Collaborate or Train With Us

Dr. Rajan's Developmental Endoscopy Laboratory offers endoscopy research collaboration opportunities for medical device companies and provides training positions in research and advanced endoscopic techniques for fellows and gastroenterologists.

Collaborate with us

The Developmental Endoscopy Lab is actively seeking to partner with medical device companies on:

  • Preclinical, ex-vivo and clinical research for product development and evaluation
  • Good laboratory practice (GLP) research

By partnering with our lab, device and technology innovators can interact with physician-innovators who evaluate prototype devices or existing products, identify gaps in endoscopic care and treatment, and create solutions together to advance endoscopic practice.

Some areas of research interest include small bowel bleeding, capsule technology, defect closure, obesity, and muscle biopsy of the gut wall.

Train with us

We also have openings for several endoscopy training positions, including:

  • Research fellowship. This one-year program is dedicated to endoscopic innovation and research, and provides instruction and guidance on the basic steps required from idea to implementation into clinical care.
  • Individualized training. Our lab offers a unique opportunity for gastroenterologists to personalize their training by choosing the techniques of interest, with one-on-one hands-on training with an expert in our preclinical lab.
  • Sponsored training. Medical device company and institution-sponsored training on specific devices and techniques, from basic to advanced endoscopic interventions.

Contact us

Contact us if you're a medical device company interested in partnerships in endoscopy device and technology innovation, or if you're a fellow or gastroenterologist interested in training positions: