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  3. Vaidya VR, Prueksaritanond S, Bois JP, Nadipalli A, Borgeson DD, Melduni RM. Impact of acute left ventricular apical thrombus on cardioversion for atrial fibrillation. Echocardiography. 2017 Nov; 34 (11):1708-1711 Epub 2017 Sept 24
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  4. Al-Hijji M, Yoon Park J, El Sabbagh A, Amin M, Maleszewski JJ, Borgeson DD. The Forgotten Valve: Isolated Severe Tricuspid Valve Stenosis. Circulation. 2015 Aug 18; 132 (7):e123-5
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  5. Miller WL, Borgeson DD, Grantham JA, Luchner A, Redfield MM, Burnett JC Jr. Dietary sodium modulation of aldosterone activation and renal function during the progression of experimental heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail. 2015; 17(2):144-50.
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  6. Myasoedova E, Davis JM 3rd, Crowson CS, Roger VL, Karon BL, Borgeson DD, Therneau TM, Matteson EL, Rodeheffer RJ, Gabriel SE. Brief report: rheumatoid arthritis is associated with left ventricular concentric remodeling: results of a population-based cross-sectional study. Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Jul; 65 (7):1713-8
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  7. Topilsky Y, Hasin T, Oh JK, Borgeson DD, Boilson BA, Schirger JA, Clavell AL, Frantz RP, Tsutsui R, Liu M, Maltais S, Kushwaha SS, Pereira NL, Park SJ. Echocardiographic variables after left ventricular assist device implantation associated with adverse outcome. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2011 Nov; 4 (6):648-61 Epub 2011 Sept 21
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  8. Crowson CS, Myasoedova E, Davis JM 3rd, Roger VL, Karon BL, Borgeson D, Rodeheffer RJ, Therneau TM, Gabriel SE. Use of B-type natriuretic peptide as a screening tool for left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis patients without clinical cardiovascular disease. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2011 May; 63 (5):729-34
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  10. Williamson EE, Kirsch J, Araoz PA, Edmister WB, Borgeson DD, Glockner JF, Breen JF. ECG-gated cardiac CT angiography using 64-MDCT for detection of patent foramen ovale. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008 Apr; 190: (4)929-33.
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  11. Martin FL, Stevens TL, Cataliotti A, Schirger JA, Borgeson DD, Redfield MM, Luchner A, Burnett JC Jr. Natriuretic and antialdosterone actions of chronic oral NEP inhibition during progressive congestive heart failure. Kidney Int. 2005 May; 67(5):1723-30.
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  12. Miller WL, Hartman KA, Burritt MF, Borgeson DD, Burnett JC Jr, Jaffe AS. Biomarker responses during and after treatment with nesiritide infusion in patients with decompensated chronic heart failure. Clin Chem. 2005 Mar; 51 (3):569-77 Epub 2004 Dec 22
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  13. Patel JB, Borgeson DD, Barnes ME, Rihal CS, Daly RC, Redfield MM. Mitral regurgitation in patients with advanced systolic heart failure. J Card Fail. 2004 Aug; 10 (4):285-91
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  14. Luchner A, Borgeson DD, Grantham JA, Friedrich E, Riegger GA, Burnett JC Jr, Redfield MM. Relationship between left ventricular wall stress and ANP gene expression during the evolution of rapid ventricular pacing-induced heart failure in the dog. Eur J Heart Fail. 2000 Dec; 2(4):379-86.
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  15. Luchner A, Jougasaki M, Friedrich E, Borgeson DD, Stevens TL, Redfield MM, Riegger GA, Burnett JC Jr. Activation of cardiorenal and pulmonary tissue endothelin-1 in experimental heart failure. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2000 Sep; 279(3):R974-9.
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  16. Borgeson DD, Stevens TL, Heublein DM, Matsuda Y, Burnett JC. Activation of myocardial and renal natriuretic peptides during acute intravascular volume overload in dogs: functional cardiorenal responses to receptor antagonism. Clin Sci (Lond). 1998 Aug; 95(2):195-202.
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  17. Luchner A, Stevens TL, Borgeson DD, Redfield M, Wei CM, Porter JG, Burnett JC Jr. Differential atrial and ventricular expression of myocardial BNP during evolution of heart failure. Am J Physiol. 1998 May; 274 (5):H1684-9
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  18. Borgeson DD, Grantham JA, Williamson EE, Luchner A, Redfield MM, Opgenorth TJ, Burnett JC Jr. Chronic oral endothelin type A receptor antagonism in experimental heart failure. Hypertension. 1998 Mar; 31 (3):766-70
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  19. Jougasaki M, Stevens TL, Borgeson DD, Luchner A, Redfield MM, Burnett JC Jr. Adrenomedullin in experimental congestive heart failure: cardiorenal activation. Am J Physiol. 1997 Oct; 273 (4):R1392-9
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  20. Grantham JA, Borgeson DD, Burnett JC Jr. BNP: pathophysiological and potential therapeutic roles in acute congestive heart failure. Am J Physiol. 1997 Apr; 272 (4 Pt 2):R1077-83
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  21. Supaporn T, Sandberg SM, Borgeson DD, Heublein DM, Luchner A, Wei CM, Dousa TP, Burnett JC Jr. Blunted cGMP response to agonists and enhanced glomerular cyclic 3',5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activities in experimental congestive heart failure. Kidney Int. 1996 Nov; 50 (5):1718-25
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  22. Borgeson DD, Seward JB, Miller FA Jr, Oh JK, Tajik AJ. Frequency of Doppler measurable pulmonary artery pressures. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 1996 Nov-Dec; 9 (6):832-7
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  23. Luchner A, Stevens TL, Borgeson DD, Redfield MM, Bailey JE, Sandberg SM, Heublein DM, Burnett JC Jr. Angiotensin II in the evolution of experimental heart failure. Hypertension. 1996 Sep; 28 (3):472-7
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