The Imaging and Analysis Core at Mayo Clinic provides PKD image analysis management services. PKD imaging services

The Imaging and Analysis Core offers numerous imaging methods and protocol development to help researchers study PKD.


The Imaging and Analysis Core within the Mayo Clinic Robert M. and Billie Kelley Pirnie Translational Polycystic Kidney Disease Center provides imaging services to assess and catalog the progression or regression of polycystic kidney disease (PKD).

Core services

The core's PKD imaging services are available to both Mayo Clinic researchers and external researchers.

  • Protocol development and study design. We help develop customized protocols and standard operating procedures for image acquisition and image analysis. We also offer research study design services related to imaging. Learn more.
  • Image analysis. For clinical studies, we offer automated organ segmentation for imaging and volumetric analyses of abdominal organs, including advanced cyst analysis. We also offer macroscopic and microscopic image analysis methods for preclinical studies. Learn more.
  • Image acquisition. Our state-of-the-art core specializes in developing and using advanced image acquisition protocols for research and clinical needs. Learn more.

The Imaging and Analysis Core also has numerous developmental projects underway. The goal is for these developmental projects to lead to new or enhanced services that will further aid the translation of basic PKD research discoveries into clinical practice to improve treatment options.

Core director

The director of the Imaging and Analysis Core is Timothy L. Kline, Ph.D., M.S. Dr. Kline is an artificial intelligence scientist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and an assistant professor of radiology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Dr. Kline and his team develop cutting-edge image acquisition protocols and image processing techniques to support research and clinical practice. Read more about Dr. Kline.