Career Opportunities

Research fellowship opportunities

The Neural Engineering Laboratory regularly hires research fellows for a period of one year. These fellowships can be extended for an additional year based on performance.

For more information, to view the list of current Mayo Clinic research position openings or to apply, visit Jobs at Mayo Clinic.

The Neural Engineering Lab's capacity to accommodate temporary research staff varies throughout the year depending on the availability of senior lab staff, faculty and students to serve as mentors. Due to the substantial number of requests received, we cannot guarantee that all inquiries will receive a reply. Candidates who have specific research skills, experience, or interests and ideas for research projects in line with the mission, goals and current projects of the Neural Engineering Lab receive preference.

Please contact Hojin Shin, Ph.D., at and Michael J. Coenen at with inquiries regarding current openings.

Allied health career opportunities

The Neural Engineering Laboratory is often hiring allied health staff. Primary needs are for engineers and research technologists. If you have skills related to any of our research specialties, we are interested in hearing from you.

Allied health staff openings are posted regularly to Jobs at Mayo Clinic. Please contact Michael J. Coenen at with inquiries regarding current openings.