associated Factors in Olmsted County, Minnesota, in the Prevaccination Era. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2022 Dec; 6 (6):605-617 Epub 2022 Oct 18
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  13. Takahashi P, Wi CI, Ryu E, King K, Hickman J, Pignolo R, Juhn Y. Influenza infection is not associated with phenotypical frailty in older patients, a prospective cohort study. Health Sci Rep. 2022 Sep; 5 (5):e750 Epub 2022 Aug 14
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  14. Choi BS, Taslakian EN, Wi CI, Shin YH, Seol HY, Ryu E, Boyce TG, Johnson JN, King KS, Kwon JH, Juhn YJ. Atopic asthma as a potentially significant but unrecognized risk factor for Kawasaki disease in children. J Asthma. 2022 Sep; 59 (9):1767-1775 Epub 2021 Sept 01
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  15. Juhn YJ, Ryu E, Wi CI, King KS, Malik M, Romero-Brufau S, Weng C, Sohn S, Sharp RR, Halamka JD. Assessing socioeconomic bias in machine learning algorithms in health care: a case study of the HOUSES index. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2022 Jun 14; 29 (7):1142-1151
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  16. Sagheb E, Wi CI, Yoon J, Seol HY, Shrestha P, Ryu E, Park M, Yawn B, Liu H, Homme J, Juhn Y, Sohn S. Artificial Intelligence Assesses Clinicians' Adherence to Asthma Guidelines Using Electronic Health Records. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 Apr; 10 (4):1047-1056.e1 Epub 2021 Nov 17
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  17. Shrestha P, Wi CI, Liu H, King KS, Ryu E, Kwon JH, Sohn S, Park M, Juhn Y. Risk of pneumonia in asthmatic children using inhaled corticosteroids: a nested case-control study in a birth cohort. BMJ Open. 2022 Mar 10; 12 (3):e051926
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  18. Overgaard SM, Peterson KJ, Wi CI, Kshatriya BSA, Ohde JW, Brereton T, Zheng L, Rost L, Zink J, Nikakhtar A, Pereira T, Sohn S, Myers L, Juhn YJ. A Technical Performance Study and Proposed Systematic and Comprehensive Evaluation of an ML-based CDS Solution for Pediatric Asthma. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2022; 2022:25-35. Epub 2022 May 23.
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  19. Wheeler PH, Patten CA, Wi CI, Bublitz JT, Ryu E, Ristagno EH, Juhn YJ. Role of geographic risk factors and social determinants of health in COVID-19 epidemiology: Longitudinal geospatial analysis in a midwest rural region. J Clin Transl Sci. 2022; 6 (1):e51 Epub 2021 Dec 27
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  20. Sinicrope PS, Maciejko LA, Fox JM, Steffens MT, Decker PA, Wheeler P, Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Gorfine M, Patten CA. Factors associated with willingness to wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in a Midwestern Community. Prev Med Rep. 2021 Dec; 24:101543 Epub 2021 Sept 02
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  21. Agnikula Kshatriya BS, Sagheb E, Wi CI, Yoon J, Seol HY, Juhn Y, Sohn S. Identification of asthma control factor in clinical notes using a hybrid deep learning model. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2021 Nov 9; 21 (Suppl 7):272 Epub 2021 Nov 09
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  22. Yoon J, Billings H, Wi CI, Hall E, Sohn S, Kwon JH, Ryu E, Shrestha P, Liu H, Juhn YJ. Establishing an expert consensus for the operational definitions of asthma-associated infectious and inflammatory multimorbidities for computational algorithms through a modified Delphi technique. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2021 Nov 8; 21 (1):310 Epub 2021 Nov 08
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  23. Juhn YJ, Wheeler P, Wi CI, Bublitz J, Ryu E, Ristagno EH, Patten C. Role of Geographic Risk Factors in COVID-19 Epidemiology: Longitudinal Geospatial Analysis. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Oct; 5 (5):916-927 Epub 2021 July 12
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  24. Kwon JH, Wi CI, Seol HY, Park M, King K, Ryu E, Sohn S, Liu H, Juhn YJ. Risk, Mechanisms and Implications of Asthma-Associated Infectious and Inflammatory Multimorbidities (AIMs) among Individuals With Asthma: a Systematic Review and a Case Study. Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2021 Sep; 13 (5):697-718
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  25. Seol HY, Wi CI, Ryu E, King KS, Divekar RD, Juhn YJ. A diagnostic codes-based algorithm improves accuracy for identification of childhood asthma in archival data sets. J Asthma. 2021 Aug; 58 (8):1077-1086 Epub 2020 May 20
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  26. Barwise A, Wi CI, Frank R, Milekic B, Andrijasevic N, Veerabattini N, Singh S, Wilson ME, Gajic O, Juhn YJ. An Innovative Individual-Level Socioeconomic Measure Predicts Critical Care Outcomes in Older Adults: A Population-Based Study. J Intensive Care Med. 2021 Jul; 36 (7):828-837 Epub 2020 June 25
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  27. Taslakian EN, Wi CI, Seol HY, Boyce TG, Johnson JN, Ryu E, King KS, Juhn YJ, Choi BS. Long-term Incidence of Kawasaki Disease in a North American Community: A Population-Based Study. Pediatr Cardiol. 2021 Jun; 42 (5):1033-1040 Epub 2021 Mar 12
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  28. Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Ryu E, Sampathkumar P, Takahashi PY, Yao JD, Binnicker MJ, Natoli TL, Evans TK, King KS, Volpe S, Pircon JY, Silvia Damaso Damaso, Pignolo RJ. Adherence to Public Health Measures Mitigates the Risk of COVID-19 Infection in Older Adults: A Community-Based Study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Apr; 96 (4):912-920 Epub 2020 Dec 28
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  29. Orellana M, Valdez-Soto M, Brockman TA, Balls-Berry JE, Zavala Rocha MG, Allyse MA, DSouza KN, Riggan KA, Juhn Y, Patten C. Creating a pediatric advisory board for engaging youth in pediatric health research: A case study. J Clin Transl Sci. 2021 Mar 30; 5 (1):e113
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  30. DSouza KN, Orellana M, Riggan KA, Valdez-Soto M, Brockman TA, Zavala Rocha MG, Balls-Berry JE, Juhn Y, Patten CA, Allyse MA. Views and experiences of youth participants in a pediatric advisory board for human subjects research Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2021; 5(1):e91.
  31. Seol HY, Shrestha P, Muth JF, Wi CI, Sohn S, Ryu E, Park M, Ihrke K, Moon S, King K, Wheeler P, Borah B, Moriarty J, Rosedahl J, Liu H, McWilliams DB, Juhn YJ. Artificial intelligence-assisted clinical decision support for childhood asthma management: A randomized clinical trial. PLoS One. 2021; 16 (8):e0255261 Epub 2021 Aug 02
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  32. Bharucha AE, Wi CI, Srinivasan SG, Choi H, Wheeler PH, Stavlund JR, Keller DA, Bailey KR, Juhn YJ. Participation of rural patients in clinical trials at a multisite academic medical center. J Clin Transl Sci. 2021; 5 (1):e190 Epub 2021 July 12
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  33. Stevens MA, Beebe TJ, Wi CI, Taler SJ, St Sauver JL, Juhn YJ. HOUSES Index as an Innovative Socioeconomic Measure Predicts Graft Failure Among Kidney Transplant Recipients. Transplantation. 2020 Nov; 104 (11):2383-2392
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  34. Aul AJ, Dudenkov DV, Mara KC, Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Maxson JA, Thacher TD. The relationship of 25-hydroxyvitamin D values and risk of fracture: a population-based retrospective cohort study. Osteoporos Int. 2020 Sep; 31 (9):1787-1799 Epub 2020 May 06
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  35. Ryan CS, Juhn YJ, Kaur H, Wi CI, Ryu E, King KS, Lachance DH. Long-term incidence of glioma in Olmsted County, Minnesota, and disparities in postglioma survival rate: a population-based study. Neurooncol Pract. 2020 Jun; 7 (3):288-298 Epub 2019 Dec 07
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  36. Patel AA, Wheeler PH, Wi CI, Derauf C, Ryu E, Zahrieh D, Bjur KA, Juhn YJ. Mobile home residence as a risk factor for adverse events among children in a mixed rural-urban community: A case for geospatial analysis. J Clin Transl Sci. 2020 Apr 6; 4 (5):443-450 Epub 2020 Apr 06
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  37. Sheen YH, Kizilbash S, Ryoo E, Wi CI, Park M, Abraham RS, Ryu E, Divekar R, Juhn Y. Relationship between asthma status and antibody response pattern to 23-valent pneumococcal vaccination. J Asthma. 2020 Apr; 57 (4):381-390 Epub 2019 Feb 20
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  38. Patten CA, Juhn YJ, Ryu E, Wi CI, King KS, Bublitz JT, Pignolo RJ. Rural-urban health disparities for mood disorders and obesity in a midwestern community. J Clin Transl Sci. 2020 Mar 24; 4 (5):408-415
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  39. Thacher TD, Dudenkov DV, Mara KC, Maxson JA, Wi CI, Juhn YJ. The relationship of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations and individual-level socioeconomic status. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2020 Mar; 197:105545 Epub 2019 Nov 18
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  40. Juhn Y, Liu H. Artificial intelligence approaches using natural language processing to advance EHR-based clinical research. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 Feb; 145 (2):463-469 Epub 2019 Dec 26
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  41. Seol HY, Rolfes MC, Chung W, Sohn S, Ryu E, Park MA, Kita H, Ono J, Croghan I, Armasu SM, Castro-Rodriguez JA, Weston JD, Liu H, Juhn Y. Expert artificial intelligence-based natural language processing characterises childhood asthma. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2020 Feb; 7 (1)
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  42. Kshatriya BSA, Sagheb E, Wi CI, Yoon J, Seol HY, Juhn Y, Sohn S. Deep Learning Identification of Asthma Inhaler Techniques in Clinical Notes. Proceedings (IEEE Int Conf Bioinformatics Biomed). 2020; 2020 Epub 2021 Jan 13
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  43. Barwise AK, Patten CA, Bock MJ, Hughes CA, Brockman TA, Valdez Soto MA, Wi CI, Juhn YJ, Witt DR, Sinicrope S, Kreps SR, Saling HD, Levine JA, Balls-Berry JE. Acceptability of Robotic-Assisted Exercise Coaching Among Diverse Youth: Pilot Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. 2019 Jul 31; 2 (2):e12549 Epub 2019 July 31
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  44. Kaur H, Lachance DH, Ryan CS, Sheen YH, Seol HY, Wi CI, Sohn S, King KS, Ryu E, Juhn Y. Asthma and risk of glioma: a population-based case-control study. BMJ Open. 2019 Jun 17; 9 (6):e025746 Epub 2019 June 17
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  45. Wi CI, Wheeler PH, Kaur H, Ryu E, Kim D, Juhn Y. Spatio-temporal comparison of pertussis outbreaks in Olmsted County, Minnesota, 2004-2005 and 2012: a population-based study. BMJ Open. 2019 May 19; 9 (5):e025521
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  46. Barwise A, Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Novotny P, Jaramillo C, Gajic O, Wilson ME. An Individual Housing-Based Socioeconomic Status Measure Predicts Advance Care Planning and Nursing Home Utilization. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2019 May; 36 (5):362-369 Epub 2018 Nov 20
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  47. Bjur KA, Wi CI, Ryu E, Crow SS, King KS, Juhn YJ. Epidemiology of Children With Multiple Complex Chronic Conditions in a Mixed Urban-Rural US Community. Hosp Pediatr. 2019 Apr; 9 (4):281-290
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  48. Bjur KA, Wi CI, Ryu E, Derauf C, Crow SS, King KS, Juhn YJ. Socioeconomic Status, Race/Ethnicity, and Health Disparities in Children and Adolescents in a Mixed Rural-Urban Community-Olmsted County, Minnesota. Mayo Clin Proc. 2019 Jan; 94 (1):44-53
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  49. Seol HY, Sohn S, Liu H, Wi CI, Ryu E, Park MA, Juhn YJ. Early Identification of Childhood Asthma: The Role of Informatics in an Era of Electronic Health Records. Front Pediatr. 2019; 7:113 Epub 2019 Apr 02
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  50. Wu S, Liu S, Sohn S, Moon S, Wi CI, Juhn Y, Liu H. Modeling asynchronous event sequences with RNNs. J Biomed Inform. 2018 Jul; 83:167-177 Epub 2018 June 05
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  51. Wi CI, Krusemark EA, Voge G, Sohn S, Liu H, Liu H, Ryu E, Park MA, Castro-Rodriguez JA, Juhn YJ. Usefulness of asthma predictive index in ascertaining asthma status of children using medical records: An explorative study. Allergy. 2018 Jun; 73 (6):1276-1283 Epub 2018 Feb 07
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  52. Sohn S, Wi CI, Wu ST, Liu H, Ryu E, Krusemark E, Seabright A, Voge GA, Juhn YJ. Ascertainment of asthma prognosis using natural language processing from electronic medical records. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2018 Jun; 141 (6):2292-2294.e3 Epub 2018 Feb 10
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  53. Ryu E, Olson JE, Juhn YJ, Hathcock MA, Wi CI, Cerhan JR, Yost KJ, Takahashi PY. Association between an individual housing-based socioeconomic index and inconsistent self-reporting of health conditions: a prospective cohort study in the Mayo Clinic Biobank. BMJ Open. 2018 May 14; 8 (5):e020054
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  54. Sohn S, Wang Y, Wi CI, Krusemark EA, Ryu E, Ali MH, Juhn YJ, Liu H. Clinical documentation variations and NLP system portability: a case study in asthma birth cohorts across institutions. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018 Mar 1; 25 (3):353-359
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  55. Yawn BP, Wollan PC, Rank MA, Bertram SL, Juhn Y, Pace W. Use of Asthma APGAR Tools in Primary Care Practices: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Fam Med. 2018 Mar; 16 (2):100-110
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  56. Kaur H, Sohn S, Wi CI, Ryu E, Park MA, Bachman K, Kita H, Croghan I, Castro-Rodriguez JA, Voge GA, Liu H, Juhn YJ. Automated chart review utilizing natural language processing algorithm for asthma predictive index. BMC Pulm Med. 2018 Feb 13; 18 (1):34
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  57. Balls-Berry JE, Sinicrope PS, Valdez Soto MA, Albertie ML, Lafflam R, Major-Elechi BT, Juhn YJ, Brockman TA, Bock MJ, Patten CA. Using Garden Cafes to engage community stakeholders in health research. PLoS One. 2018; 13 (8):e0200483 Epub 2018 Aug 10
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  58. Patel B, Wi CI, Hasassri ME, Divekar R, Absah I, Almallouhi E, Ryu E, King K, Juhn YJ. Heterogeneity of asthma and the risk of celiac disease in children. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2018 Jan 1; 39 (1):51-58
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  59. Sheen YH, Rolfes MC, Wi CI, Crowson CS, Pendegraft RS, King KS, Ryu E, Juhn YJ. Association of Asthma with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Population-Based Case-Control Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018 Jan - Feb; 6 (1):219-226 Epub 2017 Aug 09
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  60. Wi CI, Sohn S, Ali M, Krusemark E, Ryu E, Liu H, Juhn YJ. Natural Language Processing for Asthma Ascertainment in Different Practice Settings. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018 Jan-Feb; 6 (1):126-131 Epub 2017 June 19
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  61. Almallouhi E, King KS, Patel B, Wi C, Juhn YJ, Murray JA, Absah I. Increasing Incidence and Altered Presentation in a Population-based Study of Pediatric Celiac Disease in North America. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017 Oct; 65 (4):432-437
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  62. Juhn YJ. The health threats to people with asthma through asthma-associated infectious disease comorbidities are largely under-recognized. J Intern Med 2017 Sep; 282 (3):268-271 Epub 2017 Aug 03
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  63. Wi CI, Sohn S, Rolfes MC, Seabright A, Ryu E, Voge G, Bachman KA, Park MA, Kita H, Croghan IT, Liu H, Juhn YJ. Application of a Natural Language Processing Algorithm to Asthma Ascertainment. An Automated Chart Review. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017 Aug 15; 196 (4):430-437
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  64. Ryu E, Juhn YJ, Wheeler PH, Hathcock MA, Wi CI, Olson JE, Cerhan JR, Takahashi PY. Individual housing-based socioeconomic status predicts risk of accidental falls among adults. Ann Epidemiol. 2017 Jul; 27 (7):415-420.e2 Epub 2017 June 08
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  65. Rolfes MC, Juhn YJ, Wi CI, Sheen YH. Asthma and the Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Insight into the Heterogeneity and Phenotypes of Asthma. Tuberc Respir Dis (Seoul). 2017 Apr; 80 (2):113-135 Epub 2017 Mar 31
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  66. Voge GA, Carey WA, Ryu E, King KS, Wi CI, Juhn YJ. What accounts for the association between late preterm births and risk of asthma? Allergy Asthma Proc. 2017 Mar 01; 38: (2)152-156.
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  67. Hasassri ME, Jackson ER, Ghawi H, Ryoo E, Wi CI, Bartlett MG, Volcheck GW, Moir CR, Ryu E, Juhn YJ. Asthma and Risk of Appendicitis in Children: A Population-Based Case-Control Study. Acad Pediatr. 2017 Mar; 17 (2):205-211 Epub 2016 Dec 08
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  68. Maraka S, Singh Ospina NM, O'Keeffe DT, Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Espinosa De Ycaza AE, Wi CI, Juhn YJ, Coddington CC 3rd, Montori VM. Effects of increasing levothyroxine on pregnancy outcomes in women with uncontrolled hypothyroidism. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2017 Jan; 86 (1):150-155 Epub 2016 Aug 23
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  69. Sohn S, Wi CI, Juhn YJ, Liu H. Analysis of Clinical Variations in Asthma Care Documented in Electronic Health Records Between Staff and Resident Physicians. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017; 245:1170-1174
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  70. Hammer R, Capili C, Wi CI, Ryu E, Rand-Weaver J, Juhn YJ. A new socioeconomic status measure for vaccine research in children using individual housing data: a population-based case-control study. BMC Public Health. 2016 Sep 21; 16 (1):1000 Epub 2016 Sept 21
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  71. Bang DW, Wi CI, Kim EN, Hagan J, Roger V, Manemann S, Lahr B, Ryu E, Juhn YJ. Asthma Status and Risk of Incident Myocardial Infarction: A Population-Based Case-Control Study. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2016 Sep-Oct; 4 (5):917-23 Epub 2016 May 04
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  72. Ryu E, Wi CI, Crow SS, Armasu SM, Wheeler PH, Sloan JA, Yawn BP, Beebe TJ, Williams AR, Juhn YJ. Assessing health disparities in children using a modified housing-related socioeconomic status measure: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2016 Jul 22; 6 (7):e011564 Epub 2016 July 22
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  73. Wi CI, Gauger J, Bachman M, Rand-Weaver J, Krusemark E, Ryu E, King KS, Katusic SK, Juhn YJ. Role of individual-housing-based socioeconomic status measure in relation to smoking status among late adolescents with asthma. Ann Epidemiol. 2016 Jul; 26 (7):455-460 Epub 2016 May 11
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  74. Sheen YH, Rajagopalan G, Snapper CM, Kita H, Wi CI, Umaretiya PJ, Juhn YJ. Influence of HLA-DR polymorphism and allergic sensitization on humoral immune responses to intact pneumococcus in a transgenic mouse model. HLA. 2016 Jul; 88 (1-2):25-34 Epub 2016 Aug 10
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  75. Maraka S, Singh Ospina NM, O'Keeffe DT, Rodriguez-Gutierrez R, Espinosa De Ycaza AE, Wi CI, Juhn YJ, Coddington CC 3rd, Montori VM, Stan MN. Effects of Levothyroxine Therapy on Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Subclinical Hypothyroidism. Thyroid. 2016 Jul; 26 (7):980-6 Epub 2016 May 16
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  76. Umaretiya PJ, Swanson JB, Kwon HJ, Grose C, Lohse CM, Juhn YJ. Asthma and risk of breakthrough varicella infection in children. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2016 May; 37 (3):207-15
