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  1. Walsh, Michael T. M.D.
    1. Walsh.Michael1@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
  2. Wanta, Brendan T. M.D.
    1. Wanta.Brendan@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
  3. Warner, Mark A. M.D.
    1. Professor of Anesthesiology
    2. Publications
  4. Warner, Mary Ellen E. M.D.
    1. Professor of Anesthesiology
    2. Publications
  5. Warner, Matthew A. M.D.
    1. Warner.Matthew@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
  6. Warner, Nafisseh S. M.D.
    1. Warner.Nafisseh@mayo.edu
    2. Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
    3. Publications
  7. Warner, Paul A. M.D.
    1. Warner.Paul@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
  8. Welch, Tasha L. M.D.
    1. Welch.Tasha@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
  9. Wetzel, David R. M.D.
    1. Wetzel.David@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
  10. Whalen, Francis X. Jr. M.D.
    1. Whalen.Francis@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
    3. Publications
  11. Wilder, Robert T. M.D., Ph.D.
    1. Wilder.Robert@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Anesthesiology
  12. Wilson, Jack L. M.D.
    1. Wilson.Jack@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
  13. Wittwer, Erica D. M.D., Ph.D.
    1. Wittwer.Erica@mayo.edu
    2. Professor of Anesthesiology
  14. Woodbury, Jason M. M.D.
    1. Woodbury.Jason@mayo.edu
    2. Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology