Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for catalytic subunit alpha of protein kinase A cAMP-activated (PRKACA) protein coding gene.


The Cytogenetics Core, part of the Medical Genome Facility in the Center for Individualized Medicine at Mayo Clinic, provides cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic analysis of human and animal model research samples.

These samples may be in the form of cultured cells, fresh or frozen tissue, paraffin-embedded sections, or tissue microarrays. Among other cell types, the core works with tumor cell lines, xenograft cells, hybrid cells from chimeric animal models, neural stem cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts.

Specialized services offered include cell culture, routine cytogenetic analysis, interphase and metaphase DNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and custom FISH probe production.

Cytogenetics Core personnel, who are highly trained in both cytogenetic and molecular genetic techniques, have the scientific interest and technical ability to incorporate many molecular cytogenetics methods into the core's services. Many scientists at the forefront of cancer genetics research require these services to advance their research.

As cytogenetics-related services are expensive — in terms of both equipment and trained personnel — to incorporate into each investigator's laboratory, the Cytogenetics Core provides centrally located cytogenetics expertise and instrumentation. The core is also a shared resource of the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The Cytogenetics Core provides services to all Mayo Clinic faculty and staff engaged in research. Additionally, services are offered to non-Mayo investigators and research collaborators. For more information, please contact the core.