
  1. Kohli DR, Pannala R, Crowell MD, Fukami N, Faigel DO, Aqel BA, Harrison ME. Interobserver Agreement for Classifying Post-liver Transplant Biliary Strictures in Donation After Circulatory Death Donors. Dig Dis Sci. 2021 Jan; 66 (1):231-237 Epub 2020 Mar 03
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  2. Kohli DR, Harrison ME, Mujahed T, Fukami N, Faigel DO, Pannala R, Moss A, Aqel BA. Outcomes of endoscopic therapy in donation after cardiac death liver transplant biliary strictures. HPB (Oxford). 2020 Jul; 22 (7):979-986 Epub 2019 Oct 29
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  3. Kohli DR, Harrison ME, Adike AO, El Kurdi B, Fukami N, Faigel DO, Pannala R, Moss AA, Aqel BA. Predictors of Biliary Strictures After Liver Transplantation Among Recipients of DCD (Donation After Cardiac Death) Grafts. Dig Dis Sci. 2019 Jul; 64 (7):2024-2030 Epub 2019 Jan 02
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  4. Pannala R, Baldwin B, Aluru V, Grys TE, Holmes J, Miller LJ, Harrison ME, Nguyen CC, Tenover FC, Persing D, Faigel DO. Prospective study of the feasibility of point-of-care testing strategy for carbapenem-resistant organism detection. Endosc Int Open. 2018 Jan; 6 (1):E58-E63 Epub 2018 Jan 12
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  5. Adike A, Al-Qaisi M, Baffy NJ, Kosiorek H, Pannala R, Aqel B, Faigel DO, Harrison ME, Harrison ME. International Normalized Ratio Does Not Predict Gastrointestinal Bleeding After Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in Patients With Cirrhosis. Gastroenterology Res. 2017 Jun; 10 (3):177-181 Epub 2017 June 30
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  6. Franco DL, Kale S, Lam-Himlin DM, Harrison ME, Harrison ME. Black Cohosh Hepatotoxicity with Autoimmune Hepatitis Presentation. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2017 Jan-Apr; 11 (1):23-28 Epub 2017 Jan 27
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  7. Reuben A, Tillman H, Fontana RJ, Davern T, McGuire B, Stravitz RT, Durkalski V, Larson AM, Liou I, Fix O, Schilsky M, McCashland T, Hay JE, Murray N, Shaikh OS, Ganger D, Zaman A, Han SB, Chung RT, Smith A, Brown R, Crippin J, Harrison ME, Koch D, Munoz S, Reddy KR, Rossaro L, Satyanarayana R, Hassanein T, Hanje AJ, Olson J, Subramanian R, Karvellas C, Hameed B, Sherker AH, Robuck P, Lee WM. Outcomes in Adults With Acute Liver Failure Between 1998 and 2013: An Observational Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2016 Jun 07; 164(11):724-32. Epub 2016 Apr 05.
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  8. Reddy KR, Ellerbe C, Schilsky M, Stravitz RT, Fontana RJ, Durkalski V, Lee WM, Acute Liver Failure Study Group. Determinants of Outcome Among Patients with Acute Liver Failure Listed for Liver Transplantation in the US. Liver Transpl. 2015 Sep.
  9. Alkhatib AA, Jalil AAA, Faigel DO, Pannala R, Crowell M, Harrison ME. Anatomical location of pathology is predictive of prolonged fluoroscopy time during ercp: a multicenter American study. Dig Dis Sci. 2015 Jun; 60(6):1787-92.
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  10. Villa NA, Harrison ME. Management of Biliary Strictures After Liver Transplantation. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2015 May; 11 (5):316-28
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  11. Lindor KD, Kowdley KV, Harrison ME, American College of Gastroenterology. ACG Clinical Guideline: Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2015 May; 110 (5):646-59; quiz 660 Epub 2015 Apr 14
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  12. Kachaamy T, Harrison E, Pannala R, Pavlicek W, Crowell MD, Faigel DO. Measures of patient radiation exposure during endoscopic retrograde cholangiography: beyond fluoroscopy time. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Feb 14; 21(6):1900-6.
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  13. Fontana RJ, Ellerbe C, Durkalski VE, Rangnekar A, Reddy RK, Stravitz T, McGuire B, Davern T, Reuben A, Liou I, Fix O, Ganger DR, Chung RT, Schilsky M, Han S, Hynan LS, Sanders C, Lee WM. Two-year outcomes in initial survivors with acute liver failure: results from a prospective, multicentre study. Liver Int. 2015 Feb; 35(2):370-80. Epub 2014 Jul 28
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  14. Kachaamy T, Salah W, Dzeletovic I, Wasif N, Harrison E, Faigel DO, Pannala R. Intraoperative laparoscopic-assisted pancreatoscopy and its role in differentiating main duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm from chronic pancreatitis. Gastrointest Endosc. 2015 Feb; 81(2):459-60. Epub 2014 Sep 26.
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  15. Franco DL, Disbrow MB, Kahn A, Koepke LM, Harris LA, Harrison ME, Crowell MD, Ramirez FC. Duodenal Aspirates for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth: Yield, PPIs, and Outcomes after Treatment at a Tertiary Academic Medical Center. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2015; 2015:971582 Epub 2015 Jan 28
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  16. Karvellas CJ, Todd Stravitz R, Battenhouse H, Lee WM, Schilsky ML, Harrison M. Edwyn MD *. Therapeutic hypothermia in acute liver failure: A multicenter retrospective cohort analysis. Liver Transpl. 2015 Jan; 21(1):4-12.
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  17. Kahn A, Yadav AD, Harrison ME. IgG4-Seronegative Autoimmune Pancreatitis and Sclerosing Cholangitis. Case Rep Gastrointest Med. 2015; 2015:591360 Epub 2015 Aug 25
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  18. Karvellas CJ, Cavazos J, Battenhouse H, Durkalski V, Balko J, Sanders C, Lee WM, US Acute Liver Failure Study Group. Effects of antimicrobial prophylaxis and blood stream infections in patients with acute liver failure: a retrospective cohort study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Nov; 12 (11):1942-9.e1 Epub 2014 Mar 25
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  19. Dzeletovic I, Harrison ME, Crowell MD, Pannala R, Nguyen CC, Wu Q, Faigel DO. Pancreatitis before pancreatic cancer: clinical features and influence on outcome. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Oct; 48 (9):801-5
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  20. Laursen TL, Sandahl TD, Stoy S, Schiodt FV, Lee WM, Vilstrup H, Thiel S, Gronbaek H, Harrison M. Edwyn MD. Circulating mannan-binding lectin, M-, L-, H-ficolin and collectin-liver-1 levels in patients with acute liver failure. Liver Int. 2014 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print]
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  21. Dubin PH, Yuan H, Devine RK, Hynan LS, Jain MK, Harrison M. Edwyn MD *, Acute Liver Failure Study Group. Micro-RNA-122 levels in acute liver failure and chronic hepatitis C. J Med Virol. 2014 Sep; 86: (9)1507-14.
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  22. Salah W, Harrison ME, Faigel DO, Pannala R. Acute duodenal diverticulitis treated with endoscopic therapy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2014 Sep; 80(3):522-3.
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  23. Kachaamy T, Harrison ME. Successful treatment of bleeding ileal varices by double-balloon enteroscopy and cyanoacrylate injection (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 2014 Jul; 80(1):170-1; discussion 171. Epub 2014 Apr 02.
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  24. Corey RL, Whitaker MD, Crowell MD, Keddis MT, Aqel B, Balan V, Byrne T, Carey E, Douglas DD, Harrison ME, Vargas HE, Rakela J. Vitamin D deficiency, parathyroid hormone levels, and bone disease among patients with end-stage liver disease and normal serum creatinine awaiting liver transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2014 May; 28 (5):579-84 Epub 2014 Apr 21
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  25. Karvellas CJ, Fix OK, Battenhouse H, Durkalski V, Sanders C, Lee WM. Outcomes and complications of intracranial pressure monitoring in acute liver failure: a retrospective cohort study. Crit Care Med. 2014 May; 42(5):1157-67.
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  26. Metushi IG, Sanders C, Acute Liver Study Group, Lee WM. Detection of anti-isoniazid and anti-cytochrome P450 antibodies in patients with isoniazid-induced liver failure. Hepatology. 2014 Mar; 59(3):1084-93. Epub 2014 Jan 27
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  27. Karkhanis J, Verna EC, Chang MS, Stravitz RT, Schilsky M, Lee WM, Brown RS Jr, Harrison M. Edwyn MD *. Steroid use in acute liver failure. Hepatology. 2014 Feb; 59(2):612-21. Epub 2013 Dec 24
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  28. Ratuapli SK, Gurudu SR, Atia MA, Crowell MD, Umar SB, Harrison ME, Leighton JA, Ramirez FC. Postcolonoscopy Followup Recommendations: Comparison with and without Use of Polyp Pathology. Diagn Ther Endosc. 2014; 2014:683491 Epub 2014 Aug 27
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  29. Court MH, Peter I, Hazarika S, Vasiadi M, Greenblatt DJ, Lee WM. Candidate gene polymorphisms in patients with acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure. Drug Metab Dispos. 2014 Jan; 42(1):28-32. Epub 2013 Oct 8
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  30. Dzeletovic I, Harrison ME, Crowell MD, Ramirez FC, Yows CR, Harris LA, Pasha SF, Gurudu SR, Leighton JA, Heigh RI. Impact of fentanyl in lieu of meperidine on endoscopy unit efficiency: a prospective comparative study in patients undergoing EGD. Gastrointest Endosc. 2013 Jun; 77(6):883-7. Epub 2013 Mar 06.
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  31. Alkhatib AA, Harrison ME, Pannala R, O'Faigel D. Effect of fluoroscopy utilization monitoring on fluoroscopy times during ERCP. Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol. 2013 Jun; 59(2):211-5.
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  32. Werner KT, Sando S, Carey EJ, Vargas HE, Byrne TJ, Douglas DD, Harrison ME, Rakela J, Aqel BA. Portal vein thrombosis in patients with end stage liver disease awaiting liver transplantation: outcome of anticoagulation. Dig Dis Sci. 2013 Jun; 58 (6):1776-80 Epub 2013 Jan 12
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  33. Alkhatib AA, Umar SB, Patel NC, Harrison ME. Balloon-assisted enteroscopy for the treatment of a sealed jejunal perforation: removal of a penetrating fish bone (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 2013 Jan; 77(1):133-5. Epub 2012 Oct 11.
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  34. Hsieh TH, Mekeel KL, Crowell MD, Nguyen CC, Das A, Aqel BA, Carey EJ, Byrne TJ, Vargas HE, Douglas DD, Mulligan DC, Harrison ME. Endoscopic treatment of anastomotic biliary strictures after living donor liver transplantation: outcomes after maximal stent therapy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2013 Jan; 77 (1):47-54 Epub 2012 Oct 11
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  35. Batheja M, Harrison ME, Das A, Engel R, Crowell M. Optimal positioning for ERCP: efficacy and safety of ERCP in prone versus left lateral decubitus position. ISRN Endoscopy, Article ID 810269. 2013; 2013.
  36. Alkhatib AA, Collins JM, Moss AA, McCullough A, Harrison ME. A case of painless jaundice. Neth J Med. 2012 Nov; 70(9):414-8.
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  37. Dzeletovic I, Harrison ME, Pasha SF, Crowell MD, Decker GA, Gurudu SR, Leighton JA. Comparison of single- versus double-balloon assisted-colonoscopy for colon examination after previous incomplete standard colonoscopy. Dig Dis Sci. 2012 Oct; 57 (10):2680-6 Epub 2012 May 22
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  38. Gurudu SR, Ramirez FC, Harrison ME, Leighton JA, Crowell MD. Increased adenoma detection rate with system-wide implementation of a split-dose preparation for colonoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2012 Sep; 76 (3):603-8.e1 Epub 2012 June 23
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  39. Pasha SF, Leighton JA, Das A, Harrison ME, Gurudu SR, Ramirez FC, Fleischer DE, Sharma VK. Comparison of the yield and miss rate of narrow band imaging and white light endoscopy in patients undergoing screening or surveillance colonoscopy: a meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2012 Mar; 107 (3):363-70; quiz 371 Epub 2011 Dec 20
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  40. Dao DY, Seremba E, Ajmera V, Sanders C, Hynan LS, Lee WM, The Acute Liver Failure Study Group. Use of nucleoside (tide) analogues in patients with hepatitis B-related acute liver failure. Dig Dis Sci [Epub ahead of print]. 2011 Dec.
  41. Imam MH, Sinakos E, Gossard AA, Kowdley KV, Luketic VA, Edwyn Harrison M, McCashland T, Befeler AS, Harnois D, Jorgensen R, Petz J, Keach J, DeCook AC, Enders F, Lindor KD. High-dose ursodeoxycholic acid increases risk of adverse outcomes in patients with early stage primary sclerosing cholangitis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Nov; 34 (10):1185-92 Epub 2011 Sept 29
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  42. Eaton JE, Silveira MG, Pardi DS, Sinakos E, Kowdley KV, Luketic VA, Harrison ME, McCashland T, Befeler AS, Harnois D, Jorgensen R, Petz J, Lindor KD. High-dose ursodeoxycholic acid is associated with the development of colorectal neoplasia in patients with ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Sep; 106 (9):1638-45 Epub 2011 May 10
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  43. Ajmera V, Xia G, Vaughan G, Forbi JC, Ganova-Raeva LM, Khudyakov Y, Opio CK, Taylor R, Restrepo R, Munoz S, Fontana RJ, Lee WM. What factors determine the severity of hepatitis A-related acute liver failure? J Viral Hepat. 2011 Jul; 18(7):e167-74. Epub 2010 Dec 8
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  44. Fukami N, Anderson MA, Khan K, Harrison ME, Appalaneni V, Harrison ME, Ben-Menachem T, Decker GA, Fanelli RD, Decker GA, Fisher L, Ikenberry SO, Jain R, Jue TL, Krinsky ML, Maple JT, Sharaf RN, Dominitz JA, ASGE Standards of Practice Committee. The role of endoscopy in gastroduodenal obstruction and gastroparesis. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011 Jul; 74 (1):13-21
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  45. Ikenberry SO, Jue TL, Anderson MA, Appalaneni V, Banerjee S, Ben-Menachem T, Decker GA, Fanelli RD, Fisher LR, Fukami N, Harrison ME, Jain R, Khan KM, Krinsky ML, Maple JT, Sharaf R, Strohmeyer L, Dominitz JA, ASGE Standards of Practice Committee. Management of ingested foreign bodies and food impactions. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011 Jun; 73 (6):1085-91
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  46. Costilla VC, Pannala R, Nguyen CC, Harrison ME, Collins JM, Decker GA. Another great mimiker - autoimmune pancreatitis. US Gastroenterology and Hepatology Review. 2011; 7(1):68-71.
  47. Appalaneni V, Fanelli RD, Sharaf RN, Anderson MA, Banerjee S, Ben-Menachem T, Decker GA, Fisher L, Decker GA, Fukami N, Harrison ME, Strohmeyer L, Harrison ME, Friis C, Ikenberry SO, Jain R, Jue TL, Khan KM, Krinsky ML, Malpas PM, Maple JT, Dominitz JA, ASGE TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE. The role of endoscopy in patients with anorectal disorders. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010 Dec; 72 (6):1117-23
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  48. Reuben A, Koch DG, Lee WM. Drug-induced acute liver failure: results of a U.S. multicenter, prospective study. Hepatology. 2010 Dec; 52(6):2065-76. Epub 2010 Oct 14.
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  49. Fisher L, Lee Krinsky M, Anderson MA, Appalaneni V, Banerjee S, Ben-Menachem T, Cash BD, Decker GA, Fanelli RD, Decker GA, Friis C, Fukami N, Harrison ME, Ikenberry SO, Harrison ME, Jain R, Jue T, Khan K, Maple JT, Strohmeyer L, Sharaf R, Dominitz JA, ASGE Standards of Practice Committee. The role of endoscopy in the management of obscure GI bleeding. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010 Sep; 72 (3):471-9
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  50. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Shen B, Khan K, Ikenberry SO, Anderson MA, Banerjee S, Baron T, Ben-Menachem T, Cash BD, Fanelli RD, Fisher L, Fukami N, Gan SI, Harrison ME, Jagannath S, Lee Krinsky M, Levy M, Maple JT, Lichtenstein D, Stewart L, Strohmeyer L, Dominitz JA. The role of endoscopy in the management of patients with diarrhea. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010 May; 71(6):887-92. Epub 2010 Mar 25.
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  51. Shen B, Khan K, Ikenberry SO, Anderson MA, Banerjee S, Baron T, Ben-Menachem T, Cash BD, Fanelli RD, Fisher L, Fukami N, Gan S-I, Harrison ME, Jagannath S, Krinsky ML, Levy M, Maple JT, Lichtenstein D, Stewart L, Strohmeyer L, Dominitz JA. The role of endoscopy in the management of patients with diarrhea. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2010 May; 71(6):1A-22A, 887-1104.
  52. Petre SA, Sachdev MS, Noble BN, Rosati M, Mazur MJ, Heilman RL, Harrison ME, Douglas DD, Balan V. Increased prevalence of reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate in chronic hepatitis C patients. Dig Dis Sci. 2010 May; 55 (5):1450-7 Epub 2010 Mar 19
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  53. Treeprasertsuk S, Kowdley KV, Luketic VA, Harrison ME, McCashland T, Befeler AS, Harnois D, Jorgensen R, Petz J, Keach J, Schmoll J, Hoskin T, Thapa P, Enders F, Lindor KD. The predictors of the presence of varices in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Hepatology. 2010 Apr; 51 (4):1302-10
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  54. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Banerjee S, Cash BD, Dominitz JA, Baron TH, Anderson MA, Ben-Menachem T, Fisher L, Fukami N, Harrison ME, Ikenberry SO, Khan K, Krinsky ML, Maple J, Fanelli RD, Strohmeyer L. The role of endoscopy in the management of patients with peptic ulcer disease. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010 Apr; 71(4):663-8.
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  55. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Harrison ME, Anderson MA, Appalaneni V, Banerjee S, Ben-Menachem T, Cash BD, Fanelli RD, Fisher L, Fukami N, Gan SI, Ikenberry SO, Jain R, Khan K, Krinsky ML, Maple JT, Shen B, Van Guilder T, Baron TH, Dominitz JA. The role of endoscopy in the management of patients with known and suspected colonic obstruction and pseudo-obstruction. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010 Apr; 71(4):669-79.
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  56. Decker GA, Miller ED, Pasha SF, Harrison ME, Leighton JA. Deep enteroscopy in patients with left ventricular assist devices: practical and technical considerations. Endoscopy. 2010; 42 Suppl 2:E194 Epub 2010 Sept 15
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  57. Nguyen VX, Decker GA, Das A, Harrison ME, Silva AC, Ocal IT, Collins JM, Nguyen CC. The natural history of a branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm in a patient with Lady Windermere syndrome: a case report. JOP. 2010; 11(3):249-54. Epub 2010 May 05.
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  58. Fujii L, Lau A, Fleischer DE, Harrison ME. Successful Nonsurgical Treatment of Pneumomediastinum, Pneumothorax, Pneumoperitoneum, Pneumoretroperitoneum, and Subcutaneous Emphysema following ERCP. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2010; 2010:289135 Epub 2010 June 14
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  59. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Maple JT, Ben-Menachem T, Anderson MA, Appalaneni V, Banerjee S, Cash BD, Fisher L, Harrison ME, Fanelli RD, Fukami N, Ikenberry SO, Jain R, Khan K, Krinsky ML, Strohmeyer L, Dominitz JA. The role of endoscopy in the evaluation of suspected choledocholithiasis. Gastrointest Endosc. 2010 Jan; 71(1):1-9.
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  60. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Anderson MA, Ben-Menachem T, Gan SI, Appalaneni V, Banerjee S, Cash BD, Fisher L, Harrison ME, Fanelli RD, Fukami N, Ikenberry SO, Jain R, Khan K, Krinsky ML, Lichtenstein DR, Maple JT, Shen B, Strohmeyer L, Baron T, Dominitz JA. Management of antithrombotic agents for endoscopic procedures. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009 Dec; 70(6):1060-70. Epub 2009 Nov 03.
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  61. Schiodt FV, Chung RT, Schilsky ML, Hay JE, Christensen E, Lee WM. Outcome of acute liver failure in the elderly. Liver Transpl. 2009 Nov; 15(11):1481-7.
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  62. Lee WM, Hynan LS, Rossaro L, Fontana RJ, Stravitz RT, Larson AM, Davern TJ 2nd, Murray NG, McCashland T, Reisch JS, Robuck PR. Intravenous N-acetylcysteine improves transplant-free survival in early stage non-acetaminophen acute liver failure. Gastroenterology. 2009 Sep; 137(3):856-64, 864.e1. Epub 2009 Jun 12.
