
  1. Katayama M, Yang EH, Belohlavek M. A Pilot Study on Novel Use of Color Doppler Imaging for Navigation of Wiring in Coronary Interventions. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2024 Jun; 50 (6):970-973 Epub 2024 Mar 02
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  2. Kim T, Hedayat M, Vaitkus VV, Belohlavek M, Krishnamurthy V, Borazjani I. A learning-based, region of interest-tracking algorithm for catheter detection in echocardiography. Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2022 Sep; 100:102106 Epub 2022 Aug 05
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  3. Katayama M, Gades NM, Singh VP, Devick KL, Zarbatany D, Vaitkus VV, Belohlavek DL, Fortuin FD, Belohlavek M. Doppler-Guided Acoustically Active Injection Catheter: Transendocardial Delivery Assessed by an Efficacy Testing Animal Model. J Ultrasound Med. 2022 Mar; 41 (3):749-762 Epub 2021 May 03
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  4. Gades NM, Moe LB, Waldron RL, McNeill DJ, Belohlavek M. Pathology in Practice. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2021 Dec 15; 259 (S2):1-3
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  5. Kim T, Hedayat M, Vaitkus VV, Belohlavek M, Krishnamurthy V, Borazjani I. Automatic segmentation of the left ventricle in echocardiographic images using convolutional neural networks. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2021 May; 11 (5):1763-1781
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  6. Hedayat M, Patel TR, Kim T, Belohlavek M, Hoffmann KR, Borazjani I. A hybrid echocardiography-CFD framework for ventricular flow simulations. Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng. 2020 Jul; 36 (7):e03352 Epub 2020 June 08
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  7. de Oliveira C, Khatua B, El-Kurdi B, Patel K, Mishra V, Navina S, Grim BJ, Gupta S, Belohlavek M, Cherry B, Yarger J, Green MD, Singh VP. Thermodynamic interference with bile acid demicelleization reduces systemic entry and injury during cholestasis. Sci Rep. 2020 May 21; 10 (1):8462
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  8. Kumar V, Katayama M, Peavler R, Alizad A, Belohlavek M, Fatemi M. Real-Time Visualization of an Acoustically Active Injection Catheter With Ultrasound Imaging: Algorithm and In Vivo Validation in a Swine Model. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2019 Nov; 66 (11):3212-3219 Epub 2019 Mar 01
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  9. Belohlavek M, Katayama M, Vaitkus VV, Kumar V, Fatemi M, Grabham J, Sandweiss B. A Real-time Color Doppler Marker for Echocardiographic Guidance of an Acoustically Active Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Cannula. J Ultrasound Med. 2019 Jul; 38 (7):1875-1885 Epub 2018 Nov 12
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  10. Kumar V, Liu R, Kinnick RR, Gregory A, Alizad A, Belohlavek M, Fatemi M. Unambiguous Identification and Visualization of an Acoustically Active Catheter by Ultrasound Imaging in Real Time: Theory, Algorithm, and Phantom Experiments. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2018 Jul; 65 (7):1468-1475 Epub 2017 Sept 25
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  11. Kinnick RR, Katayama M, Belohlavek M. An Interposed Pad in Open-Chest Echocardiographic Porcine Scans for Mimicking Ultrasound Signal Attenuation in a Human Chest. J Ultrasound Med. 2018 Feb; 37 (2):501-509 Epub 2017 Aug 04
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  12. Katayama M, Panse PM, Kendall CB, Daniels JR, Cha SS, Fortuin FD, Sweeney JP, DeValeria PA, Lanza LA, Belohlavek M, Chaliki HP. Left Ventricular Septal Hypertrophy in Elderly Patients With Aortic Stenosis. J Ultrasound Med. 2018 Jan; 37 (1):217-224 Epub 2017 July 25
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  13. Katayama M, Zarbatany D, Cha SS, Fatemi M, Belohlavek M. Acoustically Active Catheter for Intracardiac Navigation by Color Doppler Ultrasonography. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2017 Sep; 43 (9):1888-1896 Epub 2017 June 05
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  14. Rajaraman PK, Manteuffel TA, Belohlavek M, Heys JJ. Combining existing numerical models with data assimilation using weighted least-squares finite element methods. Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng. 2017 Jan; 33 (1) Epub 2016 Apr 20
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  15. Rosenthal A, Luthi J, Belohlavek M, Kortum KM, Mookadam F, Mayo A, Fonseca R, Bergsagel PL, Reeder CB, Mikhael JR, Stewart AK. Carfilzomib and the cardiorenal system in myeloma: an endothelial effect? Blood Cancer J. 2016 Jan 15; 6 (1):e384
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  16. Rajan NK, Song ZY, Hoffmann KR, Belohlavek M, McMahon EM, Borazjani I. Automated three-dimensional reconstruction of the left ventricle from multiple-axis echocardiography Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-transactions Of The Asme. 2016 Jan; 138: (1)011003.
  17. Westerdale JC, Adrian R, Squires K, Chaliki H, Belohlavek M. Effects of Bileaflet Mechanical Mitral Valve Rotational Orientation on Left Ventricular Flow Conditions. Open Cardiovasc Med J. 2015; 9:62-8 Epub 2015 June 26
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  18. Katayama M, Najib MQ, Marella PC, Temkit MH, Belohlavek M, Chaliki HP. Does valvuloarterial impedance impact prognosis after surgery for severe aortic stenosis in the elderly? Open Heart. 2015; 2 (1):e000241 Epub 2015 June 26
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  19. Belohlavek M, Katayama M, Zarbatany D, Fortuin FD, Fatemi M, Nenadic IZ, McMahon EM. Acoustically active injection catheter guided by ultrasound: navigation tests in acutely ischemic porcine hearts. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2014 Jul; 40 (7):1650-9 Epub 2014 Apr 27
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  20. Rajan NK, Song Z, Hoffmann KR, Belohlavek M, McMahon EM, Borazjani I. 3D reconstruction of the left ventricle from four echocardiographic projections Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference. 2014; 1A:V01AT02A046.
  21. Choudhuri I, Krum D, Agarwal A, Hare J, Belohlavek M, Ahmad A, Pinninti M, Khandheria BK. Bachmann's bundle and coronary sinus ostial pacing accentuate left atrial electrical dyssynchrony in an acute canine model.. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. 2014; 25(12):1400-6.
  22. Rajaraman PK, Manteuffel TA, Belohlavek M, McMahon E, Heys JJ. Echocardiographic particle imaging velocimetry data assimilation with least square finite element methods. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2014; 68(11):1569-80.
  23. Tajbakhsh N, Wu H, Xue W, McMahon EM, Belohlavek M, Liang J. Motion analysis of right ventricular dysfunction under mild or moderate pressure overload caused by acute pulmonary embolism. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013 Nov; 39(11):2066-74. Epub 2013 Aug 19.
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  24. Katayama M, Jiamsripong P, Bukatina AE, Lombari TR, McMahon EM, Gades NM, Belohlavek M. Optimized administration regimen of lopinavir for a myocardial ischaemia reperfusion study in Sprague-Dawley rats. Lab Anim. 2013 Apr; 47(2):122-6.
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  25. Borazjani I, Westerdale J, McMahon EM, Rajaraman PK, Heys JJ, Belohlavek M. Left ventricular flow analysis: recent advances in numerical methods and applications in cardiac ultrasound. Comput Math Methods Med. 2013; 2013:395081. Epub 2013 Apr 17.
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  26. Todaro MC, Choudhuri I, Belohlavek M, Jahangir A, Carerj S, Oreto L, Khandheria BK. New echocardiographic techniques for evaluation of left atrial mechanics. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012 Dec; 13(12):973-84. Epub 2012 Aug 21.
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  27. Katayama M, Jiamsripong P, McMahon EM, Lombari TR, Bukatina AE, Wu Q, Marler RJ, Belohlavek M. Detection of progressive myocardial tissue injury by ultrasonic integrated backscatter immediately after coronary reperfusion. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012 Sep; 38: (9)1662-9.
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  28. Roher AE, Debbins JP, Malek-Ahmadi M, Chen K, Pipe JG, Maze S, Belden C, Maarouf CL, Thiyyagura P, Mo H, Hunter JM, Kokjohn TA, Walker DG, Kruchowsky JC, Belohlavek M, Sabbagh MN, Beach TG. Cerebral blood flow in Alzheimer's disease. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2012; 8:599-611 Epub 2012 Oct 23
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  29. Belohlavek J, Mlcek M, Huptych M, Svoboda T, Havranek S, Ost'adal P, Boucek T, Kovarnik T, Mlejnsky F, Mrazek V, Belohlavek M, Aschermann M, Linhart A, Kittnar O. Coronary versus carotid blood flow and coronary perfusion pressure in a pig model of prolonged cardiac arrest treated by different modes of venoarterial ECMO and intraaortic balloon counterpulsation. Crit Care. 2012; 16(2):R50. Epub 2012 Dec 12.
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  30. McMahon EM, Jiamsripong P, Katayama M, Chaliki HP, Fatemi M, Belohlavek M. Accurate guidance of a catheter by ultrasound imaging and identification of a catheter tip by pulsed-wave Doppler. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2012 Jan; 35 (1):44-50 Epub 2011 Nov 06
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  31. Tajbakhsh N, Xue W, Wu H, Liang J, McMahon EM, Belohlavek M. Shape-based analysis of right ventricular dysfunction associated with acute pulmonary embolism. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 2012; 8317:83170G.
  32. Wei F, Westerdale J, McMahon EM, Belohlavek M, Heys JJ. Weighted least-squares finite element method for cardiac blood flow simulation with echocardiographic data. Comput Math Methods Med. 2012; 2012:371315. Epub 2012 Jan 16.
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  33. Cho EJ, Jiamsripong P, Calleja AM, Alharthi MS, McMahon EM, Chandrasekaran K, Cha S, Bukatina AE, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. The left ventricle responds to acute graded elevation of right ventricular afterload by augmentation of twist magnitude and untwist rate. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2011 Aug; 24(8):922-9.
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  34. Roher AE, Tyas SL, Maarouf CL, Daugs ID, Kokjohn TA, Emmerling MR, Garami Z, Belohlavek M, Sabbagh MN, Sue LI, Beach TG. Intracranial atherosclerosis as a contributing factor to Alzheimer's disease dementia. Alzheimers Dement. 2011 Jul; 7 (4):436-44 Epub 2011 Mar 09
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  35. Roher AE, Garami Z, Tyas SL, Maarouf CL, Kokjohn TA, Belohlavek M, Vedders LJ, Connor D, Sabbagh MN, Beach TG, Emmerling MR. Transcranial doppler ultrasound blood flow velocity and pulsatility index as systemic indicators for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2011 Jul; 7 (4):445-55 Epub 2011 Mar 09
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  36. Adams JC, Jiamsripong P, Belohlavek M, McMahon EM, Marupakula V, Heys J, Chaliki HP. Potential role of Reynolds number in resolving Doppler- and catheter-based transvalvular gradient discrepancies in aortic stenosis. J Heart Valve Dis. 2011 Mar; 20: (2)159-64.
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  37. Belohlavek M, Jiamsripong P, McMahon EM, Lombari TR, Lerman LO. Ultrasound-guided placement of a renal artery stent using an intracardiac probe for transvascular imaging. Open Cardiovasc Med J. 2011; 5:215-7 Epub 2011 Nov 03
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  38. Jiamsripong P, Alharthi MS, Calleja AM, McMahon EM, Katayama M, Westerdale J, Milano M, Heys JJ, Mookadam F, Belohlavek M. Impact of pericardial adhesions on diastolic function as assessed by vortex formation time, a parameter of transmitral flow efficiency. Cardiovasc Ultrasound. 2010 Sep 22; 8:42 Epub 2010 Sept 22
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  39. Heys JJ, Holyoak N, Calleja AM, Belohlavek M, Chaliki HP. Revisiting the simplified bernoulli equation. Open Biomed Eng J. 2010; 4:123-8. Epub 2010 Jul 09.
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  40. Heys JJ, Manteuffel TA, McCormick SF, Milano M, Westerdale J, Belohlavek M. Weighted least-squares finite elements based on particle imaging velocimetry data. Journal of Computational Physics. 2010 Jan 1; 229(1):107-18.
  41. Jiamsripong P, Alharthi MS, Calleja AM, McMahon EM, Mookadam F, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Quantification of left ventricular twisting mechanics by velocity vector imaging in an animal model of pericardial adhesions. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2009 Dec; 35: (12)1963-72.
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  42. Belohlavek M, Jiamsripong P, Calleja AM, McMahon EM, Maarouf CL, Kokjohn TA, Chaffin TL, Vedders LJ, Garami Z, Beach TG, Sabbagh MN, Roher AE. Patients with Alzheimer disease have altered transmitral flow: echocardiographic analysis of the vortex formation time. J Ultrasound Med. 2009 Nov; 28 (11):1493-500
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  43. Calleja AM, Jiamsripong P, Alharthi MS, Cha S, Cho EJ, McMahon EM, Mookadam F, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Correlation of automated function imaging (AFI) to conventional strain analyses of regional and global right ventricular function. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2009 Sep; 22 (9):1031-9 Epub 2009 Aug 08
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  44. Green TM, Barnes ME, Belohlavek M, Gilman G, Carlson LA, Hagen ME, Pellikka PA. Integrating research into clinical practice: development of an echocardiography research unit. Echocardiography. 2009 Jul; 26: (6)699-703.
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  45. Alharthi MS, Jiamsripong P, Calleja A, Sengupta PP, McMahon EM, Khandheria B, Tajik AJ, Belohlavek M. Selective echocardiographic analysis of epicardial and endocardial left ventricular rotational mechanics in an animal model of pericardial adhesions. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2009 May; 10: (3)357-62.
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  46. Jiamsripong P, Calleja AM, Alharthi MS, Dzsinich M, McMahon EM, Heys JJ, Milano M, Sengupta PP, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Impact of acute moderate elevation in left ventricular afterload on diastolic transmitral flow efficiency: analysis by vortex formation time. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2009 Apr; 22 (4):427-31 Epub 2009 Jan 25
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  47. Chapuis JC, Schmaltz RM, Tsosie KS, Belohlavek M, Hecht SM. Carbohydrate dependent targeting of cancer cells by bleomycin-microbubble conjugates. J Am Chem Soc. 2009 Feb 25; 131(7):2438-9.
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  48. Cho EJ, Jiamsripong P, Calleja AM, Alharthi MS, McMahon EM, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Right ventricular free wall circumferential strain reflects graded elevation in acute right ventricular afterload. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2009 Feb; 296 (2):H413-20 Epub 2008 Dec 19
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  49. Jiamsripong P, Calleja AM, Alharthi MS, Cho EJ, McMahon EM, Heys JJ, Milano M, Sengupta PP, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Increase in the late diastolic filling force is associated with impaired transmitral flow efficiency in acute moderate elevation of left ventricular afterload. J Ultrasound Med. 2009 Feb; 28 (2):175-82
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  50. Bukatina AE, Sieck GC, Campbell KB, Belohlavek M. Characterization of secophalloidin-induced force loss in cardiac myofibrils. J Muscle Res Cell Motil. 2009; 30 (5-6):209-16 Epub 2009 Sept 11
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  51. Sengupta PP, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Understanding Preejection and Postejection Biphasic Velocity Spikes: A Need for Integrating the Myocardial Shortening, Prestretch and Blood Flow. Circulation. 2009.
  52. Korinek J, Sengupta PP, Wang J, Romero-Corral A, Boukatina AE, Vitek J, Krishnamoorthy VK, Cha SS, Dzeja PP, Terzic A, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Doppler strain imaging closely reflects myocardial energetic status in acute progressive ischemia and indicates energetic recovery after reperfusion. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2008 Aug; 21 (8):961-8 Epub 2008 Mar 06
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  53. Sengupta PP, Krishnamoorthy VK, Abhayaratna WP, Korinek J, Belohlavek M, Sundt TM 3rd, Chandrasekaran K, Seward JB, Tajik AJ, Khandheria BK. Comparison of usefulness of tissue Doppler imaging versus brain natriuretic peptide for differentiation of constrictive pericardial disease from restrictive cardiomyopathy. Am J Cardiol. 2008 Aug 01; 102: (3)357-62.
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  54. Sengupta PP, Tondato F, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M, Jahangir A. Electromechanical activation sequence in normal heart. Heart Fail Clin. 2008 Jul; 4 (3):303-14
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  55. Sengupta PP, Burke R, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Following the flow in chambers. Heart Fail Clin. 2008 Jul; 4: (3)325-32.
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  56. McMahon EM, Korinek J, Yoshifuku S, Sengupta PP, Manduca A, Belohlavek M. Classification of acute myocardial ischemia by artificial neural network using echocardiographic strain waveforms. Comput Biol Med. 2008 Apr; 38 (4):416-24 Epub 2008 Mar 05
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  57. Osranek M, Eisenach JH, Khandheria BK, Chandrasekaran K, Seward JB, Belohlavek M. Arterioventricular coupling and ventricular efficiency after antihypertensive therapy: a noninvasive prospective study. Hypertension. 2008 Feb; 51: (2)275-81.
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  58. Sengupta PP, Krishnamoorthy VK, Abhayaratna WP, Korinek J, Belohlavek M, Sundt TM 3rd, Chandrasekaran K, Mookadam F, Seward JB, Tajik AJ, Khandheria BK. Disparate patterns of left ventricular mechanics differentiate constrictive pericarditis from restrictive cardiomyopathy. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2008 Jan; 1 (1):29-38
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  59. Korinek J, Vitek J, Sengupta PP, Romero-Corral A, Krishnamoorthy VK, McMahon EM, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Does implantation of sonomicrometry crystals alter regional cardiac muscle function? J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2007 Dec; 20(12):1407-12. Epub 2007 Jul 02.
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  60. Yoshifuku S, Chen S, McMahon E, Korinek J, Yoshikawa A, Ochiai I, Sengupta PP, Belohlavek M. Parametric detection and measurement of perfusion defects in attenuated contrast echocardiographic images. J Ultrasound Med. 2007 Jun; 26 (6):739-48
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  61. Yoshifuku S, Chen S, McMahon EM, Yoshikawa A, Sengupta PP, Korinek J, Belohlavek M. Parametric harmonic-to-fundamental ratio contrast echocardiography: a novel approach to identification and accurate measurement of left ventricular area under variable levels of ultrasound signal attenuation. Ultrasonics. 2007 May; 46 (2):109-18 Epub 2006 Dec 21
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  62. Sengupta PP, Krishnamoorthy VK, Korinek J, Narula J, Vannan MA, Lester SJ, Tajik JA, Seward JB, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. Left ventricular form and function revisited: applied translational science to cardiovascular ultrasound imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2007 May; 20 (5):539-51
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  63. Otto ME, Belohlavek M, Romero-Corral A, Gami AS, Gilman G, Svatikova A, Amin RS, Lopez-Jimenez F, Khandheria BK, Somers VK. Comparison of cardiac structural and functional changes in obese otherwise healthy adults with versus without obstructive sleep apnea. Am J Cardiol. 2007 May 1; 99 (9):1298-302 Epub 2007 Mar 20
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  64. Sengupta PP, Khandheria BK, Korinek J, Jahangir A, Yoshifuku S, Milosevic I, Belohlavek M. Left ventricular isovolumic flow sequence during sinus and paced rhythms: new insights from use of high-resolution Doppler and ultrasonic digital particle imaging velocimetry. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 Feb 27; 49 (8):899-908 Epub 2007 Feb 09
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  65. Oh S, Belohlavek M, Zhao C, Osamura N, Zobitz ME, An KN, Amadio PC. Detection of differential gliding characteristics of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon and subsynovial connective tissue using color Doppler sonographic imaging. J Ultrasound Med. 2007 Feb; 26 (2):149-55
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  66. Korinek J, Kjaergaard J, Sengupta PP, Yoshifuku S, McMahon EM, Cha SS, Khandheria BK, Belohlavek M. High spatial resolution speckle tracking improves accuracy of 2-dimensional strain measurements: an update on a new method in functional echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2007 Feb; 20(2):165-70.
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  67. Cooper LT, Belohlavek M, Korinek J, Yoshifuku S, Sengupta PP, Burgstaler EA, Winters JL. A pilot study to assess the use of protein a immunoadsorption for chronic dilated cardiomyopathy. J Clin Apher. 2007; 22(4):210-4.
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  68. Liang HY, Cauduro S, Pellikka P, Wang J, Urheim S, Yang EH, Rihal C, Belohlavek M, Khandheria B, Miller FA, Abraham TP. Usefulness of two-dimensional speckle strain for evaluation of left ventricular diastolic deformation in patients with coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol. 2006 Dec 15; 98: (12)1581-6.
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  69. Sengupta PP, Korinek J, Belohlavek M, Narula J, Vannan MA, Jahangir A, Khandheria BK. Left ventricular structure and function: basic science for cardiac imaging. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Nov 21; 48(10):1988-2001. Epub 2006 Oct 31.
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  70. Ettema AM, Belohlavek M, Zhao C, Oh SH, Amadio PC, An KN. High-resolution ultrasound analysis of subsynovial connective tissue in human cadaver carpal tunnel. J Orthop Res. 2006 Oct; 24: (10)2011-20.
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  71. Bukatina AE, Korinek J, Sieck GC, Belohlavek M. [Phalloidin suppresses the force in nebulin-rich lamprey cardiac muscle]. Biofizika. 2006 Sep-Oct; 51(5):894-7.
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  72. Wang J, Urheim S, Korinek J, Abraham TP, McMahon EM, Belohlavek M. Analysis of postsystolic myocardial thickening work in selective myocardial layers during progressive myocardial ischemia. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2006 Sep; 19: (9)1102-11.
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  73. Modesto KM, Cauduro S, Dispenzieri A, Khandheria B, Belohlavek M, Lysyansky P, Friedman Z, Gertz M, Abraham TP. Two-dimensional acoustic pattern derived strain parameters closely correlate with one-dimensional tissue Doppler derived strain measurements. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2006 Aug; 7: (4)315-21.
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  74. Kjaergaard J, Korinek J, Belohlavek M, Oh JK, Sogaard P, Hassager C. Accuracy, reproducibility, and comparability of Doppler tissue imaging by two high-end ultrasound systems. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2006 Mar; 19 (3):322-8
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  75. Sengupta PP, Khandheria BK, Korinek J, Wang J, Jahangir A, Seward JB, Belohlavek M. Apex-to-base dispersion in regional timing of left ventricular shortening and lengthening. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006 Jan 3; 47(1):163-72. Epub 2005 Dec 01.
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  76. Gilman G, Hansen WH, Hagen ME, Rosales AG, Bailey KR, McGregor CG, Belohlavek M. An echocardiographic left ventricular wall area index for functional detection of myocardial injury in hemodynamically unloaded hearts. Echocardiography. 2006 Jan; 23: (1)7-13.
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  77. Korinek J, Wang J, Sengupta PP, Miyazaki C, Kjaergaard J, McMahon E, Abraham TP, Belohlavek M. Two-dimensional strain--a Doppler-independent ultrasound method for quantitation of regional deformation: validation in vitro and in vivo. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2005 Dec; 18 (12):1247-53
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  78. Urheim S, Cauduro S, Frantz R, McGoon M, Belohlavek M, Green T, Miller F, Bailey K, Seward J, Tajik J, Abraham TP. Relation of tissue displacement and strain to invasively determined right ventricular stroke volume. Am J Cardiol. 2005 Oct 15; 96(8):1173-8. Epub 2005 Sep 01.
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  79. Sengupta PP, Khandheria BK, Korinek J, Wang J, Belohlavek M. Biphasic tissue Doppler waveforms during isovolumic phases are associated with asynchronous deformation of subendocardial and subepicardial layers. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2005 Sep; 99: (3)1104-11.
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  80. Takemoto Y, Pellikka PA, Wang J, Modesto KM, Cauduro S, Belohlavek M, Seward JB, Thomson HL, Khandheria B, Abraham TP. Analysis of the interaction between segmental relaxation patterns and global diastolic function by strain echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2005 Sep; 18: (9)901-6.
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  81. Urheim S, Abraham TP, Korinek J, Wang J, Belohlavek M. Increased right ventricular afterload induces postsystolic thickening of the ventricular septum in nonischemic hearts. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2005 Aug; 18: (8)839-43.
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  82. Wang JW, Abraham TP, Korinek J, Urheim S, McMahon EM, Belohlavek M. Delayed onset of subendocardial diastolic thinning at rest identifies hypoperfused myocardium. Circulation. 2005 Jun 7; 111(22):2943-50.
  83. McMahon EM, Korinek J, Zhang H, Sonka M, Manduca A, Belohlavek M. Neural network and principal component analyses of highly variable myocardialmMechanical waveforms derived from echocardiographic ultrasound images. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2005 Conference Proceedings. 2005; 3017-22.
  84. Modesto KM, Dispenzieri A, Cauduro SA, Lacy M, Khandheria BK, Pellikka PA, Belohlavek M, Seward JB, Kyle R, Tajik AJ, Gertz M, Abraham TP. Left atrial myopathy in cardiac amyloidosis: implications of novel echocardiographic techniques. Eur Heart J. 2005 Jan; 26(2):173-9.
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  85. Korinek J, Anagnostopoulos PC, Pislaru C, Dzeja P, Seward JB, Terzic A, Belohlavek M. Both systolic and diastolic dysfunction characterize nonischemic inhibition of myocardial energy metabolism: an experimental strain rate echocardiographic study. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2004 Dec; 17: (12)1239-44.
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  86. Yip G, Khandheria B, Belohlavek M, Pislaru C, Seward J, Bailey K, Tajik AJ, Pellikka P, Abraham T. Strain echocardiography tracks dobutamine-induced decrease in regional myocardial perfusion in nonocclusive coronary stenosis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004 Oct 19; 44: (8)1664-71.
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  87. Gilman G, Khandheria BK, Hagen ME, Abraham TP, Seward JB, Belohlavek M. Strain rate and strain: a step-by-step approach to image and data acquisition. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2004 Sep; 17 (9):1011-20
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  88. Chen S, McMahon EM, Fatemi M, Greenleaf JF, Belohlavek M. Spectral normalization for ultrasonic contrast microbubble detection. Ultrason Imaging. 2004 Jul; 26: (3)150-62.
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  89. Otto ME, Belohlavek M, Khandheria B, Gilman G, Svatikova A, Somers V. Comparison of right and left ventricular function in obese and nonobese men. Am J Cardiol. 2004 Jun 15; 93: (12)1569-72.
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  90. McMahon E, Wang J, Korinek J, Urheim S, Belohlavek M. Quantitation of regional myocardial function during short-lived events with ultrasound imaging. Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro. 2004; 508-11.
  91. Abraham TP, Laskowski C, Zhan WZ, Belohlavek M, Martin EA, Greenleaf JF, Sieck GC. Myocardial contractility by strain echocardiography: comparison with physiological measurements in an in vitro model. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2003 Dec; 285 (6):H2599-604 Epub 2003 Aug 07
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  92. Yip G, Abraham T, Belohlavek M, Khandheria BK. Clinical applications of strain rate imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2003 Dec; 16: (12)1334-42.
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  93. Takemoto Y, Tanabe K, Chandrasekaran K, Ballman KV, Seward JB, Belohlavek M. Single-plane and biplane echocardiography: use of targeted scan planes improves the estimates of left ventricular volume and shape for analysis of postinfarction remodeling. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2003 May; 16 (5):448-56
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  94. Bartleson VB, Viggen K, Asanuma T, Kinnick RR, Belohlavek M. Automated quantitative analysis of the shift of frequency spectra generated by attenuated signals from contrast microbubbles. Ultrasonics. 2003 Mar; 41 (2):75-81
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  95. Anagnostopoulos PC, Pislaru C, Seward JB, Belohlavek M. Epicardial ultrasound guidance of coronary catheter placement in an experimental animal model. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2002 Nov; 15 (11):1387-90
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  96. Pislaru C, Anagnostopoulos PC, Seward JB, Greenleaf JF, Belohlavek M. Higher myocardial strain rates during isovolumic relaxation phase than during ejection characterize acutely ischemic myocardium. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002 Oct 16; 40(8):1487-94.
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  97. Asanuma T, Khandheria BK, Seward JB, Belohlavek M. Radio frequency dual-spectra analysis of regional myocardial perfusion: Comparison with harmonic densitometric method. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2002 Oct; 15 (10 Pt 2):1277-84
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  98. Pislaru C, Abraham TP, Belohlavek M. Strain and strain rate echocardiography. Curr Opin Cardiol. 2002 Sep; 17 (5):443-54
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  99. Abraham TP, Belohlavek M, Thomson HL, Pislaru C, Khandheria B, Seward JB, Pellikka PA. Time to onset of regional relaxation: feasibility, variability and utility of a novel index of regional myocardial function by strain rate imaging. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002 May 1; 39 (9):1531-7
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  100. Abraham TP, Nishimura RA, Holmes DR Jr, Belohlavek M, Seward JB. Strain rate imaging for assessment of regional myocardial function: results from a clinical model of septal ablation. Circulation. 2002 Mar 26; 105 (12):1403-6
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  101. Asanuma T, Viggen K, Seward JB, Belohlavek M. Dual-spectra ultrasonography: an attenuation-compensating technique for myocardial perfusion analysis. J Ultrasound Med. 2002 Mar; 21 (3):249-59
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  102. Bae RY, Belohlavek M, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Rapid quantitative assessment of myocardial perfusion: spectral analysis of myocardial contrast echocardiographic images. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2002 Jan; 15 (1):63-8
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  103. Pislaru C, Bruce CJ, Belohlavek M, Seward JB, Greenleaf JF. Intracardiac measurement of pre-ejection myocardial velocities estimates the transmural extent of viable myocardium early after reperfusion in acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2001 Nov 15; 38 (6):1748-56
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  104. Bae RY, Belohlavek M, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Myocardial contrast echocardiography: texture analysis for identification of nonperfused versus perfused myocardium. Echocardiography. 2001 Nov; 18 (8):665-72
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  105. Belohlavek M, Bartleson VB, Zobitz ME. Real-time strain rate imaging: validation of peak compression and expansion rates by a tissue-mimicking phantom. Echocardiography. 2001 Oct; 18 (7):565-71
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  106. Belohlavek M, Asanuma T, Kinnick RR, Greenleaf JF. Vibro-acoustography: quantification of flow with highly-localized low-frequency acoustic force. Ultrason Imaging. 2001 Oct; 23: (4)249-56.
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  107. Asanuma T, Belohlavek M, Bae RY, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Radiofrequency spectral analysis of attenuated ultrasound signals in experiments with echo contrast microbubbles. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2001 Aug; 14 (8):789-97
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  108. Jakrapanichakul D, Tanabe K, Belohlavek M, Seward JB. Shape reconstruction of the left ventricle: accuracy of limited-plane three-dimensional echocardiography. J Ultrasound Med. 2001 Jul; 20 (7):767-74
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  109. Belohlavek M, Tanabe K, Jakrapanichakul D, Breen JF, Seward JB. Rapid three-dimensional echocardiography : clinically feasible alternative for precise and accurate measurement of left ventricular volumes. Circulation. 2001 Jun 19; 103 (24):2882-4
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  110. Belohlavek M, Pislaru C, Bae RY, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Real-time strain rate echocardiographic imaging: temporal and spatial analysis of postsystolic compression in acutely ischemic myocardium. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2001 May; 14 (5):360-9
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  111. Pislaru C, Belohlavek M, Bae RY, Abraham TP, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Regional asynchrony during acute myocardial ischemia quantified by ultrasound strain rate imaging. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2001 Mar 15; 37 (4):1141-8
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  112. Bruce CJ, Packer DL, Belohlavek M, Seward JB. Intracardiac echocardiography: newest technology. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2000 Aug; 13 (8):788-95
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  113. Yin LX, Belohlavek M, Packer DL, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Myocardial contraction maps using tissue Doppler acceleration imaging. Chin Med J (Engl). 2000 Aug; 113(8):763-768.
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  114. Tanabe K, Belohlavek M, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Tissue harmonic imaging: experimental analysis of the mechanism of image improvement. Jpn Circ J. 2000 Mar; 64 (3):202-6
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  115. Bae RY, Belohlavek M, Tanabe K, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Rapid Three-Dimensional Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography: Volumetric Quantitation of Nonperfused Myocardium After Intravenous Contrast Administration. Echocardiography. 1999 May; 16 (4):357-365
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  116. Seward JB, Belohlavek M, Kinter TM, Greenleaf JF. Evolving era of multidimensional medical imaging. Mayo Clin Proc. 1999 Apr; 74(4):399-414.
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  117. Mulvagh SL, Foley DA, Belohlavek M, Seward JB. Image enhancement by noncontrast harmonic echocardiography. Part I. Qualitative assessment of endocardial visualization. Mayo Clin Proc. 1998 Nov; 73: (11)1062-5.
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  118. Belohlavek M, Tanabe K, Mulvagh SL, Foley DA, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Image enhancement by noncontrast harmonic echocardiography. Part II. Quantitative assessment with use of contrast-to-speckle ratio. Mayo Clin Proc. 1998 Nov; 73: (11)1066-70.
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  119. Tanabe K, Belohlavek M, Jakrapanichakul D, Bae RY, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Three-Dimensional Echocardiography: Precision and Accuracy of Left Ventricular Volume Measurement Using Rotational Geometry with Variable Numbers of Slice Resolution. Echocardiography. 1998 Aug; 15 (6):575-580
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  120. Maclellan-Tobert SG, Buithieu J, Belohlavek M, Behrenbeck T, Greenleaf JF, Edwards WD, Seward JB. Three-Dimensional Imaging Used for Virtual Dissection, Image Banking and Physical Replication of Anatomy and Physiology. Echocardiography. 1998 Jan; 15 (1):89-98
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  121. Belohlavek M, Foster SM, Kinnick RR, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Reference Techniques for Left Ventricular Volume Measurement by Three-Dimensional Echocardiography: Determination of Precision, Accuracy, and Feasibility. Echocardiography. 1997 Jul; 14 (4):329-336
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  122. Belohlavek M, MacLellan-Tobert SG, Seward JB, Greenleaf JF. Toroidal geometry: novel three-dimensional intracardiac imaging with a phased-array transducer. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 1997 Jun; 10 (5):493-8
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  123. Belohlavek M, Greenleaf JF. Detection of cardiac boundaries in echocardiographic images using a customized order statistics filter. Ultrason Imaging. 1997 Apr; 19: (2)127-37.
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  124. Seward JB, Belohlavek M, O'Leary PW, Foley DA, Greenleaf JF. Congenital heart disease: wide-field, three-dimensional, and four-dimensional ultrasound imaging. Am J Card Imaging. 1995 Jan; 9: (1)38-43.
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  125. Belohlavek M, Foley DA, Seward JB, Greenleaf JF. Diagnostic performance of two-dimensional versus three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic images of selected pathologies evaluated by receiver operating characteristic analysis. Echocardiography. 1994 Nov; 11 (6):635-45
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  126. Belohlavek M, Foley DA, Gerber TC, Greenleaf JF, Seward JB. Three-dimensional reconstruction of color Doppler jets in the human heart. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 1994 Nov-Dec; 7 (6):553-60
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  127. Gerber TC, Belohlavek M, Greenleaf JF, Foley DA, Seward JB. Dynamic spatial reconstruction of cardiovascular ultrasound images: four-dimensional ultrasound imaging. Am J Card Imaging. 1994 Apr; 8: (2)199-205.
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