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  77. Wi CI, St Sauver JL, Jacobson DJ, Pendegraft RS, Lahr BD, Ryu E, Beebe TJ, Sloan JA, Rand-Weaver JL, Krusemark EA, Choi Y, Juhn YJ. Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and Health Disparities in a Mixed Rural-Urban US Community-Olmsted County, Minnesota. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 May; 91 (5):612-22 Epub 2016 Apr 08
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  78. Kwon HJ, Bang DW, Kim EN, Wi CI, Yawn BP, Wollan PC, Lahr BD, Ryu E, Juhn YJ. Asthma as a risk factor for zoster in adults: A population-based case-control study. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016 May; 137 (5):1406-12 Epub 2015 Dec 28
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  79. Yawn BP, Rank MA, Cabana MD, Wollan PC, Juhn YJ. Adherence to Asthma Guidelines in Children, Tweens, and Adults in Primary Care Settings: A Practice-Based Network Assessment. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Apr; 91 (4):411-21 Epub 2016 Mar 01
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  80. Takahashi PY, Ryu E, Hathcock MA, Olson JE, Bielinski SJ, Cerhan JR, Rand-Weaver J, Juhn YJ. A novel housing-based socioeconomic measure predicts hospitalisation and multiple chronic conditions in a community population. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2016 Mar; 70 (3):286-91 Epub 2015 Oct 12
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  81. Wu ST, Wi CI, Sohn S, Liu H, Juhn YJ. Staggered NLP-assisted refinement for clinical annotations of chronic disease events Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016. 2016; 426-9
  82. Derauf C, Pandey D, Liesinger JT, Ryu E, Ziegenfuss JY, Juhn Y. Cross-sectional study of perceived neighborhood collective efficacy and risk of adhd among a nationally-representative sample of children J Epidemiol Res.2015;2:(1)71-79.
  83. Voge GA, Katusic SK, Qin R, Juhn YJ. Risk of Asthma in Late Preterm Infants: A Propensity Score Approach. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Nov-Dec; 3 (6):905-10 Epub 2015 May 02
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  84. Wi CI, Kim BS, Mehra S, Yawn BP, Park MA, Juhn YJ. Risk of herpes zoster in children with asthma. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2015 Sep-Oct; 36 (5):372-8
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  85. Podjasek JC, Jung JA, Kita H, Park MA, Juhn YJ. The FACT score in predicting pneumococcal antibody levels in asthmatics. J Asthma. 2015 May; 52(4):370-5. Epub 2014 Oct 22.
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  86. Ghawi H, Crowson CS, Rand-Weaver J, Krusemark E, Gabriel SE, Juhn YJ. A novel measure of socioeconomic status using individual housing data to assess the association of SES with rheumatoid arthritis and its mortality: a population-based case-control study. BMJ Open. 2015 Apr 29; 5 (4):e006469
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  87. Wi CI, Park MA, Juhn YJ. Development and initial testing of asthma predictive index for a retrospective study: an exploratory study. J Asthma. 2015 Mar; 52(2):183-90.
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  88. Narla NP, Pardo-Crespo MR, Beebe TJ, Sloan J, Yawn B, Williams AR, Juhn YJ. Concordance between Individual vs. Area-Level Socioeconomic Measures in an Urban Setting. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2015; 26(4):1157-72.
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  89. Bang DW, Manemann SM, Gerber Y, Roger VL, Lohse CM, Rand-Weaver J, Krusemark E, Yawn BP, Juhn YJ. A novel socioeconomic measure using individual housing data in cardiovascular outcome research. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Nov 12; 11 (11):11597-615
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  90. Yoo KH, Jacobson RM, Poland GA, Weaver A, Lee L, Chang T, Juhn YJ. Asthma status and waning of measles antibody concentrations after measles immunization. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014 Oct; 33 (10):1016-22
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  91. Al-Hasan MN, Juhn YJ, Bang DW, Yang HJ, Baddour LM. External validation of bloodstream infection mortality risk score in a population-based cohort. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014 Sep; 20 (9):886-91 Epub 2014 Mar 26
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  95. Harris MN, Lundien MC, Finnie DM, Williams AR, Beebe TJ, Sloan JA, Yawn BP, Juhn YJ. Application of a novel socioeconomic measure using individual housing data in asthma research: an exploratory study. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2014 Jun 26; 24:14018 Epub 2014 June 26
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  96. Park YB, Kim C, Hwang YI, Lee CL, Lee WY, Park HY, Heo JW, Lee HK, Cho JH, Kwon YS, Jung JY, Juhn YJ, Yawn BP, Bailey K, Yoo KH, Korean Asthma Study Group. Asthma and severity of the 2009 novel H1N1 influenza: a case-control study. J Asthma. 2014 Feb; 51(1):69-74. Epub 2013 Oct 8
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  100. Zhao H, Jung JA, Briles DE, Kita H, Tsigrelis C, Juhn YJ. Asthma and antibodies to pneumococcal virulence proteins. Infection. 2013 Oct; 41 (5):927-34 Epub 2013 June 08
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  101. Patel AR, Zietlow J, Jacobson RM, Poland GA, Juhn YJ. Asthma and the immune response to MMR vaccine viruses in Somali immigrant children: a cross-sectional retrospective cohort study. Prim Care Respir J. 2013 Sep; 22 (3):278-83
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  102. Kim BS, Mehra S, Yawn B, Grose C, Tarrell R, Lahr B, Juhn YJ. Increased risk of herpes zoster in children with asthma: a population-based case-control study. J Pediatr. 2013 Sep; 163 (3):816-21 Epub 2013 Apr 13
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  104. Urm SH, Yun HD, Fenta YA, Yoo KH, Abraham RS, Hagan J, Juhn YJ. Asthma and risk of selective IgA deficiency or common variable immunodeficiency: a population-based case-control study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013 Aug; 88 (8):813-21
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  107. Johnson MD, Urm SH, Jung JA, Yun HD, Munitz GE, Tsigrelis C, Baddour LM, Juhn YJ. Housing data-based socioeconomic index and risk of invasive pneumococcal disease: an exploratory study. Epidemiol Infect. 2013 Apr; 141(4):880-7. Epub 2012 Jul 03.
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  108. Pardo-Crespo MR, Narla NP, Williams AR, Beebe TJ, Sloan J, Yawn BP, Wheeler PH, Juhn YJ. Comparison of individual-level versus area-level socioeconomic measures in assessing health outcomes of children in Olmsted County, Minnesota. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2013 Apr; 67 (4):305-10 Epub 2013 Jan 15
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  109. Leekha S, Irish CL, Schneider SK, Fernholz EC, Espy MJ, Cunningham SA, Patel R, Juhn YJ, Pritt B, Smith TF, Sampathkumar P. Viral detection using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction-based assay in outpatients with upper respiratory infection. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013 Feb; 75 (2):169-73 Epub 2012 Nov 22
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  111. Hashikawa AN, Stevens MW, Juhn YJ, Nimmer M, Copeland K, Simpson P, Brousseau DC. Self-Report of Child Care Directors Regarding Return-to-Care. Pediatrics. 2012 Dec; 130(6):1046-52. Epub 2012 Nov 12.
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  113. Yun HD, Knoebel E, Fenta Y, Gabriel SE, Leibson CL, Loftus EV Jr, Roger V, Yawn BP, Li B, Juhn YJ. Asthma and proinflammatory conditions: a population-based retrospective matched cohort study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Oct; 87(10):953-60. Epub 2012 Sep 12.
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  119. Dhillon RK, Yawn BP, Yoo KH, Boyce TG, Jacobson RM, McGree ME, Weaver AL, Juhn YJ. Impact of Asthma on the Severity of Serious Pneumococcal Disease. Epidemiology (Sunnyvale). 2011 Dec 25; Suppl 3.
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