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  63. Lindor KD, Kowdley KV, Luketic VA, Harrison ME, McCashland T, Befeler AS, Harnois D, Jorgensen R, Petz J, Keach J, Mooney J, Sargeant C, Braaten J, Bernard T, King D, Miceli E, Schmoll J, Hoskin T, Thapa P, Enders F. High-dose ursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of primary sclerosing cholangitis. Hepatology. 2009 Sep; 50 (3):808-14
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  64. *Li F, Osuoha C, Leighton JA, Harrison ME. Double-balloon enteroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhage from small-bowel lymphangioma: a case report. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009 Jul; 70(1):189-90 Epub 2009 Jan 18.
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  65. American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Ikenberry SO, Anderson MA, Banerjee S, Baron TH, Dominitz JA, Gan SI, Harrison ME, Jagannath S, Levy M, Lichtenstein D, Shen B, Fanelli RD, Stewart L, Khan K. Endoscopy by nonphysicians. Gastrointest Endosc. 2009 Apr; 69(4):767-70.
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  66. Cote GA, Gottstein JH, Daud A, Blei AT. The role of etiology in the hyperamylasemia of acute liver failure. Am J Gastroenterol. 2009 Mar; 104(3):592-7. Epub 2009 Feb 17.
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  67. Li F, Mekeel KL, Eleid M, Harrison ME, Reddy KS, Moss AA, Mulligan DC. Hemobilia and pancreatitis after liver transplant biopsy. Liver Transpl. 2009 Mar; 15: (3)350-1.
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  68. Standards of Practice Committee of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Lichtenstein DR, Jagannath S, Baron TH, Anderson MA, Banerjee S, Dominitz JA, Fanelli RD, Gan SI, Harrison ME, Ikenberry SO, Shen B, Stewart L, Khan K, Vargo JJ. Sedation and anesthesia in GI endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 Nov; 68(5):815-26.
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  69. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Levy MJ, Anderson MA, Baron TH, Banerjee S, Dominitz JA, Gan SI, Harrison ME, Ikenberry SO, Jagannath S, Lichtenstein D, Shen B, Fanelli RD, Stewart L, Khan K. Position statement on routine laboratory testing before endoscopic procedures. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 Nov; 68(5):827-32.
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  70. Korman JD, Volenberg I, Balko J, Webster J, Schiodt FV, Squires RH Jr, Fontana RJ, Lee WM, Schilsky ML. Screening for Wilson disease in acute liver failure: a comparison of currently available diagnostic tests. Hepatology. 2008 Oct; 48(4):1167-74.
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  71. *Wells CD, Harrison ME, Gurudu SR, Crowell MD, Byrne TJ, Depetris G, Sharma VK. Treatment of gastric antral vascular ectasia (watermelon stomach) with endoscopic band ligation. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 Aug; 68(2):231-6 Epub 2008 Jun 3.
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  72. Ross A, Mehdizadeh S, Tokar J, Leighton JA, Kamal A, Chen A, Schembre D, Chen G, Binmoeller K, Kozarek R, Waxman I, Dye C, Gerson L, Harrison ME, Haluszka O, Lo S, Semrad C. Double balloon enteroscopy detects small bowel mass lesions missed by capsule endoscopy. Dig Dis Sci. 2008 Aug; 53(8):2140-3. Epub 2008 Feb 13.
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  73. Asge Standards Of Practice Committee, Anderson MA, Gan SI, Fanelli RD, Baron TH, Banerjee S, Cash BD, Dominitz JA, Harrison ME, Ikenberry SO, Jagannath SB, Lichtenstein DR, Shen B, Lee KK, Van Guilder T, Stewart LE. Role of endoscopy in the bariatric surgery patient. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 Jul; 68(1):1-10.
