
  1. Dunn W, Dong Y, Zendejas B, Ruparel R, Farley D. Simulation, Mastery Learning and Healthcare. Am J Med Sci. 2017 Feb; 353: (2)158-165.
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  2. Hurt RD, Murphy JG, Dunn WF. Did we finally slay the evil dragon of cigarette smoking in the late 20th century?: unfortunately, the answer is no - the dragon is still alive and well in the 21st century and living in the third world. Shame on us! Chest. 2014 Dec; 146: (6)1438-1443.
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  3. Laack TA, Dong Y, Goyal DG, Sadosty AT, Suri HS, Dunn WF. Short-term and long-term impact of the central line workshop on resident clinical performance during simulated central line placement. Simul Healthc. 2014 Aug; 9 (4):228-33
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  4. Dong Y, Dunn WF. Accidental decannulation: Systems thinking, patient protection, and affordable care. Respir Care. 2012; 57(12):2133-5.
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  5. Zendejas B, Cook DA, Bingener J, Huebner M, Dunn WF, Sarr MG, Farley DR. Simulation-based mastery learning improves patient outcomes in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg. 2011 Sep; 254 (3):502-9; discussion 509-11
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  6. McGaghie WC, Draycott TJ, Dunn WF, Lopez CM, Stefanidis D. Evaluating the impact of simulation on translational patient outcomes. Simul Healthc. 2011 Aug; 6 Suppl:S42-7.
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  7. Dong Y, Suri HS, Cook DA, Kashani KB, Mullon JJ, Enders FT, Rubin O, Ziv A, Dunn WF. Simulation-based objective assessment discerns clinical proficiency in central line placement: a construct validation. Chest. 2010 May; 137 (5):1050-6 Epub 2010 Jan 08
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  8. Brindley PG, Dunn WF. Simulation for clinical research trials: a theoretical outline. J Crit Care. 2009 Jun; 24(2):164-7. Epub 2009 Mar 27.
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  9. Arnold JJ, Johnson LM, Tucker SJ, Malec JF, Henrickson SE, Dunn WF. Evaluation tools in simulation learning: performance and self-efficacy in emergency response. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2009 Jan-Feb; 5(1):e35-43.
  10. Arnold JJ, Torsher L, Belda T, Hurley LM, Keehr C, Dunn W. Standardizing the process for developing simulation-based experiences for customers and learners: initial inquiry to follow-up. Clinical Simulation in Nursing Education. 2008 Jul; 4(2):e25-31.
  11. Dunn WF, Adams SC, Adams RW. Iatrogenic delirium and coma: a "near miss". Chest. 2008 May; 133(5):1217-20.
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  12. Murphy JG, Torsher LC, Dunn WF. Simulation medicine in intensive care and coronary care education. J Crit Care. 2007 Mar; 22(1):51-5.
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  13. Malec JF, Torsher LC, Dunn WF, Wiegmann DA, Arnold JJ, Brown DA, Phatak V. The mayo high performance teamwork scale: reliability and validity for evaluating key crew resource management skills. Simul Healthc. 2007 Spring; 2 (1):4-10
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  14. Murphy JG, Cremonini F, Kane GC, Dunn W. Is simulation based medicine training the future of clinical medicine? Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2007 Jan-Feb; 11(1):1-8.
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  15. Lim KG, Dunn WF, Klarich KW, Afessa B. Internal medicine resident education in the medical intensive care unit: the impact on education and patient care of a scheduling change for didactic sessions. Crit Care Med. 2005 Jul; 33 (7):1534-7
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  16. Afessa B, Tefferi A, Dunn WF, Litzow MR, Peters SG. Intensive care unit support and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III performance in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Crit Care Med. 2003 Jun; 31(6):1715-21.
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  17. Bunch TJ, Dunn WF, Basu A, Gosman RI. Hyponatremia and hypoglycemia in acute Sheehan's syndrome. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2002 Oct; 16(5):419-23.
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  18. Dunn WF, Buckley JD. Pulmonary Artery Catheterization: Is it Contraindicated in ARDS Patients? Pulmonary Reviews. 2000; 5(3):19-28.
  19. Cowl CT, Dunn WF, Deschamps C. Visualization of diaphragmatic fenestration associated with catamenial pneumothorax. Ann Thorac Surg. 1999 Oct; 68 (4):1413-4
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  20. Dunn WF. Is routine use of pulmonary artery catheters indicated in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome? Pro: (sometimes) indicated. Journal of Bronchology. 1999; 6(2):115-118.
  21. Mesa RA, Edell ES, Dunn WF, Edwards WD. Human immunodeficiency virus infection and pulmonary hypertension: two new cases and a review of 86 reported cases. Mayo Clin Proc. 1998 Jan; 73(1):37-45.
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  22. Rowe FA, Camilleri M, Forstrom LA, Batts KP, Mullan BP, Thomforde GM, Dunn W, Zinsmeister AR. A pilot study of splenic and whole body retention of autologous radiolabeled leukocytes in the assessment of severity in inflammatory colitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 1995 Oct; 90: (10)1771-5.
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  23. Daas M, Plevak DJ, Wijdicks EF, Rakela J, Wiesner RH, Piepgras DG, Dunn WF, Steers JL. Acute liver failure: results of a 5-year clinical protocol. Liver Transpl Surg. 1995 Jul; 1 (4):210-9
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  24. Patterson DL, Yunginger JW, Dunn WF, Jones RT, Hunt LW. Anaphylaxis induced by the carboxymethylcellulose component of injectable triamcinolone acetonide suspension (Kenalog). Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1995 Feb; 74: (2)163-6.
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  25. Allen RM, Dunn WF, Limper AH. Diagnosing ventilator-associated pneumonia: the role of bronchoscopy. Mayo Clin Proc. 1994 Oct; 69 (10):962-8
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  26. Brandt RR, Dunn WF, Ory SJ. Dextran 70 embolization. Another cause of pulmonary hemorrhage, coagulopathy, and rhabdomyolysis. Chest. 1993 Aug; 104 (2):631-3
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  27. Davila DG, Dunn WF, Tazelaar HD, Pairolero PC. Bronchial carcinoid tumors. Mayo Clin Proc. 1993 Aug; 68 (8):795-803
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  28. Patel AM, Patel AM, Dunn WF, Trastek VF. Staging systems of lung cancer. Mayo Clin Proc. 1993 May; 68 (5):475-82
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  29. Dunn WF, Scanlon PD. Preoperative pulmonary function testing for patients with lung cancer. Mayo Clin Proc. 1993 Apr; 68 (4):371-7
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  30. Plevak D, Krowka M, Rettke S, Dunn W, Southorn P. Successful liver transplantation in patients with mild to moderate pulmonary hypertension. Transplant Proc. 1993 Apr; 25(2):1840.
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  31. Dunn WF, Nelson SB, Hubmayr RD. The control of breathing during weaning from mechanical ventilation. Chest. 1991 Sep; 100 (3):754-61
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  32. Dunn WF, Nelson SB, Hubmayr RD. Oxygen-induced hypercarbia in obstructive pulmonary disease. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1991 Sep; 144(3 Pt 1):526-30.
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  33. Dunn WF. Preoperative Assessment of the Lung Cancer Patient - Spirometry and Arterial Blood Gases. J of Resp Dis ,. 1991; 12: (3)225-32.
  34. Dunn WF, Hubmayr RD, Pairolero PC, Sheedy PF, Edell ES, Nelson SB. The assessment of major airway function in a ventilator-dependent patient with tracheomalacia. Chest. 1990 Apr; 97 (4):939-42
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  35. Dunn WF, Nelson SB, Hubmayr RD. The determinants of arterial CO2 tension during weaning from mechanical ventilation. Chest. 1990 Mar; 97 (3 Suppl):68S-69S
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