Laryngeal stenosis

Displaying 2 studies

  • A Study to Optimize Patient Selection and Outcomes in Laryngeal Vascular Composite Allograft Transplantation Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ

    In-depth qualitative interviews will be performed to explore beliefs of laryngotracheal transplant candidates, their caregivers, and clinicians about their perceptions and experience of the laryngotracheal transplantation process. In addition, we will explore the quality of life of patients with a laryngectomy.

  • Laryngeal Allograft Transplantation Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ

    The purpose of this proposed study is to obtain safety and efficacy data on human laryngeal allograft transplantation in an effort to safely use these procedures as a viable reconstructive option for patients with severe laryngeal or laryngotracheal incompetence.


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