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  74. Carey EJ, Vargas HE, Douglas DD, Balan V, Byrne TJ, Harrison ME, Rakela J. Inpatient admissions for drug-induced liver injury: results from a single center. Dig Dis Sci. 2008 Jul; 53 (7):1977-82 Epub 2008 Apr 05
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  75. Pasha SF, Leighton JA, Das A, Harrison ME, Decker GA, Fleischer DE, Sharma VK. Double-balloon enteroscopy and capsule endoscopy have comparable diagnostic yield in small-bowel disease: a meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 Jun; 6 (6):671-6 Epub 2008 Mar 20
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  76. Polson J, Wians FH Jr, Orsulak P, Fuller D, Murray NG, Koff JM, Khan AI, Balko JA, Hynan LS, Lee WM. False positive acetaminophen concentrations in patients with liver injury. Clin Chim Acta. 2008 May; 391(1-2):24-30. Epub 2008 Jan 26
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  77. Asge Standards Of Practice Committee, Banerjee S, Shen B, Baron TH, Nelson DB, Anderson MA, Cash BD, Dominitz JA, Gan SI, Harrison ME, Ikenberry SO, Jagannath SB, Lichtenstein D, Fanelli RD, Lee K, van Guilder T, Stewart LE. Antibiotic prophylaxis for GI endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 May; 67(6):791-8. Epub 2008 Mar 28
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  78. Asge Standards Of Practice Committee, Banerjee S, Shen B, Nelson DB, Lichtenstein DR, Baron TH, Anderson MA, Dominitz JA, Gan SI, Harrison ME, Ikenberry SO, Jagannath SB, Fanelli RD, Lee K, van Guilder T, Stewart LE. Infection control during GI endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 May; 67(6):781-90. Epub 2008 Mar 19
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  79. Mekeel KL, Moss AA, Reddy KS, Douglas DD, Vargas HE, Carey EJ, Byrne TJ, Harrison ME, Rakela J, Mulligan DC. Living donor liver transplantation in polycystic liver disease. Liver Transpl. 2008 May; 14(5):680-3.
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  80. Asge Standards Of Practice Committee, Lee KK, Anderson MA, Baron TH, Banerjee S, Cash BD, Dominitz JA, Gan SI, Harrison ME, Ikenberry SO, Jagannath SB, Lichtenstein D, Shen B, Fanelli RD, Van Guilder T. Modifications in endoscopic practice for pediatric patients. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 Jan; 67(1):1-9.
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  81. Standards Of Practice Committee, Dominitz JA, Ikenberry SO, Anderson MA, Banerjee S, Baron TH, Cash BD, Fanelli RD, Gan SI, Harrison ME 3rd, Lichtenstein D, Shen B, Van Guilder T, Lee KK. Renewal of and proctoring for endoscopic privileges. Gastrointest Endosc. 2008 Jan; 67(1):10-6. Epub 2007 Nov 28.
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  82. Ikenberry SO, Harrison ME, Lichtenstein D, Dominitz JA, Anderson MA, Jagannath SB, Banerjee S, Cash BD, Fanelli RD, Gan SI, Shen B, Van Guilder T, Lee KK, Baron TH, Asge Standards Of Practice Committee. The role of endoscopy in dyspepsia. Gastrointest Endosc. 2007 Dec; 66(6):1071-5. Epub 2007 Oct 29
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  83. Selmi C, Gershwin ME, Worman HJ, Gold EB, Watnik M, Utts J, Invernizzi P, Kaplan MM, Vierling JM, Bowlus CL, Silveira MG, Bossi I, USA PBC Epidemiology Group. Quality of life and everyday activities in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology. 2007 Dec; 46 (6):1836-43
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  84. Rutherford AE, Hynan LS, Borges CB, Forcione DG, Blackard JT, Lin W, Gorman AR, Shaikh OS, Reuben A, Harrison E, Reddy KR, Le WM, Chung RT, ALF Study Group. Serum apoptosis markers in acute liver failure: a pilot study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Dec; 5(12):1477-83. Epub 2007 Oct 29.
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  85. Moller HJ, Gronbaek H, Schiodt FV, Holland-Fischer P, Schilsky M, Munoz S, Hassanein T, Lee WM, U.S. Acute Liver Failure Study Group. Soluble CD163 from activated macrophages predicts mortality in acute liver failure. J Hepatol. 2007 Nov; 47(5):671-6. Epub 2007 Jun 21
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  86. Standards of Practice Committee, Banerjee S, Nelson DB, Dominitz JA, Ikenberry SO, Anderson MA, Cash BD, Gan SI, Harrison ME 3rd, Shen B, Baron TH, Van Guilder T, Lee KK. Reprocessing failure. Gastrointest Endosc. 2007 Nov; 66(5):869-71. Epub 2007 Sep 24.
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  87. ASGE Standards of Practice Committee, Gan SI, Rajan E, Adler DG, Baron TH, Anderson MA, Cash BD, Davila RE, Dominitz JA, Harrison ME 3rd, Ikenberry SO, Lichtenstein D, Qureshi W, Shen B, Zuckerman M, Fanelli RD, Lee KK, Van Guilder T. Role of EUS. Gastrointest Endosc. 2007 Sep; 66(3):425-34 Epub 2007 Jul 23.
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