
The Translational Nanomedicine Program at Mayo Clinic fosters the development of nanoparticle theory and technology that can be applied to the detection and treatment of cancer. Our research includes projects to develop a nanobiosensor and nanoplatforms for delivering drugs and monitoring outcomes.

Our program's role as an interdisciplinary hub for nanomedicine and technology at Mayo Clinic has a significant impact on both basic science and translational research. Basic science projects to synthesize and characterize nanomaterials allow physicians to apply novel nanomedicine biosensors and platforms to care for patients with different types of cancers.

Nanotechnology in patient care

When complete, our research products can be used for:

  • Diagnosing pancreatic cancer, especially earlier diagnosis
  • Administering drugs to treat breast cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, melanoma, pancreatic cancer and renal cancer
  • Improved monitoring of outcomes for patients with cancer

The Translational Nanomedicine Program also provides a multidisciplinary team of scientists and clinicians with state-of-the-art facilities at Mayo Clinic's campus in Jacksonville, Florida.

Program resources help our team study how multiple types of nanotechnologies can be applied to diagnose and treat human diseases, including different types of cancers, in a united, collaborative research facility.

Enhancing research through collaboration

Working together with nanotechnology leaders in industry and other research institutions, the Translational Nanomedicine Program is uniquely positioned to integrate contributions from our partners into the Mayo Clinic environment of development and clinical application, making immense differences in patients' lives. Our collaborative relationships create an efficient and effective path toward discovery, development and treatment.

Our team of faculty and staff hopes to establish the program as a national center of excellence in the nanobiology of cancer, on the forefront of efforts to develop commercially viable nanobiosensors and nanoplatforms that earn approval from the Food and Drug Administration for cancer detection and treatment.

With a strong base at Mayo Clinic and partner institutions, the Translational Nanomedicine Program is dedicated to fostering research and education about biomedical applications of nanotechnology in the context of a broader academic environment.