
Contact Dr. Joyner for more information about his lab's research on human physiology and the effects of physical activity and stress on blood pressure, metabolism, weight loss and cardiovascular function. You also can contact us about our work on pandemics, convalescent plasma and passive immunity. In addition, you can contact Dr. Joyner's lab if you're interested in research training positions or participating in a research study.

Michael J. Joyner, M.D.

  • Human and Integrative Physiology and Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory
  • Mayo Clinic
    200 First Street SW
    Rochester, MN 55905
  • Email:

If you're interested in participating in a research study through Dr. Joyner's lab, contact:

Pamela A. Engrav

  • Associate Clinical Research Coordinator
  • 24-Hour Study Information Line
  • Phone: 507-255-6938
  • Email: