large cell lung cancer

Displaying 3 studies

  • A Safety Study of SEA-TGT (SGN-TGT) in Patients With Advanced Cancer Rochester, MN

    This trial will look at a drug called SGN-TGT (an anti-TIGIT antibody) to find out whether it is safe for patients with solid tumors and lymphomas. It will study SGN-TGT to find out what its side effects are. A side effect is anything the drug does besides treating cancer. It will also study whether SGN-TGT works to treat solid tumors and lymphomas. The study will have four groups or "parts." Part A of the study will find out how much SGN-TGT should be given to patients. Part B will use the dose found in Part A to find out how safe SGN-TGT is ...

  • Study of TJ011133 in Participants With Relapsed/ Refractory Advanced Solid Tumors and Lymphoma Scottsdale/Phoenix, AZ; Jacksonville, FL; Rochester, MN

    The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and tolerability of TJ011133 in participants with solid tumors and lymphoma.

  • "Prescribing" Exercise to Cancer Patients at High-Risk for Falls Rochester, MN

    Falls are common and catastrophic in cancer patients. Cancer patients are vulnerable to falls due to muscle loss. In prescribing exercise in a data driven manner to cancer patients, our hypothesis is this "prescription" for exercise will eventually be demonstrated to reduce the occurrence of injurious falls.


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