Pediatric hydrocephalus

Displaying 2 studies

  • MR Elastography of Hydrocephalus Rochester, MN

    We are doing this research study to develop and test the effectiveness of a new imaging technique called magnetic resonance elastography (MRE). This technique measures the stiffness (mechanical properties) of the brain and cerebral spinal fluid.

  • A Study to Establish a Registry for Treatment of Post-hemorrhagic Hydrocephalus in Neonates Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to establish a prospective, standardized data collection for the patients who undergo surgical treatment of progressive post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus in neonates with the focus on comparing neuroendoscopic lavage (NEL) with other standard treatment options such as external ventricular drainage (EVD), ventricular access device (VAD) and ventricular subgaleal shunt (VSGS).


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