Education and Training

The Epigenetic Etiology of Human Disease Laboratory is committed to training the next generation of researchers. If you are a potential Ph.D. graduate student or an M.D.-Ph.D. medical student interested in a career in the field of epigenetics, please apply to the appropriate Mayo Clinic program, such as the Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Track, the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Track or the Regenerative Sciences Track, and then consider rotating in our laboratory.

Dr. Robertson's lab also seeks motivated postdoctoral fellows with a track record of peer-reviewed scientific publications interested in studying the role of epigenetics in cancer initiation and progression. To apply at one of the premier biomedical research institutions in the world, please email your curriculum vitae, bibliography, brief statement of research interests and three references to:

Keith D. Robertson, Ph.D.

Dr. Robertson's lab at Mayo Clinic's Minnesota campus is considering applications from students through these Mayo Clinic programs:

Candidates interested in SURF, PREP, Ph.D. and M.D.-Ph.D. programs will need to pay close attention to application deadlines and apply through the appropriate Mayo Clinic website. Candidates interested in GREP or postdoctoral positions may contact Dr. Robertson directly.

Visit these links for postdoctoral training positions at Mayo Clinic: