
Rochester, Minnesota




The research activities of Joel M. Reid, Ph.D., are focused on characterization of the preclinical pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics and metabolism of anti-cancer agents. Dr. Reid's research team has designed and conducted preclinical and clinical pharmacology studies and published peer-reviewed findings for more than 75 anti-cancer agents.

The majority of Dr. Reid's research is conducted with oncology drugs in the late stages of preclinical development or early stages of clinical development; these phases of development are where pharmacokinetic and metabolism data are critical to understanding outcomes of early clinical trials. This research emphasizes the development of new methodologies to expedite preclinical and clinical evaluations, the use of LC-MS/MS methodologies for trace analysis and structure elucidation of drugs and metabolites, and the implementation of pharmacogenetic studies in clinical protocols to include development and validation of assays for genetic variants of proteins associated with drug response.

Future research directions include development of highly sensitive LC-MS/MS-based approaches to characterize drug metabolite pharmacokinetics and application of systems biology methodologies to characterize drug pharmacokinetics at the molecular level.

Focus areas

Recent projects in Dr. Reid's laboratory include:

  • The first chemoprevention phase 0 exploratory pharmacokinetic clinical trial (first-in-man) of the Akt inhibitor SR13668 to establish a formulation with the best oral bioavailability
  • Characterization of the effect of interindividual variability and enzyme-inducing anticonvulsant use on the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of the topoisomerase inhibitor irinotecan
  • Development of the first population pharmacokinetic model for the anti-inflammatory drug sulindac
  • Characterization of the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of endoxifen in preclinical animal models and in humans in phase I clinical trials
  • Characterization of pharmacokinetics and metabolism of anti-cancer agents in children

Significance to patient care

Dr. Reid's studies are pivotal in assuring safe and optimal use of pharmacological agents during subsequent clinical development and patient use.

Professional highlights

  • Lead pharmacologist, Phase I Consortium, Children's Oncology Group, 2012-present
  • Pediatric Clinical and Developmental Pharmacology Training Network, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, 2012-present
  • Member, Pharmacogenomics & Population Pharmacology Committee, Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, 2011-present


Primary Appointment

  1. Consultant, Division of Oncology Research, Department of Oncology

Joint Appointment

  1. Consultant, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

Academic Rank

  1. Associate Professor of Pharmacology


  1. Research Fellowship - Department of Oncology, Division of Developmental Oncology Research Mayo Clinic in Rochester
  2. Ph.D. - Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Doctoral Dissertation: Stereospecific assay for the determination of cyclophosphamide enantiomers in human plasma. University of Kansas
  3. MS - Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of Kansas
  4. BS - Pharmacy University of Wisconsin
  5. Undergraduate Studies Lehigh University

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