
  1. Acosta-Medina AA, Moyer AM, Go RS, Willrich MAV, Fervenza FC, Leung N, Bourlon C, Winters JL, Spears GM, Bryant SC, Sridharan M. Complement gene variant effect on relapse of complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy after eculizumab cessation. Blood Adv. 2023 Feb 14; 7 (3):340-350
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  2. Burgstaler EA, Bryant SC, Winters JL. Comparison of hematopoietic progenitor cell collection using different inlet flow rates with the Fenwal Amicus. J Clin Apher. 2022 Jun; 37 (3):206-216 Epub 2022 Jan 12
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  3. Saadeh RS, Bryant SC, McKeon A, Weinshenker B, Murray DL, Pittock SJ, Willrich MAV. CSF Kappa Free Light Chains: Cutoff Validation for Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Apr; 97 (4):738-751 Epub 2021 Dec 08
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  4. Shah S, Flanagan EP, Paul P, Smith CY, Bryant SC, Devine MF, Lennon VA, McKeon A, Pittock SJ, Dubey D. Population-Based Epidemiology Study of Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2022 Mar; 9 (2) Epub 2021 Dec 22
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  5. Tauscher C, Moldenhauer S, Bryant S, DiGuardo M, Jacob EK. Antibody incidence and red blood cell transfusions in patients on daratumumab. Transfusion. 2021 Dec; 61 (12):3468-3472 Epub 2021 Oct 07
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  6. De Michieli L, Babuin L, Vigolo S, Berti De Marinis G, Lunardon A, Favretto F, Lobo R, Sandoval Y, Bryant SC, Donato D, Plebani M, Vettor R, Iliceto S, Cianci V, Jaffe AS. Using high sensitivity cardiac troponin values in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19): The Padova experience. Clin Biochem. 2021 Apr; 90:8-14 Epub 2021 Jan 30
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  7. Snozek CLH, Spears GM, Porco AB, Erb S, Kaleta EJ, Bryant SC, Baumann NA. Updated ferritin reference intervals for the Roche Elecsys(R) immunoassay. Clin Biochem. 2021 Jan; 87:100-103 Epub 2020 Nov 12
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  8. Katzman BM, Bryant SC, Karon BS. Is It Time to Remove Total Calcium from the Basic and Comprehensive Metabolic Panels? Assessing the Effects of American Medical Association-Approved Chemical Test Panels on Laboratory Utilization. Clin Chem. 2020 Nov 1; 66 (11):1444-1449
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  9. Katzman BM, Wockenfus AM, Scott RJ, Bryant SC, Jaffe AS, Karon BS. Estimating short- and long-term reference change values and index of individuality for tests of platelet function. Clin Biochem. 2019 Dec; 74:54-59 Epub 2019 Nov 04
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  10. Basha BM, Bryant SC, Rech KL, Feldman AL, Vrana JA, Shi M, Reed KA, King RL. Application of a 5 Marker Panel to the Routine Diagnosis of Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma With T-Follicular Helper Phenotype. Am J Surg Pathol. 2019 Sep; 43 (9):1282-1290
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  11. Klee GG, Ichihara K, Ozarda Y, Baumann NA, Straseski J, Bryant SC, Wood-Wentz CM. Reference Intervals: Comparison of Calculation Methods and Evaluation of Procedures for Merging Reference Measurements From Two US Medical Centers. Am J Clin Pathol. 2018 Oct 24; 150(6):545-554.
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  12. Sridharan M, Go RS, Abraham RS, Fervenza FC, Sethi S, Bryant SC, Spears GM, Murray DL, Willrich MAV. Diagnostic Utility of Complement Serology for Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Oct; 93 (10):1351-1362
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  13. Ayoub C, Kumar G, Smith CY, Bryant SC, Jech DM, Ionescu F, Petrescu I, Miller FA, Spittell PC. Reference Values for Mid-Ascending Aorta Diameters by Transthoracic Echocardiography in Adults. Am J Cardiol. 2018 Sep 15; 122 (6):1068-1073 Epub 2018 June 27
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  14. Chen D, Uhl CB, Bryant SC, Krumwiede M, Barness RL, Olson MC, Gossman SC, Erdogan Damgard S, Gamb SI, Cummins LA, Charlesworth JE, Wood-Wentz CM, Salisbury JL, Plumhoff EA, Van Cott EM, He R, Warad DM, Pruthi RK, Heit JA, Nichols WL, White JG. Diagnostic laboratory standardization and validation of platelet transmission electron microscopy. Platelets. 2018 Sep; 29(6):574-582. Epub 2018 Jun 04.
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  15. Willrich MAV, Andreguetto BD, Sridharan M, Fervenza FC, Tostrud LJ, Ladwig PM, Rivard AM, Hetrick MD, Olson RN, Bryant SC, Snyder MR, Murray DL. The impact of eculizumab on routine complement assays. J Immunol Methods. 2018 Sep; 460:63-71 Epub 2018 June 20
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  16. Meeusen JW, Donato LJ, Bryant SC, Baudhuin LM, Berger PB, Jaffe AS. Plasma Ceramides. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2018 Aug; 38 (8):1933-1939
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  17. Gurtner KM, Shosha E, Bryant SC, Andreguetto BD, Murray DL, Pittock SJ, Willrich MAV. CSF free light chain identification of demyelinating disease: comparison with oligoclonal banding and other CSF indexes. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2018 Jun 27; 56 (7):1071-1080
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  18. Burgstaler EA, Bryant SC, Winters JL. Paired comparison of therapeutic plasma exchange using the Fenwal Amicus versus TerumoBCT Spectra Optia. J Clin Apher. 2018 Jun; 33 (3):265-273 Epub 2017 Sept 23
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  19. V Willrich MA, Kaleta EJ, Bryant SC, Spears GM, Train LJ, Peterson SE, Lennon VA, Kopecky SL, Baudhuin LM. Genetic variation in statin intolerance and a possible protective role for UGT1A1. Pharmacogenomics. 2018 Jan; 19 (2):83-94 Epub 2017 Dec 06
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  20. Dubey D, Pittock SJ, Kelly CR, McKeon A, Lopez-Chiriboga AS, Lennon VA, Gadoth A, Smith CY, Bryant SC, Klein CJ, Aksamit AJ, Toledano M, Boeve BF, Tillema JM, Flanagan EP. Autoimmune encephalitis epidemiology and a comparison to infectious encephalitis. Ann Neurol. 2018 Jan; 83(1):166-177.
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  21. Karon BS, Tolan NV, Wockenfus AM, Block DR, Baumann NA, Bryant SC, Clements CM. Evaluation of lactate, white blood cell count, neutrophil count, procalcitonin and immature granulocyte count as biomarkers for sepsis in emergency department patients. Clin Biochem. 2017 Nov; 50 (16-17):956-958 Epub 2017 May 25
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  22. Fine KL, Carey WA, Schuster JAW, Bryant SC, Cook WJ, Karon BS. Defining the limitations of transcutaneous bilirubin measurement in late preterm newborns. J Perinatol. 2017 Jun; 37 (6):658-661 Epub 2017 Feb 16
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  23. Garrity-Park MM, Loftus EV Jr, Bryant SC, Smyrk TC. A Biomarker Panel to Detect Synchronous Neoplasm in Non-neoplastic Surveillance Biopsies from Patients with Ulcerative Colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2016 Jul; 22 (7):1568-74
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  24. Bancos I, Erickson D, Bryant S, Hines J, Nippoldt TB, Natt N, Singh R. PERFORMANCE OF FREE VERSUS TOTAL CORTISOL FOLLOWING COSYNTROPIN STIMULATION TESTING IN AN OUTPATIENT SETTING. Endocr Pract. 2015 Dec; 21(12):1353-63. Epub 2015 Sep 04.
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  25. Karon BS, Meeusen JW, Bryant SC. Impact of Glucose Meter Error on Glycemic Variability and Time in Target Range During Glycemic Control After Cardiovascular Surgery. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2015 Aug 25; 10 (2):336-42
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  26. Mulay S, Kreuter JD, Bryant SC, Elliott MA, Hogan WJ, Winters JL, Gastineau DA. Outcomes of plasma exchange in patients with transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy based on time of presentation since transplant. J Clin Apher. 2015 Jun; 30: (3)147-53.
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  27. Moyer AM, Walker DL, Avula R, Lapid MI, Kung S, Bryant SC, Edwards KK, Black JL, Karpyak VM, Shinozaki G, Jowsey-Gregoire SG, Ehlers SL, Romanowicz M, Litzow MR, Hogan WJ, Rundell JR, Hooten WM, Baudhuin LM. Relationship of genetic variation in the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) and congenital and acquired cardiovascular diseases. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2015 Mar; 19(3):115-23. Epub 2015 Feb 11.
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  28. Vitek CR, Dale JC, Homburger HA, Bryant SC, Saenger AK, Karon BS. Development and initial validation of a project-based rubric to assess the systems-based practice competency of residents in the clinical chemistry rotation of a pathology residency. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2014 Jun; 138 (6):809-13
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  29. Bendix BJ, Tauscher CD, Bryant SC, Stubbs JR, Jacob EK. Defining a reference range for cold agglutinin titers. Transfusion. 2014 May; 54(5):1294-7. Epub 2013 Oct 16.
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  30. Mukhopadhyay S, Wilcox BE, Myers JL, Bryant SC, Buckwalter SP, Wengenack NL, Yi ES, Aughenbaugh GL, Specks U, Aubry MC. Pulmonary necrotizing granulomas of unknown cause: clinical and pathologic analysis of 131 patients with completely resected nodules. Chest. 2013 Sep; 144 (3):813-824
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  31. Algeciras-Schimnich A, Bruns DE, Boyd JC, Bryant SC, La Fortune KA, Grebe SK. Failure of current laboratory protocols to detect lot-to-lot reagent differences: findings and possible solutions. Clin Chem. 2013 Aug; 59 (8):1187-94 Epub 2013 Apr 16
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  32. Willrich MA, Rodrigues AC, Cerda A, Genvigir FD, Arazi SS, Dorea EL, Bernik MM, Bertolami MC, Faludi A, Largura A, Baudhuin LM, Bryant SC, Hirata MH, Hirata RD. Effects of atorvastatin on CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 mRNA expression in mononuclear cells and CYP3A activity in hypercholeresterolemic patients. Clin Chim Acta. 2013 Jun 5; 421:157-63. Epub 2013 Mar 15.
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  33. Schinstock CA, Semret MH, Wagner SJ, Borland TM, Bryant SC, Kashani KB, Larson TS, Lieske JC. Urinalysis is more specific and urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin is more sensitive for early detection of acute kidney injury. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2013 May; 28 (5):1175-85 Epub 2012 Apr 23
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  34. Schmidt AM, Bendix BJ, Jacob EK, Bryant SC, Stubbs JR. Single-center comparison of gel microcolumn and solid-phase methods for antibody screening. IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY. 2013; 29(3):101-4.
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  35. Amini Z, Bryant S, Smith C, Singh R, Kumar S. Is the serum vitamin D-parathyroid hormone relationship influenced by obesity in children? Horm Res Paediatr. 2013; 80(4):252-6. Epub 2013 Sep 25.
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  36. Erickson D, Singh RJ, Sathananthan A, Vella A, Bryant SC. Late-night salivary cortisol for diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry assay. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Apr; 76(4):467-72.
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  37. McHugh D, Cameron CA, Abdenur JE, Abdulrahman M, Adair O, Al Nuaimi SA, Ahlman H, Allen JJ, Antonozzi I, Archer S, Au S, Auray-Blais C, Baker M, Bamforth F, Beckmann K, Pino GB, Berberich SL, Binard R, Boemer F, Bonham J, Breen NN, Bryant SC, Caggana M, Bryant SC, Caldwell SG, Camilot M, Campbell C, Carducci C, Bryant SC, Caggana M, Bryant SC, Caldwell SG, Camilot M, Campbell C, Carducci C, Cariappa R, Carlisle C, Caruso U, Cassanello M, Castilla AM, Ramos DE, Chakraborty P, Chandrasekar R, Ramos AC, Cheillan D, Chien YH, Childs TA, Chrastina P, Sica YC, de Juan JA, Colandre ME, Espinoza VC, Corso G, Currier R, Cyr D, Czuczy N, D'Apolito O, Davis T, de Sain-Van der Velden MG, Delgado Pecellin C, Di Gangi IM, Di Stefano CM, Dotsikas Y, Downing M, Downs SM, Dy B, Dymerski M, Rueda I, Elvers B, Eaton R, Eckerd BM, El Mougy F, Eroh S, Espada M, Evans C, Fawbush S, Fijolek KF, Fisher L, Franzson L, Frazier DM, Garcia LR, Bermejo MS, Gavrilov D, Gerace R, Giordano G, Irazabal YG, Greed LC, Grier R, Grycki E, Gu X, Gulamali-Majid F, Hagar AF, Han L, Hannon WH, Haslip C, Hassan FA, He M, Hietala A, Himstedt L, Hoffman GL, Hoffman W, Hoggatt P, Hopkins PV, Hougaard DM, Hughes K, Hunt PR, Hwu WL, Hynes J, Ibarra-Gonzalez I, Ingham CA, Ivanova M, Jacox WB, John C, Johnson JP, Jonsson JJ, Karg E, Kasper D, Klopper B, Katakouzinos D, Khneisser I, Knoll D, Kobayashi H, Koneski R, Kozich V, Kouapei R, Kohlmueller D, Kremensky I, la Marca G, Lavochkin M, Lee SY, Lehotay DC, Lemes A, Lepage J, Lesko B, Lewis B, Lim C, Linard S, Lindner M, Lloyd-Puryear MA, Lorey F, Loukas YL, Luedtke J, Maffitt N, Magee JF, Manning A, Manos S, Marie S, Hadachi SM, Marquardt G, Martin SJ, Matern D, Mayfield Gibson SK, Mayne P, McCallister TD, McCann M, McClure J, McGill JJ, McKeever CD, McNeilly B, Morrissey MA, Moutsatsou P, Mulcahy EA, Nikoloudis D, Norgaard-Pedersen B, Oglesbee D, Oltarzewski M, Ombrone D, Ojodu J, Papakonstantinou V, Reoyo SP, Park HD, Pasquali M, Pasquini E, Patel P, Pass KA, Peterson C, Pettersen RD, Pitt JJ, Poh S, Pollak A, Porter C, Poston PA, Price RW, Queijo C, Quesada J, Randell E, Ranieri E, Raymond K, Reddic JE, Reuben A, Ricciardi C, Rinaldo P, Rivera JD, Roberts A, Rocha H, Roche G, Greenberg CR, Mellado JM, Juan-Fita MJ, Ruiz C, Ruoppolo M, Rutledge SL, Ryu E, Saban C, Sahai I, Garcia-Blanco MI, Santiago-Borrero P, Schenone A, Schoos R, Schweitzer B, Scott P, Seashore MR, Seeterlin MA, Sesser DE, Sevier DW, Shone SM, Sinclair G, Skrinska VA, Stanley EL, Strovel ET, Jones AL, Sunny S, Takats Z, Tanyalcin T, Teofoli F, Thompson JR, Tomashitis K, Domingos MT, Torres J, Torres R, Tortorelli S, Turi S, Turner K, Tzanakos N, Valiente AG, Vallance H, Vela-Amieva M, Vilarinho L, von Dobeln U, Vincent MF, Vorster BC, Watson MS, Webster D, Weiss S, Wilcken B, Wiley V, Williams SK, Willis SA, Woontner M, Wright K, Yahyaoui R, Yamaguchi S, Yssel M, Zakowicz WM. Clinical validation of cutoff target ranges in newborn screening of metabolic disorders by tandem mass spectrometry: a worldwide collaborative project. Genet Med. 2011 Mar; 13 (3):230-54
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  38. McHugh D, Cameron CA, Abdenur JE, Abdulrahman M, Adair O, Al Nuaimi SA, Ahlman H, Allen JJ, Antonozzi I, Archer S, Au S, Auray-Blais C, Baker M, Bamforth F, Beckmann K, Pino GB, Berberich SL, Binard R, Boemer F, Bonham J, Breen NN, Bryant SC, Caggana M, Bryant SC, Caldwell SG, Camilot M, Campbell C, Carducci C, Bryant SC, Caggana M, Bryant SC, Caldwell SG, Camilot M, Campbell C, Carducci C, Cariappa R, Carlisle C, Caruso U, Cassanello M, Castilla AM, Ramos DE, Chakraborty P, Chandrasekar R, Ramos AC, Cheillan D, Chien YH, Childs TA, Chrastina P, Sica YC, de Juan JA, Colandre ME, Espinoza VC, Corso G, Currier R, Cyr D, Czuczy N, D'Apolito O, Davis T, de Sain-Van der Velden MG, Delgado Pecellin C, Di Gangi IM, Di Stefano CM, Dotsikas Y, Downing M, Downs SM, Dy B, Dymerski M, Rueda I, Elvers B, Eaton R, Eckerd BM, El Mougy F, Eroh S, Espada M, Evans C, Fawbush S, Fijolek KF, Fisher L, Franzson L, Frazier DM, Garcia LR, Bermejo MS, Gavrilov D, Gerace R, Giordano G, Irazabal YG, Greed LC, Grier R, Grycki E, Gu X, Gulamali-Majid F, Hagar AF, Han L, Hannon WH, Haslip C, Hassan FA, He M, Hietala A, Himstedt L, Hoffman GL, Hoffman W, Hoggatt P, Hopkins PV, Hougaard DM, Hughes K, Hunt PR, Hwu WL, Hynes J, Ibarra-Gonzalez I, Ingham CA, Ivanova M, Jacox WB, John C, Johnson JP, Jonsson JJ, Karg E, Kasper D, Klopper B, Katakouzinos D, Khneisser I, Knoll D, Kobayashi H, Koneski R, Kozich V, Kouapei R, Kohlmueller D, Kremensky I, la Marca G, Lavochkin M, Lee SY, Lehotay DC, Lemes A, Lepage J, Lesko B, Lewis B, Lim C, Linard S, Lindner M, Lloyd-Puryear MA, Lorey F, Loukas YL, Luedtke J, Maffitt N, Magee JF, Manning A, Manos S, Marie S, Hadachi SM, Marquardt G, Martin SJ, Matern D, Mayfield Gibson SK, Mayne P, McCallister TD, McCann M, McClure J, McGill JJ, McKeever CD, McNeilly B, Morrissey MA, Moutsatsou P, Mulcahy EA, Nikoloudis D, Norgaard-Pedersen B, Oglesbee D, Oltarzewski M, Ombrone D, Ojodu J, Papakonstantinou V, Reoyo SP, Park HD, Pasquali M, Pasquini E, Patel P, Pass KA, Peterson C, Pettersen RD, Pitt JJ, Poh S, Pollak A, Porter C, Poston PA, Price RW, Queijo C, Quesada J, Randell E, Ranieri E, Raymond K, Reddic JE, Reuben A, Ricciardi C, Rinaldo P, Rivera JD, Roberts A, Rocha H, Roche G, Greenberg CR, Mellado JM, Juan-Fita MJ, Ruiz C, Ruoppolo M, Rutledge SL, Ryu E, Saban C, Sahai I, Garcia-Blanco MI, Santiago-Borrero P, Schenone A, Schoos R, Schweitzer B, Scott P, Seashore MR, Seeterlin MA, Sesser DE, Sevier DW, Shone SM, Sinclair G, Skrinska VA, Stanley EL, Strovel ET, Jones AL, Sunny S, Takats Z, Tanyalcin T, Teofoli F, Thompson JR, Tomashitis K, Domingos MT, Torres J, Torres R, Tortorelli S, Turi S, Turner K, Tzanakos N, Valiente AG, Vallance H, Vela-Amieva M, Vilarinho L, von Dobeln U, Vincent MF, Vorster BC, Watson MS, Webster D, Weiss S, Wilcken B, Wiley V, Williams SK, Willis SA, Woontner M, Wright K, Yahyaoui R, Yamaguchi S, Yssel M, Zakowicz WM. Clinical validation of cutoff target ranges in newborn screening of metabolic disorders by tandem mass spectrometry: a worldwide collaborative project. Genet Med. 2011 Mar; 13 (3):230-54
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  39. Nassar A, Sookhan N, Santisteban M, Bryant SC, Boughey JC, Giorgadze T, Degnim A. Diagnostic utility of snail in metaplastic breast carcinoma. Diagn Pathol. 2010 Nov 26; 5:76
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  40. Skinner JE, Driscoll SW, Porter CB, Brands CK, Pianosi PT, Kuntz NL, Nelson DE, Burkhardt BE, Bryant SC, Fischer PR. Orthostatic heart rate and blood pressure in adolescents: reference ranges. J Child Neurol. 2010 Oct; 25(10):1210-5. Epub 2010 Mar 01.
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  41. Baudhuin LM, Miller WL, Train L, Bryant S, Hartman KA, Phelps M, Larock M, Jaffe AS. Relation of ADRB1, CYP2D6, and UGT1A1 polymorphisms with dose of, and response to, carvedilol or metoprolol therapy in patients with chronic heart failure. Am J Cardiol. 2010 Aug 1; 106 (3):402-8
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  42. Winters JL, Richa EM, Bryant SC, Tauscher CD, Bendix BJ, Stubbs JR. Polyethylene glycol antiglobulin tube versus gel microcolumn: influence on the incidence of delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions and delayed serologic transfusion reactions. Transfusion. 2010 Jul; 50 (7):1444-52 Epub 2010 Mar 03
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  43. Garrity-Park MM, Loftus EV, Sandborn WJ, Bryant SC, Smyrk TC. Methylation status of genes in non-neoplastic mucosa from patients with ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010 Jul; 105(7):1610-9. Epub 2010 Feb 16.
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  44. Saenger AK, Dalenberg DA, Bryant SC, Grebe SK, Jaffe AS. Pediatric brain natriuretic peptide concentrations vary with age and sex and appear to be modulated by testosterone. Clin Chem. 2009 Oct; 55 (10):1869-75 Epub 2009 Aug 13
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  45. Mullan RJ, Montori VM, Shah ND, Christianson TJ, Bryant SC, Guyatt GH, Perestelo-Perez LI, Stroebel RJ, Yawn BP, Yapuncich V, Breslin MA, Pencille L, Smith SA. The diabetes mellitus medication choice decision aid: a randomized trial. Arch Intern Med. 2009 Sep 28; 169 (17):1560-8
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  46. Almquist JR, Kelly C, Bromberg J, Bryant SC, Christianson TH, Montori VM. Consultation room design and the clinical encounter: the space and interaction randomized trial. HERD. 2009 Fall; 3(1):41-78.
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  47. Garrity-Park MM, Loftus EV, Sandborn WJ, Bryant SC, Smyrk TC. MHC Class II alleles in ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Gut. 2009 Sep; 58(9):1226-33. Epub 2009 Feb 26.
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  48. Jones LA, Weymiller AJ, Shah N, Bryant SC, Christianson TJ, Guyatt GH, Gafni A, Smith SA, Montori VM. Should clinicians deliver decision aids? Further exploration of the statin choice randomized trial results. Med Decis Making. 2009 Jul-Aug; 29 (4):468-74 Epub 2009 July 15
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  49. Fritcher EG, Kipp BR, Halling KC, Oberg TN, Bryant SC, Tarrell RF, Gores GJ, Levy MJ, Clayton AC, Sebo TJ, Roberts LR. A multivariable model using advanced cytologic methods for the evaluation of indeterminate pancreatobiliary strictures. Gastroenterology. 2009 Jun; 136(7):2180-6. Epub 2009 Feb 14.
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  50. Denton BT, Kurt M, Shah ND, Bryant SC, Smith SA. Optimizing the start time of statin therapy for patients with diabetes. Med Decis Making. 2009 May-Jun; 29(3):351-67. Epub 2009 May 08.
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  51. Nannenga MR, Montori VM, Weymiller AJ, Smith SA, Christianson TJ, Bryant SC, Gafni A, Charles C, Mullan RJ, Jones LA, Bolona ER, Guyatt GH. A treatment decision aid may increase patient trust in the diabetes specialist. The Statin Choice randomized trial. Health Expect. 2009 Mar; 12 (1):38-44
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  52. Kipp BR, Tanasescu M, Else TA, Bryant SC, Karnes RJ, Sebo TJ, Halling KC. Quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization and its ability to predict bladder cancer recurrence and progression to muscle-invasive bladder cancer. J Mol Diagn. 2009 Mar; 11 (2):148-54 Epub 2009 Jan 29
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  53. El-Sibai MF, Cohen C, Nassar A, Bryant SC, Siddiqui MT. Predictive markers in primary breast cancer compared with lymph node and bloodspread metastases. International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. 2009; 1(1):57-63.
  54. Rodriguez FJ, Scheithauer BW, Giannini C, Bryant SC, Jenkins RB. Epithelial and pseudoepithelial differentiation in glioblastoma and gliosarcoma: a comparative morphologic and molecular genetic study. Cancer. 2008 Nov 15; 113 (10):2779-89
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  55. Smith SA, Shah ND, Bryant SC, Christianson TJ, Bjornsen SS, Giesler PD, Krause K, Erwin PJ, Montori VM, Evidens Research Group. Chronic care model and shared care in diabetes: randomized trial of an electronic decision support system. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008 Jul; 83 (7):747-57
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  56. Richa E, Krueger P, Burgstaler EA, Bryant SC, Winters JL. The effect of double- and triple-apheresis platelet product donation on apheresis donor platelet and white blood cell counts. Transfusion. 2008 Jul; 48(7):1325-32. Epub 2008 Mar 13.
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  57. Binnicker MJ, Jespersen DJ, Harring JA, Rollins LO, Bryant SC, Beito EM. Evaluation of two commercial systems for automated processing, reading, and interpretation of Lyme borreliosis Western blots. J Clin Microbiol. 2008 Jul; 46 (7):2216-21 Epub 2008 May 07
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  58. Karon BS, Griesmann L, Scott R, Bryant SC, Dubois JA, Shirey TL, Presti S, Santrach PJ. Evaluation of the impact of hematocrit and other interference on the accuracy of hospital-based glucose meters. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2008 Apr; 10 (2):111-20
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  59. Rodriguez FJ, Perry A, Gutmann DH, O'Neill BP, Leonard J, Bryant S, Giannini C. Gliomas in neurofibromatosis type 1: a clinicopathologic study of 100 patients. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2008 Mar; 67 (3):240-9
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  60. Garrity-Park MM, Loftus EV, Bryant SC, Sandborn WJ, Smyrk TC. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha polymorphisms in ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Feb; 103(2):407-15.
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  61. Pulido JS, Peterson LM, Mutapcic L, Bryant S, Highsmith WE. LOC387715/HTRA1 and complement factor H variants in patients with age-related macular degeneration seen at the mayo clinic. Ophthalmic Genet. 2007 Dec; 28(4):203-7.
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  62. Karon BS, Gandhi GY, Nuttall GA, Bryant SC, Schaff HV, McMahon MM, Santrach PJ. Accuracy of roche accu-chek inform whole blood capillary, arterial, and venous glucose values in patients receiving intensive intravenous insulin therapy after cardiac surgery. Am J Clin Pathol. 2007 Jun; 127(6):919-26.
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  63. Snozek CL, Saenger AK, Greipp PR, Bryant SC, Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV, Katzmann JA. Comparison of bromcresol green and agarose protein electrophoresis for quantitation of serum albumin in multiple myeloma. Clin Chem. 2007 Jun; 53 (6):1099-103 Epub 2007 Apr 26
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  64. Weymiller AJ, Montori VM, Jones LA, Gafni A, Guyatt GH, Bryant SC, Christianson TJ, Mullan RJ, Smith SA. Helping patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus make treatment decisions: statin choice randomized trial. Arch Intern Med. 2007 May 28; 167 (10):1076-82
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  65. Pulido JS, McConnell JP, Lennon RJ, Bryant SC, Peterson LM, Berger PB, Somers V, Highsmith WE. Relationship between age-related macular degeneration-associated variants of complement factor H and LOC387715 with coronary artery disease. Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 Mar; 82(3):301-7.
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  66. Richa E, Benidt G, Tauscher C, Stowers R, Bryant S, Stubbs J. Eluate testing following microscopically positive direct antiglobulin tests with anti-IgG. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2007 Spring; 37(2):167-9.
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  67. Pittock SJ, Reindl M, Achenbach S, Berger T, Bruck W, Konig F, Morales Y, Lassmann H, Bryant S, Moore SB, Keegan BM, Lucchinetti CF. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies in pathologically proven multiple sclerosis: frequency, stability and clinicopathologic correlations. Mult Scler. 2007 Jan; 13: (1)7-16.
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  68. Stan MN, Garrity JA, Bradley EA, Woog JJ, Bahn MM, Brennan MD, Bryant SC, Achenbach SJ, Bahn RS. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of long-acting release octreotide for treatment of Graves' ophthalmopathy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Dec; 91 (12):4817-24 Epub 2006 Sept 19
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  69. Christianson TJ, Bryant SC, Weymiller AJ, Smith SA, Montori VM. A pen-and-paper coronary risk estimator for office use with patients with type 2 diabetes. Mayo Clin Proc. 2006 May; 81 (5):632-6
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  70. Fonseca R, Debes-Marun CS, Picken EB, Dewald GW, Bryant SC, Winkler JM, Blood E, Oken MM, Santana-Davila R, Gonzalez-Paz N, Kyle RA, Gertz MA, Dispenzieri A, Lacy MQ, Greipp PR. The recurrent IgH translocations are highly associated with nonhyperdiploid variant multiple myeloma. Blood. 2003 Oct 1; 102 (7):2562-7 Epub 2003 June 12
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