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Clinical Studies


  • Association of colorectal polyps with dietary inflammation during screening colonoscopy in Men and Women Jacksonville, Fla.

    Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women in the United States (1). Colorectal cancer arises from colonic polyps. The major types of polyps associated with colorectal cancer development are adenomatous (tubular which is most common and other types are villous and tubulovillous) and serrated (hyperplastic, sessile or traditional) polyps with varying degrees of dysplasia (2). Hyperplastic polyps are common but they have a low malignancy potential (3). There is evidence that colonic inflammation plays a major role in colon polyp and colorectal cancer development. For example, inflammatory bowel disease is a major predisposing factor for colorectal cancer occurrence, implicating inflammation in the development of colorectal cancer (4). In addition,  obesity, a chronic inflammatory state, is associated with increased colorectal cancer risk (5). However, the use of anti-inflammatory agents in the prevention of colorectal cancer is controversial, although there is some suggestion that its use may lower colorectal cancer risk (6,7). Diet may affect cytokine levels and inflammation (8). Diet rich in trans-fat and sugar has been shown to increase pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNFα (9, 10) and the Mediterranean Diet has been shown to decrease inflammatory cytokines (11) and decrease the risk of colon cancer in an UK study (12). Recently, the EDII was developed and validated to assess inflammatory potential of diet based on the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) (13).  Here we propose to investigate the association between diet-derived inflammation, as measured by the EDII, risk of colon polyps during screening colonoscopy and colorectal cancer development.

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