
Mayo Clinic's Human Immunodeficiency Virus Lab is helping advance the training of postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduates. Contact our lab for information about possible research training and education opportunities working with Dr. Badley.

Alumni of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Laboratory include:

  • Zachary Bernstein, Undergraduate Research Employment Program (UREP), 2019
  • Andrea J. French, Graduate Research Employment Program (GREP), 2019
  • Ana C. Paim, clinical fellow, 2019
  • Fatma Aboulnasr, postdoctoral fellow, 2018
  • Steve P. Burke, postdoctoral fellow, 2017
  • Anjie Ge, UREP, 2017
  • Ragul Sampath, clinical fellow, 2017
  • Michele K. Smart, senior research technologist, 2015-2017
  • Radek Sleha, visiting fellow, 2016
  • Amy M. Sainski, research fellow, 2014
  • Andrew Peters, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), 2010
  • Gary Bren, senior research technologist, 2010
  • Suganthini Subramanian, SURF, 2009
  • Julie Taylor, research fellow, 2009
  • Sergey A. Trushin, research associate, 2009